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Gomburza Laundry

A Business proposed by:

Calagui, Vince Paul F.

Demetria, Lanz Lorenz Z.
Dichosa, Hermes II Del Rosario
Nojara, John Frederick A.
Rodriguez, Miguel Lawrence V.


Term Paper in ACCT1A submitted to Asst. Prof. Jephte O. Muez, CPA, CPV, PREB, MBA, MSF



Business Background
A. Owners
The owners of the proposed business are Vince Paul F. Calagui, Lanz Lorenz Z.
Demetria, Hermes II Del Rosario Dichosa, John Frederick A. Nojara, and Miguel
Lawrence V. Rodriguez.
B. Proposed Name of Business
The owners established Gomburza Laundry Service as the name of the proposed
C. Purpose of the Business
The proposed business purpose is to provide laundry service to the customers
who wish to have their clothes clean and neat. The owners of the business looked
forward to serve the outmost best to the customers by washing their clothes properly
and making it neat. By this service, the workers are train on how to clean clothes
effectively and appropriately, using various laundry tools and equipment. In addition
to this, workers can develop their potential skills in communicating to other people
and dealing with their desire provided by this service.
Just like other laundry service, this laundry service goal is to provide efficient
service in washing clothes in a right process, to use soap, detergent, cleaning water,
fabric conditioner, and other laundry equipment cost-effectively, and to present a
sociable and truthful characteristics to the customers.

Term Paper in ACCT1A submitted to Asst. Prof. Jephte O. Muez, CPA, CPV, PREB, MBA, MSF


D. Type of Business Organization

The Gomburza Laundry Service provides service in helping out valued
customers to wash, dry, and fold their clothes properly through the skills, ideas, and
experienced of the business workers in order to make sure that their goods to be
washed will be neat, spotless, and uncontaminated. Through this business, it is
considered as a service type of business organization.
E. Location of Head Office
The location of the laundry service is located at Merritt Road, Fort Bonifacio,
Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines 1201.

A. Companys Personnel
Aside from the owners of the business, the company is divided into to four (4)
departments: worker department, financial department, delivery department, and
sanitary department.
The owners of the business are the one who manage the overall activities and
affairs of the whole business. As the head of the business, they are the one who secure
the work, progress, and development of each division in dealing with their respective
duties and responsibilities. If the company will receive any complaint from the
customers, they are the one who is responsible in handling such case.

Term Paper in ACCT1A submitted to Asst. Prof. Jephte O. Muez, CPA, CPV, PREB, MBA, MSF


Second, the workers are the main worker in the business. They are the one
who wash, dry, and fold the clothes of the customers. Before they wash the clothes,
they inspect it first if there be any valuable or personal things that belong to the
customers attached or put inside the pockets of their respective clothes. Also, they
make sure that they classify every single clothes according to the possession of each
customer to avoid confusion and complaint from the customers.
Third, the finance department is made up of cashiers and accountants. They
are the one responsible in keeping the flow of the cash related to business. They keep
the profits of the business, making it sure that it is safely stored and protected from
criminal intentions. Speaking of expenses, they are the one who budgets the
expenditures in all of the equipment needed by the business and payments for the bills
and fees consumed by the business.
Fourth, the delivery department is the one who is in-charge with the delivery
of the clothes from the business back to the customers. This division used
transportation utilities such as cargo ships, airplanes, trucks or bikes to transport the
finished materials to the neighborhood houses, subdivisions, local homes, or in
foreign countries of the customers. Addition to the delivery is to make sure the safety
and security of the clothes and the allotted time in delivering it back to the customers.
Lastly, the sanitary department is the one responsible for keeping the each
working areas of the company neat and orderly. They used mops, brooms, vacuum
cleaners, and other sanitary equipment to maintain the cleanliness, inside and outside
of the business. They are also in-charge in keeping every area in the business the
Term Paper in ACCT1A submitted to Asst. Prof. Jephte O. Muez, CPA, CPV, PREB, MBA, MSF


blooming fragrance, such as air fresheners and disinfectants, which can keep the
workers calm and energetic in their job. Without them, the cleanliness of the business
place would become messy and unorganized. It would be ironic if the situation of the
business is dirty when the purpose of it is to clean the customers clothes.
B. Organizational Structure
Owners of the Business



