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Master / Follower applications with the FC202 VLT AQUA Drive (Software Version 1.61)

The Master-Follower cascade control mode offers the best performance, the most precise control and
maximum energy savings. It controls multiple equal sized pumps in parallel, running all pumps at the same
speed and stages the pumps on and off according to the system requirements. Compared to traditional
cascade control the number of running pumps is controlled by speed instead of feedback. To obtain the
highest energy saving the stage on and off speed must be set correctly according to the system. The terminal
27 of the master drive is used as pulse output for the reference. The terminals 29 of the follower drives are
used as pulse input for this reference. While the master drive is running in closed loop, the follower(s) are
running in open loop. All follower drives are connected to mains and motor the same way as the master drive.

Figure 1: Basic Wiring Principle (Example)

The advantages and benefits of this configuration
Maximum performance:
In old and weak pipe system where huge pressure surges can lead to leakage, the high
performance of the Master / Follower mode can be a real benefit.
Maximum energy savings:
In constant pressure water systems the pumps can be operated in the most energy
efficient way by using Master / Follower operation.
In systems with large variances in flow, the fast reacting Master / Follower mode
will safely and fast maintain a constant pressure.
Lowest costs for installation:
Very easy installation - no need for external equipment. The drives can be delivered in
IP55 or even IP66, which means no need for panels, except for fuses.
Reduced wear and tear:
Runtime Balancing of the pumps and all motors operate at the same frequency when in use.
Master Drive contains the cascade CTL option MCO 101 or MCO 102
Follower units are standard drives (without the need for external equipment)
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Example for the configuration of a Master-Follower application

The application of the following example consists of 3 variable speed pumps.
It is assumed that the pressure transmitter used as feedback sensor, has a range
from 0-10 bar. An internal reference is used.
Remark: Even if a lot of the above listet settings have their default values it is recommended to
check them in order to avoid a misconfiguration.
The necessary steps for the configuration are
Basic Settings for the Master and for the Follower (Motor data, Display etc.)
Configuration of the Master
Configuration of one of the Followers
Copying the settings with the LCP from this Follower to the other Followers


Basic Settings for the Master and the Followers

Basic Settings (Master and Follower)

Example / Remarks

0-02 Motor Speed Unit

1-20 Motor Power [kW]
1-22 Motor Voltage [V]
1-23 Motor Frequency [Hz]
1-24 Motor Current [A]
1-25 Motor Nominal Speed [RPM]

Hz [1]


1-29 Automatic Motor Adaptation (AMA)

3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp up Time [s]
3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp down Time [s]
4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM]
4-13 Motor Speed High Limit [RPM]

Settings must be the same for

Master and Followers

It is very important that the motor is properly running before the master drive is
set to closed loop operation.
Display settings - Master drive

Reference [1601]
Feedback [1652]
Motor current [1614]
Frequency [1613]
Cascade System Status [2794]

0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small

0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small
0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small
0-23 Display Line 2 Large
0-24 Display Line 3 Large
Display settings - Follower drives
0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small
0-24 Display Line 3 Large

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External Reference [1650]
Frequency [1613]

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2.2 Settings for the Master

While the Follower drives are running in Open Loop and get their reference by an pulse input the master
has to be configured for Closed Loop. In this example it is assumed, that the Analogue Input 54 is used
for the feedback which is the default setting.
Please note: The format of the analogue input is set using switch S201 (0=Current, 1=Voltage)
below the LCP.
Par. 16-63 (Terminal 54 Switch Setting) is a read out of the actual switch position.
If an external reference is used, the analogue input (terminal 53 by default) for this signal needs also to be
Please have a look at the Programming Guide for further information.
Closed Loop Settings


1-00 Configuration Mode

Closed Loop [3]

3-02 Minimum Reference

3-03 Maximum Reference

0 (bar)
10 (bar)

6-00 Live Zero Timeout Time

6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function
6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage
6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage
6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref/Feedb Value
6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref/Feedb Value

10 (s)
(see Programming Guide for details)
0 (V)
or 6-22, if 16-63 = Curent
10 (V)
or 6-23, if 16-63 = Curent
0 (bar)
10 (bar)

20-12 Reference/Feedb.Unit


Closed Loop Settings


20-79 PID Autotuning

20-81 PID Normal/Inverse Control
20-82 PID Start Speed [RPM]
20-21 Setpoint 1
20-93 PID Proportional Gain
20-94 PID Integral Time

Enabled [1]*
Normal [0]
4 (bar)

* It's recommended to perform a PID Autotuning (par. 20-79) after the whole
application has been configured in order to find the best PID settings for the application.
Please note that PI Auto tune has to be enabled with the LCP.

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Setting the digital inputs and outputs and the reference for the Follower drives. It is assumed that
terminal 27 is used as by default.


