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March 25, ba 2010

Bauder/Moore Consolidation: At Tuesday night’s Board of Education meeting, the

Board officially closed Moore Elementary and approved the movement of the majority
of those students into Bauder Elementary beginning the fall of 2010. Here is what we
• Bauder’s enrollment will grow to approximately 530 students
• We expect four sessions at each grade level K-5
• Staff at Moore and Bauder will be consolidated – what that will look like will be
clearer in late April
• Both staffs expect to lose some staff members – who that will be will be clearer
in April
• All of our rooms will be occupied; we officially will be a full school
• A transition team will be formed ASAP to help transition the Moore community
into Bauder – this will include parents
• Contrary to the newspaper report on Wednesday, we will maintain our name as
Bauder Elementary

A New School: Next year, when Moore closes and we inherit 200 additional students,
we are in effect creating something new. Rather than thinking about this as the
combining of two schools, my message to the staffs at both buildings has been the
same – we are starting a new school. Both buildings have wonderful traditions,
systems, and practices in place that are successful. We do not plan on starting from
scratch. Instead, we will take the best of both worlds in creating this new school,
though we will still be known as Bauder Elementary. Community input will be
essential in this process and you too will be invited to participate. One key component
will be a look at Core Knowledge. What will that look like here? We have made a
commitment to the Moore community to continue to offer this curriculum. Whether
we decide to do this building-wide or not has yet to be decided. Please stay tuned to
upcoming community meeting dates.

Mill/BondPrioritizing Session: Next Monday, March 29th, the SITE team will be
prioritizing our wants and needs to the Mill/Bond group that came to Bauder last year.
The Board is considering going to the voters in November to request funding for
education. Last year, parents, staff, and community were invited to brainstorm what
we need as a learning community to meet the four district goals. This meeting on
Monday is designed to prioritize this list. All are welcome to attend. We will begin at
330 PM in the SMARTroom.
Pho ne : (97 0 )-4 88 -41 50 We b s ite :
http: / / w w w . psdsc hool s. org/ sc hool s/ ba ude r/
FAX: (97 0 )-4 88 -41 52 Email: bc arpe nt@ psdsc hool s. or g
Ne ws :
McTeacher Night: Yes – it’s back! Please join your friends and neighbors at the
McDonalds on Elizabeth from 5 – 8 PM on Thursday, April 15th. A percentage of the
proceeds comes right back to Bauder – watch your Bauder staff as they slave over the
grill, man the cash registers, attempt to serve ice cream, and show their smiling faces
at the drive through!

Parking Problems: We are seeing an increase in the number of cars on Coventry

dropping off students at the south path. Unfortunately, cars are parking illegally next
to the crosswalk which is creating a serious safety issue as children and cars cannot
see adequately around these vehicles. I enlisted the help of law enforcement to help
not only with this problem, but our problem in the front of the building with cars
dropping of students in the wrong areas and parking in handicapped spaces.

Upcoming Events

March 29 SITE, 330pm

April 6 PTO, 7pm
7 Class Pictures
Skate night, 630-830pm
Encore night for 1st grade, 630pm
8 Encore night for 2nd grade, 630pm
15 McTeacher Night @ McDonalds, 5-8pm
16 Teacher Work Day; no school for students
19 Collaboration Day; no school for students
23 PTO Family Fun Night, Sock Hop
28 Beginning Guitar Concert, 7pm, pod 3 flexroom
29 Intermediate Guitar Concert, 7pm, pod 3 flexroom
30 Bowling Bash, 6-8pm

Pho ne : (97 0 )-4 88 -41 50 We b s ite :

http: / / w w w . psdsc hool s. org/ sc hool s/ ba ude r/
FAX: (97 0 )-4 88 -41 52 Email: bc arpe nt@ psdsc hool s. or g
Ne ws :

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