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Accesible can be reached by, achieve to succed in doing something,

achievement something which someone has succeded in doing, advert a

picture, word, text intended to persuade people to buy a product, air conditioning
system that makes the air in the room cooler or drier, ancient very old annual
yearly available at ones disposal brainstorm think as a group of all the aspects
of something and note down the ideas, brochure booklet which advertises
something bug an illness that people catch easily, not serious charter flight a
cheap flight organised for particular purpose , complain to say that your not
satisfied with something, cuisine a particular style of cooking deposit box small
box used for storing small objects, diarrhoea an illness where one has to go to
the bathroom very often, dreadful very unpleasant or very poor in quality,
fabulous a word used to emphasize how wonderful you think someone is, fan a
device that keeps room cool, get on well have a good relationship, golden
something having a bright yellow colour like gold, guide a book that has the
information about place or town, guide to lead to show, hike a long walk in the
country, hospitable friendly welcoming, hostel a large house where people can
stay cheaply for a short time, infested full of insects, rats that cause a loto f
damage, itinerary a plan of a trip, journey when you travel to a place that is far
away, kettle container used for boiling water to make tea or coffe, mediterranean
- the area of southern europe that surrounds the medit. Sea, mosquito a small
flying insect that sucks blood from people and animals, off only a short distance
away from something, olive small bitter egg shaped black or green fruit,
overbook to sell more tickets for a theatre or plane, package holiday a holiday
organized by a company at a fixed price that includes cost of travel, hotel etc
paragliding a sport which you jump of a hill and use a parachute to float back
down to the ground, peak the highest point, peer pressure a strong feeling that
you must do the same things as your peers, persuade make somebody agree to
do something by talking to them a lot, pressure an attempt to persuade someone
by using influence, or threats, romance a relationship between two people who
are in love with each other, ruin what is left of something, scenery what one can
see in the country, scuba diving the sport of swimming under water, spacious
large and has plenty space to move around in (house or room), specialty a type
of food that the restaurant is known for, spectacular very impressive, stomach
bug illness affecting your stomach, sweat a liquid that comes out of your skin
when you are hot or doing excercise, sweat to perspire, tour when you visit a
number of different places, treasure valuable things, trek a long hard journey on
foot, trip when you go to a place and come back again for a short visit,
uneventful without much happening unforgettable for ex experience that affects
you so strongly that you willnever forget it,voyage a long journey in a boat or ship
UNIT 2 UNIT 2 UNIT 2 UNIT 2 advance develop or improve, advancement progress
of development anticipate to expect that something will happen and be ready
for it anticipatory expecting something to happen bossy- always telling other
people what to do budgie- a small brigtly coloured bird often kept as a pet, cane
a stick that was use din the past by tachers to hit children used as a punishment,
cheat to behave dishonestly in order to get what you want, demanding
excpecting or requiring a lot, destruction the act or progress of destroying
somerthing, disaster a very bad accident, many people killed, environmental
concerning or affecting the air, equal the same, expel to offcially force someone
to leave school, famine a situation in which a large number of people have a little
or no food for a long time, flood a very large amount of water that covers the
area that is usually dry, greedy always wanting more food water money, guinea

pig a small furry animal with short ears and no tail kept as a pet hamster a small
animal that looks like a mouse with no tail, hunger lack of food for a long period
of time can cause death, instability when a situation is not certain because there
is the possibility of sudden change, junk food food that is not healthy it contains a
lot of fat sugar, justice fairness in your behaviour ori n the way people are
treated, lack when there is not enough of something, majority most of the people
or things in the group, performance how well or badly does a persono r company
etc does the job, political instability when a political situation is not certain
because there is a possibility of a sudden change, pollution the procces of making
air water dangerously dirty, poverty the situation or experience when somoene
is poor, punish to make someone suffer because they did something wrong,
questionnaire a written set of questions which you give to large number of people
in order to collect information, range of a number of people or things that are all
different but are all of the same general type, starvation suffering from death
from lack of food, survey a set of questions that you ask a large number of people
to find out about their opinions or behaviour, do conduct carry out a survey to
intervju a large number isto ko survey , unethical morally unacceptable,
unstable likely to move or fall, vaccinate give people vaccine, vaccination the act
of giving people vaccine,vaccine a substance that contains a weak for of the
bacteria or virus that causes a disease and protects people from that disease,
weed to remove an unwanted plants from your garden

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