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Introduction: in contract negotiations,once you come to terms with the other party you can ratify the agreement ,during
this negotiations,the parties may make certain statements without prejudice. when everyone is satisfied,the contract is
signed and become legally binding. the exact terms written into the contract/discussed during negotiation are express
terms.there may also be implied terms that are not directly stated but still govern the contract.the conditions and
warranties of a contract are laid out in carefully written responsibility or liability is spelled out very clearly
in a contract parties may be joint and severally liable or they may enjoy limited liability a contract may also include
exclusion clauses to remove a party from legal responsibility in certain circumstances

The terms of a contract are the detailed points that the parties are agreeing to.
Come to terms.When parties come to terms ,they are reaching agreement on all of these detailed points.E.g : after a
lengthy negotiation process,we finally come to terms on a deal.

When the parties agree to a contract ,they must ratify the agreement .this normally means officially accepting the
contract by signing a paper version
Eg. The signatures of both parties Are required to ratify the agreement

Without prejudice
Sometimes parties will state things that they do not want to be part of the agreement
We can say that these statements are made without prejudice ,and they can't be used as evidence in legal cases .Eg.
The statement was made without prejudice , so it could not be used in court

Legally binding
If a contract is legally binding , it means it is valid under the law.the parties are bound to the contract and must fulfill
their obligation. Eg.The contract was not legally binding because it wasn't signed by both parties

Express terms
Condition ,obligations,and other point stated directly in a contract are called express terms

Implied terms
Sometimes a contract includes terms that are not expressed directly in written form, usually more difficult to define
than express terms.Eg.The project schedule was laid out according to the express terms of the contract

The most important terms of a contract are called conditions ,if a conditions in not met , the contract is broken or
breached. Eg.The lawyer worded the conditions of the contract very carefully
Are less important terms of a contract.
Eg.Breaking a warranty does not normally mean the contract has been breached.

The terms of a contract are written in sections,called clauses,there are certain types of clauses,such as exemption
clauses and not compete clauses.Eg.I read each and every clause of my employment contract very carefully

Refers to legal responsibility ,
If a parties break a contract or foes not fulfill its duties,that parties is liable
Eg.The judge decided liability rested with the supplier because they failed to deliver


Joint and severally liable

If more than one person/business enters a contract as a partner,they maybe joint and severally liable, This mean That
each person /business is individually responsible for the entire contract
Eg.Because the contractors were joint and severally liable , they all had to pay

Limited liability
If one party in a contract is limited company , then that company's owners enjoy limited liability
Ex: the company enjoy limited liability so its director' assets were protected

Exclusion clause
A party's liability maybe limited in certain situations by exclusion clauses,these clauses clearly state that a party is
not Responsible if certain things happen
Eg.I asked my lawyer to insert several exclusion clauses to reduce my risk
I refused to rafity the_____without my lawyer present (agreement )
With so many express____the contract was so paper (terms )
The partner were joint and severally ___under the contract (liable )
A special exclusion ___removed us from some responsibilities(clause)
The contract became legally ___as soon as it was signed (binding)

REGULATEto control something by means of laws/rules.Eg;Government can regulate policy by creating new laws. Derivative ;;
The EU was made new regulations regarding imports from china.
CURRENCY ---a system of money or the bills and coins themselves,used in a particular country
E g;The dollar is the currency of USA.The value of a currency is determined by the exchange rate

[compound noun],The cost of borrowing money over a period of time /the price that lender charge borrowers for the
use of the lender's money.Eg;small businesses usually hAve to pay higher interest rate in their loan ,House prices
tend to fall when interest rate rise because it becomes more expensive to borrow money
The value of one currency against the currency of another country .Eg. If the euro-dollar exchange rate remains at its
current level,US exporters could lose $ 5 billion in business. China is under pressure to make its exchange rate more
A national bank that provides financial and banking services for its country's government and commercial banking
Eg. Sweden's central bank regulate their government's monetary policy and issues currency
The European Central Bank raised interest rate by a 1/4% last month
The way a central bank controls the amount of money in the economy at a particular time, for example by changing
interest rate.Eg. Unless the bank of japan relaxes monetary policy and makes borrowing easier ,the stock market is
unlikely to improve The bank of Canada carries out monetary policy mainly through changes to the interest rate
The irregular rise and fall of a number/amount Eg. Trade with others counties tend to fluctuate from year to year.The
Europe-dollar exchange rate fluctuates according to the condition of the economy


To buy goods,shares,property ,etc. in the hope that their value will increase so that they can be sold for a profit.Eg.
Many individual are now speculating on the Asian stock exchanges
Derivative :: speculation by investor has helped to increase the price of oil
A general increase in the price of goods and services and a fall in the relative of money
Eg. Fear of inflation have led the federal reserve to raise interest rates by a quarter point
Collocation:: rate of inflation /inflation rate,Eg. The inflation rate in Brazil was around 7% last year


