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Logo by Lisa Musselman, Interlochen

Inland Township, Benzie County, Michigan

Volunteer Primer
January 27, 2007
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Inland Township
Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee Community Volunteer Primer
Table of Contents
WELCOME TO YOUR COMMUNITY...........................................................................................5
BACKGROUND ...........................................................................................................................5
ABOUT US!..................................................................................................................................5
MISSION ......................................................................................................................................5
VISSION .......................................................................................................................................5
OBJECTIVES ...............................................................................................................................5
ORGANIZATION CHART ............................................................................................................6
PROJECT FLOW ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................7
BUILDING A COMMUNITY ...............................................................................................................7
FUNDING CYCLE ........................................................................................................................8
ECONOMIC BENEFITS ...............................................................................................................8
COMMITMENT .............................................................................................................................9
TEAMWORK .................................................................................................................................9
ANNUAL COMMITMENT .................................................................................................................9
SHIFT COMMITMENT ....................................................................................................................9
CONFLICT OF INTEREST...........................................................................................................9
ALCOHOL AND DRUG USE .....................................................................................................10
SMOKING ..................................................................................................................................10
COMMUNITY SERVICE VOLUNTEER......................................................................................10
CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK .........................................................................................10
VOLUNTEER REFERENCE CHECK.........................................................................................10
EMERGENCIES .........................................................................................................................10
MEDICAL EMERGENCY ...............................................................................................................10
PERSONAL MEDICAL EMERGENCY...............................................................................................11
SELF AWARENESS/BURNOUT ...............................................................................................11
SEXUAL HARASSMENT...........................................................................................................11
ABSENCE ..................................................................................................................................12
IF YOU MUST LEAVE DURING YOUR SCHEDULED WORK TIME ...........................................................12
MONTHLY VOLUNTEER REPORT ...........................................................................................12
BENEFITS, EVALUATIONS & REWARD..................................................................................12
BENEFITS ..................................................................................................................................12
EVALUATIONS ............................................................................................................................12
AWARDS ...................................................................................................................................13
Making our community a better place to live, work and play!
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Inland Township
Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee Community Volunteer Primer
REWARD QUALIFICATIONS ..........................................................................................................13
EXPENSES ................................................................................................................................13
PROCEDURE ..............................................................................................................13
DRESS CODE ............................................................................................................................13
OFF-LIMITS AREAS ..................................................................................................................13
DEALING WITH THE PUBLIC ...................................................................................................13
VOLUNTEER RELEASE FORM ................................................................................................14
WORK PERMITS.........................................................................................................................14
CHILDREN .................................................................................................................................14
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................14
FIVE-YEAR PLAN......................................................................................................................14
CURRENT SITUATION .................................................................................................................14
KEY SUCCESS FACTORS ............................................................................................................15
COMMUNITY GOALS ...................................................................................................................15
VOLUNTEER RELEASE FORM AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY ................................................17

Making our community a better place to live, work and play!

1/27/07 4
Inland Township
Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee Community Volunteer Primer
Welcome to Your Community
“We make a living by what we get,
we make a life by what we give.”
-- Winston Churchill

Welcome! and thank you for your interest in your community. We invite you to become a part of the circle of giving
and receiving through volunteering your time and resources to your community. Together we can widen the circle
of prosperity in the community and help each other help one another.

Inland Township is Benzie County’s gateway to the Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore. The Pere Marquette State
Forest covers almost half of our township. The area draws outdoor enthusiasts interested in fly fishing the many
miles of the Platte and Betsie River’s, canoeists, hunters, hikers, etc. We are a rural community experiencing rapid
growth, a 45 percent increase in population reported by the 2000 census, the second fastest growing township in
Benzie County. Benzie County is reported by the 2000 census as the fastest growing county in Michigan.

About Us!
The Inland Township Fire, Parks & Recreation Committee is an ad-hoc committee formed to research, explore, and
make recommendations for our rapidly growing community including a local fire department as well as parks and
recreation facilities. The committee is made up of dedicated community volunteer’s who believe that quality of life
is important and are interested in helping to make our community a better place to live, work, and play.

Our rural township setting offers unique opportunities for business, residents, and recreational enthusiasts who
share our concern and responsibility for protecting and preserving the historical significance of the area as well as
local wildlife and sensitive areas.

