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Now What?
Call #8 Transcript
By Donna Powers



Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

Donna Powers: Welcome to the Vaccine Free: Now What? 12-week teleseminar
course. This is class eight where we will be talking about the second year of life where
the vaccine is given are for the infectious illness influenza.
DP: So today's disease is influenza. It's highly infectious, highly contagious and some
of the main concerns in the conventional world are these susceptibility of influenza in
the young, in the elderly and generally the in-between population is not affected. Every
year the virus changes and it can change quickly or it can change dramatically. So I will
talk more about that in a little bit but this is the reason that there is a vaccination
program that is offered yearly. And it's because this virus has the ability to change.
DP: And I introduce this as the vaccinations in the second year of life. Babies now as
young as six-months old are being given a two-dose influenza shot. And we'll talk more
about that later on. I'll talk about particularly in Canada where you get the information
about the vaccines being used, the recommended ages and then we will move to the
signs and symptoms of flu. What's common, what's characteristic. And then I'm going
to cover quite fairly the homeopathic remedies used for the prevention and treatment
of influenza. This is one of those illnesses that I really want you to have a good handle
on the homeopathic remedies. Once you know these homeopathic remedies in a flu
situation, you will know these remedies quite well when the symptoms agree for cough,
colds, sore throats and other kinds of illnesses.
DP: So this is kind of my thing in life. As I was getting ready for today's class, I
surprised myself by realizing how excited I get talking about influenza and homeopathy.
The other infectious illnesses are very important to me simply because if you are
choosing to be vaccine free, you will want to know how to help your kids feel when
they have these illnesses because they will come back. But for some reason, influenza
is the one for me, maybe I had a past life in the 1918 Spanish Influenza, maybe I just
have an intuition or sense there is going to be another epidemic or pandemic and
homeopathy for anybody who wants to learn it, these will be your only resource for
helping your family heal.
DP: So call me weird, but this is my thing in life. I'm very happy that I have found it.
Once a year, I will be offering the influenza seminar. It will always be free. It's an
abbreviated form of what you'll actually get because you are in the Vaccine Free: Now
What? course, but it will give you the up-to-date information about which flu viruses
are being selected for the vaccines for that year. So what you are getting today is a far
more in depth study of the remedies and some other information as well. So welcome,
and I'm so glad that you're here for it and you give me a little stage to talk about this
thing that I love. Who knew.

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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: So influenza is a virus and it's from, we've talked about previously, the different
families of viruses. This one is the orthomyxoviridae flu virus and it's included with the
Paramyxoviridae, so if you remember that's your measles, mumps, RSV which is your
respiratory syncytial virus and the parainfluenza croup. All are upper respiratory tract
infections so you've got the runny nose, the sneezing, the coughing. And both these
groups, the orthomyxoviridae and the Paramyxoviridae have very similar cell
DP: So because you know about homeopathy, and you can use it right from the
beginning and onset of illness, you may never know at all what you have prevented. It's
possible that rather than at being mumps or measles or croup or just a cough, cold, it's
possible you may have headed off the flu. This particular virus, the influenza virus has
two parts. And the parts have to deal with blood cells. The HA. So the HA has to do
with blood cells and the NA to do with the mucus. And this little piece of information is
just so that you know when you're reading the package inserts, and you have
something like the H1N1 virus. This is probably the most well known virus in recent
media history and vaccination history.
DP: So, the H would be with the blood cells and the N to do with the mucus. And they
team together, and penetrates cell barriers to replicate the viral RNA, so that they can
make more of themselves. This is what they want to do, and they can't do it on their
own. So, they do this inside of humans only when the humans have a susceptibility to
this particular virus starting to replicate itself. So remember it would need conditions to
support that kind of environment to replicate itself.
DP: So, the body creates antibodies and this is the long-term immunity to both the H
and the N. So, when you have a natural experience of flu, you develop these antibodies
to it, whatever the strain is. Now, there are three types of influenza virus and they go by
alphabet letters. So A, B and C. And they all have varying strains or differences in the
HA and NA, so this is why some years you'll see H3N2. At the Centre for Disease
Control and the World Health Organization, they are monitoring in the Southern
Hemisphere to see which are the most common or the most virulent strains of influenza
in the Southern Hemisphere.
DP: Based on that surveillance information, they then make a prediction that these will
be the flu strains circulating in the Northern Hemisphere in the following fall and winter.
So, just remember our seasons are reversed, South and North. And so, it's a
mathematical guess. They are not even sure that they are going to have it right. This is
why in some seasons you will have the flu vaccine come out and lo and behold there
are epidemics in part of North America and Europe. And what you will hear is that the