A unit of measure used in the financial world to describe the percentage change in the value or rate of a financial
instrument Eg. The federal reserve board raised interest rated by 25 basis points to help control inflation.Bond yields
rose 20 points from 7,45% to 7,65%.


is the entire network of businesses involve in providing goods /services to a customers
This includes all the process related to the creation,storage and movement of a product
Eg. The supply chain for gasoline begins with extracting oil from the ground and ends with the gas sold at the pump.

is the process of managing the flow and storage of materials ,goods,information and capital. Good planning and
communication is essential to good logistic.
Eg. Our logistics department has a sophisticated system for tracking materials through the supply chain.

is the movement of good and cargo ,either by land,air or sea.
Eg. We offer customer different shipping options,with different delivery speeds and costs.

a business that provides good/services to other business in supply chain.
A manufacturer usually relies on several /even hundreds of different suppliers.
Eg. Gorman motors is looking for a new supplier for the electrical component of its trucks.

are physical items that a supplier provides to others businesses. These material could be raw resources such as oil
,or manufactured parts,such as computer chips.
Eg. The high cost of materials has slowed down the construction sector in the past few years.

a manufacturer uses machines ,tools,and labor to transform materials in to goods. The goods might be for use by
consumers/as parts of a more complex product.
Ex. Boing is one of the largest manufacturer of airplanes in the world.

a distributor buys product from manufacturers and resell them to retailers. A distributors like a middle man between
the producers and the consumers.
Eg. The Canadian paper company found a European distributor for their specialty products.

is a business that sell products directly to customers or end-users eg. Walmart,Carrefour ,etc.
eg. Traditional retailers are complaining about online retailers stealing their customers.


the one who uses a good/service that has been produced. Consumers are the final link in the supply chain. Eg. After
the economic crisis ,consumers showed a lack of confidence by saving rather then spending.

We offer free (shipping ) on orders to customers in North America.
Samsung is very successful because they understand (consumers ) preference.
General Electric is one of the largest (manufacturing) company in the world.
Walmart is so successful that smaller(retailers)find it hard to compete.
Large shipping companies, such as TNT ,FedEx ,provide a complete (logistic) solution.

is the process buying the goods and services that a purchaser creates agreement with company's supplier. Eg. Our
purchaser department has made the decision to start buying more
environmentally friendly material

involves all of the functions related to the large-scale storage of goods and materials.
This includes receiving ,identifying ,inspecting,storing and retrieving the goods.
Eg. To reduce its warehouse costs,rondo industries is moving its storage facilities to Oklahoma.

a company's inventory is all the goods and materials that are held in stock,this includes not only materials needed to
build product,but also finished product yet to be sold.
Eg. Every month we do an inventory count to find out how F Much stock of each part we have.

materials management deals with the movement and storage of physical items/products.
A materials manager is responsible for spare parts ,quality control and inventory management.
Eg. The materials management team can reduce work stoppages by making sure the machines have spare parts.

is the process of receiving ,processing and filling a customers order. Eg. Dell computers has an order fulfillment
system that immediately transfers a customer's online order to the production area.

making sure that materials, parts,and products are in good condition is quality assurance. Supply chain must have
good quality assurance built in to reduce waste and improve processes.
Eg. Our quality assurance team is responsible for 15% drop in defective product.

is a business strategy aimed at reducing inventory and associated cost.
With just in time manufacturing requires very good communication with suppliers.


Is a system that integrates information from all different parts of a business. ERP can make a company more efficient
by giving everyone access to the same data at all times.
Eg. Our new enterprise resources planning software has reduced confusing between our accounting and sales

Every month we count all the (inventory) in our store room.
Our quality (assurance )team does regular inspections of incoming materials.


The new production line is based on the principles of just in (time) manufacturing
The (purchasing )department has expanded as we how purchase more materials locally.

Goods that are bought and sold in trade are called merchandise . When merchandise is being moved/shipped,it may
be called freight /cargo.Eg. Truck took the merchandise in containers from the factory to the port.

The manufacturer will issue a certificate of manufacture certifying that the goods are have been made to buyer's

Shows that the goods meet the required standards prior to shipment ,eg. The goods appeared damage ,so the buyer
checked to see the certificate of inspection was valid.


Before a supplier sends merchandise to a buyer, the supplier provides a pro forma invoice. This notice list the exact
quantity ,value,and specifications of the merchandise. Eg. When the shipment arrived ,we checked the contents
against the pro forma invoice we had received.

In large trades ,a buyer will finance the transaction using a letter of credit. This document guarantees that payment will
be made when the seller meets the conditions of sale.
Eg. When way land Inc. received the letter of credit ,they contacted the shipping company to arrange transport.