- Preserve the rural setting our area offers;
- Preserve and restore historical significance;
- Preserve and protect local wildlife and sensitive areas;
- Invite managed and sensible growth consistent with community goals;
- Encourage tourism; and
- Offer diverse and unique recreational opportunities.

- Complement and enhance our community by accepting voluntary, uncompensated personal services.
- Engage citizens in township affairs and encourage community involvement.
- Create “citizen ownership” of township successes and publicly owned facilities.
- Create a sense of fellowship within the community and a sense of “community” within the township.
- To unlock or discover the potential, gifts, skills, talents, and interests of local citizens and area businesses.
- To strengthen the community relationship between township government and its citizens.
- To provide opportunities for students and others to gain experience and evaluate areas of interest for future

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Inland Township
Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee Community Volunteer Primer
Organization Chart
Township Board

Fire, Parks, &


Chairperson Secretary

Members at

Decision Roundtable

Volunteer Fundraising Grant Project Site

Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator

Happening Roundtable

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Inland Township
Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee Community Volunteer Primer
Project Flow Analysis
Building a Community

Committee Formed

Elect Officers
Write Mission Statement

Five Year Plan / Identify NEEDS

Identify key issues / Plan Approval
1) Community Assessments / Surveys
challenges: 1) Committee
2) Research county, state, national trends
1) Five Year Plan 2) Township
3) Research local facilities available
2) "Match Funding" 3) County
4) Conduct feasibility study
3) Grant Writing 4) DNR
5) Make recommendations

Strategic Planning 1) Fundraising
Identify steps / tasks 2) Community involvement Grants
required to address key 3) Volunteers 1) Write local grants
issues / challenges 4) Accounting 2) Write DNR grants
5) Voter Milage

Develop TODO Plan Property

Assign priorities Engineering site plans
Assign Tasks Bid selection
Do it! Do the work!

Develop TODO Plan

Assign priorities
Receive needed funds
Assign Tasks
Do it

Again you can see that the cycle is everlasting – that’s what your contributions can do – OUTLAST YOUR

This is why your contribution of time, money, etc., is so important, even future generations are counting on you.
Making our community a better place to live, work and play!
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Inland Township
Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee Community Volunteer Primer
Funding Cycle
Funding is a unique challenge. Our committee is made up of
committed and dedicated volunteers appointed and approved by
the Township Board. In addition, we enlist many community
volunteers with unique and special qualities and expertise who Fundraising
help in unique ways at their leisure.

We hold benefits and conduct fundraising activities to help us

acquire “matching” funds required for us to obtain local grant Budgets And
monies. Funds For
Local Grants
The local grant and fundraising monies will help provide
“matching” funds required to obtain grants from governmental
organizations such as the Department of Natural Resources. Funds For
The Funding Cycle is an endless loop. As we obtain funds to Grants
purchase land or to build facilities, we will need funds to
maintain the community’s investment of both time and money.
The scenario looks like the recycle circle, because essentially, it is.

Volunteers are most important for developing and conducting fundraising activities!

We simply couldn’t do anything without YOU! Every hour of your time that you donate to a community project
grows as it gains momentum throughout the funding cycle.

Economic Benefits
Responsible, The economic value of your time grows as it gains
momentum as well.
Environmentally Healthy people create healthy and well balanced
Friendly families who make valuable contributions to their local
Recreation communities.

This is why community support through volunteerism

is so important not only to us, but to our community
Responsible and all future generations. The decisions and work
Responsible Community we do TODAY will live forever in our community. You
Planning is
the KEY! Leadership, can help make a difference TODAY that will outlast
Growth, Jobs Citizens, your LIFETIME!
& Tourism Children, &
Recreation facilities help increase tourism and
generate/increase local revenue. With the influx of
quality citizens in the area, commerce follows, and
jobs -increasing local revenues.
Neighborhood Attractive and functional recreational facilities help
attract quality families increasing local property
values. All of this requires good planning and
Enterprises & consideration for our environment. AND a host of
Opportunities volunteers!

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Inland Township
Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee Community Volunteer Primer
The Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee Volunteer Program is designed
to expand and enhance public service to the community. Volunteers provide important
support services special projects and fundraisers. Volunteers have the opportunity to learn
more about our goals and mission and how we serve the community.

When you join as a volunteer, you become very important asset and member of team. The
Committee, township, local residents, and fellow volunteers need to know that you will be
there and that we can count on you. Please take volunteering seriously and be ready to
make a commitment to your community. The rewards outlast your lifetime and the lives as
others as well!

