Debate Info

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Online news sites such as should disallow
anonymous comments to minimize
online trolling
Mario: YES
Princess Peach: NO

What is beBer for democracy?

Yoshi: That all ci4zens have par4al
understanding of both sides of a
poli4cal issue
King Boo: That all ci4zens have
comprehensive understanding of the
one side of a poli4cal issue they
[ Note: assuming there are only two sides to a poli4cal
issue, such as pro-choice vs. pro-life]

It should be illegal for CBS to ban

adver4sing on its channel for
Truth, an upcoming lm about
CBS discredited 2004 news story on
former President George W. Bushs
military service record
Wario: YES
Bowser: NO

Its okay for companies to mine and

sell our data as long as the data are
used to get to know us and give us
more things that align with our
interests (e.g., ads of products from
our favorite designer, etc.)
Princess Daisy: YES
Donkey Kong: NO

We should have the right to true

anonymity (e.g., police shouldnt be
able to iden4fy the users) on social
networking sites that promise
anonymous pos4ngs, such as Yik Yak
Kirby: YES
Birdo: NO

1. Side A intro 5 mins

2. Side B intro 5 mins
3. Prep for cross-exam & rebuBal 4 mins
4. Cross examina4on
1. A asks B up to 3 qs, B has 3 mins to respond
2. B asks A up to 3 qs, A has 3 mins to respond

5. Side A conclusion 5 mins

6. Side B conclusion 5 mins


10 4ps for cross-examina4on


Grading Criteria
50% on the debate
50% on the wriBen report
Electronic and hardcopies due Dec 1

Graded as a team, but (op4onal)

peer-evalua4on forms may make a

Grading criteria for wriBen report

Clear explana4on of the 5 stages of
Clarity of all arguments and
counterarguments at each stage
e.g., your arguments A, an4cipated arguments
from the other side B, your counterarguments
against B, etc.

Quality of theories, research, or

evidences suppor4ng all arguments at
each stage
Feel free to use headings and bullet points
for organiza4on

All cita4ons should follow APA 6th

Google APA style Purdue owl


Grading the debate

Eec4veness of your delivery (e.g.,
volume, coherence, etc.)
Clear demonstra4on of your
understanding of inocula4on
Ability to improvise (which suggests
Performance during cross-examina4on

Extra credit opportunity

Your classmates will assess and vote
on the winners
Winners get +1% extra credit at the
end of the semester
Those who are not deba4ng are
required to ll out assessment forms
for par4cipa4on grades

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