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Daniel Green

Prof. Stavitsky
Media Monitor Assignment

In monitoring my media usage during a two day period, Oct. 8 & Oct. 10,1 didn't uncover any previously

unknown habits or trends. I did, however, come to realize that I'm probably less exposed to mass media
messages via TV and/or radio than many people in my demographic (Male, 18-35) For the sake of full
disclosure, I'm 27 years old. This lack of exposure is both intentional and coincidental.
Generally speaking, I am not interested in viewing what is considered by many to be popular and
entertaining, television programming. I haVe never seen any episode of: American Idol, 24, Survivor,
"•' ' ,
Dancing With the Stars, Lost, House or any incarnation ofCSI. This lack of interest, whether guided or

misguided, in watching formulaic, repetitive and often times narcissistic competitions among the untalented,
. . .
allows me the opportunity to spend more time searching out media channels, outlets and/or publications that
• '- " : '

interest me.

While I intentionally avoid-what I consider, mind-numbing programs, publications and television

events on a regular basis, for the first 10 days in October I was sheltered from media messages to an even

greater degree than normal. Recently I moved into a new apartment. This move has delayed my regular

delivery of periodicals. My subscriptions tot Newsweek, Scientific American and Sports Illustrated have

not yet arrived. This lack of exposure is compounded by the fact that I havfe not had cable television or

internet installed into my apartment yet, and may not altogether.

I chose to monitor Thurs., Oct. 8 and Sat., Oct. 10 because I had plans to watch the University of
• :

Oregon's football game on Saturday against UCLA, thus exposing me to greater than typical media noise.

Also, I knew there would be too much repetition in my media usage on consecutive weekdays. The
.' -
spreadsheet, Figure 1A, breaks down my media exposure.
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On 10/8/2009 my morning started quite routinely. I checked and responded to email via
• -^
Blackberry. My satisfaction level was low. Checking email isn't satisfying. Next, I read the internet
headlines at the New York Times via Blackberry. I did so because it's habitual for me to read headlines in

the morning. When I read an interesting headline, "President Wins Nobel Peace Prize," I read the full story/

My satisfaction level increased. This satisfaction level wasn't altered by the news itself, my satisfaction

level was increased because there was interesting news. I followed this story to two other online news sites,

devoting 13% of my day's exposure to the internet. During the same day I went through the same routine I

normally go through on a weekday. I wasn't surprised, after breaking down the numbers, that Music was

< number 2 in terms of the day's total media exposure and took up 29% of my attention. Music plays many

roles in my routine each day. I workout, jog, cook, drive and groom with it on. Sometimes I actively listen,

sometimes it's only ambient noise, keeping the background full. Typically I'm pleased or content with the

music I listen to. This day was no different. .—=5> ^

Number 1 for the 10/8/2009's media exposure was the time I spent watching the remake of the S^l/t\ \/s? /O

movie "3:10 to Yuma." While I enjoyed the movie and was pleased with the time spent, I was surprised that // si
^single movie held 38% of my attention for an entire day. I subscribe to Netflix and it's routine for me to

play the DVD on \ tie day I receive it, once my day's responsibilities are through.

fthe second day of the media monitoring assignment, 10/10/2009, Music again took the number

t. With 12.9% of my attention, Music accounted for the time spent jogging in the morning. I was

content with this medium. For this same day, an overwhelming majority of my media exposure, 77%,

belonged to TV. More specifically the UO vs. UCLA game. I was content spending the time watching the

game with friends, however, I found the game relatively uneventful and often times boring. The majority of

the time spent "watching" the game was actually spent talking and catching up with friends.

During the entirety of the two day media monitor assignment 1 was never more than "Pleased" with

my time spent with any of the various inrrliiimi nr media. The patterns I noticed weren't news to me'

us media
however, the percentage of time devoted spent with the various i was more surprising than
anything else uncovered. 38% oflrny two day study Wfe devoted to an unsatisfying football game, 21% was

spent hearing, but not necessarily listening to Music, 19% was spent zoned out, watching a Movie, an

unsatisfying 11% of my time was spent online reading news and email.

Shockingly, for someone who gets as much enjoyment out of reading as I do, I spent only about

9% of my time over the two day period doing so. Since I watched no TV, other than the football game and

read nothing substantial other than old issues of Newsweek, I would contend I was probably less exposed to

mass media messages via TV and/or radio than many people in my demographic.
Figure: 1A

Date Device Medium Channel/Path Publication/Artist Time Duration Reason Satisfaction

10/8/2009 Blackberry Internet/Email Gmail, UOregon 6:30 AM 20 mins Habit *

Blackberry Internet New York Times 6:50 AM 10 mins Habit *** * No Satisfaction
CNN 7:00 AM 6 mins Interesting News ** ** Content
MSNBC 7:06 7 mins Interesting News ** *** Pleased
iPod Music MP3 Bombay Bicycle Club 8:00 AM 43 mins Habit *** **** Elated
CD Player Music
We Were Promissed Jetpacks
12:01 PM 20 mins
3:00 PM 18 mins
Spare time
***** Blown! I
Newspaper Newspaper Willamette Week 5:15 PM 15 mins Looking for concerts **
TV Movie DVD 3:10ToYuma 8:30 PM 124 mins Netflix ***
Magazine Subscription Newsweek 11:OOPM25mins Habit **
iPod Music MP3 Vampire Weekend 11:50PM 32 mins Wanted music **

Totals: 10/8/2009 Medium Tir Percentage

Internet 43 s 13.4375
Music 93 mins 29.0625
Newspaper 15 mins 4.6875
Movie 124
12- mins38.75
Magazine 45
4£ mins 14.0625

10/10/2009 Blackberry Internet/Email Gmail, UOregon 7:15 AM 10 mins Habit *

Blackberry Internet CNN 7:25 5 mins Habit *
iPod Music MP3 Kings of Leon 8:00 AM 40 mins Habit **
Computer Internet Firefox Newsweek 10:00 AM 15 mins Curious **
TV Cable ABC College Football Game 12:30 240 mins Sounded good **

Totals: 10/10/2009 Medium Time Percentage

Internet 30 mins 9.6774194
Music 40 mins 12.903226
Cable 24fHDins 77.419355
2 Day Totals Medium Time Percentage 310 mins
Internet 73 mins 11.59
Music 133 mins 21.11
Newspaper 15 mins 2.38
Movie 124 mins 19.68
Magazine 45 mins 7.14
Cable 240 mins 38.1
630 mins

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