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Pagibig Fund focuses on housing and shelter programs while SSS and GSIS focus on lifetime
insurance. Who are qualified to become a member of the Pagibig Fund? What are the
requirements? According to the official website of Pagibig Fund, you are required to be a
member if you are listed below otherwise you become a voluntary member.

All employees of GSIS regardless of their status of appointment including members of

judiciary and constitutional commissions.

All members of SSS including a private employee who under 60 years old, a household
helper earning at least P1,000 monthly, a Filipino seafarer, a self-employed person
regardless of occupation or business with income of at least P1,000 monthly and below
60 years old and an expatriate whose age is not more than 60 and is compulsorily covered
by SSS who is living and working in the Philippines.

Uniformed members of the AFP, BFP, PNP and BJMP

Overseas Filipino Workers

Pagibig Fund Voluntary Members

If youre not listed above the mandatory members, you can still apply to become a member of
HDMF if you are 18 years old but not more than 65. Register as voluntary member if you are:

Non-working spouse

Leader and member of religious groups

A member separated from employment, self employed individual earning passive income
or a pensioner, or investor

Public official or employee not covered by GSIS such as Barangay Chairman, Barangay
Council, Barangay Official, Sangguniang Kabataan, Barangay Secretaries and Treasurers

Employee of an employer granted a waiver or suspension of coverage by the Fund under

RA 9679

Services Offered
Housing Loan - One of the mandates of Pag-IBIG Fund is to be of assistance to the public in
providing cheap financing for their housing needs. Pag-IBIG accomplishes this by working in

partnership with the local Real Estate Developers and arranging affordable loans to real estate
buyers (Pag-IBIG members).
An affordable loan means lower interest rate compared to the prevailing rate in the market and
payable in longer terms. At the time of this writing, Pag-IBIG Fund offers a home loan at a low
interest rate of 6% (for PhP 400,000 loan) with a loan term of up to 30 years. A qualified member
can get a maximum loan amount of up to 3 Million Pesos.
Short Term Loan - Just like SSS and GSIS, Pag-IBIG Fund also offers financial assistance to
qualified member by granting short term loan.
There is a Calamity Loan for members affected by unforeseen calamity like flood, fire, volcanic
eruption and other similar cases. There is also a Multi-purpose loan that you can use for whatever
reasons: financing a micro-business or buying the latest toy you have been dying to get.
Provident Savings - Another way of looking at your contributions to Pag-IBIG is to consider it
as your savings, which you can withdraw at maturity date. Pag-IBIG Fund makes it very clear
that your contributions, plus that of your employer will earn dividend. Now, you can get all that
money, called Total Accumulated Value (contributions plus dividend), when it reaches maturity.
Unlike the money in a bank regular savings where the interest rate is given, your earnings in PagIBIG is not readily foreseen ahead of time. In other words, you are essentially participating in an
investment and your earnings will depend on the overall performance of that investment.
Benefits Offered
Maturity of membership you must have completed at least 240 months of
contributions (that is equivalent to 20 years baby). For POP (PAGIBIG Overseas
Program) members, it can be at the end of 5, 10, 15 or 20 years depending on the
option of the member upon his registration.
Retirement this is compulsory upon reaching the age of 65. But you can claim
your Pagibig fund too upon your retirement provided you are at least 45 years old.
Wow, that is so good especially if you want to retire early and enjoy traveling and
the pleasure of life. You may retire at 60 or choose any retirement program your
employer offers too.
Permanent or Total Disability or Insanity this benefit program is for those
who suffered from the total disability and other cases approved by the Pagibig Fund
Board of Trustees.
Separation from the service due to health reason in case incapability to
work anymore
Permanent departure from the country in case the member will no longer live
here and migrate in another country or abroad.

Death the beneficiary of the deceased member like widow/widower, sons and
daughters and qualified legal heirs can receive death benefits from the PAGIBIG

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