Annual Commitment
We request that volunteers are prepared to make a commitment to serve the community at least six (6) months.
These months do not have to be consecutive but must be completed within one year in order to qualify for
community volunteer awards.

Shift Commitment
A three (3) to four (4) hour shift once a month is requested, but not required, for volunteers. Longer commitments
are encouraged and welcomed. Some of the volunteer assignments (such as Special Events Volunteers) are done
on a periodic, as-needed basis.

You must work a minimum of three (3) hours to receive a free meal at fundraising events.

You must work a minimum of four (4) hours and meet the six (6) month commitment requirement in order to qualify
for community volunteer awards (a total of 24 hours in a twelve (12) month period).

You must work a minimum of twelve (12) hours annually to receive a FREE invitation to the awards banquet.

Please refer Evaluations and Rewards for further information.

Conflict of Interest
Certain activities may pose a potential conflict of interest between a volunteer’s business or personal affiliations and
his or her participation. Such activities include, but are not limited to selection of recipients of awards or of
outstanding performance, and formal evaluation of specific services.

Volunteers should use professional, ethical judgments to avoid any real or apparent conflicts of interest because
they damage the credibility of the Committee and Township.

No member (Committee or Volunteer) should make, participate in making, or use their position to influence any
committee decision in which the member has a direct or indirect interest.

If a volunteer determines that he or she should not participate due to a conflict of interest, the decision to do should
be made in good conscience.

In all cases, possible conflicts of interest should be discussed with your coordinator.

Making our community a better place to live, work and play!

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Inland Township
Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee Community Volunteer Primer
Alcohol and Drug Use
Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee policy prohibits the use of alcohol and other unprescribed
drugs during work hours by its volunteers. No volunteer who has been drinking or is under the influence of
unprescribed drugs will be permitted to work at sponsored events. In addition, drinking non-alcoholic beer and wine
is prohibited during volunteer hours.

Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee policy prohibits smoking during meetings and fundraising
events. Individuals who wish to smoke are asked to do so after the event or meeting. Please never contaminate
the air for non-smokers.

Community Service Volunteer

Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee may utilize individuals who need to volunteer their time to
meet community service requirements due to a violation. Community service volunteers, also known as court
referred volunteers, will be expected to follow Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee's volunteer
policies and procedures.

The volunteer director must be contacted by the probation officer and receive the necessary paperwork before the
community services volunteer can begin his or her assignment. The community service volunteer must be
dependable and prompt for each assignment. If he or she fails to show up for a job two consecutive times, the
position will be terminated and the paperwork will be mailed back to the probation officer.

Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee will not accept individuals with the following violations:
- Theft/burglary
- Vandalism
- Drug or alcohol (except DWI)
- Sexual offense
- Personal violence
The fact that an individual is a community service volunteer will be kept confidential. Only committee members will
be given the information on a need-to-know basis.

Criminal Background Check

Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee may, at committee discretion, conduct criminal background
checks for all volunteers. You will be notified if we are not able to utilize your services.

Volunteer Reference Check

All individuals who apply to volunteer must provide at least three references to Inland Township Fire, Parks, &
Recreation Committee. Those individuals will be sent a questionnaire to complete and return to Inland Township
Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee. The returned questionnaires will be screened, filed and kept confidential.

Medical Emergency
Individuals working as first aid/medical volunteers must provide Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation
Committee proof of current first aid or medical training.

If Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee does not receive this information at least three weeks prior
to the event, the individual will not be allowed to work as a first aid/medical volunteer for Inland Township Fire,
Parks, & Recreation Committee.
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Inland Township
Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee Community Volunteer Primer
NOTE: Volunteers are not permitted to provide medical services for which they are not qualified.

Personal Medical Emergency

In case of a personal medical emergency, we will contact the individual indicated on your application. Please be
sure to keep this information up to date at all times.

Self Awareness/Burnout
The volunteer needs to be aware that volunteering can lead to burnout. Working with people on fundraising events
can be stressful. Be aware of burnout by looking for these signs:
- Resistance to meeting volunteer obligations
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Pessimistic attitude
- Making excuses
- Blame assessing
- Lateness
- Feeling overwhelmed

If you see this happening to yourself, don't be afraid to admit it and try one of the following
- take a break from this particular assignment,
- ask to be reassigned,
- set up a regular meeting to talk with the committee or fellow volunteers to discuss
feelings and observations, or
- resign.