Transport Operator




Surveillance System


Floor Director

Repair System
Restroom Manager

C. Personnels Salary Rate and Benefit

The personnels salary rates and benefits shall be in accordance with the rules
and regulations regarding the salaries or wages for every workers and shall be
complied with the Labor Code of the Philippines. When it comes to the ratings of the
salaries, it will depend on how much a worker performs his or her job well in his or
her respective duty. Other additional payments, such as bonuses, benefits, and
incentives, will be given to workers that show dynamic performance, diligence,
integrity, and honesty in their work.
D. Criteria for Choosing any Professional Firm that will be Hired on a
Retainers Basis Relative to the Projects Administrative Operations

Term Paper in ACCT1A submitted to Asst. Prof. Jephte O. Muez, CPA, CPV, PREB, MBA, MSF


To ensure that the laundry service will make a great impact for the people and
for the business itself, the laundry service business hire persons that possess
intellectual, social, technological, and moral skills in dealing with business. To make
sure that employees have developed a good relationship to other employees, they
shall have a community-type attitude towards another. Having a great sense of humor
will be entertained to keep the spirit of happiness and cheerfulness in the business.
Also, the business would like to welcome persons who have the capacities, skills, and
good experiences in washing any kinds of clothes and other garments. Above all, the
persons who would be mostly likely welcome to enter in this business are the persons
who have the characteristics of being a good citizen, not only to our fellowmen, but
also for the foreign and indigenous people, and those who observe honesty and good
faith, not only for themselves, but also for the others.
Entered into between, ______(Name of the Employer)_______ herein after referred to as
Employers Address:
--- AND --______(Name of the Employee)_______ herein after referred to as EMPLOYEE.
This contract will begin on __(MM/DD/YY)__ and shall continue until terminated.

E. Pre-forma contracts with the firm

The business is located at:
The employer shall have the job title of: ____________________________________________,
And he/she shall have the job/s of: _________________________________________________.
This contract shall take effect effectively between the parties and should be complied with
upmost sincerity and in good faith.
Term Paper in ACCT1A submitted to Asst. Prof. Jephte O. Muez, CPA, CPV, PREB, MBA, MSF
Date of Execution
EMPLOYER Signature

EMPLOYEE Signature



F. Availability and Source of Administrative Personnel to be Hired

A. Management Style
A good, happy, and polite relationship among the employees may be exercise
at all times and be able to promulgate, not only inside the company, but also outside
the business. Each employee, even the owners of the business, shall practice having a
good manners and right conducts with each other. Like in other businesses, integrity
is a must in order to succeed. The blue-collar and white-collar workers shall treat
themselves as a community that helps together in order to have a successful and
harmonize performance and collaboration.
B. Companys General Company Policies
The companys general policies shall be in accordance with the constitution
embedded on the country where it is stipulated, and in observance with the laws and

Term Paper in ACCT1A submitted to Asst. Prof. Jephte O. Muez, CPA, CPV, PREB, MBA, MSF


statutes that govern this business. Like in other companies, one of the most essential
policies in a company is to serve and protect to the upmost diligence given by the
employers and employees, not only for the sake of the business, but for the sake and
well-being of the people, especially the customers.
C. Functions of each Department in the Firm
There is no need to create a department since the business that we are proposing is
very small and can be managed by one supervisor to ensure that the business is
running smoothly and efficiently to provide the best service for our customers.
D. Trainings, Seminars and Staff Development Programs
Trainings, seminars, and staff development programs are important to
employees of the business. Employees shall have at least one every quarter, making it
four in a year. The reason why should the employees have to undergo several
trainings, seminars, and staff development programs is to exercise and develop their
potential skills and abilities in handling such business service. In addition to this,
trainings, seminars, and staff development programs are done to make the employees
productive in their work and be able to maximize their time dealing with businessrelated matters rather than spending a day slacking or getting bored inside of their
working area.

