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Generating Worklists in the

Translation Planner Quick

Release 620

SAP Online Help


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Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide

SAP Online Help


This quick guide to the SAP translation environment shows you how to use a piece list generated
for translation purposes in the Business Warehouse (BW) environment to generate worklists,
without the need for extensive training first. The quick guide only includes procedures that have
been taken from the standard documentation "Setting Up and Coordinating Translation". If you
need more detailed background information or a better understanding of how the various
transactions fit together, you are advised to refer to the appropriate sections of the standard
documentation. The headers used in the standard documentation and this quick guide are exactly
the same. Section Creating a Worklist has been taken from the standard documentation
Translation Tools for Translators.
To use all of the transactions described in this quick guide, you require authorization
S_ADMI_FCD with the value TRNR. If you need a finer definition of the authorizations, or if the
translators in your translation system do not have this authorization, you are advised to refer to
the following sections of the standard documentation: "Translator Profiles", "Maintaining
Translators", and "Assigning Packages".

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide

SAP Online Help


Process Overview .................................................................................................................... 5
Setting Up the Target Language .............................................................................................. 6
Maintaining the Secondary Language Status .......................................................................... 7
Adding the Translation Client ................................................................................................... 8
Maintaining the Translation Graphs ......................................................................................... 9
Defining Object Groups for Translation.................................................................................. 10
Creating a Translator Profile .................................................................................................. 11
Maintaining Translators .......................................................................................................... 12
Assigning Packages ............................................................................................................... 13
Refreshing the Translation Hierarchy..................................................................................... 14
Scheduling an Initial Run........................................................................................................ 15
Defining Priorities and Default Servers .................................................................................. 16
Creating Object Lists .............................................................................................................. 17
Creating an Evaluation Run ................................................................................................... 18
Creating a Worklist ................................................................................................................. 19

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide

SAP Online Help


Process Overview
Before translation can start in an SAP system, you need to perform the following three steps:
1. Setup translation environment
2. Create translator profiles
3. Create translators
4. Assign packages to translators
5. Create an object list
6. Create an evaluation based on the object list
Steps 1 and 2 need to be performed only once.
Steps 2 to 6 may need to be repeated if new developments arrive in the system
Following is an overview of all activities that need to be performed:

For more information, see

Define each target language into which you

want to translate

Setting Up the Target Language [Page 6]

Define the status of objects to be translated

Maintaining the Secondary Language Status

[Page 7]

Define the client in which translation takes


Adding the Translation Client [Page 8]

Maintain the source language(s) for each target


Maintaining the Translation Graphs [Page 9]

Define the object groups that each target

language is to translate

Object Groups and Object Types for

Translation [Page 10]

Creat translator profiles

Creating a translator profile [Page 11]

Create translators

Maintaining translators [Page 12]

Assign packages

Assigning packages [Page 13]

Refresh the translation hierarchy

Refreshing the Translation Hierarchy [Page 11]

Schedule an initial run

Scheduling an Initial Run [Page 15]

Create an object list

Creating Object Lists [Page 17]

Create an evaluation

Creating an Evaluation Run [Page 18]

Call up a worklist in SE63

Creating a Worklist [Page 19]

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide

SAP Online Help


Setting Up the Target Language

The target language into which you will translate has been defined as a language in the
translation system.


1. Call up transaction SLWA.

2. Under the tab title Target language, select the desired target language. You can choose F4
on this field and then select a target language from the dialog box that appears.
3. Choose Create language.
The system displays a dialog box asking if you want to create this target language.
4. Choose Yes.
5. Repeat this procedure for all other languages into which you want to translate.

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide

SAP Online Help


Maintaining the Secondary Language Status

The target language into which you will translate has been set up in the translation system. For
more information, see Setting Up the Target Language [Page 6].


1. Call up transaction SLWA.

2. Select your target language under the tab title Target language.
3. Choose the tab title Attributes.
This screen contains a table containing the secondary language statuses.
4. Select the statuses that you want to translate.
5. Choose Translate in the menu bar.

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide

SAP Online Help


Adding the Translation Client

The target language for which you wish to assign packages has been created in the system. For
more information, see Setting Up the Target Language [Page 6].