Is a contract between an exporter and transportation company. The bill of lading list the good being carried and must
remain with the merchandise at all times. Eg. An airline may issue a bill of lading to a seller either before or after
payment for goods is made.

Means the seller is responsible for the goods until they are loaded. The seller must pay all costs related to getting the
goods to port and onto the ship.


Means that the quoted price includes the cost of good and transport charges to the destination port.


Means that the quoted price includes the cost of goods,insurance and transportation to the destination port. Eg. The
seller agreed to pay cost and freight ,so the buyer had to buy insurance for the goods

Is a place where a goods are stored after shipping but before the payment of duties on those goods. Eg. At any major
part facility there will be a number of bonded warehouses available to store goods.

Is authority/organization that controls the flow of goods in and out of country.
Custom authorities collect the duties/taxes ,applied to imports and exports. Eg. Within a port,customs officials have
the right to board and search any ship.

Is a person/business man that helps importers/exporters moved their goods through customs. Customs broker
prepare documents,help with communication ,and arrange payment of duties.


Eg. Many customs brokers specialize in certain types of goods , such as textiles,food,or computers equipment.

PRACTICE ;The bank issued a letter of (credit)to the furniture of exporter.

The good sat in a bonded(warehouse )for three month before the duty was paid
The agreed terms were cost and (freight)so the buyer had to buy insurance.
When the shipment arrives ,we checked the contents against the bill of (lading)
After so many delays in customs ,we switch to a better custom(broker)

Introduction ,All businesses and organizations need to decide where they want to go and how to get there. To do this
they rely on good planning and the planning cycle.
Planning can occur in a large scale ,like strategic planning ,which determines the overall direction of a company. It
also happen in small scale like project planning ,in which a specific place of work is organized by an individual or
project team.
The first step in planning usually involves analyzing the situation,problem ,opportunity.
From there,the organization can determine the goals and desired outputs of the plan.
It must then devise effective strategies to achieve these goals with the given resources.
Planners must carefully assess available inputs,do a cost-benefit analysis,and conduct an environmental scan for
large projects. Pets analysis is one community used method of examining the external influences that may help or
hinder a plan.

In any organization ,planning is the process of creating and maintaining a plan. The planning cycle "includes the
creation ,implementation and review of plans. Eg. Mastering the entire planning cycle is crucial to the success of any
business organization.

To analyze means to examine something very carefully/in great detail. Analyzing involves breaking a situation down
into its separate parts to figure out how it works or to assess its strengths and weaknesses. Eg. When the team
analyzed the production in the distribution process.

Goals are the accomplishments that the planning process is designed to achieve the entire of plan. Goals are purpose
,they help a business or organization advance its overall mission.
Goals setting :
S specific
M measurable A attainable R relevant
T time bound
Eg. The goal of Tony's plan was very clear increase sales by 40% over the next six month.

A plan's outputs refers to what we want to have or see at the end of a plan. Outputs include our overall goals as well
as the specific things or situations we want to create.
Eg. The outputs of my cost-cutting plan included a 20% reduction in materials cost and increased efficiency in our
distribution method.

To devise means to create,arrange,or form. We often see this verb with nouns related to plans. Collocations: Devise
a plan,devise a strategy,devise a solution. Eg. When my boss told me about our scheduling difficulties,I devised a plan
to how schedule update automatically.

A strategy outlines the methods or processes used to move a plan toward its goals.
Strategy related to "how we do things ". Eg. The senior managers had several long meetings to work out the strategy
for expanding into new markets.


The resources that we put into a project or plan are called inputs. Inputs can include human resources ,technologies
,money,raw materials and ideas.
Eg. I had to revise my original plan because it required very costly inputs,particularly in terms of labor and materials.

When we do cost-benefit analysis we compAre the cost of different option against the expected benefits. Doing this
type of analysis helps planners choose the best goals and strategies.
Eg. The cost-benefit analysis of expansion showed that it was better simply to increase sales to existing customers.

To examine the factors that can affect the direction,goals and processes of plan.
An environmental scan done in the initial stages of planning helps to create realistic expectations and goals. Eg. An
environmental scan revealed that the company's plan to expand internationally would mean overcoming major legal

A type of environmental scan that examines political,economic,social and technological influences. Eg. I
commissioned a pest analysis before deciding whether the new product would be accepted in the marketplace.

External influences affect a plan/ project from outside an organization. Eg. The project team was talented ,but they
failed because of several external influences ,including competition from another company.

The engineer had to carefully (analyze (the problem before deciding what need to be done.
The technology department was asked to (devise )a solution to the problem with the local area network.
Of all the plans required (inputs )the most expensive is labor.
The planner viewed the recent political turmoil as a very dangerous (external influence)
I complained to my manager that we didn't have the resources needed to achieve the plan's
(goals ).