E. Facilities and Equipment

Facilities and equipment of the company shall be provided by the capital of
the business service. It shall be used wisely and efficiently to maintain a good
management in the business. They shall also handle it with care and vigilantly. By
Term Paper in ACCT1A submitted to Asst. Prof. Jephte O. Muez, CPA, CPV, PREB, MBA, MSF


using eco-friendly equipment, the business shall conserve a huge amount of energy,
electricity, and other supplies needed in order to run the business service. On the other
hand, employees also obliged to use electronic devices and machines that can be used
to make the work easier, proficiently, and not time-consuming.

Statutory Compliance
Systems and Forms
1. Flow of Operations and Standard Operating Procedures

Prepare loads of laundry:

The weight of each laundry can change as per the property and linen quality.

Use a weighing scale to weight the solid linen batch.

Always load the washer with the correct capacity, Do not overload or under load the

Organize the laundry activity:

Always follow the laundry production log to determine the order in which the washing
has to be done.

Record the loads you wash on the log.

Wash heavily soiled linen first so that the stains will not ruin the other items.

If you have multiple washers then start each washer in at least of a time difference of 5 to
10 minutes which will help in the below process.

Smooth and consistent work flow.

Save water.

Save electricity and electrical overloads.

Prevents flooding and clogged drains due to washers draining at the same time.

Always schedule the laundry loads to meet up with the next stage in the laundry cycle.

Note: Laundry cycle flow chart

Keep the correct amount of flat work, such as tablecloths and sheets washed to allow
continues operation of the calendar machines.

Special things to notice while washing:

Term Paper in ACCT1A submitted to Asst. Prof. Jephte O. Muez, CPA, CPV, PREB, MBA, MSF


Wash new linens with color separately the first few times, There is a chance of dyeing
other fabrics if this is not done.

To avoid fading of dark colored linens wash them in lower temperature.

Wash uniforms in cold water to prevent fading of darker colors onto lighter colors.

Do not use chlorine / bleach on colored linens / clothes.

If the clothes / uniforms has delicate embroideries, decorative buttons, strings etc. then
wash them inside nylon mesh bags to prevent damage and also to avoid tangling.
Never overload or under load the washers.
2. Companys Flowchart
3. A. Lease Contract
B. Employment Contract
4. A. Official Receipt

B. Service Invoice

Billing Address:

Gomburza Laundry Service


Merritt Road, Fort Bonifacio

Taguig City
Phone Number Here
Fax Number Here

Invoice Number:
Invoice Date:

Shipping Address:

Term Paper in ACCT1A submitted to Asst. Prof. Jephte O. Muez, CPA, CPV, PREB, MBA, MSF






Amount Each


Product Description


Grand Total:

Additional Information: Sales, Events, Conditions of Sale, Warranty Information, Shipping

Options or other policies can be mentioned here.

C. Check Voucher

Check Voucher
Check Number: ________________
Date: _________________________
Term Paper in ACCT1A submitted to Asst. Prof. Jephte O. Muez, CPA, CPV, PREB, MBA, MSF



Pay to: ____________________________________________________



Sum of Payment
Mode of Payment

Payment Received BY

Payment Approved BY

D. Statement of Account

Gomburza Laundry Service



Merritt Road, Fort Bonifacio

Date Due:


Taguig City
Term Paper in ACCT1A submitted to Asst. Prof. Jephte O. Muez, CPA, CPV, PREB, MBA, MSF



[Name of the Customer]
[City, State ZIP Code]



5. A. General Journal
B. General Ledger
C. Subsidiary Ledger for Clients on Account
D. Subsidiary Ledger for Suppliers or Service Providers on Account
E. Payroll

Term Paper in ACCT1A submitted to Asst. Prof. Jephte O. Muez, CPA, CPV, PREB, MBA, MSF


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