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Dear Jabbar sir,

As we have discussed and verified, updated OF GL is appearing correctly in posting

in oracle financials of transaction ID pop up and respective date OF files as well and
we didn't need to update any data and adjust the amount manually.
On your raised concern, we will discuss the scenario of displaying the updated OF
account number of existing stakeholder in transaction ID popup for historical data
and revert back with positive feedback.
Reference discussion emails are attached herein.
Nida Sarwar.

Dear Mam Madihah/Umer,

Please consider data reconciliation scripts along with the steps that were executed
on STG3 (Production Dump) for rectification of identified issues. Kindly review
mentioned checklist and same will be required to execute on production to rectify
the data whenever this activity needs to be done on JS Production.
Case 1: OF file and Data correction of 13th July, 2015 UBP Retry Transactions: [This
activity needs to be done on production Dump first *. Correct OF files has been
shared with JS]
1. Confirm transaction detail dated 13th July 2015 from Jabbar sir.
2. Create Insert script for settlement_transaction to credit UBP pool A/c with
respective amount that would be 50 as per difference appearing in OF files.
a. Transaction date and time should be same against UBP pool account
credit entry in settlement_transaction as of its existing entries in
3. Settle the credit amount against UBP pool account in
settlement_transaction_detail dated 13th July, 2015 through update scripts.
4. Correct after balance of UBP pool account in ledger
5. Mark the respective transaction as successful in Midleware_Retry_Advice
6. Confirm from production queue console that Credit Retry queue is empty. **
Case -2: Manual Adjustment transactions sorting issue:
Steps to rectify data:

1- Update ledger ID according to the transactions actual date/time

update ledger set ledger_id=47435086 where ledger_id=47396072;
update ledger set ledger_id=47435082 where ledger_id=47388428;
update ledger set ledger_id=47435072 where ledger_id=47388420;
2- Correction of after balance of IFT Pool A/C
Case 3: Adjustment of 0.01 amount difference in settlement_transaction_detail for
WHT A/c dated 14th April, 2015.
update settlement_transaction_detail set credit_movement=1.94 where
Case - 4: Difference of 29th April, 2015 in Agent Pool A/c
Steps to rectify data:
a. Adjust the difference of 0.01 against transaction ID 235957477154 in
mentioned areas.
i. Ledger
update ledger set transaction_amount=1050.63 where ledger_id=47389881;
ii. Settlement transaction
update settlement_transaction set amount=1050.63 where
settlement_transaction_id in (12831, 12833); --update account type pool A/c and
Agent GL
iii. Settlement_transaction_detail for agent GL A/c dated
29th April, 2015.
update settlement_transaction_detail set debit_movement=73719.22 where
iv. Commission_transaction table for agent commission
already settled, no need to make any change in commission_transaction*
v. Transaction_detail_master for agent commission, exclusive
charges and total customer charges.
update transaction_detail_master set service_charges_exclusive=2.63,
where transaction_code='235957477154';
-- agent commission is already =2 , to_agnet1=2
b. After balance correction of agent (Account_id= 10806)
c. Balance update through utility against account_id=10806
d. Historical data correction.
Confirmation of decryption status in daily_account_stats
Latest Daily_account_stats_id in customer_balance_report table.
Case- 5: Ledger ID updated for retry queue
Steps to rectify data:

1- Update ledger ID according to the transactions actual date/time

update ledger set transaction_time='06-MAY-15 01.11.32' where
update ledger set transaction_time='11-MAY-15 07.01.40'where
2- Correction of after balance of WHT A/c {update after balance of all
settlement accounts, if required after approval from management}
Case -6: Populate the data for Settlement Closing Balance Report and
confirmation of scheduler settings and its onward execution.

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