Introduction, Goals planning means nothing without effective implementation. Implementing a plan begins with an
effective communication strategy. People within the organization need to know what the plan is,what is expected of
them, and how the plan will make a difference. To execute a plan organizations need to appoint project managers who
will monitor the implementation. Project managers need to track progress and hold people accountable for the task
assigned to them. This may involve the use of project management software with project dashboards which keep
managers constantly update on project developments. Still,things can and do go wrong. Managers must be ready with
contingency plans in the event that things go off track ,over time or over budget.

Refers to putting A plan into action the implementation phase must be manage very carefully to ensure that everything
stay on track and activities are properly coordinated.
Eg. As the lead project manager,I was responsible for all aspect of the plan's implementation.

Organizations need communication strategies to make sure that everyone know what they need to know,both inside
and outside organization. Eg. Many employees didn't know anything about the plan because there was no effective
communication strategy.

When we monitor something we watch it to see how it is progress,monitoring happens at all staged of the planning
process,allowing manager to make adjustments.


Eg. Gerald didn't monitor the project very closely ,so he was quite surprise to learn we were so far behind schedule.

Tracking progress means checking to make sure that task and activities are going according the plan. It also mean
keeping a record of what has been done ,so that the others can see what a plan's status is. Eg. The CEO hired
consultant to track progress of the strategic plan.

If you're accountable for something,it means you are responsible for making sure it is done. We often use the
expression "hold someone accountable "when we make sure people understand,accept and follow through on their
responsibilities. Eg. Although delegated tasks to the right people,my plan failed because I didn't have anyone
accountable for their activities.

Project management software usually features a project dashboard that shows chart,graphs and notes on the status
of project. This allow manager to monitor projects and keep them on track.
Eg. Every morning I log on to the project dashboard to see the progress on all the projects in my department.

When things don't happen according to plan,we turn to contingency plan.
A contingency plan dictates what we do in certain undesirable or unplanned circumstances.
Eg. We need a contingency plan to deal with any unexpected events.

If a plan or project doesn't proceed as expected,we say that it is off track. The opposite expression "on track "means
that a plan is going expected. Eg. When the software project got off track , Brianne called a meeting to see how the
timeline had to be adjusted.

Is a methodology that aims to reduce problems,mistakes,and variations in a proses.
Eg. The hospital employed a six sigma to approach in order to reduce the rate of surgical infections.

If something measurable it's means we can quantify it with numbers,figures,statistics.
Collocation ;Measurable result :refers to outcomes that can be quantified. Eg. When asked for a measurable
outcomes,I told the board that sales had increased by 12% in the third quarter.

A 44%improvement in customers satisfaction was one (measurable)result of the plan to improve customer service.
Even when I'm on vacation,I can track (progress ) on any process with my iPhone.
As a part of our communication (strategy) I emailed details of the plan to all department.
A specialist in six (sigma)methods was hired to reduce the member of manufacturing defect.

is basically a loan that an investor provides to a company/government ,the company /government that sells the bond
pays regular interest on the loan.Eg. When the stock market is doing badly ,many investor turn to the bond market


is the original amount of the loan . While the value of the bond may change over its lifetime ,the principal remains the
same.Eg. Many investors are worried that the Greek government won't be able to pay back the principal on their

coupon rate of bond ) is the amount of interest paid out as a percentage of the principal the coupon is set when a
bond is issued and never changes.
Eg. If you buy $10.000 bond ,with 4% coupon means you will earn $400 per year income

every bond matures after a set period of time ,such as 1-year,5-years,10-years
When a bond matures the issuer the bond repays the principal to the bond holder
Eg. Over 70% of American treasury bonds will mature within the next five years

it is amount of interest earned relative to the market value of bond. If bond's market value goes down ,the yield goes
up. Because the coupon rate never changes.
Eg. If you but $1000 bond with coupon rate 5%,six month later the value drops to $ 900 ,yield= 5,56%(50/900),then
coupon rate same 5% Per year.

are used in finance to describe a change in value /rate(one basis point =0,01%)
Eg. The federal reserve just raised interest rates by 25 basic points,from )2,25%to 2,5%

Investor demanded a 6% (coupon )on the new cooperate bond
Many European counties may not be able to pay back the (principle)on their bond
When my ten-year government bonds (mature)I will reinvest the money in municipal bonds
With bonds being sold at a reduce rate,(yields )are rising

Is issued by a national government to finance their operations,government bond from developed countries are
considered safe investments but often have a lower coupon rate.
Eg. The largest foreign holder of us treasury bonds is the Chinese central government

Are issued by cities,towns/states to finance their operations/pay for large project such as building a new road
/school.Eg. The city issued $75 million in municipal bonds in order to fund major repairs to its roads

Large companies issued corporate bonds to pay their expenses /finance new projects. The coupon rate of corporate
bonds varies depending on the company's stability and performance
Eg. When the government bond market is doing poorly investors tend to look to corporate bonds issued by major

A high risk ,high yield bond is called a junk bond, money invested in junk bonds often disappears because the
company fails,but they can be very profitable
Eg. "Amid major political trouble ,Hungary's government bonds have been downgraded to junk bond status.

