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Calculus Study Guide

Rationalization to find limits:

) DNE (oscillates).

Squeeze Theorem: | | & | | Important Limits: | |

| |

Intermediate Value Theorem: If is continuous on [a,b] and k is any number between (a) and (b), then there is one number c in [a,b] such that (c)=k. Mean Value Theorem: If f is continuous on [a,b] and differentiable on (a,b) then there exists a number c such that . (Rolles Theorem is the same, where )

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus: If f is continuous on [a,b] and F is the antiderivative of f on [a,b] then Second Fundamental Theorem: Mean Value Theorem for Integrals: If f(x) is continuous on [a,b] then there exists a c value between a and b such that ( ) A rectangle with length b-a and height f(c) is called the Average Value of the Function. Trapezoidal Rule: To approximate area under a curve. the sum approaches Trapezoidal Error: If f has a continuous second derivative on [a,b] then the error E in approximating by the trapezoidal rule is | |


Simpsons Rule: Creates parabolas over every two intervals to approximate area. Need even number of intervals! If f is continuous over [a,b]:

Simpsons Rule Error: | [ ] ( ( )( ) ) . g(x) is differentiable at any x where |

Logarithmic Differentiation:

Inverse Functions: f is differentiable on I.

Because f(x) contains (a,b),

contains (b,a).

Exponential/Logarithm Derivatives & Integrals: Exponential Growth/Decay: Newtons Law of Cooling: y=temperature of object. T=temperature of room.

Logistic Growth: L is the carrying capacity

Eulers Method: Use to approximate solutions to differential equations. Example: Step size: Plug in x & y to New point: Continue procedure with each new point. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: (co functions are negative) | |

Arc Length: Derivative must exist. If not, use dy instead of dx. Trigonometric Substitution: Replace x in with Replace x in with Replace x in with Example:

because because because

Substitute with Picture: ( ) Odd Man Out Rule: If sine and cosine have positive powers and only one of the powers is odd: Keep one of the odd-powered factors, then convert the rest to the other trig expression using . Power Reducing Formula:

Steven or Todd Rule: Use if positive powers of secant and tangent. If secant is even, use Steven. If tangent is odd, use Todd. Steven: Save a . Convert remaining secants to tangents. Todd: Save a . Convert remaining tangents to secants. Integration by Parts:

Lhopitals Rule: To solve indeterminate limits, take derivative of both numerator and denominator until you can take a limit by direct substitution.

Inverse Trigonometric Functions- Integration: . . | |

Direct Comparison Test: If has no negative terms: Test for Convergence: converges if there is a convergent series with Test for Divergence: diverges if there is a divergent series with

Limit Comparison Test: If positive and

is positive and there is a convergent/divergent series , then converges/diverges.

that is also

Alternating Series: An alternating series converges if: , , and Root Test: series converges if Ratio Test: Series converges if: | | | | (If equal to one, test is inconclusive)

(Inconclusive if the limit equals 1) Trigonometric Identities:

Integration of Trigonometric Functions: | | | | | | | |

Taylor Polynomials:

Lagrange Form of the Remainder: Important Polynomials: Polar Functions: Area | |

| |

Use these to convert to Parametric.

Vectors: Magnitude of a velocity vector is speed.

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