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Poems For Class. (O3.25.

Love that sweet fidelity, the dark lullaby that puts you to sleep.

Cat’s Eye Marble

It shined brightly in the sun

I held up the Cat’s eye marble to the school window and watched it sparkle

Even when I was young I fancied anything shiny

He smiled when he gave it to me and whispered into my ear

Keep it, I’m not going to be in New York for Middle school

I frowned a little and then put the marble in my bag

I looked around for my teacher and whispered back

I’ll try to keep it safe, no promises. I always lose stuff.

He laughed and I laugh

That marble was a sign of a really good friendship splitting

It was lost in my bag and it was never found again

Memories are always nice but that’s all they are

No kind of memory compares to the real thing.

The Moonlight Always Shines

You can’t really predict the future

It’s one of life’s many wonders

The only thing that is set in stone is the moon rising

It’s the thing that makes me look forward to the future

It inspires me to write

The Moon keeps me straight when becoming an author is what I want

I’m terrified about the future but I can’t take steps back anymore
Poems For Class. (O3.25.1O)
Love that sweet fidelity, the dark lullaby that puts you to sleep.

I set my hopes high because I think I reach them

Even if I know what I want my future is always going to change

I wondered if I can make tweaks if I can change the path that changes everyday

But for now the only thing I look forward to is the moon shining bright.

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