This rating is usually stated in letter grades,such as AAA,BBB,or BB++(triple A,triple B,or BB plus)
Eg. The fitch ratings agency gave notice to France that its AAA,credit Rating was at risk


Bonds are sometimes sold at a discount ,this mean the purchase price is lower than the face value of the bond.Eg.
Government sometimes issued new bonds at a small discount to set the effects of inflation

When a bond is sold at a premium its price higher the face value of the bond. This happens when a bond is seen as
very valuable on the open market. Eg. With profit exceeding expectations,the company's bond are selling at a big

Par value of bond is its face value,while the price of bond may change ,the par value remains the same .Eg. The
national bank of Greece offered to buy back $2,5 billion of bonds at 70% of their par value.

US treasury(bonds)were long considered the safest investment possible
Greek government bonds have been downgraded to(junk) bond status
After reporting a huge profit ,General Motor's bonds are selling at a (premium )
The fitch rating (agency )warned that UK government bonds may be downgraded to BBB

Introduction ,What is a brand ?brands are what make companies and products stand out from the crowd. They have
an Essence ,or spirit,and values that make them worthwhile to the customer.
To develop a successful brand,you need to know about your demographics and the tangible and intangible benefits
your products brings to your customers. Need to know how well your brand is being received?focus groups of
consumers can give information on brand awareness and brand recognition. It's also important to think about how
your company and brand will be presented visually. So you need to think about your brand's trademark or logo ,the
symbol that represent the brand. Similarly,think about corporate identity and brand identity ,two factors that help your
customers see you and your product.

is what sets a company/its products and services apart from its competition ,this includes the way it's presented to the
public,customers' expectations and experience with the brand ,and the way it's perceived by others. Eg. McDonald's
brand incorporates the concepts of fast food,fun,convenience,and variety.

Refers to the fundamental spirit of the brand. What connect the brand to customers expressed in a
simple,concise,phrase. Eg. Hallmark products greeting cards and gifts its brand essence is carrying shared.

Are the aspects of a brand that bring value to the customer chooses the brand.
Eg. Driving a BMW can make someone feel successful and luxurious. These feelings are part of the brand's value.

Refers to information about customers,such as their age,education level,and where they live.
Eg. In October 2009,inside reported demographic information about Facebook users. 29% of the users
where between the ages of 18 and 25.

Something is tangible if it has a physical form ,something that can be perceived through one of the five senses. In
marketing,tangible of ten refers to direct benefits customers can receive from a brand. Eg. Starbucks customers who
participate in its reward program can receive tangible benefits like free coffee drinks and wifi access.



Something that intangible doesn't have a physical form that can be perceived through the senses intangible are
conceptual ,like a certain feeling you get when buying a product are using a service. Eg. The peace of mind that
comes from driving a Volvo is one of the intangible benefits of the brand.

Is a small group of people that represents a target demographic. The group discusses product and services , so that
companies can learn more about what their customers' value.
Eg. The company used data from focus groups to decide the name of their new products.

When customers recognize a brand and connect it with a company's product,they're showing brand awareness Eg. As
it's new to the United state,the Chinese sportswear company Li Ning is still developing brand awareness among


When customer show that they know about a brand when asked specifically about it,they're showing brand
recognition. Eg. Toblerone's unique packaging and strong promotion in duty free shops add to its brand recognition.

Is a graphic symbol that represents the brand,words,phrases ,and sounds cab also be trademarks.
Eg. The swoop is a trademark of Nike, Apple's logo is an apple with a bite taken out of it.

A company's corporate identity is the way it presents itself usually to the public. These visual elements can include
color scheme ,logos ,words ,building architecture ,interior design,uniforms and printed materials. Eg. To show its
corporate identity,mobile oil consistently displays the word "Mobile" in the same text and colors on all of its signs and

We don't have many stores in Asia,so we have little brand(awareness) there.
Taco Bell uses a picture of a bell in its (logo )
We learned a lot about our customers' tasted from focus (groups)
One of out target(demographic) are men over age 65.
We're going to test your brand (recognition )among college students.

Introduction :To be successful ,a brand needs to be managed. Brand equity ,its marketing strength and differentiation.
How it's different from competitors ,need to be considered when developing a brand strategy or long term marketing
plan. As always,customers are a key ingredient . Who will receive your marketing message?that's your market
segment. How do the customers view the brand ??that question is answered by its positioning. Do customers
repeatedly buy the brand?that's part of brand loyalty. Once the brand is established there are ways to take it further.
Niche marketing can help you reach more specific group of customers.
Re-branding,co-branding,and brand stretching are all ways to adapt your brand in response to changing taster and
values. In the end ,a successful brand will help your company become a market leader.