1. Call up transaction SLWA.

2. Select your target language under the tab title Target language.
3. Choose the tab title Attributes.
4. Choose Add client.
The Translation Clients screen appears.
5. Enter your Business Warehouse client in the field Client.
6. Choose Save.
7. Repeat this procedure for all target languages into which you want to translate.

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide

SAP Online Help


Maintaining the Translation Graphs

In this step, you need to define from what source language you want to translate. Since this
language is not necessarily the same language your developers use, the original (=development)
language of an object and the translation source language may be different. You therefore need
to specify from what language an object with a specific original language is to be translated. A
combination of original language, source language and target language is called a translation

The target language into which you will translate has been set up in the translation system.


1. Call up transaction SLWA.

2. Select your target language under the tab title Target language.
3. Choose the tab title Graphs.
The system displays a table containing the translation graphs.
4. For each Original language containing objects that have to be ultimately translated in your
translation system, enter the Source language from which you will actually translate and
press Copy in the menu bar.
The system automatically displays the Independent languages and the Dependent
languages in this table.

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide

SAP Online Help


Defining Object Groups for Translation

The target language must be set up in this system. For more information, see Setting Up the
Target Language [Page 6].


1. Call up transaction SLWA.

2. Select your target language under the tab title Target language.
3. Choose the tab title Object Groups.
The system displays a table containing the object groups. The object groups with status
Translated are marked in black. The object groups with status Locked are highlighted in
4. Choose the pushbutton Select all.
The system selects all object groups.
5. Choose the pushbutton Translate.

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide


SAP Online Help


Creating a Translator Profile

Importing Standard Profiles

1. Call transaction SLWA.

2. Choose Environment Translator Profiles.
3. Choose Extras Sample Profiles.
This takes you to the Create Sample Translator Profiles screen.
4. To overwrite all of the translator profiles in the system, enter X in the Overwrite Existing
Values field.
5. Choose Execute.
6. Return to the Translation Environment: Translator Profiles screen by choosing Back.
The system has created 14 different translator profiles.

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide


SAP Online Help


Maintaining Translators

Before you can create translators, translator profiles must be available in the translation
system. For more information, see Creating a Translator Profile [Page 11]. Each translator
can have only one profile per target language. If a user translates/coordinates translation
for several languages, you need to create this user as a translator for each individual target

Each translator that you wish to create in the translation environment must already have a
user in this system. Otherwise, the error message User name not known will appear when
you try to create the translator.

Creating Translators

1. Call up transaction SLWA.

2. Select your target language in the tab title Target Language.
3. Choose Translators.
4. Choose Create/Change.
The Translators screen appears.
5. In the Translator field, enter the user name of the translator you want to create.
6. In the Profile field, enter translator profile XU.
7. Choose Save.
The system creates the translator, and displays the translator's user name, along with the
translator's profile under No. of translators entered in the tab title Translators. You can now
assign packages to this translator.
8. Repeat this procedure until you have created all the translators you require for this target

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide


SAP Online Help


Assigning Packages
The target language into which you will translate has been set up in the translation system.


1. Call up transaction SLWA.

2. Select your target language under the tab title Target language.
3. Choose the tab title Packages.
4. Under Package Processing, choose Total.
The system displays the total number of packages available in the system
5. Under Selection, choose the Select All icon.
The system selects all packages available under Package Processing.
6. Choose Assign from the application toolbar.
A dialog box appears containing a list of all the translators that are defined for the target
language you have selected.
7. To assign the packages that you have selected to a translator in this list, double-click the
translator's user name.
8. Choose Assign All Selected Packages.

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide


SAP Online Help


Refreshing the Translation Hierarchy


1. Call up transaction SLWA.

2. Choose Environment Refresh Hierarchy.
A dialog box appears, asking for you to confirm that you want to refresh the translation
3. Choose Yes.

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide


SAP Online Help


Scheduling an Initial Run

The system has not been supplemented with a translation language.


