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Public School Boards' Association of Alberta ‘Oniy Public Scrons Provide Pte Exucaton, ™ Public Schoo! Boards’ Assocation of Alberta Special Levy Report 2015 Annual Gereral Meeting 32 Public School Boards’ 7\. Association of Alberta Ree 8 September 20:5, MEMO Te Member Boards From: Rek Mastin, Fst Vie President thy Cooper, Second Vie Presient Yothleen Under, Ovector Copy: Nary lynne R Campbel Excnutive Director Big Lesko, Business Marager fe: _ Special un (0n31 May 2015 Member Boards attended » Special Meeting ofthe Publi School Boards’ Association of Albert te dixcss potential litigation regarding Separate Schoo District Expansion. number of tems were dscussed and shared atthe meetin, Including the proposed cost ofthe tigation. Te firm of IMoctherien tele &Tyerman IL, provided the Aevoition wth an estimated cot of $1,205 000.00 forthe gti. The costs willbe shared equally between Norther Ughts School Division andthe Public School Board’ association of bert, [Atthe 31May 2015 Special Meting, the following motion was passed: ‘MOVED by 8 ahnson, Wetestiin Regional Publi Schools THAT the hesociton save of c-paiif with Norther Ught School Dion na Consttuonal Lugo related to the Seporte School Distt Expansion I Lac Le Biche, Alberta and {HAT te action exobsh a ConstutionlLidgaton Reserve fo final support the Grstusionl gation: ad {HAT the Aezocition move $100,000.00 from Unrestricted Reserves torencily support the Gansittonl tigation ond ‘TAT an anno Special Levy be established o support the Aszoiovons financial obligations asco: Bolo ine Constitutional Ligation; ord FURTHER THAT os per Asosoton Bow 481 Special Levies, the Executive Commitee bring @ ‘proposed Spel Levy forthe 2016 Fiscal year tothe 2015 Annual Generel Meeting forthe ‘afimation of the Members: (CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (on 03 une 2015 @ Memo wat sent to Board Chas and Counel Representatives summartng the ‘rection provided atthe 21 May 2015 Special Meeting (Appendlx A, Following the direction recelved from thaMembersip a he 31 May 2015 Specal Meeting, the Associaton co-signed a Memorandum ‘of Understanding with Norther ght Schoo Osion and MacPherson, Lesle& Tyermar. The ‘Memorandum ats ou the terms under which Gounel from McPherson, Lele & Tyerrnan LP wil represent Northern Uights Schoo sion andthe Publc Schoo Bards’ Assocation of Alberta, and further defined the terms by which decisions regarding the mater wil be undertake. ‘Astana Heyy, Present Rok Mass, Fist Vie President Kathy Ceopay, Second Vee Presiden Kathven Linder, Decor a 12290 Enanon AB TV Phare 7475000 wnepubleashooleahet AZ Public School Boards’ 7\,, Association of Alberta ay Inkeeping wth tve assumptions used inthe Association's Budget development proces, the Special Levy was projected onthe bass of 30 September 2014 student enrolment figures for twery six Member Boards. The totalassessment for each Member Board wit be caeuated and confi upon the 30 September 2015 student enrolments. n order to ensue that the Asiocationlsable o meet the financial blgatin of $130,000.00 over a period of four years the Executive Commitee recommends thatthe Special Levy for 2016 beset at $50 / student (Appendix 6) The Special Levy Holes wil be Sent out to Member Boards on 31 October 2015 Each yearat the Annual General Mecting, the Executive Committe wil bring forward a Report regarding the Constitutional tigation, along with the Special Lavy rate forthe Upcoring ical Year. Al olars exoendedon the Conettitionatiiatan will be seensmted for within the Aarectstan't inane Statement, (On behalf ofthe Executive Committee, lam pleased to respond to any questions. Respectfully submited Rick Masini, Forst Vice President Publ Schoo! Boards’ Association of Alberta ‘Arane Heyy, Present Rok Mass, Fa Vie resident Kathy Cooper, Second Vie Presiden - Kahle Lind Dieter ‘72.027 -118 Set mento, AS THKV6 Phare IARC) wumpblnacosteaion Appendix A ae Public School Boards’ 7 Association of Alberta atte co nea TO: board chs Counc Representatives COPY: Mr. lek) Mass Fst Vie President ‘es. (tah) Cooper, Second Vie resident ‘Mes. tathlen) der, Director ‘MeL. Wel Gower, CLC Paress, BLT Lawyers Fle FROM: Ms, Moxy Lyne Campbel, Executive Director ‘Re:__Senarat Scho] froansion nL La Ashe Alberts _Atthe Apri 2015 Mesting ofthe Publ Schoo Boards Counc, the Counel pated the folowing motion: ‘MOVED by T. Yeaman, Aspen View Publ Schools THAT the Publ school Board’ Assocation of Alberts suppart Norther Lights Scho! Oso In prince in Is effort regarding Separate Schoo! Establishment in Lac La Bch, Abert; ond {FURTHER THAT the Grecutve Directo ofthe Assciton be crected to bring forword adele epot ta, Speco Meeting ofthe Membershlpon 3 May 2015 forthe deustion and dection ofthe Members ‘canaeo ‘on Suncey31 May 2015, the Members of he Fuble Schoo! Board Assaation of Alberta reviewed and

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