Ai. Chapter III

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This chapter focuses on the research method employed in this research. The

discussion includes the research design, the setting and the subject of the research,

instrument, procedure of collecting data and also the data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

The design of the research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). “Classroom

Action Research is a kind of research that is intended to develop a strategy to solve

the problem found by the teacher in the teaching learning process” (Nurlaila,

2009:1). The Classroom Action Research is designed to implement the using of

audio-lingual method in teaching speaking.

The research is intended to develop a strategy to solve the problem found by

the teacher in teaching of speaking. Wallance (1991:1) states: “CAR is a method of

professional development which involves the systemic collection and analysis of the

data related to practice”. Kasbolah (1988:4) quoted that the definition of the action

research is a reflective research conducted by giving certain action to improve and

increase the quality of teaching practices in the classrooms in order that those

practices become more professional.

Asrori (2008:100) explained that in the procedure and implementation of the

process, there are some stages that were done in repeated cycles. First, planning an

action, the researcher designed a lesson plan and prepared the topic which was given

to the students and suitable to the students at the class. The second, implementation

of the action that the researcher conducted in the teaching and learning process. The

researcher taught the material about speaking through audio-lingual method in order

to improve the students’ ability in mastering English speaking. The third,

observation, that was done by the researcher to collect data during the

implementation of the action. The fourth, reflection and data analysis that showed the

results of the action done in each action.

The steps of classroom action research as stated by Arikunto (2005:54) as in

the following:

The Action Research Planner, Kemmis dan McTaggert memberikan

pedoman tentang langkah-langkah yang dilalui jika seseorang
melaksanakan penelitian tindakkan (action research) yaitu :
1. Menyusun sebuah rencana (to develop a plan) untuk
mengembangkan atau meningkatkan tindakan yang sudah dan
sedang dilangsungkan.
2. Melaksanakan apa yang di rencanakan (to act to implement the
3. Mengadakan pengamatan terhadap akibat dari tindakan yang
dilakukan (to observe the effects of action in the context in which it
4. Mengadakan refleksi berdasarkan atas akibat-akibat tindakan
untuk membuat rencana tindak lanjut (to reflect on these effects as a
basis for further planning, subsequent action and so on, through a
succession of cycles).

The quotation above can be translated as in the following:

The Action Research Planner, Kemmis and Mctaggert stated a guide for each

steps that have to be done by someone in conducting Action Research, namely:

1. Developing a plan to improve or increase the action that have been done

or the action that is going on right now.

2. Implemented the planned that have been arranged in the previous step.

3. Conducting the observing toward the effect of action in the context in

which it occurs.

4. Conducting the reflection toward these effects as a basis for further

planning, subsequent action and so on, through a succession of cycles.

Based on Arikunto’s statement above, the researcher concluded that there are

four steps in the classroom action research, namely planning an action, including

preparing teaching material and lesson plan; implementing the action that have been

planned by the researcher; observing the action while the implementation the action

taking place; and reflecting the effect of action in each cycle to make further

planning in next cycle.

The procedures employed are adapted from Kemmis and McTaggert’s Action

Research model. The visual illustration of the steps is shown in figure 3.1.

The teaching and learning problems in speaking class. ANALYSIS AND FINDING

 The students have low ability in

speaking. It was proved through the
 The strategies used in the teaching and
learning process are not varied and


 Carrying out the teaching and
learning process based on the  Preparing speaking materials.
lesson plan.  Designing a lesson plan for teaching
speaking through audio-lingual
 Preparing research instruments.
 Designing criteria of success.

 Observing and collecting the

data about the effect of
implementations of the action.


 Analyzing the collected data

 Determining whether the action
is successful or unsuccessful

Successful Unsuccessful

Revised Plan



Figure 3.1 Classroom Action Research Procedures (adapted from Kemmis & Taggart, 1998)

3.2 Setting and Subject of the Research

The setting of this research is at MAS Darussa’adah Cot Bada, which is

located in Cot Bada, Peusangan Sub-district, Bireuen District. The sum totals of the

class in the school are one class of the first grade, one class of the second grade, and

one class for the third grade. The subjects of the research were the first year students

of MAS Darussa’adah Cot Bada. The researcher chose class X.1 as the subject of the

research. This class consisted of thirty (30) students. The reason why the researcher

chose one class only because classroom action research is conducted in one class.

Classroom is the place where a group of students in the same time receive the same

lesson from the teacher (Suharsimi in Asrori, 2008: 5).

The researcher conducted the research in this school based on several

considerations. Firstly, most of the students’ ability in English speaking was

insufficient, they found difficulties in the teaching and learning process of speaking

and they were not motivated while they were learning speaking. Secondly, most of

the students were passive and unresponsive. Thirdly, the teachers in this school

mostly used conventional strategies in teaching and learning process, especially in

teaching and learning English speaking skill, that were not various and attractive.

Moreover, in the teaching of English, the teachers mostly focused on the

material from text book. In addition, they rarely gave interesting and various

activities to the students. Lastly, as the English teacher, the researcher intended to

contribute herself to the improvement of English teaching, more specifically, in the

teaching English speaking skill in the school.

3.3 Instrument

In order to collect the data, there were some instruments used by the

researcher. The researcher had observation sheets (both for teacher and students),

lesson plan, questionnaire, and pre-test and post-test. All instruments were made by

researcher for each meeting for each cycle.

3.3.1. Observation Sheets

Students’ observation sheets and teachers’ observation sheets were made to

get the data about the process of teaching and learning English. Each observation

sheet consisted of some items or aspects to be observed. Each item consisted

of four columns categories. The categories were as follows:

1) for bad or not good (with the percentage level of 25%),

2) for good enough (with the percentage level of 50%),

3) for good (with the percentage level of 75 %), and

4) for very good (with the percentage level of 100%).