5-* Digital In/Out


5-01 Terminal 27 Mode

5-30 Terminal 27 Digital Output
5-60 Terminal 27 Pulse Output Variable
5-62 Pulse Output Maximum Frequency #27
5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input

Output [1]
Pulse output [55]
Cascade Reference [116]
5000 (Hz)

Basic settings in the Master drive for the Master/Follower application

The parameters in group 27 are only visible if the MCO101 (or MCO 102) is mounted.
When the system is set to operation, the master drive will automatically run time balance with all
drives running with the needed number of pumps depending on the demand. If, for some reason
the user wants to prioritize which motors should be preferred, it is possible to prioritize each
pump in par. 27-16 in three levels. (Priority 1, Priority 2 and spare pump).
Pumps with priority 2 will only be staged on when there is no priority 1 pump available.
It might be necessary to fine adjust the stage on/off speed to optimise the energy consumption,
if not auto tuned.
27-1* Configuration


27-10 Cascade Controller

27-11 Number Of Drives
27-16 Runtime Balancing
27-18 Spin Time for Unused Pumps
27-19 Reset Current Runtime Hours

Master/Follower [1]
Array, Balanced Priority 1 [0]
0 (s) , Off
Do reset [1]

27-2* Bandwidth Settings


27-21 Override Limit

27-23 Staging Delay
27-24 Destaging Delay

100 (%)
15 (s)
15 (s)

27-3* Staging Speeds

Example / Remarks

27-30 Auto Tune Staging Speeds

27-31 Stage On Speed [RPM]
27-32 Stage On Speed [Hz]
27-33 Stage Off Speed [RPM]
27-34 Stage Off Speed [Hz]

Enabled [1]
Arrays for the staging speeds,
see example below in chapter 3.2
(Example settings for 27-3* , 3 pumps
with Sleep Mode enabled)

In Master-Follower applications the Lead Pump is defined as the last variable speed pump running.
Even if the cascade controller tries to runtime balance the pumps it may be the case that the system
demand stays below the maximum capacity of the Lead Pump and no alternation takes place. If it is
intended to force the alternation of this pump it can be done at a Time Interval or at Time of Day.
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27-5* Alternate Settings


27-52 Alternation Time Interval

27-54 Alternation At Time of Day
27-56 Alternate Capacity is <

0 (min), Disabled
Disabled [0]
0 (s), Off

An array parameter is used to configure the output of the master drive for the start signal of the
follower drives.


27-7* Connections


27-70.0 Relay 1
27-70.1 Relay 2

Drive 2 Enable [1]

Drive 3 Enable [2]

Settings for the Followers

Because the follower drives get their reference from the master as a pulse signal they have to be
configured for Open Loop operation.
In order to make sure that all follower drives have got the same settings it is a good idea ton
configure only one of the followers and to copy the settings by using the LCP.
Open Loop Settings (Follower)

Example / Remarks

1-00 Configuration Mode

3-02 Minimum Reference
3-03 Maximum Reference
3-15 Reference 1 Source

Open Loop [0]

50 (Hz)
Pulse Input 29 [7]

The terminal 29 is used as a pulse input for the reference signal and has to be scaled.
5-* Digital In/Out (Follower)

Example / Remarks

5-02 Terminal 29 Mode

5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input
5-50 Terminal 29 Low Frequency
5-51 Terminal 29 High Frequency
5-52 Term. 29 Low Ref. Value
5-53 Term. 29 High Ref. Value
5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input

Input [0]
Pulse Input [32]
0 (Hz)
5000 (Hz)
50 (Hz)

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Enhancement of the Application: Sleep Mode since SW Version 1.61

The new software will also de-stage the last variable speed pump in applications with more than one


Necessary steps to configure the Sleep Mode


The sleep function is enabled if P27-34.01 is set higher than the minimum speed.
This will de-stage the last pump using the normal de-stage timer P27-24.
Setting it to zero will disable the function.
Important: P27-10 must be in Mixed Pumps to display all of the necessary parameters.
P27-20 must be set .
This will cause the Cascade Controller to wake up a pump.
Upon wake up it will start the pump with the least running hours.

Example settings for 27-3* , 3 pumps with Sleep Mode enabled

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3

Stage ON (Hz)
44 (i.e. par. 2732.1)
46 (i.e. par. 2732.2)
X (i.e. par. 2732.3)

Stage OFF (Hz)

(i.e. par. 2734.1)
(i.e. par. 2734.2)
(i.e. par. 2734.3)

Stage X refers to the stage the cascade is running in

(Stage 1 -> Cascade is running in stage 1, only 1 pump is running)
Pump 2 is started on 44Hz, Pump 3 is started on 46Hz
Pump 3 is stopped on 42Hz, Pump 2 is stopped on 40Hz and Pump 1 is stopped on 30Hz
Par. 2732.3 is irrelevant in this case, because there's nothing left to stage on in stage 3
It might be necessary to fine adjust the stage on/off speed to optimise the energy consumption, if
not auto tuned.

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