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Now What?

Call #11 Transcript

By Donna Powers


and there's puss and always worse at night. A lot of drooling and it's a keynote of
Mercury. So you'll see that the hands become shaky and all fine movements are a bit
trembly and how you will distinguish between that and Gelsemium is simply because of
the smell. Gelsemium won't have the smelliness that Baptisia will have and the Merc
Sol will have.
DP: And we're at the end of our time together, so hopefully that gives you an idea. I
would never wish the flu on anybody, but when it comes this is a good opportunity for
you to practise using your homeopathic remedies and figuring out what's needed. So
start... It's quite safe for you to do at home, these acute, they have a beginning, a
middle, and an end. If the symptoms are getting worse then you that the person you're
trying to help needs to contact a homoeopath, a naturopath or their physician if it's not
an epidemic or a pandemic. So are there any questions, concerns, clarifications,
anything to share?
DP: I know we all have to get going, so I'm going to take everyone off mute, just so
that we can say our good-byes. Thank you everybody for being here today. Oh, we've
got one hand up. Okay Jan, go ahead.


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

Donna Powers: Welcome to the Vaccine Free: Now What? 12-week teleseminar
course. This is class 11 where we will continue talking about the infectious illnesses
that are of most concern still in the first year of life. It used to be the second year of life
where there was a vaccine for it. Now it's in the first year of life where babies are being
vaccinated for the illness, streptococcus pneumoniae, and includes in today's
discussions bacterial pneumonia, meningitis and otitis media, which is ear infection.
DP: Streptococcus pneumoniae comes from a very large family of bacteria called
Streptococci. I want you to know this information simply because at one point or
another you have likely heard of some of this infections and this is a huge family of
bacteria. Earlier when we were talking about the diphtheria, when we talked about the
DPT, the diphtheria pertussis and tetanus, we talked about how diphtheria resides in
the nose and the back of the throat, which is technically called the nasopharynx and in
the throat near the ear. These... And again, it is the same for the streptococcus
bacteria. We have these in our whole mouth/ear/nose area of the body. The
streptococcus and the staphylococcus are kind of hand in hand. They are there in the
same place.
DP: So strep and staph are kind of hand in hand and they live already inside of the
body. Now there are the streptococcus bacteria that destroy the red blood cells and
other ones that don't. They all have these scientific names. My Clinical Microbiology
Made Ridiculously Simple Edition 2 has one whole chapter just on streptococcus. And
for any of you who loves the science of this, I'm very intrigued by this whole group, this
whole family of bacteria.
DP: So the Group A, and I'm only going over this because these are some of the
illnesses that you will hear about and then will eventually get to the streptococcus
pneumonia. But the Group A strep, has the little tag on it, pyogenes, and pyogenes has
to do with fire or inflammation or fever producing. And the strep A is the one that
causes strep throat also is implicated in scarlet fever, rheumatic fever and poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. I always had a hard time saying that word.
DP: So at some point, your child may be diagnosed with strep throat. This is one that
keeps coming up now in homeopathic practise. Repeated strep throat infections where
antibiotics are given and in some instances where children have received several
vaccines, several antibiotics and have the beginnings of what I think of dysbiosis, will
have this recurring strep throat infections and it seems like there's almost a tipping
DP: I've got a little boy in my practise right now and I'm working very closely. We did
not want... For me I don't want to alarm parents and I can't diagnose, but he is, from
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what I can see, one strep throat infection away from PANDAS. And it's where post
strep throat infection. They develop these ticks or grimaces and it almost looks like
Tourette's. And so I've seen more and more of it as a homoeopath, so there is some
kind of biology, that dysbiosis and connection with this whole strep. And we'll talk
about the vaccine that was introduced. There is a whole history with this as well.
DP: So with the strep A, you can get streptococcal pharyngitis, which is the sore throat
and inflammation. You can get streptococcal skin infections. This is involved with
scarlet fever. In Hahnemann's day, Belladonna was the genus epidemicus, which
simply means it was the remedy used to treat and prevent scarlet fever in his days. So
Belladonna this could be the reason for it. If you read the symptoms of scarlet fever,
they look very similar to the general and common symptoms of Belladonna.
DP: The other infection is streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. So if there is a delay,
antibody mediated, it can move into this dramatic fever of glomerulonephritis which
involves the kidneys, and the kidneys and heart. So this is the concern. So,
anecdotally, when my sister was I think about eight years old, her pediatrician was
amazing. She came over Christmas, and took one look at my sister and correctly
diagnosed that she had rheumatic fever. From that time on, she was hospitalized, and
then from the time she was eight until she was in her 30s or 40s she was on antibiotics
preventatively. This was what was commonly done.
DP: I don't know how they treat rheumatic fever now, but part of the problem is with
these strep infections, they can dump their toxins into the blood and they can end up in
the kidneys or the heart. And then there is an increase of susceptibility for further
infections, either by strep or staph or some other opportunistic virus or bacteria that's
already within us as part of our microbiome inside of our bodies.
DP: So, the strep throat, the red swollen tonsils, pharynx, you can see the pus on the
tonsils, and it usually lasts five days. Homeopathy should be able to help with this. One
of the concerns with this whole strep family is the antibiotic resistance that is
happening with them and we'll talk about that more, as we go along.
DP: The skin infections can include even impetigo, and it's crusty and flaky, it's usually
around the mouth. So then there is concern with any kind of this bacterial infection
around the mouth, the nose, ears, throat, is the ability for these toxins that gets
dumped by the bacteria back in the bloodstream to then cross the blood brain barrier
and you get things like meningitis and bacterial meningitis, not just the viral.
Homeopathy is actually very helpful in impetigo. I have seen a number of children with
impetigo and we have used things like Arum triphyllum, the Antimonium crudum,
mezereum is another one. Rhus Tox possibly, and Rhus Tox is also a nice one for strep
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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
DP: So, the most serious skin infection complication that you can get with this strep A
is necrotising fasciitis or flesh eating disease. And this is also related to the MRSA,
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. So you can see again where the strep and
the staph, together when the immune system is compromised that these two seem to
be one or the other, and you create these situations where the skin starts to
disintegrate. Often, antibiotics therapy is what is recommended in conventional
DP: So, the necrotising fasciitis can be caused by the strep or by staph or the
Clostridium species. This is the C difficile that you hear about. And it's one of the
infections that you can pick up in hospitals. This is the same one where they are now
developing poop banks in Toronto for children. And you can just see some of the
connections, and I just wish I had my biology degree so I could make all these
connections for you. But just know, that if you persist you will be able to find this out.
DP: The other one is scarlet fever. Now an interesting sign and symptom of scarlet
fever is that the whole body turns red. For whatever reason, the face is spared. So, if
your child has the fever and has this rash from the neck down, you can suspect scarlet
fever. I haven't heard of anybody having scarlet fever these days. And then
streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, again it's a combination the strep or the staph
aureus. And it can also release the toxin into the blood. Antibiotic treatment is what is
typically turned to in conventional treatments.
DP: So, my old book said with the advent of penicillin, rheumatic fever is now
uncommon. So, we may not have rheumatic fever so much, but there are a lot of other
conditions that children are facing in a chronic illness kind of way. With the rheumatic
fever, you get fever, there is heart inflammation, joint swelling, arthritis, chorea which is
this funny movements, twitches and uncontrollable. And there are nodules under the
skin. Now, I mentioned this, simply because my sister has had joint pain all of her life.
And Ellen, let me just put you on... Go ahead, Ellen.
Ellen: I just wanted to say that I had scarlet fever as a child, and was extremely sick. I
was sick for, I think about six weeks I missed school.
DP: Yeah. Yeah.
Ellen: And for the whole month, I could not get out of bed. It was horrible.
DP: Right, and how old were you? Do you remember?

