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When a body is in equilibrium, the resultant of all forces acting on

it is zero.
Thus the resultant force FR and the resultant couple MR are both

FR = F = 0
MR = M = 0
These requirements are both necessary and sufficient conditions
for equilibrium

Support Reactions.
General rule.
If a support prevents the translation of a body in a given direction then a
force is developed on the body in that direction.
If rotation is prevented, a couple moment is exerted on the body.


Support for rigid bodies subjected to two dimensional force systems

Flexible cable, belt, chain, rope (Weightless)

Roller Support

Smooth Surfaces

Freely sliding guide

Rough Surfaces

Pin Connections

Pin free to turn

Pin not free to turn

Built in support of fixed support

Gravitational attraction

Spring actions


Procedure for Drawing a Free - Body Diagram

To construct free-body diagram for a rigid body or any group of bodies considered
as a single system, the following steps should be performed:
Draw Outlined Shape:
Imagine the body to be isolated or cut "free" from its constraints and connections
and draw (sketch) its outlined shape.
Show All Forces and Couple Moments.
Identify all the known and unknown external forces and couple moments that act
on the body. Those generally are due to
(I) Applied loading. (2) reactions occurring at the supports or at points of contact
with other bodies, and (3) the weight of the body.
Identify Each Loading and Give Dimensions.
The forces and couple moments that are known should be labeled with their proper
magnitudes and directions.
Establish an xy coordinate system so that these unknowns. Ax, Ay can be identified.
Finally, indicate the dimensions of the body necessary for calculating.

Examples of Free Body Diagrams



Determine the horizontal and vertical components of reaction on the beam caused
by the pin at B and the rocker at A as shown below. Neglect the weight of the

Free Body diagram:



Support for rigid bodies subjected to three dimensional force systems


Problem: 2
The uniform 7-m steel shaft has a mass of 200 kg and is supported by a ball and
socket joint at A in the horizontal floor. The ball end B rests against the smooth
vertical wall as shown. Compute the forces exerted by the walls and the floor on
the ends of the shaft.

Free Body diagram:


A (2,6,0)



Weight W = mg = 200(9.81)
= 1962 N
Vertical position of B
7 = 2 + 6 + 

Problem: 3
The welded tubular frame is secured to
the horizontal x-y plane by a ball and
socket joint at A and receives support
from the loose-fitting ring at B. Under the
action of the 2-kN load, rotation about a
line from A to B is prevented by the cable
CD, and the frame is stable in the position
shown. Neglect the weight of the frame
compared with the applied load and
determine the tension T in the cable, the
reaction at the ring, and the reaction
components at A.




C(-3,0,6) D (-1,2.5,0) F (2.5,0,6)

Taking moment about A

rAB ( Bx i + Bz k ) + r1 (Tx i + Ty j + Tz k ) + r2 ( 2 j) = 0
Equating the coefficients of k and j to zero

4.5Bx Ty 2.5Tx + 5 = 0
4.5Bz + 2.5Tz 12 = 0

On solving



Problem: 4
Determine the components of reaction that the ball-and-socket joint at A,
the smooth journal bearing at B , and the roller support at C exert on the
rod assembly.

Free-Body Diagram
The reactive forces of the supports will prevent the assembly from rotating
about each coordinate axis, and so the journal bearing at B only exerts
reactive forces on the member.
No couple moments are required.

Equations of Equilibrium:

Taking moment about A

0.8 j ( Bx i + Bz k ) + ( 0.6i + 1.2 j) ( FC k ) ( 0.4i + 0.4 j) (900k ) = 0



Problem: 5
The boom is used to support the 75-lb
flowerpot. Determine the tension
developed in wires AB and AC .

Free-Body Diagram



Constraints and Statical Determinacy

Redundant Constraints
When a body has redundant supports i.e., more supports than are necessary to hold
it in equilibrium, It becomes statically indeterminate.
Statically indeterminate means that there will be more unknown loadings on the
body than equations of equilibrium available for their solution.

Improper Constraints
Lines of action of the reactive forces are concurrent at A
The applied loading P will cause
the beam to rotate slightly
about A

Lines of action of the reactive forces intersect a common axis

the loading P will rotate the
member about the AB axis



Improper constraining leads to instability when the reactive

forces are parallel


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