Sexual Harassment
Harassment is prohibited by federal and state laws. Harassment on the basis of race, religion, sex, national origin,
handicap, marital status, affectional preference, veteran status, or age is a violation of Equal Employment
Opportunity. Harassment can occur between or among peers and co-workers or between superiors and

Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee is committed to maintaining a harassment-free workplace.
One form of harassment is sexual harassment. Under the law, sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual
advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, no matter how
innocently intended.

Conduct that has the purpose or effect of creating an offensive, intimidating, or hostile work environment or of
affecting work performance or employment status may also be determined to be sexual harassment. The
management of this chapter will not tolerate sexual harassment of volunteers, employees, committee member’s,
elected or appointed officials, applicants, or visitors.

If you feel you are a victim of sexual harassment, please notify the committee or the Volunteer Coordinator.

A termination occurs when a volunteer is permanently separated from Inland
Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee. Termination results from the
following situations:
- Resignation: Termination willfully initiated by the volunteer.
- Gross misconduct: Termination initiated by Inland Township Fire, Parks, &
Recreation Committee, caused by infraction of Inland Township Fire, Parks, &
Recreation Committee rules,
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Inland Township
Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee
o falsification of records,
Community Volunteer Primer
o willful destruction,
o theft of township or hosting properties.
This is not intended to be an all-inclusive list.
Some reasons for immediate dismissal are:
- Drunkenness
- Possession, buying, selling or use of illegal substances on the premises
- Possession of a weapon (e.g., knife or gun) on the premises

If you are going to be absent from your assignment, need to change your work schedule, or if you are going to take
a vacation, please advise your volunteer coordinator as soon as possible.

If you must leave during your scheduled work time

If you are going to leave during your scheduled work time, please notify your volunteer coordinator as soon as
possible, so that a replacement can be sought.

Monthly Volunteer Report

An important requirement of your volunteer position is the Monthly Volunteer Report form. Please keep an accurate
record of the hours you work, record them on the form and give it to your volunteer coordinator by the last working
day of the month.

Benefits, Evaluations & Reward

In addition to benefits realized by the community, volunteers benefit as well. Many returned volunteers confide that
they went to help, but were helped far more than they helped; they were challenged by the opportunity to give, and
received far more than they gave. We believe this is the true gift of volunteer service.

Each one of us shares with each other our hopes, dreams, struggles, and hardships. We are a volunteer
community of caring individuals. A team of volunteers is a link in a long chain, because of this the community
opens itself up in ways that it simply would not consider under other circumstances. Many individuals in the
communities will extend invitations to volunteers to family or personal celebrations and volunteers are able to
create bonds and relationships that may not have happened without volunteering. You will enjoy many new
friendships and we encourage you to build upon these relationships.

You may find that you have opened to a fresh perspective and understanding of the world or our community as a
whole. You may develop a deep appreciation for our area and share in many concerns. You may feel an urge to
give more and to share more with each opportunity.

Most volunteers want to serve others. Our primary objective is to organize community involvement. Every
volunteer is offered the opportunity to lend a hand and be of assistance. You may not be able to use all your skills,
but you may be able to find and develop other skills you didn’t know you had. In serving, you are served as well
and are able to make a world of difference.

Volunteer performance will be evaluated and awarded by the volunteer coordinator annually. Please bring any
concern, problem or suggestion to your volunteer coordinator. Ask him/her for any information you need to do your
job more effectively.

The volunteer coordinator will ask you for an evaluation of the volunteer program periodically and also when you
leave. Your comments are welcome at other times as well.
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Inland Township
Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee Community Volunteer Primer
The Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee holds an annual awards banquet during the community
Christmas Party in December. Qualifying volunteers are awarded based upon the total number of hours served
during community events.

Meeting attendance hours do not qualify toward Reward Qualifications.

Committee members do no qualify for Reward Qualifications.

Reward Qualifications

Expenses directly related to volunteer service are reimbursable. Please keep an on-going record of transportation,
parking and other relevant expenses. (For more specific information see IRS Publication 526, Charitable

Please record your arrival time on our Volunteer Log Sheet, and then check in with
your coordinator to get your assignment for the day.

