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Complete the following passages with the most appropriate choices.

Text 1
The Basset Hound appeared in France in the first part of the 16th century. The
breed got its name from a French word "bas," which means "low." The rich, who
had a strong (1) ---- for hunting, developed a breed (2) ---- animals in dense
brush. The breed was recognized in 1885. However, it did not enter the ten top
widely spread dogs in the US. No sooner than in the second half of the 20th
century did Basset Hounds acquired popularity. Now, the breed is loved for its
appearance and (3) ----personality.
1. A) predilection
B) collaboration
C) temperance
2. A) guilty of violating
B) capable of pursuing
C) power of entitlement
3. A) amiable
B) despondent
C) mischievous
Text 2
For much of history and in many cultures, (1) ---- professional teachers was an
option available only to a small elite. Thus, until (2) ---- recently, the vast
majority of people were educated by parents, especially during early childhood.
The earliest (3) ---- education in the West began in the late 17th century and
early 18th century in some German States.
4. A) excruciating
B) invigilating
C) enlisting
5. A) infinitesimally
B) relatively
C) inextricably
6. A) compulsory
B) intimate
C) ridiculous

Answer the questions according to the reading

Tomatoes & Lycopene
You may have heard that tomatoes and processed tomato products like tomato
sauce and canned tomatoes protect against some types of cancer. The cancerpreventing properties of tomato products have been attributed to lycopene. It
is a bright red pigment found in tomatoes and other red fruits and is the cause
of their red color. Unlike other fruits and vegetables, where nutritional content
such as vitamin C is diminished upon cooking, processing of tomatoes
increases the concentration of lycopene. Lycopene in tomato paste is four
times more than in fresh tomatoes. This is because lycopene is insoluble in
water and is tightly bound to vegetable fiber. Thus, processed tomato products
such as pasteurized tomato juice, so up, sauce, and ketchup contain the
highest concentrations of lycopene. Cooking and crushing tomatoes as in the
canning process and serving in oil-rich dishes such as spaghetti sauce or pizza
greatly increase assimilation from the digestive tract into the bloodstream.
Lycopene is a fat-soluble substance, so the oil is said to help absorption to a
great extent.
1. According to the passage, it is true that lycopene ----.
A) can only be found in processed tomato products
B) loses its cancer-preventing property when the tomato is processed
C) lowers the risk of having cancer only when it is consumed together with
D) is absorbed by the body more easily when accompanied by the oil
E) is a pigment which is solved quickly in water
2. It can be understood from the passage that as far as the lycopene
intake is concerned ----.
A) lycopene hardly offers any protection against diseases such as cancer
B) one can get the highest amount of lycopene through eating fresh tomatoes
C) there is a correlation between the lycopene consumption and the prevention
of some cancer types
D) there have been no reported side effects or toxicity associated with
lycopene intake
E) tomato products contain high concentrations of lycopene and fat
3. It can be understood from the passage that ----.
A) lycopene is what gives some fruits their color
B) no credible evidence has been found to support an association between
lycopene intake and a reduced risk of cancer
C) processed tomato products include the lowest concentrations of lycopene
D) there are several health problems that may result from consuming a great
deal of lycopene

E) unlike the popular belief, fat doesn't help the absorption of lycopene in the

Find the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one given for each
1.Due to the fact that the demand for tea was very high in the 19th
century, its price was astronomical.
A) It was not until the 19th century that the demand for tea started to increase.
B) The demand for tea was so high in the 19th century that its price was
C) In the 19th century the price for tea didn't increase despite the demand.
D) It was its astronomical price which decreased the demand for tea in the 19th
E) In the 19th century, even though the demand for tea was enormous its price
remained cheap.
2. French is the only language other than English spoken on five
A) French and English are the only languages that are spoken on five
B) Unlike French, English is spoken on five continents.
C) French and English are spoken widely in official and commercial circles.
D) Before English, French was the only language spoken on five continents.
E) Worldwide, French is the most widely taught second language after English.
3. Adults laugh less than children, probably because they play less.
A) unlike adults children laugh more while playing games.
B) Since adults have less time playing games; they don't laugh as much as
C) No matter how much adults play, they can't laugh more than children.
D) It seems that adults, who don't laugh much, didn't play much with other
children when they were young.
E) The reason why adults laugh less than children might be that they play less.
4. We must remember what happened in the past so that it will never
happen again.
A) If we could remember the past, it would not happen again.
B) Since we all tend to forget what happened in the past we do the same
mistakes again.
C) We couldn't remember what happened in the past so we did it again.

D) In order not to repeat the past, we should certainly not forget what
happened then.
E) Those who couldn't remember what happened in the past were more likely
to repeat it.
5. After failing a doping test at the Seoul Olympics, Ben Johnson was
stripped of his gold medal.
A) At the Seoul Olympics Ben Johnson and many others were disqualified after
failing a doping test.
B) If Ben Johnson hadn't been tested positive for doping at the Seoul Olympics,
he wouldn't have lost his gold medal.
C) Since Ben Johnson confessed having used doping his gold medal was taken
D) As Ben Johnson failed the doping test again at the Seoul Olympics, he was
stripped of his gold medal.
E) Although Ben Johnson failed the doping test he wasn't disqualified from the
Seoul Olympics.

Read the following passages and find the irrelevant sentences in

each paragraph.
1. Garfield
(I)Garfield is a comic strip featuring the cat Garfield, the pet dog Odie,
and their socially inept owner Jon Arbuckle. (II) The main character is
Garfield, who is a lazy, overweight, orange cat. (III) He considers himself
to be more intelligent than humans or dogs. (IV) He was named Garfield
after his grandfather. (V) He hates Mondays and loves lasagna




2. Alfred Hitchcock
(I) With more than fifty feature films Alfred Hitchcock remains one of the
most popular directors of all time. (II) Hitchcock's films draw heavily on
both fear and fantasy. (III) He began directing in the United Kingdom. (IV)
They often portray innocent people caught up in circumstances beyond
their understanding. (V) The movie Rebecca, which evokes the fears of a
young bride, is a good example of this.




3. Doping
(I) Doping is the use of drugs to try to improve sports performance. (II)
This practice is banned by sports federations throughout the world. (III)
Athletes need to know which substances are banned in sport. (IV) The
use of drugs during athletic festivals is evident. (V) Furthermore, they
must make sure that any product or medication they take does not
contain a prohibited substance.




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