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March 18,2014

Office of Disciplinary Administrator

First Floor
701 Jackson St.
Topeka, Ks 66603

Disciplinary Administrator:

Re: Case No. 14CV14P

I would like to make this complaint against Mark Fern from Pittsburg, Kansas and the law
firm "FERN & ANGERMAYER, L.L.c." with the business address of 107 W. 4thStreet. I have
previously made a complaint against Steven Angermayer from the same law firm and case
number 14CV14P and so has my wife, Tatum Beckley, and Stanton Hazlett wrote back and
indicated that he would ask Mr. Angermayer to respond to the allegations raised in our
A lot of the same allegations against Steven Angermayer in the letter are the same reasons
that Mr. Mark Fern should not be allowed to represent a client against us as well for a
conflict of interest.

Mr. Fern coached my son's baseball team with Steven Angermayer and

myself. Not only did all three ofus coach our son's baseball team TOGETHER, we all have
carpooled to the "Kansas City Royals" ball game and watched the Royals together and Mr.
Fern was the attorney that when Mr. Angermayer his partner was assigned fQt the State to
represent the State when my nephew was allowed through SRS custody to stay with us, Mr.
Angermayer told us to go talk to Mr. Fern because it was his law partner and we meaning
"Tatum and myself' should have received more money from the state for my nephew staying
in our custody.
Mr. Angermayer indicated that he would deny telling us that if it came out because it was a
conflict of interest.

I didn't understand

if it was a conflict of interest because he represented

the State against us and Mr. Fern was his law partner or it was a conflict of interest because
he should not be allowed to go against my nephew and my family through &R,S because of
our personal previous relationship through baseball with Mr. Angermayer and Mr. Fern.
Since, Mr. Angermayer represents a client who filed a lawsuit against me in case number
14CV14P and I made a complaint against Mr. Angermayer for conflict of interest and filed a



against Mr. Angermayer,

now Mr. Fern intends to represent Mr. Angermayer


AND Community National Bank in case number 14CV14P. I'm a bit confused because if Mr.
Angermayer and Mr. Fern are two separate attorneys under "Fern & Angermayer" I have yet
to see Mr. Fern's entry of appearance according to Rule 115 of Rules Relating to District
Court. Doesn't Mr. Fern have to make an entry of appearance to represent "Fern and
Angermayer" as well?
FOR SANCTIONS". There are several items that disturb me in the motion that was filed, but
I don't think your agency has authority over legal issues just ethical ones.
I don't appreciate statement 5 on page 2 about comparing me to something called "Kansas
Militia Members". I also don't appreciate statement 14 on page 6 about my so-called tactics
being what this court commonly associates with the Kansas Militia. I have never even heard
of such a group called Kansas Militia and never knew one existed. Mr. Fern gars on to say
that the Militia pleadings are typically filed pro-se with a convoluted reference to Kansas
Statutes. Often the alleged facts are untrue, and the Militia's hallmark is an extreme antigovernment ideology along with elaborate conspiracy theories!!!!
What is Mark Fern talking about??????? I have never filed a lawsuit Pro-Se-until his client,
Community National Bank, sued me!! I could not believe that Mr. Angermayer or Mr. Fern
would actually take a case against my family when we had won a League championship
baseball and had Pizza Parties together.


Mr. Fern just texted my son "Austin," the one that

Mr. Fern coached in baseball to help him coach with Mr. Fern just a couple of years ago.
Why would Mr. Fern want to go to baseball games and coach with a so-called militia's son?
How can he charge fees for representing

his own law firm, wouldn't that be Pro-Se as well?

Does he have a signed contract with "Fern and Angermayer" to represent himself?
I think Mr. Fern has been unethical and I think that misconduct has occurred for the
following violations under KRPC:
1. Rule 1.5 Fees, where is the contract that he is trying to get sanctions and attorney fees
against me?
2. Rule 1.7 Conflict of Interest.
3. Rule 1.10 Imputed Disqualification.

4. Rule 1.16 Declining Or Terminating


5. Rule 3.7 Lawyer as a Witness since his Collection Agency has been complained on.
6. Rule 4.1 Truthfulness

In Statements To Others, when Mr. Fern lied and insinuated that I

am a part of Kansas Militia. Where is this website and the registration and fees that one pays
to show this information?

I certainly have no idea. Is this like the BAR and ev~ryone is

How Does Mr. Fern know exactly who is in this Kansas Militia and what court

case is he citing that states that "this court" "Crawford County District Court" recognizes this
as Militia? Did he have an ex-parte conversation with the judges about Crawford County
Judicial Center District Court and Kansas Militia and who were members?
7. Rule 4.3 Dealing with Unrepresented

Person, by once again slandering me by saying I am

a part of Militia.
8. Rule 4.4 Respect for Rights of Third Persons, by slandering me as being a :fart of Militia.
9. I believe Mr. Fern has violated Rule 8.4 Misconduct and would like an investigation into
this matter.
Why would Mr. Fern even file this Motion to Strike when I have not even had a summons
served on him yet? If he was not the attorney for Community National Bank he would have
never known that "Fern and Angermayer"

were added as a Defendant in my counterclaim.

didn't have the money to serve "Fern and Angermayer" because my wife and I don't make
much money and she has had numerous trips to the doctor lately. I don't have any money
for an attorney and that is why I put in my "counterclaim"

that I am open to a Settlement.

Thanks for your time and I appreciate your committee asking Mr. Fern to respond to this
James Beckley
302 West McKay
Frontenac, Ks 66763

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