The Log Sheet will be placed in an accessible area, usually with the cashier at
fundraising events or on the table at committee meetings.

Remember to sign out upon departure as well. To receive credit for hours worked
you must sign in and out. (It will also aid you when doing your resume to say you
completed "X" amount of hours of volunteer work!) This also helps us to keep track
of who is active in the programs - a necessity!

Dress Code
Dress with your duties in mind, but please be neat. Your appearance and conduct will reflect on our organization.
You will be provided with a nametag, which must be worn at all times to help identify you as a volunteer.

Off-Limits Areas
Some areas are off-limits to volunteers unless they are scheduled to work there. These areas will be posted.

Dealing with the Public

Please remember that you are a representative of the committee, township, and its respective residents when
working as a volunteer. Set a favorable example, refrain from swearing, slang, prejudices, discrimination of any
kind (racial, age, gender, sex, etc.) for any reason, as well as racial and sexual slurs. Please be sure your
behaviors speak well of you as a rational, well-adjusted, conscious, and aware adult.

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Inland Township
Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee
Do not take credit for the work of others.
Community Volunteer Primer
Honesty and integrity is important.

Each human community is subject to human failings, ambiguities, and errors. It is the responsibility of the
Committee and its members and volunteers to refrain from the processes for judging and resolve where these
principles may have been violated.

All systems depend for their effectiveness on the acceptance of common norms of conduct and this is the tie of
trust that binds our community together.

Volunteer Release Form

Each volunteer is asked to sign a release form waiver of liability, for insurance purposes, prior to beginning.

You must be at least 15 years of age and accompanied by a responsible adult for each hour of volunteer
time. You must be at least 18 years of age to operate equipment, etc.

Work Permits
Applicants under eighteen years of age, including volunteers in sponsored work-study or intern programs, must
submit a work permit approved by the candidate's Board of Education. Candidates under eighteen who have
graduated from a vocational school or high school may provide proof of diploma in lieu of obtaining a work permit.

Please do not bring young children to the meetings or fundraising events
when volunteering your time.

Executive Summary
Five-Year Plan
Current Situation
Through the planning process, we realize the unique opportunities and valuable resources that our area offers the
public. The vast majority of recreation opportunities include the Pere Marquette State Forest that is publicly owned
and the Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore.

With all of the public-owned land dominating Inland Township, the state operates only one public facility, a public
boat launch and landing site located on Turtle Lake catering to individuals who like to fish. We do not have a state
organized and operated recreational facility such as a campground or a state park. The private sector does not
offer recreational facilities in the township nor does the township offer recreational facilities.

A small park offering a playground area and basketball hoops is located at the new elementary school on Bronson
Lake Road within the township boundaries. This new facility is open primarily to school age children in attendance
and to others after school hours and during vacation breaks.

Our diverse landscape offers many miles of Lake Michigan shoreline; acres of inland lakes, streams, rivers, and
watersheds; nature preserves, and viewing bluffs nestled in a serene, rural setting.

Rich with historic heritage, only remnants remain of the logging era that once nurtured a booming economic
society. Our area experiences above-average unemployment rates coupled with lower than average median

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Inland Township
Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee
incomes. Our population is growing at a steady pace, jobs are scare,
Community Volunteer Primer
opportunity is rare, and the household median age continues to increase annually.

Key Success Factors

Our area recreation plan is suited to meet the changing needs of our community and county as a whole. The
county adopted plan is the foundation of this township plan. Our goals include working with the county and other
government units to meet the needs of the populous of the county as well as immediate township residents while
attracting tourism, economic development, creating jobs, and offering diverse recreational opportunities not found
elsewhere in the county.

This plan represents a well-balanced win-win solution for local residents, is consistent with county goals, addresses
statewide land use issues and concerns, considers national values, and exercises environmentally friendly
decisions during all processes.

Community Goals
About half of Inland Township is publicly owned. The land is fragmented and a solid plan is required outlining the
mission and goals of our community if we are to manage future growth properly and preserve our rural setting.