1. Call up transaction SLWB.

2. Choose Initial run from the application toolbar.
The system asks whether you want to schedule the job immediately or at a given time.
If you want to schedule the job immediately, choose the button Immediate and save
your setting.
If you want to schedule the job at a given time, specify the Date/time and save your
3. Enter a printer name and press Continue.
4. Now choose a Background server and schedule the job.

You need to run this job only once, after you have set up your system for

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide


SAP Online Help


Defining Priorities and Default Servers

Before you can define the priorities and servers for a language, you need to create it as a target
language first in transaction SLWA. For more information, see Setting Up the Target Language
[Page 6].


1. Call up transaction SLWB

2. Choose the tab title Settings II.
3. Select a target language from the table and choose Change priority.
4. Select one of the seven priorities (they range from Extremely high to Extremely low).
5. If you want to define the default background server for a language, select a target language
and choose Change server.
6. Select one of the servers from the dialog box that appears.
7. Repeat this procedure for all target languages displayed in this table.

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide


SAP Online Help


Creating Object Lists

You need to successfully execute an initial run once in the system before you create an object
list. For more information, see Scheduling an Initial Run [Page 15].


1. Call up transaction SLWB.

2. Choose the tab title Object lists.
3. Choose Create.
The dialog box Object List Creation appears.
4. Enter a description for the object list for reference purposes in the field Description.
5. To create an object list on the basis of a single transport request, choose F4 on the No
evaluation field, and select Single transport from the dialog box that appears. You now
return to the Object List Creation dialog box, where you can now enter the name of the
transport request that you wish to scan in the Parameter field.
6. If you want the evaluation program to run automatically, immediately after the object list has
been created, activate the checkbox Start evaluation in next step.
The dialog box Worklist Number and Explanatory Text appears in which you can now
create the evaluation. For more information on how to create the evaluation, see Creating
an Evaluation Run [Page 18]. As soon as the object run finishes, the evaluation run starts
7. Choose Continue. You can now schedule the object list run as a background job.

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide


SAP Online Help


Creating an Evaluation Run

You can only run an evaluation if an object list already exists. For more information, see Creating
Object Lists [Page 17].


1. Call up transaction SLWB and choose the tab title Evaluation.

2. Choose Create.
The dialog box Worklist Number and Explanatory Text appears.
3. Choose F4 on the field Object list for evaluation and select the object list that you wish to
evaluate from the dialog box that appears. The system uses this object list as the basis for
the evaluation.
4. In the field Worklist number, enter the number of the worklist that you want this evaluation
to create. The default worklist number is 1. If you do not wish to create a worklist with
worklist number 1, you can enter a different number. For example, if you have two different
translation projects in the same system.

Whatever worklist number you enter, you need to inform all parties involved
in translation of the worklist number.
5. In the Description field, enter a text for the evaluation run for reference purposes.
6. If you want to run an evaluation without deletion, activate Write the worklists. The system
only performs inserts and updates to the worklists, based on the object list used for the
evaluation. The system does not delete any objects from the worklists and statistics.
7. If you want to run an evaluation with deletion, activate Write worklists and delete
beforehand. The system then deletes and rebuilds the worklist based on the objects in the
object list you are evaluating. The system deletes all objects from the worklists and
statistics, except those contained in the object list. Objects that are not included in the
object list will then no longer be available in the worklists.
8. Choose Continue. You can now schedule the evaluation run as a background job.
9. Choose Default server to ensure that the jobs for each target language run on the server
you defined in Settings II. See Defining Priorities and Default Servers [Page 16].

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide


SAP Online Help


Creating a Worklist

You can only create a worklist of texts for those packages that have been assigned to you


1. In transaction SE63, choose Worklist Standard worklist.

Check that the User name, Source language, Target language and Worklist number
settings are correct.
2. Choose Enter.
The system displays the root of the tree, which is the translators name, and the first node
levels, consisting of object groups.
3. To call up texts that have been assigned to you as a translator (both object groups and
object types), place the cursor on the root of the tree structure and choose Fetch worklist.
The system displays the Worklist: Query - User parameters. dialog box The settings here
display your User name, Source and Target languages, and the Worklist number.
4. In the Package field, enter *.
5. Now choose Enter.

Generating Worklists in the Translation Planner Quick Guide


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