Overseeing all aspects of a brand ,such as advertising,price,and customer satisfaction ,so that the brand remains in a
positive light,making it more profitable. Eg. Building trust with consumers is the ultimate aim of brand management.



Is related to the marketing power of a brand if a brand is well-received .Its power to generate sales and income is
increased. Eg. Recent safety recalls have severely effected Toyota's brand equity.

The way companies show that their brands/products are different from those of their competitors.
Eg. Some customers are promoting technology as a differentiation strategy.

Is a long term marketing plan for a plan all members of an organization are involved with implementing this strategy.
Eg. To compete with coca cola ,a company that has existed for over 100 years,Pepsi adopted a brave strategy that
targets younger customers.

Is a group of customers that tends to share values,needs,and purchasing habits. Companies often direct their
advertising toward particular market segment. Eg. Teenagers are one of the main market segments for virgin mega

Is the place a brand holds in the consumer's view ,in comparison to other brands. Eg. The core concept behind volvo's
positioning is safety.

When customers consistently choose one brand over another,they are showing brand loyalty.
Eg. Automakers are rewarding brand loyalty by offering discount to repeat customers.


Is focused in a small portion of a market segment. Eg. Mont black used niche marketing techniques to reach left
handed consumers.

Is the process of updating/changing a brand to make it more appealing to its target audience.
Eg. Abercrombie and Fitch was originally branded as a sporting goods company,but in the late 1980s,they rebranded
as a luxury clothing retailer.

Is when two or more companies join together brands to promote one product. Eg. For the bArbie doll's 50th
anniversary,Mattel and fiat co-branded to produce the Barbie 500 a pink toy can.

When new ,sometimes unrelated,products are added to a brand,this is brand stretching.
Eg. Overtime,Yamaha has stretched its brand from musical instruments to motorcycles,to sport equipment.

A market leader is a company or brand that has the largest percentage of sales and revenues.
Eg. Our goal is to become the market leader in tennis equipment.

Our company is cooperating with Microsoft to develop a co(branded)computer.
To build our sales among tall business women,we need to try(niche)marketing.
My sister always buys Honda cars,she's showing brand (loyalty)
Our excellent reputation for quality add to our brAnd(equity)
Business travelers are our largest market(segment)



Introduction,With open source technologies ,developer can create ,improve and deploy new product and services
quickly. Open source development platforms are commonly based on what is called the lamp stack. This abbreviation
come from Linux ,which is unix operating systems. Apache web server , MySQL database systems and Php , the
computer language behind many of the applications. This lamp stack provides the architecture for developers to
create flexible and
responsive software and with cloud computing. There come great changes to the infrastructure on which these
programs run. Cloud computing allow developers to overcome problems related to bandwidth and allows for easier
scaling of software and services.

Open source software is freely available and can be used or modified as any user sees fit. The open source
philosophy focus on the benefits that come from users collaborating to improve software. Eg. Open source
technologies are being adopted by many leading corporations to non critical business applications such as database
and communication tools.

A developer is a person or organization that create software ,developing software includes design ,programing and
testing. Eg. Many developers choose to work on open source projects as it provides the opportunity to collaborate on

Is the foundation for running software. Operating system such as window and Mac OS are common computer
platforms. Eg. Google is trying hard to compete in the website phone market with its android platform.

A popular software platform for developing websites and web-based applications.
LAMP acronym for ;Linux,Apache,MySQL ,Php. Eg. The lamp stack provides developers with very stable platform to
develop new website and services.

A family of open source operating systems that form the basis of many web-based applications.
Eg. The ten biggest super computers in the world run on Linux operating systems.

Free and open source web server software about 60%of all website in the world are run on apache.


Eg. Although it's not the fastest web server,apache perform very well and has achieved great popularity.

An open source database management system used in some of the world's biggest and most popular website. Eg.
Facebook and Wikipedia both use MySQL database to run their site.

The programming language called Php is used to create dynamic web pages. Php works hand in hand with Apache
and MySQL to display data on the web. Eg. 75% of all web server are programmed in Php.

The architecture of computer or piece software is like the plans/design of a building. It's the blueprint for how the
system is build,how it function and how it connects to others systems.



Eg. The basic architecture of personal computer has changed little in the last 20 years.

Computers,servers,and their connections together form what is called infrastructure. Infrastructure forms the highway
along which data flows within a company or around the world.
Eg. My company has just invested 20 million dollars to upgrade its entire network infrastructure.

When we compute in the cloud,we are using web-based applications or infrastructure. With cloud computing we
access software and data online rather than form program stored on a PC.
Eg. Cloud computing applications such as salesforce. Com allow users to access data regardless of location.