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Ellen: It was in grade two. So, I would have been seven, seven-eight.
DP: Oh, interesting, and it's not likely you had any vaccines at that point, so it's just
kind of... Yeah. It's part of your history, which is good to know.
Ellen: Yeah.
DP: Thanks for sharing that. Yeah.
Ellen: Sure.
DP: Okay. I'll put you on mute again. So, again, a concern with rheumatic fever is the
involvement of the heart, and my sister was for years and years and years on
antibiotics. As I have grown in my homeopathy, I have given her homeopathic
Streptococcinum. Probably one of the remedies I've given her that completely knocked
her flat, but she did feel much, much better after it in terms of her joint pain and her
arthritis. The other remedy to consider with Streptococcinum is Rhus Tox. You'll get
very similar symptoms with the two of them, and Rhus Tox has been a good remedy for
her as well.
DP: So, if your child also has a strange, Coca-Cola coloured or tea-coloured urine,
then you will want to get to the doctor right away especially if the face is puffy, and it
may mean that there has been some interaction or some... That the kidneys have been
affected with a post-strep glomerulonephritis. I'll learn how to say that one of these
days. So that's the group A strep, and you will likely have over your life time of raising
kids, have some experience with that.
DP: The group B strep is the one where 25% of women carry these bugs vaginally and
the baby can acquire these bacteria during delivery. And the complications of that
would be meningitis, pneumonia and sepsis, which is blood poisoning. So, I'm not sure
what to say about this because vaginal birth is quite important. I mean, there's good
reasons why there are C-sections, but vaginal birth is one of those opportunities for
babies to have their very sterile, internal microbiome seeded by what's in the mum's
whole biology and body.
DP: So how this figures in, you know, you can read recent research about the
involvement of C-sections, and this is not to make anybody feel guilty. If you need a Csection, you need a C-section or if you're in that emergency situation and the doctors
are starting to make those decisions for you, this is what you do. But, we can approach
it from the whole aspect of learning how to support our children's gut, whole gut, after.

