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UC Merced Performance Appraisal

Employee Information



Supervisor's Name:

Job Title:

Title Unit Code:

Period Covered By This



Appraisal Ratings
Far Exceeds Expectations: Performance consistently far exceeds expectations in all competencies, and the quality of work was
overall superior. Annual goals were completed earlier than anticipated. Made an exceptional or unique contribution in support of unit,
department, or University objectives. This rating should be reserved for employees with strong, commendable performance. Concrete
examples of these results must be given to issue this rating. This rating should be used sparingly and reserved for truly extraordinary
performance throughout the performance cycle.
Meets High Expectations: Performance consistently meets high expectations in all or almost all competencies, and the quality of work
overall met high expectations. All or almost all goals were met. The employee is a dependable, competent, knowledgeable individual
who meets and occasionally exceeds expectations of the position. The rating conveys solid, effective performance.
Needs Improvement: Performance is adequate in most competencies, but needs improvement in one or more significant
competencies that are critical to the position, and/or one or more of the most critical goals were not met. Work product requires
improvement in one or more areas to meet the Universitys expectations. Such performance shortfalls may be attributable to newness
on the job, missing or underdeveloped skills, and/or experience. This rating conveys that performance is below expectations in one or
more areas and must be improved. A performance improvement plan must be outlined, including timelines and monitored to measure
progress; Review from HR is required.
Unacceptable: Performance was frequently below in all or almost all competencies, and/or reasonable progress toward critical goals
was not made. Significant improvement is needed in all or almost all competencies. A performance improvement plan must be outlined,
including timelines and monitored to measure progress; Review from HR is required.

Part One: Core Competencies

This section is used to capture how well an employee performed in each competency. A competency is a measurable pattern of skills,
knowledge, abilities, behaviors and other characteristics needed to perform and fulfill their job responsibilities successfully. Speak to
how well an employee performed in each competency, including supporting evidence to justify the performance rating. Comments must
be incorporated, the appraisal cannot be submitted/completed without a meaningful justification. Those in the role of Manager have an
additional competency for which they are accountable.


Performance Assessment


Shares and receives information using clear oral,
written and interpersonal communication skills.



Diversity and Inclusion

Models and promotes the University of California
Principles Of Community and complies with UC
policies on Diversity and Non Discrimination.



Employee Engagement
Demonstrates commitment to the job, colleagues, the
University and its mission by acting in ways that further
the accomplishment of its goals.



Innovation and Change Management

Uses personal knowledge and professional experience
to envision the future, anticipate change, capitalize on
opportunities and develop innovative options that
further the strategic direction of the organization


Job Mastery and Continuous Learning

Demonstrates responsibility for ones own career path
and continues learning by identifying and applying new
skills as needed to perform successfully on the job.



Resources Management & Sustainability

Demonstrates integrity, accountability and efficient
stewardship of university resources in a manner
consistent with the UC Standards of Ethical conduct
and other policies. Models and promotes behavior and
practices supporting and institutionalizing sustainability.


Results Orientation and Execution

Demonstrates the ability to analyze situations or
problems, make timely and sound decisions, construct
plans and achieve optimal results.



Service Focus
Values and delivers high quality, professional,
responsive and innovative service.



Teamwork and Collaboration

Collaborates with colleagues in order to achieve results
in alignment with the operations and mission of the
University of California. Demonstrates a genuine
interest in the thoughts, opinions, values and needs of
co-workers and customers and views differences in
these areas as both inevitable and acceptable. Avoids
speaking, writing or doing other things that could be
seen as disrespectful of people in their absence (or
"behind their backs"). Recognizes and shows respect
for the strengths and contributions of others.



Solving Problems
Takes a proactive approach to anticipating and
preventing problems. When problems occur, defines
those problems, investigates obstacles, gathers
relevant information, decides whether solving the
problem should be a group decision, generates and
analyzes alternate solutions and arrives at a workable


Quality Assurance and Assessment

Demonstrates involvement in the units annual and/or
periodic assessment efforts, including the units efforts
to improve the quality of its services. Makes sure that
quality does not suffer as the quantity of work
increases. Works effectively with peers to provide
and/or improve the quality of service provided, and
carries own share of team workload.


People Management
Leads and engages people to maximize organizational
and individual performance through alignment with the
University mission and attainment of strategic and
operational goals.


Development Plan
Development Objectives




Part Two: Future Goals

This section is completed by the supervisor in collaboration with the employee. A minimum of 3 goals to be completed during the
performance cycle must be identified. Individual performance goals should align with those of the department and/or campus.
Goals should be SMART:
S - specific, significant, stretching
M - measurable, meaningful, motivational
A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented
R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented
T - time-based, timely, tangible, trackable
Add additional goals (to a maximum of five) by clicking the "Add New Goal" link below.
For managers: To view goals suggested by your direct reports, please click the Split Screen icon above and select "Self-Appraisal".
You can then copy and paste the information into this form if desired, and edit as appropriate.



Add New Goal

Part Three: Overall Rating

This section requires a narrative that justifies the overall performance rating.
Overall Rating
Far Exceeds Expectations
Meets High Expectations
Needs Improvement

Employee Comments
At the completion of the final appraisal discussion between the supervisor and employee, the employee may use this section to discuss
aspects of the appraisal.

Succession Planning
Potential for Promotion

High Potential - potential to move up 2-3 levels.

Promotable - potential to move up 1 level.
Rate this direct report on his/her potential for
promotion by choosing the best option from the list.

Well placed in current role.

Needs development in current role.
Not acceptable in current role.

Timing of Next Promotion

Immediate - ready for promotion.
Rate this direct report on his/her readiness for
promotion by choosing the best option from the list.

Within 1 year.
Within 2 years.
Greater than 2 years.

Risk of Leaving
None - not likely to leave.
Rate this direct report's risk of leaving the
organization by choosing the best option from the list.

Low - likely to leave within 5 years.

Medium - likely to leave within 3 years.
High - likely to leave within a year.

Reason for Leaving

Approaching retirement.
Lack of growth opportunities.
Choose the best option from the list to describe why
you think this direct report may leave the

Returning to school.
Dissatisfied with compensation.
Other reason.

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