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Name: SONGCO, Adriel Aren M.

May D. Diongon
Course/yr/section: BSMT 1 - E

Professor: Mrs.


I. Introduction
A. Attention-getter (Anecdote)
When I was a child, I loved playing guitar. I would always bring my guitar to
school. One day I brought my guitar to my friends house and we jammed for quite a bit.
Then my one friend set aside my guitar on the ground and suddenly, one of the strings
popped off and broke. I was very shocked and confused. I started to cry because I
thought that it was broken for good and that there was no way to every fix it again. From
years of playing guitar, I've learned my lessons.
B. Preview
Broken guitar strings is normal for a regular guitarist. Guitar strings break through
being old and rusty or from being played too rough. Although, a broken guitar string can
always be replaced by professionals or by a regular amateur like yourself.
II. Body
A. Materials Needed
1. acoustic guar (w/ missing string)
2. wrench
3. brand new guitar string
B. Procedures
1. assemble the materials
2. remove the specific bridge pin of the said missing string
3. prepare the brand new string
4. place the ball end of the string right under the bridge pin, making
a lock
5. reinsert the bridge pin w/ the locked guitar string
6. lock the string in it's said lock on the nut to keep the string from
string is

7. insert the string into it's specific tuner post

8. tune the string with its specific tuner by rotating the tuner until the
properly tuned to it's assigned tune.

III. Conclusion
Whenever your string breaks from your guitar, do not panic, because there is way
to simply fix it. Restringing a guitar may be quite confusing and difficult at the first
attempts, although it's easy to adapt and get used to. Almost all guitarists have dealt
with the pain of their first broken string, and most likely all professional guitarists have
broken all the strings of a guitar. Restringing a guitar takes patience and proper
organizing of materials in order to have a well locked brand new string for your guitar.
When I was a child, I loved playing guitar. I would always bring my guitar to
school. One day I brought my guitar to my friends house and we jammed for quite a bit.
Then my one friend set aside my guitar on the ground and suddenly, one of the strings
popped off and broke. I was very shocked and confused. I started to cry because I
thought that it was broken for good and that there was no way to every fix it again. From
years of playing guitar, I've learned my lessons. Today I am going to be teaching you
guys how to restring your own guitar.
First off, we are going to be needing the guitar with a broken string or a missing
string. If the broken string is still locked into the guitar, make sure that it is cut off and
removed from the guitar in order to proceed in restringing the guitar. Secondly, we are
going to be needing a wrench or any other tool that may be able to remove the bridge
pins from wherein the string is locked. Lastly, we will be needing the brand new string to
be stringed onto the guitar itself.
The first step is to take out the specific bridge pin of the said missing string. I
usually use a wrench, because it's quite tough taking the pins out. Once the bridge pins
are our, get your brand new string, and place the ball end of the string right under the
bridge pin, making a lock so that the string won't keep loose.. Next is to put back the
bridge pin inside its hole together with the locked string. Now that our string is locked, it
is now time to put the string into place. First we lock the string in it's said lock right on
the nut, to keep the string from moving. Next we insert our string into its said tuner post.
Now that our brand new string is inside our tuner post, the last thing that we need to do
is to tune the string with our tuners. We just have to rotate the tuners until the string
develops it's designed sound. You now have your re-stringed guitar. Now you may
continue playing your guitar in full tune and harmony.
Whenever your string breaks from your guitar, do not panic, because there is way
to simply fix it. Restringing a guitar may be quite confusing and difficult at the first
attempts, although it's easy to adapt and get used to. Almost all guitarists have dealt
with the pain of their first broken string, and most likely all professional guitarists have
broken all the strings of a guitar. Restringing a guitar takes patience and proper
organizing of materials in order to have a well locked brand new string for your guitar.

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