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DP: The only thing with neonates, which are brand new babies with meningitis, just a
reminder, they may not have the classic stiff neck, and they may just have very
nonspecific signs such as fever, vomiting, poor feeding, and irritability, and this is why
you are told by your doctors and nurses that a fever for children under two months is
not normal. You need to get them to the hospital right away. This is the concern. That
there is a secondary bacterial meningitis developing. And what they will do is a lumbar
puncture with that one.
DP: So then there are a couple of other groups. There's one group of strep that
involves all of the mouth and the teeth, and the one that involves the heart. So, again,
anytime there's abscesses in the mouth or if there's dental issues, there's gum
infections, so you start to think about these too in terms of what some children are
experiencing on a chronic level when their immune systems are so compromised right
now. So, is there a strep infection going on in the mouth as well?
DP: The other group is a group D, and these are in the bowel, and that's simply called
the enterococci. So anytime you hear entero, then you know that this is involving the
bowel, the human intestines. And this group D strep is considered normal bowel flora,
and they grow in the bile, and they are commonly the agent in urinary tract infections.
So, when everything is working well and healthy in the bowel, then these bugs, these
strep D, are just there. But when you're in the hospital, these can become
opportunistic, and when immune systems are compromised, when microbiome or the
gut is out of whack in the bowel area, then these streps and staphs are able to
DP: And when they're able to reproduce and the body's not able to keep up with the
elimination through discharges and then this is when you would get diarrhoea, but if
they're not... If the body is not able to keep up with this, then you have this
opportunistic infections and the toxins then get dumped into the bloodstream and they
travel throughout into the organs.
DP: This edition of my microbiology textbook is 1999. So my children then were well
into their teens, but they knew then that these enterococcus were now resistant to
ampicillin and vancomycin and they were recommending these fluoroquinolone drugs,
which now again are ending up creating a lot of neurological problems. The
ciprofloxacin, that's another one and then there was... In 1999 they speak of a newer
class of drugs, the pristinamycins. And again, as the staph and strep start to grow and
proliferate, then you see these incidences of C difficile starting to show up.
DP: So the strep pneumoniae, which is what the vaccine, Prevnar, was all about. The
strep pneumonia bacteria is a common cause of pneumonia and this is bacterial
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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
pneumonia and it's typically on the one lobe or the other and there's a fever with it and
shaking chills. So these are the common symptoms. It's also... This bacteria is the
most common cause of otitis media, middle ear infection, in children and the most
common cause of bacterial meningitis in adults. So right now there's antibiotic
resistance as well for some of the ear infections and to the meningitis. This was in 1999
and they knew then that these bacteria were developing and evolving so that they were
now antibiotic resistant.
DP: So that's how I'm going to mention to you about the strep. So there's different
kinds and this was the idea in the early years when my boys were being vaccinated
was that they were given their DPT and then they were given their MMR, so the DPT
with polio, then the MMR, and then we saw an increase in the Haemophilus influenzae
B. So at two years of age, the HiB vaccine in the early '80s was then introduced. And
then what you've started to see was proliferation of strep infections, ear infections and
DP: And what they did to resolve that was to introduce the pneumococcal vaccine and
it was marketed as Prevnar. There are 90 strains of this bacteria that are knownthere
are possibly more. I don't know how they can arrive at just 90. So in the '80s, the
children were then introduced to the Prevnar vaccine, which was also then marketed as
a vaccine to prevent ear infections. So in my boys' state, after they received the
Haemophilus influenzae B vaccine, with just my oldest, I don't think I got it for my
youngest, what I did see was a huge increase in the number of ear infections both boys
have. They probably had three or four a year and of course they were treated by
DP: So that's some of the history. And Hillary Butler is the same age that I am; her
children are the same age that I am. I wish I had access to the information at that point.
I didn't know Hillary Butler then, but she gives a tremendous historical documentation
of what has actually happened with those vaccines. So promoted as preventing
meningitis, pneumonia bacterial and bacterial ear infections.
DP: Now, the National Vaccine Information Centre actually opposes a pneumococcal
vaccine mandate. You can go... They've likely updated their website since I have spent
some of my research for this. And what has happened with that original Prevnar
vaccine that had targeted seven strains of the bacteria is now off the market. This is the
vaccine that my children would have had on... No, actually they didn't have the... Yeah,
the one had the Prevnar. No, he didn't. He had the HiB, but then not the Prevnar. We
just lived through the ear infections.
DP: But the children, after some of their peers did get this Prevnar vaccine with the
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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
idea that it was going to prevent ear infections and all it did was simply create an
environment where the other strains of the bacteria could survive. Now in 2007, in the
National Post, you will get a copy of the one article and the link to the other article. So
in 2007, which is six years ago, the headline is "Doctors Fear Ear Superbugs Ailing
Children" and it's with acute infections. And I highlighted the approval in 2000 of
Prevnar, so my boys would have been six and 10, and so they did not have it.
DP: "A vaccine that protects against seven strains of the bacteria has overall slashed
ear infections by about 25%, but now other strains have begun to flourish with overuse
of antibiotics. The new super germ, a strain called 19A, has adapted and learnt how to
resist all 18 approved antibiotics for childhood ear infections. Prevnar didn't cause this
bacteria." Dr. P, we'll call him, says, "Suggesting the problem stems from the overuse
of antibiotics for coughs and colds that were not necessary." While in fact what it did
was, is to simply create an environment where the other 90 minus seven, so what, 83
strains of bacteria could proliferate.
DP: The 19A is now in the vaccine. And in Canada, I checked with the immunization
guide, and they have different pneumococcal vaccines for different age groups, and
they're starting them as young as two months now. So, yes, as young as two months,
invasive pneumococcal disease. So the seven has been taken off the market and then
they have several variations up to vaccine, the Pneumovax, which has 23 strains in it.
DP: They knew what was happening. That was in 2007. The impetus then was to
create more and more vaccines. Then, in March 31, 2008, they talk about the
Pneumovax vaccine, and little known lung infections sores among children. So again,
you will have a copy of this, or you will have the link to this. Thankfully, this article, you
can still find this on the Internet. But the lung infection, no one is sure what is behind
this worrisome trend or why children have been hit so hard, but drug resistance among
some bacteria linked to the ailment called empyema may be at least partly to blame.
So, what happened was, is fatal lung infections have soared among young children and
climbed significantly in all age groups in recent years, putting a burden on the health
care system.
DP: Between 1995 and 2003, rates jumping more than 450% among children aged one
to four over that period. This is really serious, this empyema, because as much as a
pint of pus can build up putting pressure on the lungs that causes shortness of breath
and pain. One distressing finding was that the numbers had doubled in patients under
19, quadrupled in the one to four years age group, suggesting that children are high
risk group for empyema that needs attention.
DP: So one reason, this is actually in the article, one reason might be the
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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
pneumococcal vaccines children receive to prevent meningitis, pneumonia and other
illnesses, although they have saved thousands of lives, the vaccines might also have
resulted in greater incidents of one stereotype of the streptococcus pneumoniae
bacteria not covered by the shot, which in turn is the main trigger of empyema in
DP: If you have a resistant bacteria, now you're getting the natural history of untreated
pneumonia as of 100 years ago, and empyemas were not terribly uncommon then. So
the history is there. Why no one... I'm not going to get on a rant about that. There's the
information, there's some history and just know because I am offering this course, you
have somebody who historically has lived through this, and I feel like it was just
beginning of what has happened to many of our children, and there's some children far
more serious.
DP: In your handout, you will also be receiving some information by Dr. F. Edward
Yazbak, he's a medical doctor, a pediatrician, who, and this is in his bio, devotes his
time to the research of autoimmune regressive autism and vaccine injury. Any of his
work is really, really good. It will be in your handout and you will see, again, some of the
history of what has happened. So if you look back to the '80s when the vaccines were
introduced sooner, but of course, I was just starting to have my children in my later
20s, how the evolution of these chronic illnesses with children has evolved side-byside with the increased number of vaccines.
DP: So the unintended consequences game is what my husband and I play. It was
after I read out an article to him and it can be anything from... In a country where
they've put another species of animal to destroy another part of a population, and the
unintended consequence was then, there was this proliferation of this particular animal
that was introduced into an environment where it didn't belong. It's just such an
amazing metaphor for exactly what is happening with the health of our children, I think.
DP: So he actually quotes Hillary Butler because her research is quite impeccable. And
he asked the question did we trade invasive Haemophilus influenzae B for
pneumococcal invasive disease? Would pneumococcal invasive disease have become
such a problem in the '90s if HiB vaccination had not been introduced? Was there a
causal relationship between the two? Or was it simply a casual and temporal
relationship, just a coincidence?
DP: So again, he talks about the planned use of Prevnar to "prevent ear infections."
Now many doctors are now aware, pediatricians are aware of the overuse of
antibiotics. Although I have parents who tell me otherwise, it seems like walk-in clinics
are a bit notorious for over prescribing antibiotics, but most are careful with ear
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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
infections, especially if it's a viral ear infection, then an antibiotic is not going to help.
DP: So I know with my own kids, when our granddaughter has had ear infections, they
are extremely cautious. And even when they do prescribe antibiotics, usually we're able
to find a homeopathic remedy. Oddly enough, it's my son who panics first and wants to
put her on antibiotics right away. So even in families where somebody knows
homeopathy, you can still have disagreements about how to treat children.
DP: So in the American Academy of Pediatrics 2004, approximately 80% of children
with acute otitis media get better without antibiotics. And children whose ear infections
are not treated immediately with antibiotics are not likely to develop a serious illness.
Hopefully that is changing. So this study that you will get also makes the statement
that the incidence of pneumococcal bacteremia has decreased. What has increased is
E. Coli, salmonella and staph aureus. So the whole biology of the gut and even the
blood has been completely disturbed and there has been an opportunity for what
otherwise are fairly benign viruses and bacteria in the system are now proliferating
because of this disturbance that has been introduced.
DP: So right now, the success of the HiB conjugate vaccines in preventing HiB, then
strep pneumonia became the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in infants. You will
have all those statistics in your handout. So there is an implication of the overuse of
antibiotics turning strep pneumonia into a dreaded and serious pathogen when it's
normally just in the body. There has been an introduction of a 23-valent pneumococcal
vaccine which still leaves a number of other bacteria in the strep family that won't be
DP: And there you go. There is the connection between the history of the vaccines and
the illnesses that have come up as children begin to get older. So are there any
questions or clarifications needed at this point? Or anything that you've observed, even
with your own children with strep infections, if they've had them, or ear infections?
Okay, Cam, let me put you on mic, go ahead.
Cam: Hey, I have a couple of questions about the different types of strep and the
different vaccines. So Prevnar is gonna... You said it's seven different strains, right?
DP: That was the original one.
Cam: Are they all strep A?
DP: Now, let me see, when I go to the... I don't know what you have in the US, but
when I went to the public health agency of Canada, the Canadian immunization guide,
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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
the pneumo 7, C7, is not in use anymore. So what they have now is a Prevnar 13. And
they also have one that has a 10, which is called Synflorix, and that includes the Hi and
the DPT which...
Cam: Okay. The one that my son got did not have HiB or DPT in it.
DP: Okay. So he likely had the pneumo 10. So he may have had the pneumococcal 23valent.
Cam: Well he had a separate pneumococcal one.
DP: Okay. So again, I would have to go by brand name.
Cam: Okay.
DP: And what I've got here for the pneumo 23, these are... They actually list the
serotypes in the pneumococcal vaccine. They've got 4, 9V, 6B, 14, 18C and then 19F
that was the one that proliferated after the pneumo C7, so 23F1. So they list them all.
Now you'd have to look each of those up separately.
Cam: To find out what's what?
DP: Yeah.
Cam: Is there only one strain of strep that would be associated with PANDAS or is
PANDAS... It can be any of them?
DP: You know, I don't know, and this is why when I open up my book, I always go, "I
really want to know about this strep because this seems to be where the kids are
developing really serious illnesses." So yes, MMR, but...
Cam: So my son... He had strep, that I know of, he's had it six times. And he has
PANDAS and he has Tourette's. He no longer has an autism diagnosis, but he has. And
when we did his very first stool kit, you know the gut tests, it showed that the two
bacteria that were there were enterococcus and strep A, not step B. Strep A was off
the charts in his gut.
DP: Interesting. So strep A is the one that has to do with the strep throat, and it is the
part that's the enterococcal one. So I'm wondering if your homoeopath has looked into
the Streptococcinum nosode.