Is the amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. Higher bandwidth means more information can
travel at transfer speeds over the connection.
Eg. Internet service providers need to manage bandwidth carefully to managed resources are shared. Equally by
different users.

When we expand the use of hardware/software ,we are scaling it. If a tool or programs is stable it means it can handle
an increase in activity. We asked the developer to build a platform that would allow us to scale our service as we

Many developers rely on the four components of the(lamp)stack because they are simple to use and deploy.
Anyone with some programming ability can make improvement to (open) source software.
Like most companies,we rely on (apache)web server to deliver our internet services.
I can't work from any computer because I rely on (cloud computing)
Downloading movies uses a lot of (bandwidth )

Introduction, The World Wide Web has become an exciting and dynamic platform for the delivery of innovative
product and services. With Web 2.0 computer programming has moved for beyond static HTML and even XML.
Programming looks very different than it did ,just 10 years ago web pages and services are dynamic and
interactive, this is possible because programers now code in languages such as JavaScript and other
development tool such as Ajax. Apls have enabled the assembly of various pieces of software into interesting
bundles programmers now rely on extensive code libraries and objects-oriented languages to create not only
dynamic web pages but also web-based applications. Software no longer come package in boxes,instead it's
now more common to download apps onto your laptop/mobile phone from an App Store.

Website that are dynamic allow user to interact with them and their databases whenever you book ticket or buy
something online ,you are interacting with a dynamic website.
Eg. News company need dynamic website that are constantly update with the latest news.

A static website is one that simply display information or content in a fixed format.
Eg. Dynamic websites are now preferred to static sites as they can update information automatically.



Is a language use to define the structure and layout of web pages. HTML helps determine how information is
displayed on a webpage. Eg. A knowledge HTML is a basic requirements for web developers because it forms
the foundation of virtually every website.

Is customizable language used to transport and store data. XML is specially useful for updating services such as
RSS feeds and blogs. Eg. XML was developed as a simple way of updating data automatically .

The instructions in a computer program are referred to as Code. When developers write a program they are
coding. Eg. It only took 12 hours to code the application,but when spent another 36 hours fixing all bugs.

Is a language that programmers use to static pages dynamic for example JavaScript can display a sign up form
and validate the input. Eg. JavaScript applications allow non-programmers to easily add new function to their

Enables a website get data from a server without reloading the whole webpage. This allows user to quickly
enter data such as their username and password on a website. Eg. More and more developers are adopting
Ajax to run applications as it helps speed up the sharing of information on website.


Provide a way for different software /services to communicate with each others. Developers use Api's to hook
into other program and databases to share information and functionality.
Eg. We use an API to connect our website to an online payment processor.

In object-oriented computer language,data is wrapped up with a set of function Into packages. Eg. Objectoriented programming is typically faster than traditional programming and the software is much easier to

Refers to any program or piece of software. The abbreviation app is commonly used to talk about applications
for mobile phones. Eg. Over 10 billion apps have been downloaded from apple's popular App Store.

C++ is a popular object (oriented )computer language.
Video games can take programmer months to (code )
Behind a simple website are thousand of lines of (HTML )code.
We wanted a (dynamic )website that lets our customers interact with us
We use an (API )to synchronize data with our main database.



Introduction,All businesses have to deal with risk,but successful business are one that employ good risk
management. Risk come in all shapes and sizes. A risk could be a million critical event,an event that major may
not affect the operations of the business. Or it could be volatility in financial markets. Or it could be something
major like the possibility of natural disaster,such as a flood.
Along with corporate governance and compliance , risk management is an important part of organizations
planning and decision making. Companies must show due diligence in these area in order to be successful. Of
course,different company will think of risk differently. Some will accept much greater exposure to risk than
others. In this case ,we say They have a greater risk appetite. This maybe partially determined by how much
public security the corporation is subject to. Resources company for example maybe watched very carefully.
To manage risk well ,company have to learn to diagnose potential problems. They use critical incident analysis
to determine what types of risks they face and how best way to prevent /deal with them.

The idea that certain events/situations can potentially bring losses to a company. The losses could affect
finances,images,operations ,any others aspect of business.
Eg. Investment that involve a lot of risk often provide much larger returns.

Is anything that happens which is potentially damaging to a business. A critical event could be as a small as
running out of printer ink or as large as industrial accident.
Eg. During a critical event,a company's leaders need to clearly their response to all stake holders.

The tendency to change for better/worse suddenly or surprisingly. A volatile investment such as investing in a
new tech start up,can be risky but also bring great profits. Eg. Political troubles have brought a lot of volatility to
the stock market.

An event in nature that cause destruction damage or social problems. Hurricanes,volcanos,fires,heat
waves,avalanches,and droughts are all examples of natural disaster. Eg. A natural disaster such as an
earthquake /flood can severely impact a small country's economy.

