Habakkuk - Zion's New Age Bible

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Habakkuk - Zion's New Age Bible

1 The prophecy that Habakkuk the prophet received.

Israel's complaint
2 How

long, LORD, must I call for help,

but you do not listen?
Or cry out to you, Stop!
but you do not save by ending this sacrifice Im in?
3 Why do you make me look at injustice?
Why do you tolerate wrongdoing against?
Destruction and violence are before me;
there is strife, and conflict abounds.
4 Therefore the law is paralysed,
and justice never prevails.
The wicked dress up as though they are the righteous,
but only so that justice can be perverted.

The LORDs answer

5 Look

at the nations and watch

and be utterly amazed.
For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
even if you were told.
6 I am raising up the Babylonians,
that ruthless and impetuous people,
who sweep across the whole earth
to seize dwellings that are not their own.
7 They are a feared and dreaded people;
they are a law to themselves
and promote their own honour.
8 Their wealth, possessions and skills are great
but they think only about themselves.
8a Their mobility that allows them to travel with great places
but they care little about how the burning of fossil fuels
into the atmosphere can affect the world and place that they go to.
8b How the fuel that they burn can affect the weather
and how the people who are affected by the weather
can suffer from the petrol that you commit now!
8c They fly like an eagle to places abroad
but care little about the people in the counties
from which they travel to, as weather effect the poor the most.

In the poorest areas people swooping to devour them;

and amongst the good people live people
who come with intent on violence.
Their hordes advance like a desert wind
and gather prisoners like sand.
10 They mock kings and scoff at rulers.
They laugh at all fortified cities;
10a They cheer and celebrate the news of the killings
of innocent people from whom they have never met.
by building guns and weapons they capture them
with intended of beheading them for crimes that are not crimes.
11 Then they sweep past like a wind and go on to massacre many
Burning, beheading, poisoning, stabbing, gassing, and using chemical
weapons on others - all these things are what the
guilty people, whose own strength is their god, do.
11a It is because of this that there are few innocent people,
for those who kill, deserve to be killed,
and those who murder deserve to be murdered.
11b Likewise if a victim has seemly committed no crime in one life,
how can you say this for sure, as a person has many lifes, so to be
clean of murder charges in one life, does not mean you are clean of the
crime against another from another life.
11c For like it is written all have sinned and fallen in the sight of the Lord.
Even those who just promet christianity have blood on their hands. 11f
For there are many people being killed for their religion, and by
supporting that religion which obviously is not the truth, have
encouraged them to support this faith, and then many have died for
this. 11g Likewise, if God semling supports christianity, like what many of
you did, of which resulted in the killing of millions of people, why should
God prevent the same crime that has been inflicted on them, why
should God prevent that same thing from being done to you. 11h When
you heard about the persecution of millions of christians, did you say, I
must switch my belief as to not give power to this religion that is only
causing many people to die. 11i so likewise when God looks down on the
and sees people being destroyed and blinded by the lies of the old bible,
why should God save you if you would not save others in the same way.
11j Plus it's not as simple as God saving you for God is only a guide, and
she has never supported christianity, but like wise you have never
supported her, for those of you who love the book infact hate her as the
book is all about her destruct! 11k If you long for her destruction then
why should she not long for your.
11l You get what you give in this world, if you ignore God and only desire
your own prosperity, why should you not expect God to do the same.

Habakkuks complaint

12 LORD,

are you not from everlasting?

My God, my Holy One, you will never die.
You, LORD, have appointed them to execute judgment;
you, my Rock, have ordained them to punish.
and to receive punishment via kalma for the errors of their ways
13 Your eyes are too pure to look on evil;
you cannot tolerate wrongdoing.
Why then do you tolerate the treacherous?
Why are you silent while the wicked
swallow up those more righteous than themselves?
14 You have made people like the fish in the sea,
the people of the past like the sea creatures that have no ruler.
15 The wicked foe pulls all of them up with hooks,
he catches them in his net,
he gathers them up in his drag-net;
The lord relays:
Evolution of the soul is what it is called
15a It's all a development process that you grow and learn from.
Even the worst experience can have some advantage
and even if its results in death a new life will be granted
for you to start again, and grow more into the person you want to be,
or to live the life that you want to live!
15b Only when your will to live dies will your soul die.
but the more rejection and suffering you go through,
the more you will enjoy your life when that time of suffering ends.
15c When you finally achieve what it is that you want to achieve
the harder you worked for something, the more you will appreciate it at
the end when you have got it, 15d proving that the thing that you worked
really hard for is actually the thing that you want, and not just
something you thought you wanted.
15e Also the longer you work to achieve something, the longer you will
enjoy it, proving the outcome is something that's worth the effort.
15f For you may make many wrong decisions or take many wrong paths
but it's all part of the learning experience.
15g The universe is like a big university, and like in university all people
will make some mistakes but like uni few mistakes are actually mistakes
as you learn from the things that you do. 15h Whether you have; nights
of drunkenness, possessions stolen, work lost because of disorientation,
or if you have to work with people that they don't like or agree with,
you can learn something for everything that you do! 15i And people will
fail grades; if they have not study enough, if they have not put hard
enough effort into a project or if they have not thought hard enough
about the outcome
15j Without the free will to choose what you want to do,
how will you learn and evolve into the person you really want to be?
who can you live if yu the decisions are made for you?

Habakkuk rejoices and is glad.

16 as he now sees the point of sacrifices.
for by his net he lives in luxury.
and enjoys the free will choices that he makes for himself.
17 So, is God really destroying nations without mercy?

2 I, God,

will stand at my watch

and station myself;
I will look to see what people will say to me,
and what answer they will give to this complaint.