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Cam: Nosode? No, and that's something that... I'm thinking about it and I'm also
considering just doing a clear and seeing what happens, but for the Tourette's
associated with all of this, we tried Belladonna, we tried stramonium and they didn't
touch it.
DP: Yeah. So, again this is using homeopathy, yes, in a very specific kind of way and I
think that as homoeopaths we are learning how to do this more and more. And again, it
would have to... You would want to work with your homoeopaths to look at the
timeline. So, did the bowel stuff come before the autism diagnosis? Was the PANDAS
there before or after?
Cam: Well I can tell... This is what I think happened. I think that part of it was there all
along, but it... What I really truly think happened, is that his one constitutional that he
was on for like a year, but that's when we lost our diagnosis. It was amazing; it did so
much work. That was carcinosin. And at the same time he had a Lyme diagnosis. I
think we've got some miasms stuff going on, but I also think that he... When that
happened, it took away what we would consider autism and this is the layer that was
DP: Right. And so yes this is my understanding. We're going to be studying with John
Melnychuk in April, but this is what I would really want to work with parents with, is to
see if we could work at this layer. It's like... You're exactly right, it's like a miasmatic
block whether it's the vaccine or what it is, but these... So at two months, the pneumo
C13 is given here in Canada. So I...
Cam: Well he got... This is the thing that really bothers me, is that when I'm sitting here
looking at his timeline, and he got a Prevnar in September, another one in November,
and another one in January, and also had a pneumococcal in December. So in the
space of basically five months, he had four vaccines that are strep.
DP: Yeah. So...
Cam: In addition to all the other ones.
DP: Yeah. So just as a suggestion to bring to your homoeopaths, ask them about just
doing a clearing of first, the pneumococcal and go back in time. So do the
pneumococcal first, 'cause it was the last one where you noticed changes or if it's
historically what happened. So this is the CEASE therapy, which I'm not trained in, so
I'm only guessing on that part. But if you do the pneumococcal and then you go back
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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
in time and so you can actually get potentized Prevnar, but you would have to find out
which Prevnar your child was given. So right now they use 13...
Cam: Oh, I have the manufacturer and the lot number and everything.
DP: Everything, yeah. So, you can sometimes... Some of the homeopathic pharmacies
are now potentizing the vaccines. And the reason they make a distinction, so you want
to find out if it is the homeopathic preparations of the bacteria or virus, so the nosode,
or if it's the vaccine. Because with the vaccine you're getting all of the constituents of
the vaccine itself, which is sometimes really important, if there has been a never been
well since the vaccine as opposed to never been well since the disease.
Cam: Yeah, no, this has never been well since the vaccine.
DP: Yeah. So, you might look at that. I do have the streptococcus pneumoniae picture
here in front of me with that one reference textbook, but I don't know that I've got the
entero. I've got the one that causes the scarlet fever and that's one...
Cam: Well, and what the other thing that I should mention, when my son has strep
throat, I know it way before they can even culture it and get a positive culture.
DP: Ah.
Cam: Because he turns into a completely different person overnight.
DP: So, have you got an acute homeopathic remedy for that kind of sore throat?
Cam: No, every time it's ever happened, I've ended up on antibiotics because I haven't
been able to... I haven't known what to do and like I said, when we've tried... We've
tried Belladonna. Weve tried stramonium, at the time. But with PANDAS, the idea that
the body is attacking its own basal ganglia cells, that scares me.
DP: Yes, yes. Talk to your homoeopaths about using homeopathic Streptococcinum.
Cam: Okay, just the nosode?
DP: Yeah, just the nosode for... Because there's a whole picture for it. There is... It's a
homeopathic picture for it. So, just go through the... This is the one for the
Pneumococcinum. So, it's possible that... I don't know what's happening in his body
because, you know... But I can only give you the symptoms of the... So, this is the