3.3.2. Lesson Plan

It is an obligation for a teacher to make planning or preparation before the

teaching and learning process was carried out. Good preparation activities lead the

teacher in successful teaching and learning process. Lesson Plan is guideline for

teacher to manage, design, apply, and evaluate the teaching learning process. In

lesson plan, there are some aspects that have to be well thought-out by the teacher,

namely standard competency, basic competence, indicator, the goal of teaching and

learning, learning material, learning method, activities in teaching and learning

process, source of teaching material and the scoring system used to evaluate the

students’ achievement. The detail of scoring system is explained in the lesson plan.

There are two lesson plans made by researcher for two cycles. Lesson plan for next

cycle is the revision of lesson plan in the previous cycle.

3.3.3. Questionnaire

In order to get the data about the students’ impression towards the

implementation of the audio-lingual method used in teaching and learning process of

speaking, the questionnaire was used. It was prepared and distributed to the students

at the end of the learning process. The aspects observed were divided into three

forms of answer. The students only tick one of some categories; there were like or

dislike, yes or no, and no comment. To make students easy in answering the

questions, questionnaire was written in Indonesian language.

3.3.4. Pre-test and Post-test

Pre-test is a test given to the students before conducting the research. Pre-test

was used to know the students’ ability in speaking, and the problems faced by the

students. In the other hand, post-test was a test given to the students after doing the

research. This test is given to the students in order to know the progress of students

and the success of the implementation of audio-lingual method in teaching and

learning process.

3.4 Procedure of Collecting Data

Before implementing the research, the researcher has taught the students for

several meetings in teaching practice period to find out the students’ problem in

learning speaking. Then the researcher made all things that were needed in the

teaching and learning process such as syllabus, lesson plan, teaching materials,

observation sheets, questionnaire and pre-test and post-test. In collecting the data, the

researcher did some activities. First, the researcher gave the students pre-test to know

their ability in speaking. The detail of test could be seen in the appendix about the

test given to the students. Next, the researcher conducted the implementation of

teaching in the classrooms.

For the first cycle, the teacher used the audio-lingual method as method of

teaching speaking. The students listened to the conversation read by the teacher.

Then, the teacher asked the students to repeat the conversation they listened to.

While the process of learning was implemented, the observer were observing the

activities in order to record what was happening in the classroom, starting from the

beginning of the class until the class was over.

The observer observed the activities of teacher such as how to start the

learning, how to explain the lesson, etc. Observer also observed the students, such as,

whether they were active or passive, enthusiastic or not in following the learning

process, etc. The teacher gave questionnaire to the students to know their impression

toward the learning process at the end of the learning.

Before continuing to the second cycle, the researcher considered about what

had happened in the classroom during the teaching and learning process in the first

cycle, and also saw the result of observation sheets. Besides, the teacher also

considered about the lack of teaching implementation, and she could revise and

improve the procedure of teaching and learning process in the next cycle.

Next, second cycle was implemented. The teacher had to review about the

teaching material used in the teaching and learning process of the first cycle. Then

the teacher revised the lack of teaching learning of the first cycle. During the second

cycle, the observer also observed what had happened in the classroom during

learning process, what the teacher did, the activities of students, the atmosphere of

the classroom, etc, and also gave the questionnaire for the second time to the


After conducting the second cycle, the researcher has evaluated observation

sheets once more. Then it was concluded that whether the process of teaching and

learning in second cycle was success. If this cycle is success, it means that this

research was only conducted in two cycles in implementing the audio-lingual method

in teaching and learning process of speaking. If this cycle is not success, the

researcher conducts the next cycle after revising the planning in the previous cycle.

Afterward, all data from observation sheets were collected; there was a post-

test to know students’ improvement in speaking. Finally, after all data were collected,

and the data had been analyzed, the conclusion then could be drawn, and agreed it

with the criteria success of the research.

The criteria success of implementing audio-lingual method in this research

composed by researcher is as follows:

 There were significant differences between score for pre-test and post-test.

 The average score of post-test was 70.

 Students could understand the conversation read by the teacher.

 Students felt happy and enjoy during the teaching and learning process.

3.5 Data Analysis

When analyzing the data, the researcher used qualitative method. Qualitative

research is concerned with no statistical methods of inquiry and analysis of social

phenomena. It was drawn on an inductive process in which themes and categories

come out through analysis of data collected by such techniques as interviews,

observations, videotapes, and case studies. In case of qualitative, the researcher

described the teaching and learning process of teacher and students’ activities that

was going on in the classroom, and explained all of the data collected from pre-test

and post-test, questionnaire, and observation sheets.

Since this research is qualitative descriptive, the data was not analyzed

through a statistical formula but it was analyzed by using the following procedure.

First, analyzed the score of students for pre-test, and then compared it with post- test

score. If the average score of students was more than 70 for post-test, it could be

concluded that using audio-lingual method could improve students’ speaking ability

successfully. Finally, the data from the questionnaire and observation sheets were

also tabulated, and then analyzed to be more detail description.

3.6 Reflection

In reflection, the researcher reflected what had been done in the previous

action. The result of reflection in cycle I provide a base for further revision and

planning for the next cycle. The result of the implementation of action is considered

successful if it follows the criteria of success as stated above. Based on the criteria of

success, it can be explained that to decide whether the cycle need to be continued to

the next cycle of the action and to identify what had to be revised for the next plan.

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