Human Resources 1

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Human Resources
SIMSREE Batch 2015-17


The deadline for submission of this assignment is 10:00 P.M., 7th July 2015

All assignments must be sent to this ID only:

Type the answers in the MS Word Document with the filename

Resources_1.doc(x) e.g.
1_MMS_Human Resources_1.doc

e.g. 1_PGDBM_Human Resources _1.doc

The assignment has been drafted for the MMS/PGDBM batch of 2015-17, SIMSREE.

The Subject Line of the email must be in the following


FormEntryNo_MMS/PGDBM_Organization Behavior_1

The students may use any online sources to find

out additional information about the assignment.
Quote the sources used wherever applicable.

Quality and not Quantity is an evaluation criterion.

Do not discuss answers on any online forum. If

we observe any such thing happening then it will
be dealt with strict action against the candidate.

Use your own discretion in case of any ambiguities. Suitable assumptions may be made.
Plagiarism will be dealt with strictly. You are supposed to answer the question in your
own words. Simply copying content from online sources is strictly prohibited. If we
observe such cases, the assignment will be rejected and will have to be re-submitted.
Once you finish
the assignment kindly check your assignment on the following link
for plagiarism:

Non adherence to
the deadline or non-submission of assignment will result in a monetary
fine of Rs.300/-

Please go through the following articles in the CD before solving the assignment

10 Best Practices in HR_Article

HRM in banks- Need for a new perspective
Role of HR in building business leadership _new

1. What should be the criteria for paying out bonuses? Should paying out bonus be mandatory or
dependent on the criteria? Why do you feel so? (Maximum 100 words)
2. Who is a reviewer in an evaluation system? What is the importance of a reviewer? What role does
self-rating play in the evaluation process? (Maximum 150 words)
3. What do you understand by 360 Degree Performance Management Feedback System? What is its
advantage over traditional feedback system which involves the immediate boss only? (Maximum
150 words)
4. In your opinion, what can be done by the HR during the exit interview to retain the employees
from resigning? (Apart from salary hike) (Maximum 150 words)
5. What do you understand by the terms: (Maximum 150 words)
a. Accession Rate
b. Separation Rate / Attrition Rate
c. Labor Turnover Rate
6. What are the expected rise / fall in the attrition rates of the banking sector and IT sector for the year
2015? (Mention your sources) Give suggestions to reduce the attrition rates in the IT industry?
(Maximum 100 words)
7. What activities can help the organization to identify the leadership qualities of employees?
(Maximum 100 words)
8. What are Likerts four styles of leadership? Explain in brief and give real life examples for each type.
(Maximum 200 words)
9. What is organizational design? Explain the following types of organizational types and give one real
life example for each. (Maximum 200 words)
a) Matrix Structure
b) Autonomous Internal Units
c) Learning Organization
10. a) Mention an incident showing your leadership qualities. (Maximum 50 words)
b) Write down three unique qualities in you with examples. (Maximum 150 words)

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