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strep pneumoniae symptom picture. The mind is depressed, anguished condition
associated with pain all over the cervical and dorsal regions accompanied by fears of
impending disease, of death, of going out, wants to stay home.
DP: So, with a child, they might not want to go to school. There's a weakness of
memory and a weary of life. Their gastrointestinal symptoms, their respiratory tract,
they'll feel like there's a feather in the throat, a cough in the morning after breakfast, a
dry cough and cold or hot air worse entering a warm room, and then, clearing the
throat, an incessant cough unproductive, worse at night with nausea, must stoop to be
able to cough. So, that would be an unusual symptom. Coughing causes a headache
and loss of urine. So there are specific symptoms with that.
Cam: Okay.
DP: I don't know if you'll be able to find that on the Internet, but your homoeopaths, if
they've got this Frans Vermeulen book, they will have access to that and there's some
cases in there...
Cam: What's the name of the book again?
DP: This one is Monera Kingdom Bacteria and Viruses by Frans Vermeulen. It's very,
very good. And when you get to read the cases, the cured cases with it, it really helps
to sort of understand kind of that picture.
Cam: Okay.
DP: That goes with it.
Cam: Well, I will definitely get that because I can tell you that within the autism
community, I would say, at this point, we... The number of children dealing with
PANDAS is at least half.
DP: Really?
Cam: Yeah.
DP: Wow! So, I'll tell you what, Cam, I am...
Cam: Now, whether it's been diagnosed as PANDAS or the parents are saying, "I know
what this is, but I can't get a diagnosis." I got a diagnosis from my naturopath, but it's

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not... My thing with getting the diagnosis because he doesn't titre.
DP: Right.
Cam: So, one of the ways they diagnose it right is through...
DP: A titre.
Cam: The high titres, but the fact that even when he has been diagnosed with an
active infection, you can check in two weeks later, and there's no titres.
DP: Yeah.
Cam: So, you can't use that as the only way to diagnose this.
DP: Right. Well, the other one...
Cam: But yes, something to know.
DP: Right. The other streptococcus is the pyogenes. So, Vermeulen talks about that
one as well. And this is the one... Of course, this is the strep A, and this is the one that
has one of the complications of the disease itself, if they have the disease, is this
chorea. So, these Saint Vitus' Dances, involuntary moving, and...
Cam: That's what my son has.
DP: Yeah and so, again, it's that whole situation of what a disease can cause, a
vaccine can cause the same thing.
Cam: Right.
DP: And then it's repeated.
Cam: So what's the... Is that the strep nosode then for that one?
DP: Yes. So he's got a whole section on this, and there's no way I could go through all
of it here.
Cam: Okay.

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DP: But it is a textbook, I think, that would be helpful for anyone in the autism
community where they are dealing with this particular strep bacteria. In whatever form,
and I think that's what depends on the individual soil of the whole microbiome, and
that would determine which one tends to take over. So I've had children that express
more the rheumatism aspects of it, and more with repeated sore throats, and my sister
was that. She had the joint pain. And I did give her just the Streptococcinum. And so...
But this pyogenes for scarlet fever, it's got pieces in there as well.
Cam: Okay.
DP: David Riley is the one who has done the approving of Streptococcinum.
Cam: Okay.
DP: So, the ideological factors, we may consider the prescription of Streptococcinum
in chronic disease where there is a history of acute streptococcal infection, very
probably including severe infection in the mother during pregnancy. And I would say
even any mother given that vaccine. Given such a history, there are two kinds of cases
where consideration of comparatively unproved remedies seems justifiable. First, when
there's unsatisfactory response to a well-chosen medicine. And secondly, where
streptococcal infection immediately precedes chronic illness. So, you know, repeated
tonsillitis, artificial teeth, dental stuff.
Cam: Oh yes. He had $4,000 worth of dental work done before he's four.
DP: Yeah. So, this is all strep. I suspect that this is the miasmatic or the grafted-on
miasm from vaccines. It's the strep.
Cam: Okay.
DP: So the mind weeping, there's a lot of weeping, better in the open air, tormenting
thoughts, thinks he'll become insane, hopeless of condition and cure. Auditory
hallucinations, hears cries for help. Suspicious of people talking about her, fear of
being attacked, dreams of being shot. Homesickness, changeable mood, hurry, haste.
And there are sensations in that, so there's a lot of good information in Vermeulen's
book. Plus, here's some cases. A case of impetigo, and that one's been cured with this
Streptomycin 1M.
Cam: Yep, we've had that one a few times too.

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DP: Yeah. So does that help?

Cam: Yes. Thank you. It gives me some stuff to start looking at.
DP: Yeah. Yeah, it does. It does. And it's amazing to me how many parents know so
much more than the doctors right now. They just don't have time, I don't think, to keep
up with this.
Cam: Well, you know, they also... Look at who they're relying on for their continuing
DP: Yes, the pharmaceutical reps that comes in.
Cam: Yeah. So...
DP: Yeah. Okay, well I'm going to continue on now...
Cam: Well, thank you.
DP: You're welcome, Cam. I'm going to continue on with the signs and symptoms of
strep pneumonia. So one of the really helpful websites I found was just the FreeMD, Streptococcus pneumoniae symptoms. And what I liked about this
particular website was that it would give you the... It gives you the abnormal breathing
rates, so you can pay attention to this with your child. My recent newsletter is all about
how do you know when you need help, when your child is so sick that you need to go
to the doctor and get medical help. This will help you discern some of that.
DP: So anytime it's, so I've said it before, breathing, blood, bones, or brain, which
would include brain inflammation, meningitis, encephalitis, you have to go to the
doctor. So even just recently, a parent who was going to be coming to see me in the
new year for homeoprophylaxis, sent me a video of her child breathing. Well, I just
heard it once and she said, "But I don't want to go to the hospital," and "You have to
get to the hospital. We will deal with things after."
DP: So again, a good homeopathic remedy on the way, and then she was able to just
slip it into the child during her time there. But he did need intervention, oxygen levels
need to be tested. But with this website link, it gives you an idea of how children
should be breathing, so six months to one year, the upper normal is 40 breaths per
minute, and if you find your baby, your six-month-old to your one-year-old, is breathing
60 breaths per minute, that's not normal, and you need to be heading to the hospital.