The LORDs Message to her Preachers

2 Then

the LORD replied:

Write down the revelation
and make it plain on tablets
brochures, leaflets, teach it in schools and churches
so that a all may know it.
3 For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
it speaks of the end
and will not prove false.
Though it lingers, wait for it;
it for it will certainly come
and will not delay.
4 See, the enemy is puffed up;
his desires are not upright
but the righteous person will live by truthfulness and honestyfor there is no need to lie unless it's an embarrassing thing.
4a But you should not be embarrassed about making mistakes
as all have done this, for it is just part of the learning process
5 indeed, but as for the lies, his lies only betrays himself;
he is arrogant and never at rest.
5a For the people that spin lies can only spin a web that can trap others,
but if too many insects get caught up in a web at the same time,
then it only a matter of time before the web attacks another spider to
steels watch was court.
5b Or if the web that was created is exposed to open areas
or if it is large and expands over a large space,
then it will only a matter of time before a bigger too destroy it.
5c Don't be like these spiders because he is as greedy
sly and lives of entrapping others.
Like death is never satisfied,
he gathers to himself all the nations
and takes captive all the peoples.
6 Will not all the people taunt, ridicule and insult him
when his lies have been exposed, saying;

Woe to him who piles up stolen goods

and makes himself wealthy by fraud and corruption!
How long must this go on?
7 Will not your creditors suddenly arise?
Will they not wake up and make
you pay for your crime against them?
Then you will become their prey.
8 Because you type of people have plundered many nations,
the peoples who are left will plunder you.
For you have shed human blood or caused human suffering
depending on how severe your crime is against them;
you have destroyed lands and cities and
homes, family and business.
9 Woe to him who builds his house by unjust believes,
Who sets his nest on thin branches
to escape the clutches of larger animals,
as larger animals are to heavy for the thin branches.
9a But as the animal climbs up the branch breaks and the nest comes
tumbling to the ground!
10 You religious people have plotted the ruin of many peoples,
because you built your house on a thin branch so that the real Christ
can snap it off and bring it to the ground at the appointed time.
shaming your own house and forfeiting your life.
11 The stones of the wall will cry out,
and the beams of the woodwork will echo it.
12 Woe to him who builds a city with bloodshed or lies
and establishes a town by injustice and inequality!
13 Has not the LORD Almighty determined
that the peoples labour is only fuel for the fire,
that the nations exhaust themselves for nothing?
14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD
as the waters cover the sea.
15 Woe to him who displays hatred to his neighbours,
pouring it from the baril till they are drunk,
so that he can mock their mystery
and laugh at any misfortune that comes their way!
16 You will be filled with shame instead of glory.
Now it is your turn! Drink and let your heartlessness be exposed!
The cup of wrath from the LORDs right hand is coming round to you,
and disgrace will cover your glory.
17 The violence you have done to people will overwhelm you,
and your destruction of animals cruelty will terrify you.
For you have shed their blood;
and you don't want to return to being an animal in your next life.
you have destroyed lands and cities and everyone in them.
18 Of what value is an idol carved by a craftsman?
Or an image that teaches lies?

For the one who trusts in his own creation;

he makes idols that cannot speak,
hence will receive no wisdom from it!
19 Woe to him who says to a image of Jesus, Come to life!
Or to lifeless stone, Wake up! Save me Jesus
Can it give guidance?
It is covered with love and wisdom;
there is no breath in it, but there's breath in Anna.
19a It is wrong wrong to worship an image of her, or make a stause of
her, just know that the words she speaks and positive atrabes that she
has are far more important than what she wears or what she looks like.
19b Would you judge a wife solely on what they look like? True they did
this in the past but they were like animals back then and you should
aim to rise to a higher form of consensus where you actually know the
people around you and actually love the people you sleep with!
20 The LORD is in his holy temple;
let all the earth be silent before her, and follow on after her

Habakkuks prayer

3 A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet.


I have heard of your fame;

I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD.
Repeat them in our day,
in our time make them known;
in wrath remember mercy.
3 God came from Israel, the Holy One.
Her glory covered the heavens
and her praise filled the earth.
4 Her splendour was like the sunrise;
rays flashed from her hand,
where his power was hidden.
5 Plague went before her in the timeline;
pestilence followed Darlas steps.
6 She stood, and shook the earth;
She looked, and made the nations tremble.
The ancient traditions crumbled
and the age-old hills collapsed
but she marches on for ever.
7 I saw the tents of Christianity in distress,
the dwellings of Jesus in anguish.
8 Were you angry with the people, LORD?
Was your wrath against the religious people?
Did you rage against the sea
when you rode your truth and your prophecies to victory?

9 You

uncovered your face,

you called for many documentaries about facts.
You split the earth with false doctrines about Christ;
10 but then all phrases came to light.
The people saw you and writhed.
Torrents of water swept by;
the deep roared and lifted its waves on high.
11 Sun and moon eclipsed on special jewish festivals
at the glint of your eyes, people's eyes and ears were opened.
12 In wrath you strode through the earth
and in anger you threshed the nations.
13 You came out to deliver your people,
to save your anointed one.
You crushed, Jesus, the leader of the land of wickedness,
you stripped him of his power.
14 With his own image and teachings you pierced his head
when his warriors stormed out in rage,
gloating as though about to devour
the wretched (Israel) who was in hiding.
15 But you trampled the sea with your horses,
churning the great waters.
16 I heard and my heart pounded,
my lips quivered at the sound;
decay crept into my bones,
and my legs trembled.
Yet I will wait patiently for the day of calamity
to come on the people invading us.
17 Though the fig-tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the sheepfold
and no cattle in the stalls,
18 yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will be joyful in God my Saviour.
19 The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to tread on the heights.
For the director of music. On my stringed instruments.

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