Related to how well a company is managed. Good corporate governance is about responsible and transparent
decision-making and leadership. Eg. Good corporate governance is especially important in times of economic

Following rules,regulations,and laws is compliance. The verb form of compliance is comply ,and we can say that
a company complies with regulations. Eg. Our lawyers have reviewed the contract to ensure that we're infill
compliance with industry regulations.

When we do all the necessary research before making decision ,we are performing due diligence. Due diligence
might show that people were not honest about profit/potential problems. Eg. Before buying a business you must
perform due diligence on both the business and the seller.



In risk management exposure is about his much risk you face. High exposure means you face a lot of risk and a
lot of potential damage. Eg. My financial advisor said my exposure risk was too great and recommended more
secure investments.

The amount of risk/the level of exposure that a company willing to accept is its risk appetite.
People and companies with a high risk appetite such as venture capitalists,usually anticipate great future profits.
Eg. The company experienced many crisis because its risk appetite was too high.

Scrutiny close to examination/study,public scrutiny is when the public looks closely at a person /company to see
whether their behavior is ethical/legal.

We are trying to find the cause of or reasons for that problems. Just as doctor diagnose disease ,in business we
may try to diagnose what is wrong with a company,agreement ,product and situation. Eg. As a consultant it's my
job to diagnose potential problem with our clients business plan.


A set of techniques that are used to find and solve problems in a company,a process or system. Eg. Critical
incident analysis had provided our company with the tools to deal with big problems when they happen.

Before signing the merge agreement,we spent three month doing due(diligence )
An important part of good corporate (governance )is transparency.
We are open to public(scrutiny )because we have nothing to hide.

Introduction,Well-run company have a risk management strategy that they use to help guide the organization
and make decisions. There are maybe a risk management strategy for the organization as a whole ,which
attempts to account for both external and internal risk to the company. This planning may also happen on
smaller scale,as a part of project appraisal.
Either way,the purpose is to attempt to predict /foresee all of different hazards that may negatively impact the
operations. Once potential risk have been identified,company may choose to avoid the risk ,or share the risk
through what is known as risk transfer. Risk that can't be avoided/shared maybe mitigated/retained.
Communication is crucial and a risk management strategy will have guidelines for disclosure of
information,which is a key component of reputation management. A good strategy also lays out contingency
plans in case of a critical incident.

External risk are risk outside a company ,such as the condition of the economy and activities by competitors.
Internal risk are those inside of a company such as problem employees and budget over runs. Eg. An analysis of
the company's external and internal risks revealed that there were significant problems.

When you examine a project to figure out whether it's good or bad,risky /safe,you are doing a project appraisal.
Conducting a project appraisal will help company to determine which projects and products will make money.
Eg. The project appraisal showed that the budget was unrealistic and that the timeline is too short.



To look into the future and try to guess what will happen. If we can predict changes in the marketplace ,the
economy ,customers. We can avoid risk and find opportunities.
Eg. Smart investor try to predict changes in the market before they happen.

The specific situation that might cause damage/harm to a company in the future are called hazard. Employee
dissatisfaction increased competition,and product failures are all examples of hazard. Eg. Geotech avoid the
hazards of large debt by expanding operations very slowly.


In business avoiding a risk may mean not accepting agreement ,or not investing in a particular country /project.
Eg. While many bank lost money in the subprime crisis,Morgan holding managed to avoid any problems.

We we're share risk/ give it to another company, we were transferring that risk. Risk transference almost always
meAn buying insurance. Eg. Buying a good insurance policy is one way that companies can transfer risk.

Another way to deal with risk is to mitigate it ,or decrease the potential damage of risk that can be avoided , for
example companies use anti-virus software to reduce the probability and Damage of computer viruses. Eg. The
effect of the strike were mitigated by the fact that it was a typically slow period in the business cycle.

A company may retain/ accept certain risk if they see the potential for profits/advantages.
Eg. Some companies choose to retain risk and simply incorporate the potential losses into their budgets.

Is showing/revealing information,usually negative ablut a situation.Eg. The Internal Revenue Service expects full
disclosure of all profits and investments.

Companies must pay close attention to their public image and what people think. This is also involves
responding to negative media coverage and promoting the business through marketing and branding. Eg. Decor
minerals hired a public relations firm to help them with reputation management.

A contingency plan is the plan allocation of resources that are to be used in the event that something unforeseen
affects the complexion of a project according to the schedule. Eg. When we had a fire at the factory , we put
contingency plan into action.

A good reputation (management )plan can help a company recover from a serious mistakes.
It's impossible to (predict )all of the possible consequences of a business decision.
We considered both external and internal (risk)in creating our plan.
The safety inspectors found several potential (hazard) in the factory.
We conducted a complete (appraisal)of the project before signing the contract.


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