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DP: So, it's really nice. This gives you a really practical idea when you're at home. So
the common symptoms of the strep pneumonia are a cough, a chest congestion and
coughing up thick mucus. And the mucus may be green, brown, yellow, or tan. So,
often when you get these colourful rainbow discharges, often it is suggestive of a
bacterial infection. So, if you haven't gone to the doctor for an assessment, you need
to be very aware that this is possibly what your dealing with, and it can develop into a
more serious bacterial infections, secondary infections.
DP: The coughing may have blood in it. Chest pain when taking a breath or chest pain
when coughing. So with homeopathy, we're going to some of the remedies. Bryonia is
a big one, but you'll see the children sometimes crying before they cough, an indication
for Arnica. Holding the chest or head when they're coughing is often characteristic of
Bryonia, so again you see the common symptom of chest pain when coughing, look for
what is specific. What is your child or baby doing, in terms of behaviour or physical
kinds of characteristics? So that can often lead to homeopathic remedy that will be
very helpful.
DP: Fever, sore throat, there could be nausea and vomiting, fatigue, headache, body
aches and pains, and the rapid breathing. The other thing that's very nice about this
particular link is that they do have some video. And so that's kind of nice to see. Then
you move into the severe symptoms, if the fever is high, so 103 degrees, and again
we've talked about it before, there's usually a top number that your child will stop at,
that it's just built in with the immune system and it won't go past that. If you have a
fever that increases very quickly, this is where you can get the febrile seizures, but you
want to exercise good caution and intuition with your fevers. We can use homeopathic
remedies for that and not just Aconite and Belladonna or Ferrum Phos, which is a
much slower one. So you'll want to make sure you have all of your steps in place that
you are doing all of the things you need to do before you take your action to go to the
doctor or hospital.
DP: Excessive perspiration can happen. The cough can get very severe, shortness of
breath, wheezing, and cyanosis. So you want to see this is one way to tell if the air is
getting into your child or not, is whether the lips or nail beds turn blue. What that
means, is that there's a lack of oxygen in the system. So you have to be watching for
these signs and symptoms of lack of oxygen in children. I actually sent that to the
young mum this week and I said if your child has any of these, I mean when I heard
how the child sounded, it was enough to say, that's a hospital visit. But you have to
know what the signs and symptoms are of difficult respiration. It's called dyspnea. A
rapid heart rate. And then if there's excessive sleepiness or confusion you really, really
need to get to the hospital at this point.

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DP: One of the other ways to know if there's difficulty breathing, you'll see the ribs will
kind of retract. It's like a little dent in the abdomen. The nostrils will flare, it's the body's
way of trying to get more oxygen in, so you'll see the nostrils flare out. Again, the
cyanosis, the nail beds or lips turn blue, any dry skin or dry mouth then you're moving
toward dehydration. And it's possible, that if you get your child to the hospital, you
know, you're aware, you've researched this, you know it all the signs and symptoms
are. If the doctors rule out any secondary bacterial infection, then you can just ask
them more about hydration. And again, you have to judge who you're working with in
terms of who you get in an emergency situation. You may have a doctor or nurse who
are very willing to work with you on that.
DP: So any wheezing, rapid pulse, rapid breathing then you know that you're really...
Any wet sounds in the bronchi, they call it rales, and your doctor will be able to test
that. Unless you have a stethoscope at home and then you can hear all of that
crackling and all of those sounds that are in the lungs, then you know you're dealing
with bacterial pneumonia possibly. So when you get there to the hospital, they want to
do a blood count, and they will be doing tests to determine if it's bacterial pneumonia.
Likely a chest x-ray, they'll be checking oxygen levels, blood cultures, and then it's
possible they might want to scope the airways, which can be very distressing for kids
and for parents.
DP: For any kind of procedure where a tube has been inserted through the mouth, or
through the anus, or through the vagina, or any part of the skin, you can consider
Staphysagria, and especially where it's called sphincters. Anytime when there's been
any of the openings in the body have been forced to open even further, always
consider Staphysagria. Staphysagria is a big remedy as well for any kind of surgeries
where there's an incision and a penetration through any protective area of the body
where it feels like a violation. So even though the parent, if you're experiencing that
while watching your child having these interventions, give yourself some Staphysagria
as well and any Aconite as well which will deal with any of the anticipation and the
anxiety and the shock.
DP: It's possible they'll do a spit, sputum culture test, CT scan and they'll want to
exclude viral infection. So this is when your child is really sick. So I don't know what
tests this mum would have had done last night, but she was able to keep giving
Spongia as well so she was able to come home this morning and her child is doing
quite well and sleeping. And then they'll want to rule out other kinds of illnesses as
well, possibly do a urine test. So this is what you can expect if you think that it's some
kind of pneumonia, these are all of the symptoms as well for adults and the elderly. So
who's most vulnerable with this are your very young children and your elderly. So
remember these symptoms if you have an aging parent or in a nursing home, these are

