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Having been born in a family of public school teachers,

William K. Hotchkiss III started his stint as a public servant
when he joined the Philippine Air Force as a cadet in the PAF
Flying School in 1962 where he graduated in 1964. He became
an instructor pilot after graduation. In 1966, he joined the 5th
Fighter Wing in Basa Air Base where he stayed for ten years and
became a member of the elite Blue Diamonds of the Philippine
Air Force. He flew 79 combat sorties against the enemies of the
state at that time.

over the years of dedicated service in the Philippine Air Force,

he garnered several awards and decorations, in recognition of his
professionalism and outstanding contribution and was assigned
to different key sensitive positions up the ladder until he
assumed position as the 24th Commanding General of the
Philippine Air Force from 1996 to 1999.

Truly a man of integrity, Lt Gen William K Hotchkiss III

espouses good governance in the varied leadership positions that
he held, both as a military man and as a banker at the Cantilan
Bank, a rural bank jointly founded by his father and sixteen
others incorporators in 1980. He joined the banking industry
after his retirement from the military in 1999.

Cantilan Bank experienced leaps and bounds of development

and progress when Lt Gen Hotchkiss III joined the board. Now,
thirteen years after, it holds distinction as the most recognized
rural bank in the country and the only community bank that is
compliant with international standards.

Heavily relying on the truism, Take care of your men and your
men will take care of you, Lt Gen Hotchkiss III is known to his
men as a man of no nonsense work ethics and altruism.

Knowing the importance of providing good quality education

to the Filipino youth to make them globally competitive in the
fields of English, Science and Mathematics, he founded the
William Hotchkiss Foundation, Inc. and established the
Hotchkiss Learning Center in Cantilan, Surigao del Sur.

In response to the call of duty, Lt Gen William Hotchkiss III,

temporarily set aside his personal plans of enjoying his
retirement, swimming in the Pacific Ocean and eating the best
fish there is, and got back to public service to head the Civil
Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) as the newly
installed Director General.

Some say Life begins at 40. But for Lt. Gen William
Hotchkiss III, life in CAAP starts at 69.

Superior experience in public service, superb record of

excellence in every endeavor, super boss to his men, super dad
to Karla, Tanya, William IV and Steven and a sweet husband to
Maria Teresa Paloma y Escano.

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