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: PTM A1

Area and Volume

Page 15
Measure objects in your classroom (or guess their measurements)
Make sentences:
a. Desk top
The length of the desk top is about fifty centimeters.
The width is about twenty five centimeters.
So the area of the desk top is about one thousand, two hundred and fifty centimeters






Table top
The length of the table top is about one point five meters
The width is about one meter.
So the area of the table top is about one point five meters square.
The length of the blackboard is about two point five meters.
The height is about one point five meters.
So the area of the blackboard is about three point seventy five meters square.
The heigth of the cabinet is about three meters
The width is about two meters.
The length is about one meter.
So the volume of the cabinet is about six meters cubic.
The heigth of the window is about two meters.
The width is about one meter.
So the area of the window is about two meters square.
The heigth of the door is about two point five meters.
The width is about one meter.
So the area of the door is sbout two point five meters square.

The length of the room is about thirty meters.

The width is about eight meters.
The heigth is about five meters.
So the volume of the room is about five hundred and twenty meters cubic.
h. Drawer (in table)
The lenght of the drawer is about one hundred centimeters.
The width is about fifty centimeters.
The heigth is about fifteen centimeters.
So the volume of the drawer is about zero poin zero seven five meters cubic.
i. Eraser
The length of the eraser is about thirteen cencimeters.
The width is about five centimeters.
The heigth is about three centimeters.
So the volume of the eraser is about one hundred and ninety five centimeters cubic.
j. Box
The length of the box is about three meters.
The width is about two meters.
The heigth is about a meter.
So the volume of the box is about six meters cubic.

Page 16
Make questions and answers about the pictures.
a. A: What shape is the ruler?
B: Its rectangerular
b. A: What shape is the windows?
B: Its square
A: And what shape is the door?
B: Its rectangular
c. A: What shape is the ruler?
B: Its triangular
d. A: What shape is the button?
B: Its circular
e. A: What shape is the wall?
B: Its rectangular
f. A: What shape ia the blackboard?
B: Its rectangular
g. A: What shape is the clock?
B: Its circular
h. A: What shape is the mirror?
B: Its triangular

Page 17
Describe these objects:
b. The saw blade is trapezoid, it is five hundred milimeters long and twelve
milimeters high.
c. The clock is square, it is five hundred milimeters long and five hundred
milimeters high.
d. The coin is circular, it is two milimeters thick.
e. The book is rectangular, it is one hundred and fifty milimeters long and two
hundred and twenty milimeters high.
f. The place of electrical plug is square. It is one hundred milimeters long and one
hundred milimeters high.
Describe the object in the room
a. The black board is rectangular. It is two point five meters long and one point five

The window is rectangular. It is two meters long and a meter wide.
The door is rectangular. It is two point five meters high and a meter wide.
The ruler is rectangular. It is three centimeters long and three centimeters wide.
The clock is circular. It is twenty centimeters diameters and two centimeters

g. The switch is square. It is five centimeters long and five centimeters wide.
h. The watch is circular. It is zero point centimeter thick.

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