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the kinds of things that will present themselves as well.
DP: So treatment, possibly, so this is conventional, IV antibiotics and just know, some
parents that I've spoken with feel like this is a huge failure on their part. That they have
to go to the hospital. This is not failure, this is huge success that you know the signs
and symptoms and what you need to do. So even the most well meaning and really
experienced Homoeopaths sometimes does not get the remedies right or if the remedy
is right, you've moved into a really serious situation very quickly, give the remedy on
the way and just know that afterwards, you can pick up some of the pieces and start
again. And hopefully you're just that much further along the road to supporting your
child's immune system.
DP: So it may be already antibiotics and if possible a lumbar puncture. So with lumbar
punctures, you want to think of remedies like Ledum which is used for insect bites,
puncture wounds and also with Hypericum. Hypericum has a very big affinity for the
nerve so anything to do with the spinal cord. So even if your child is in the hospital and
this is happening to them so it's happening to the family, bring your little kit in and
when you have time available, you can do this. And I leave that to you and your own
good judgement whether you're telling the doctors what you're doing or not doing.
DP: So bed rest, medications, they will want to reduce fever and address the
headache. Again because you're on their ground with their rules and you're in the
emergency situation, we can work afterwards. I like to believe, I don't have any studies
to support this, I would like to believe that as you are giving homeopathic support that
there will be less likelihood of complications from the treatment not just the disease but
the treatment itself.
DP: Oxygen might be required especially if there's been breathing problems. So you
also have to know going in what your child's allergies may be to antibiotics because
again there are so many with the pneumonia with the strep pneumonia, there are so
many antibiotic resistant bacteria now. They may have to go through more than one
and again you have to weigh the benefits and risks with the cephalosporin.
DP: So in the follow up email, I will put a link, Dr. Mercola is way ahead of everybody,
as he often is, with his research with the cephalosporin antibiotics and the MRSA drugresistant bacteria. You will likely be required inhalers, steroids, cough medications,
decongestants, so you know work with the doctors and figure out which ones you
want, which ones you don't want and go with it from there. So that link is
and it's for streptococcus pneumonia.
DP: So Sheri Nakken has a great course, it's online, very inexpensive, tremendous
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amount of reading. If you can keep up with the reading, you'll be really glad you took
her courses. So anything by Sheri Nakken, is great. So some of this information has
come from her research and the first thing she says about pneumococcal disease and
homeopathic treatment, there is no self-treatment if indeed it has progressed to
meningitis or pneumonia or bacteremia or sepsis.
DP: So again remember, this is because the bacteria have been feeding on the whole
environment. The house that houses, everything that basically lives together,
something has happened that the strep or the staph or the C difficile is now eating on
toxins, we have a house cleaning. And if the immune system is not able to keep up
with the toxins that the strep is dumping into the bloodstream, then you have the
secondary infections and complications which can include the blood poisoning and
then pneumonia, and that's what sepsis is, is blood poisoning.
DP: So, life saving measures are needed by your conventional medical doctors but you
can use your homeopathy with it. It's not going to interfere. The ear infection,
homeopathy is brilliant with ear infections. When you get the remedy right, you'll just
see a complete change in your child. So with homeopathy, it's possible that you will, by
treating it at fever, the very beginning stages, that you may never ever develop, you will
never know what you might have prevented. But if there are any signs of meningitis,
you don't wait. Life saving measures first. Always.
DP: So, with the meningitis, what you're going to watch for, the fever, weakness,
vomiting, and a stiff neck, and remember in infants, neonates, you will not see that. But
it will be very unusual for a neonate, a baby under two, three months to run a very high
fever all on their own. With vaccines, they may have a fever response. But on their own,
it's a concern, especially if there's vomiting, drowsiness, lethargy, you need to take
your baby to the doctor right away. Any seizures. Petechial rash, these are little dots on
the surface of the skin and it's like a teeny-tiny hemorrhage. Watch for any confusion,
cool, clammy skin, low or no urine input, with babies they'll just have dry diapers and
they won't be nursing very much., that would be a concern. Blue lips and fingernails,
profuse sweating, moist skin, rapid weak pulse, shallow breathing, chest pain or
unconsciousness. So those are emergency measures.
DP: So for ear infections, you have a great remedy in Pulsatilla and Mag Phos. It will be
in your handout. So you can read through those and Merc Sol. Merc Sol, they'll be
much worse at night. Drooling, they might be teething. Pulsatilla, they'll be very clingy,
and this is where the discharge will be yellow, yellow-green, thick or smelly. The same
with Merc Sol, so again, if your children have any of these symptoms early on, and you
give them homeopathic remedies, you can see how you might be preventing
secondary infections that could lead to bacterial meningitis, or the pneumonia.

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DP: There are some links that you will have in your handout for the ear infections as
well. So for meningitis, homeopathically... Let me just move along through my handout.
You're getting quite an extensive handout. Again, I am so intrigued by this whole
streptococcus family and what's happening with it.
DP: Sorry, I'm moving through a lot of information here. Any questions or clarifications
or things you want to add at this point? Okay, I found my page where we can talk
about pneumonia and homeopathy. So, again, the young children, infants, children
under a year and then in the elderly. An elderly person, even a minor cough or
weakness for more than a day and then confusion and deterioration, you might have to
suspect. And with my mother-in-law in the nursing home, they watch for this quite
DP: So, with homeopathy and pneumonia, Aconite. Again, we've gone over it before
and it is particularly good in pulmonary, so heart and lung congestions. And it's one of
the remedies in the first stage of pneumonia, and it corresponds more closely to the
symptoms in that first part, that first stage. Now, especially here in Alberta where we
have cold, dry winds in the winter, so again, the skin is hot and dry. So you can start to
see why the symptoms of Aconite starts to really correspond very well with the
symptoms of pneumonia.
DP: If the spit-up, the sputum starts to get thick, then you know that Aconite is likely
no longer the remedy. So, what may happen with homeopathic remedies, it's not that
you're preventing or stopping the illness, what you are doing is supporting the body's
whole immune system or the vital force to be able to resolve what is happening in a
probably more efficient and quicker way. So, I often caution people even if you're using
homeopathy and you are better sooner, to still continue with rest because it's so easy
to have a relapse with it.
DP: So, suddenness onset in Aconite and especially in young children or babies that
are really very active and lively, and then all of a sudden they're sick. So, a remedy like
Gelsemium does not cover, it's a much lower kind of state than Aconite. So those are
all the symptoms you can look for in Aconite. Ferrum Phos, if it's very slow. The
phosphorus part of Ferrum Phos has a special affinity to the lungs, to the chest and
also to blood and bleeding. So if it's been sort of a slow kind of illness and then there's
blood when they cough up, you can think of Ferrum Phos. Now, I've had some really
interesting cases in student clinic with Ferrum Phosphoricum and one of them was with
a person who had a chronic clearing of the throat and a very chronic chest infection
that would come every winter. So there is a very huge affinity for Ferrum Phos in these
kinds of situations.

