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The Effect of Advance Technology to Our Life

Honorable: All my friends whom i love
First of all, lets pray and thanks into our god ALLAH SWT who has been giving us
some mercies and blessings so we can attend and gather in this place in good
condition and happy situation.
Secondly, may salam and shalawat always be given to our prophet MUHAMMAD
SAW. Who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness.
Thirdly, i dont forget to say thanks so much to the

who has giving me time

to speak in front of you all.

Ladies and gentlemen,
In this opportunity I'd like to present a speech about the effect of advance
technology to our life.
Ladies and gentleman,
This a new era. An era where people connect each other easily. It's very easy to talk
with someone in different place, town, city, even different country.
We can talk through mobile phone if we need to talk with our parents, friends, even
someone we miss out there. We can hang out without facing them.
We can also chat with our many social media like facebook, twitter,path, line or
many more.
Those didn't happen several years ago. If we wanted to talk with someone, we have
to visit him/her. If we needed to know someone's condition we had to send a
letter.and It needed a time to do.
But now, everything is different. If we want to know something now, we'll get it in
real time. Advance technology has made it different.
Ladies and gentleman,

We have to admit that advance technology brings many possitive effect to our life.
The first, we can connect easily and quickly to people in different places using
mobile phone, voice chat, video chat, text chat and email.
The second, we know the latest news very fast. We know what happen in Jakarta,
Bandung, even in Jayapura through news in the internet and television. We also
easily know what is happening in USA, Europe, japan and the other countries.
The third, we don't need to ask people about something we don't know. We can ask
search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. We won't get lost the way anymore
because we have google maps in our mobile phone or using GPS.
Ladies and gentleman,
But, unfortunately, there are some bad effects of advance technology. We have to
be aware and careful of them. What are they?
The first, advance technology make us forget our real life. There are so much times
spending in social media to chat in unreal world. People begin to ignore someone
near him. Everybody is busy with mobile phone to send text, BBM, or updating
The second, advance technology make us break the culture limitation. You know, it's
prohibited to pass through one's bedroom, righ? But, gadget make us forget the
rule. We can access easily using video call and video chat to one's private room.
And, the girls and boys talk freely through mobile phone without worrying parents
The third, advance technology brings threats to life. The criminals easily know the
victims and plan to do something bad. Advance techonology is also used as a way
to scam other people. Someone can make m virus to spy someone's gadget to steal
data. Frightening, isn't it?
Ladies and gentleman,
Now, we know the bad and good effects of advance technology. We can get the
good effects. But don't forget the bad one. Once more, I tell you that we have to be

aware of the negative effects and try to minimize them so that our life will be safer
and quieter.
I think that's all my speech. Thanks for your nice attention. If you found many
mistakes in my speech please forgive me. The last I say. Wassalamu alaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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