We have a strong need and desire to develop a unique recreational system that offers opportunities not addressed
by other townships or the county park and recreation plans and to preserve and protect the natural rural setting our
community offers. These needs include:
- We would like the Betsie River Trailway that currently ends in Thompsonville, extended into Bendon. The trail
in Thompsonville will remain with a clay base allowing for snowmobiles and other winter recreational
opportunities. We believe that we may be able to work with a local snowmobile club for help with maintenance
of the trail.
- Several neighborhood parks requiring 1+ acre(s) strategically placed in order to balance and manage
residential growth in the area. The neighborhood parks would include a variety of playground facilities as well
local baseball, softball, basketball, and soccer fields in the future as needed.
- Nature trails for walking, hiking, and biking.
- Our area lacks picnic facilities, pavilions, and an outdoor auditorium.
- Local boy scouts, sportsmen, and 4-H programs lack safe practice and training facilities. Therefore, we
propose a community recreational complex developed jointly with our county as well as local community
college offering an indoor/outdoor archery range, indoor/outdoor skeet and trap field / rifle and pistol shooting
range for winter.
- We would like to cooperate with Benzie County and Northwestern Michigan College to develop an indoor
community pool to serve school athletic programs, competition, fitness and recreation, swim classes, SKUBA
and emergency services training.
- Several acres of publicly owned land borders the Platte River located on Maple City Road. This area is home
to local wildlife nesting in adjoining wetlands. These areas need to be preserved and protected while
remaining open to local and visiting fly fishermen. This area contains a two track leading down to the river that
should be closed to motorized vehicles. The area would be a perfect setting for a small picnic area without
disturbing the natural features. Parking could be allowed in the field across the street where a fish cleaning
facility would be appropriate.
- Bendon is almost a ghost town where once stood a booming community serving the logging industry. Homes
in the area are either boarded up, have been condemned, are in need of substantial repair, and the landscape
requires extensive cleanup including the removal of junk, junk cars, old mobile homes, etc. This area needs to
be preserved and restored to its historical significance with possible zoning to commercial and rebuilding the
town including a neighborhood park, possible township offices, etc. A hill in the town could provide winter
sledding opportunities with an outdoor ice skating rink in the future. Consideration must be given to remaining
residents in this area who would have to relocate.
- Record the local history through interviews with local historians and township elders.
- Explore the possibility of working with the Lake Ann Elementary School on Bronson Lake Road to develop part
of the property into a community recreational facility.
- Encourage the state to develop the Brundage area into a picnic area including tables, fire pots, bathroom
facilities, maybe rustic camping, etc. We invite legislation that would return the Brundage area to Inland
Township for preservation of it’s historical significance to our area.

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Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee
- Establish / Build a Community / Visitor’s Center.
Community Volunteer Primer

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Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee Community Volunteer Primer
I hereby agree to accept a position as a volunteer worker for the INLAND TOWNSHIP FIRE, PARKS, &
RECREATION COMMITTEE. I agree to comply with all of the rules and regulations that may be established from
time to time by the Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee. I understand that failure to do so may
result in my immediate termination as a volunteer.

I acknowledge that my services are provided strictly on a volunteer basis, without any pay or compensation of any
kind, and without liability of any nature on behalf of the Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee, all
services to be performed by me at my own risk.

I recognize that in handling and performing volunteer tasks, there exists a risk of injury, including physical harm.
On behalf of myself, my heirs, personal representatives and executors, I hereby release, discharge, indemnify and
hold harmless Inland Township and the Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee, its agents, servants,
elected and appointed officials, benefactors, donators, business sponsors, and other volunteers and employees,
from any and all claims, causes of action, or demands, or any nature or cause, including costs and attorney's fees
incurred by Inland Township and the Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee in connection with the
same, based on damages or injuries which may be incurred or sustained by me in any way connected with my
services for the Inland Township Fire, Parks, & Recreation Committee, including, but not limited to, accidents, or
injuries of any nature.

I understand that if I am injured while acting as an unpaid member of the volunteer staff, I AM NOT covered by the
State Worker's Compensations Law.

Each volunteer between the ages 15 to 17 years MUST BE accompanied by a parent or guardian at ALL
times during the duration of one (1) hour, unless the volunteer can drive a car prior to age 18 years.

All prospective volunteers must submit this signed Release to be accepted as a volunteer.

This Release shall continue in effect indefinitely unless terminated or modified in writing with written consent.

______________________ ________________________________
Date Volunteer Signature (handwritten)

______________________ ________________________________
Phone Number Volunteer Name (printed)

______________________ _____ _________________________

Work Number Age If under 18, Signature of Responsible Adult
Parent/Guardian Contact Number Parent or Guardian (printed)

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