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DP: And it's what they consider the secondary pneumonias. What has been
characteristic in the Ferrum Phos cases that I've seen in student clinic are this inability
to either cough something up or cough something down or take it down. It just is this
kind of stuck in clearing and not being able to take a deep breath. So I have found
Ferrum Phos to be very useful in a way that I would not have known.
DP: Bryonia, probably one of the big time pneumonia remedies. And this would come
after something like Aconite or Ferrum Phos and again, they don't want moving, thirsty
for large quantities of water all at the same time, extremely irritable if disturbed, a real
grumpiness to it. But when they cough, it feels like the chest walls would fly to pieces
so they hold on. They just dread coughing and worse for any kind of motion. So any
time moving in the bed will bring on the cough. And the cough can hurt in other parts
of the body. So Phosphorus most commonly follows Bryonia in pneumonia and it's
complimentary so it's really nice to know how your remedies work with each other.
DP: Now the Schuessler Tissue Salts, one of the ones that he mentions is Kali
Muriaticum. So you can keep on hand some of the 12 tissue salts. Miranda Castro
probably has the best information on tissue salts. I don't think she's written a book on
them, but she may have on, she may have an article or two on the
tissue salts. Phosphorus is, "the great mogul of lobar pneumonia." So it's important to
remember that somebody needing Phosphorus in pneumonia might be craving ice cold
drinks and as soon as the drink hits the stomach, up it comes. They might be craving
ice cream. It might seem counter-intuitive with all of this phlegm going on that you
would give a dairy product, but this is the craving of Phosphorus. It's something for
cold and often this milkshake they'll ask for or ice cream.
DP: The cough will come on from talking or laughing and there may be blood with this.
But Phosphorus is a very good childhood remedy as well. So Antimonium Tart, this is
another one that has that rattling in the chest or in the larynx you can hear it. And very
specific with children they may be craving a lot of apple juice and there's this rattly
mucus-y sound in there. Possibly some croup, crouping sounds as well.
DP: So those are the ones that I'm just going to leave you with. Your handout has a
couple of more, you can read through those. So any questions, any comments, any
clarification about today's material or any of the previous classes that we've had
together or anything you'd like to ask me? Go ahead, Cam.
Cam: The question I have is about essential oils with Homoeopathy. I know that they
can contradict a remedy or counteract a remedy, is there any timeframe, like if you give
a remedy then don't use those for two days or three days or is it forever that they can't
be used together?
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DP: I know I've heard parents having really great success with essential oils and I know
when I was a child, Vicks VapoRub was my dad's go to with the menthol and
eucalyptus. I would say give the homeopathic remedy. If there's improvement, then you
can consider using an essential oil. So each child may be different. Each situation
might be different. So say you give a homeopathic remedy, there's improvement, you
use the essential oil and immediately they return to back where they were, I would
consider that there's been an antidoting affect.
Cam: What about with a constitutional?
DP: With a constitutional, again, you might want to just see what happens. It's really a
wait and see. I have, with my mother-in-law, I used to give her remedies with her
coffee, and they helped.
Cam: Okay.
DP: So, it depends on what... If it's somebody who's really sensitive, then I would be
more cautious about how soon to use an essential oil. It is so individual specific. I have
a case where the parent has a tendency to overuse everything. Overuse herbals,
overuse oils, and you can get proving symptoms even with chamomile tea, if there's a
susceptibility to it, you can get... You know, you give tea, chamomile tea, and they start
hitting. And I say that because I read a herbogram book one time and somebody using
St. John's Wort for depression, and they developed tingling and numbness in the
fingers and toes.
DP: Hypericum is a homeopathic remedy, St. John's Wort is used for crushed fingers
and toes. What happened was that person had taken so much of the herbal out of the
material dose, they were proving it. So, it's possible to get too much, same drinking too
much coffee, you can get completely wired and you get symptoms proving...
Cam: Okay. I just wondered, there's a huge wave right now. I am not doing it, although
I have been putting Thyme oil on my son's plantar's wart and hope that that will help.
But he's not on any homeopathy right now either. But there's a huge trend right now in
the autism community with people using these Young Living Essential Oils, and I
thought, the same people that are using them, the majority of them, are also seeing
homoeopaths so, I just wondered...
DP: Yeah, they need to take it t their Homoeopaths. I assessed each one of my patient
individually with that. For some, it seems to be okay. For others, it antidotes it right
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away and we're kind of back at square one. So I caution parents, just to watch. If
there's been an improvement, and improvement, so it might be one day, it might be
one hour, it might be a week, if it's a constitutional remedy and their first experience
with homoeopathy, I tend to ask them to stay away from the aromatics just for a little
while. Just until we can see the action of the remedy. Once the homeopathic remedy
has affected the vital force, typically, there's nothing that can antidote it or undo it. So,
some people...
Cam: So like, Jerry... I have a lot of friends who are working with Jerry Cantor and his
rule of thumb is three days. No coffee, no aromatics for three days. But that that should
be enough time for it to get in there and start doing it's work. But I just wondered if...
And I've always thought that the rules, like you're saying, it just depends on the person.
DP: It really does.
Cam: That maybe that remedy does an antidote, but a person, it can antidote.
DP: Yes, and with coffee, it's an interesting thing. If somebody's a regular drinker of
coffee, I don't ask them to go off, it's horrific. The headaches can be horrible and I've
been there. So Miranda Castro, again, did an interesting little bit of research on her
own and she asked patients to be honest with her, because she would always tell
them, don't drink any coffee, and they did, and most of them got completely better on
their homeopathic remedy, so she quit saying don't drink coffee. But in somebody who
is really sensitive to it, they will antidote their remedy every time and it's quite mood
altering to have a cup of coffee. And so I know that particular person, with a
homoeopath as well, her homoeopath just got a little bit frustrated with her because
she knew, she was a homoeopath and she knew that she was antidoting her remedy
but that was her individual situation. I approach things pretty much individually.
Cam: Okay. And then while on that note, is there a link somewhere that talks about
your fees? Several people have asked me.
DP: No, I usually have people send an email enquiry to me and then what I do is,
maybe I just need to put this on the page, I send a preliminary package of information,
it's really important to me that people who are considering seeing me as a
homoeopath, that they are... So I include two articles, "Finding the Right homoeopath
for You," so I want people to feel like this is a good fit. And also included in that
package are my fees, where I am, how I work, what my training is. But it gives people
that time to make their own assessments of whether this is somebody I can trust or
make an investment in. And so, my fees, probably are middle of the road, I would think.
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: I know some who charge quite a bit more than what I do and some who charge
quite a bit less, but I'm comfortable with what I charge. So I spend as much time, and I
don't do a lot of remedies all at once. I tend to do single remedies. And I don't
prescribe right at the end of the consult. I spend time sorting through things and I tend
to work very closely with people especially if there's layers of either vaccines or illness
history or things going on in the household. So again, everybody as individuals. Some
people I never hear from again. And then three years later they call and say, "Oh yeah, I
was fine. It's nothing to talk about, but now... " And then they have something else that
they got going.
Cam: Okay. Alright. Well, I'll do that. I'll send an enquiry for my family then.
DP: Okay. Yeah, and then it's just the whole package of information then. Alright. And
it's the same with homeoprophylaxis. I feel better when the person contacting me has
done some research with HP. I provide the links so that you're coming into it informed
about what it can do, what it can't do and then go from there.
Cam: Okay. Thanks.
DP: Yeah, does that help?
Cam: It does. Thank you so much for everything. Oh, and are you gonna keep the
Facebook page going or is it closing after this class is over?
DP: No. What I'm hoping is, Cam, is that with each group that we just keep adding to it
Cam: Oh, great.
DP: Yeah, and Casey and I are going to send out an email very shortly that it will be, if
you feel there's some people who would like to be part of this group, it's going to be a
very private group, quite closed, but if you feel that there is somebody who you would
like to be part of that group then I'll be sort of a little... If it comes from one of the
Cam: Little vetting process?
DP: Yeah. Well... Yeah and if it comes from one of the people who have participated in
these courses, I know I can trust you to have invited somebody along. It's sort of like
meet my new friend.

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

Cam: Okay.
DP: But if you feel it's somebody who would really benefit by some of the
conversations. Ideally, it's nice to have people who have participated in the program
simply because we're all on the same page with the information. But I realize that the
group is also taking a little bit of a turn in terms of acute illnesses and sharing
information with that. So I think that might be helpful for parents too. Okay? Take care.
Have a great week.


Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:

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