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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
virus that is circulating was not in the flu vaccine for that year. And that is what
happens some years.
DP: So, some years the flu vaccine completely misses it. They choose three particular
strainsone usually from each of the A, B or Cand then with these differences with
the H and the N part. The type A infects humans and other mammals like pigs and
birds. So some years, some seasons you will hear about swine flu, other seasons you
will hear about Avian flu. Type B and C have only been isolated from humans. So if
theres going to be an epidermic or pandemicso an epidermic is a lot of people
locally, a pandemic happens when it's worldwide. And we live in a day and age with
travel, planes, imported food preparation, all kind of things. We are a very global
connected community now. So, if there were to be a pandemic, it would happen very,
very quickly.
DP: The last pandemic in the world was the Spanish Influenza, which was around the
end of the First World War and it was quite lethal. So a minor change in the viral
structure is called a drift. And all that means is that it just slightly changes. So, again
you will see in the vaccines from year to year, some of the viruses are the same as the
year previously or even in the past two or three years, it would be the same virus that
they are using, the type. And then it might change suddenly and it's just to adjust to
these little drifts that start to happen in the virus itself. It's mutating, it's evolving.
DP: But every once in a while, these virus change completely and totally, and it's
known in microbiology as a shift. And what it means is the H and the N are completely
different, and the big scare is that with the type A influenza, that it will be a virus picked
up from a bird or from pigs, a mammal, and it will cross into the human realm. So, the
RNA will then have the ability to not only replicate in birds and mammals, but it will
then cross over into the humans. This is one of the reasons that there is so much fear
around the pandemic, is that it has crossed over into humans. And then it's a virus that
is now new in the human population. Nobody has experienced it before, and so
humans are going to have to evolve and learn how to create antibodies to this new
strain of influenza.
DP: So you can see why there is all this fear and all of this promotion around
vaccination yearly for influenza. This is the only prevention available to conventional
medical world. It's all they have. So if this were to happen, and they start to see these
outbreaks, there will be a mad dash at your Centre for Disease Control high-level
infectious containment labs to create a new vaccine. You will be told that you can get
antivirals, but they're not really effective, and I'm not going to go into antivirals today
because they're just not effective. But you will hear about how they've stockpiled and

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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
spent tremendous amounts of money to stockpile antivirals, but the chances are very
good they'll be ineffective in a new strain of virus infection.
DP: So there will be this mad dash to these labs to create a new vaccine. They will try
and create an inactivated... So they kill the virus. So they attenuate it, they put it
through several sub-straight layers, and then they will kill the virus. But what's possible
that will happen is that the killed virus won't be as effective, and then they may move
into making a live attenuated virus, which will be inhaled or injected. So this will be a
minute dose of the actual virus.
DP: Now, this is... This has complications of its own. If you want to really get a good
sense of what is going to happen in the event of a pandemic, and you want to just do it
in an evening, hour and a half, rent the movie, Contagion. I will have a link to it in your
follow-up email tonight. In the movie, this is exactly what happens, and it has
transferred from animal to human and then very quickly starts to develop, and then
there's the mad dash to the labs to create the vaccine. And the story line goes there is
a reporter who is taking a herbal remedy called forsythia, which is the one they chose.
I've always been curious, I'm wondering if they're thinking Gelsemium in the movie. So,
you will see what will happen. What they won't report in the movie, of course, is
anybody who has an adverse reaction to a vaccine.
DP: Now, some of what's also going to happen is in the event of even an epidemic
they will try and contain it but you will not be able to get into the doctor's office. You
will not be able to get into the hospital or the emergency. There will be a triage and they
will be turning most people away. And this was made evident in the measles outbreak
in Southern Alberta. Basically, they told people to stay at home, to not go to the
hospitals and to not go to the walk-in clinics if they thought their child had measles. In
an influenza pandemic, this will be multiplied 10 times. You will not have access as a
rule to medical care. This is in the movie Contagion. You will see that preferential
treatment, although you know it shouldn't happen, it does. And it will be frontline staff
that get the vaccine, that get preferential medical treatment before anybody else.
DP: So, bottom line in a pandemic, you are pretty much left on your own. This is one of
those illnesses kind of like the flood here in Alberta. Everybody talks about it,
everybody sort of knows about it, everybody knows it's overdue, it's overdue, it's
overdue, and then bang, we have the perfect storm, and a lot of rain, a lot of snow melt
and rushing rivers, and it's a very serious tragedy. It's just terrible. This will happen with
influenza. Maybe this is some of what is behind my passion for this topic. I want you to
be prepared. I have a vision of little pods of people all over North America, Calgary, first
because this is where I live, Southern Alberta, all of Alberta, Canada and then North
America. I want groups of homoeopaths and lay people who are familiar with the

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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
remedies, familiar with the illnesses, what they're looking for, for signs and symptoms
and you will be able to for sure help your own family and you may be able to help other
people as well.
DP: There will be a tremendous amount of fear. So I want you to come away from
today's call feeling good about what your options are and knowing that you have a
form of medicine that is safe, non-toxic and extremely effective in a flu epidemic or a
pandemic. I'm going to in fact read something from... And if you only get one book
from this whole course, I would highly recommend the Homeopathy and Epidemic
Diseases by Dr. Dorothy Shepherd. I know I have referred to it before. It's small, it's
handy, it's one that you can throw in your suitcase if you're travelling, and it's just so
worthwhile to have on hand.
DP: She was still around at a time when she could recall the pandemic of 1889 and
1890, and then as well as the one, the 1918-1920 epidemic. And it was, you know, war
weary victims is how it was said. Everybody was worn out, and that was part of the
susceptibility of the whole world. This was a world war and this was the end of it. So,
there was a lot of unusual sadness, a lot of war victimology happening and left people
susceptible to this kind of infectious illness. There's more historically. I'm not going to
go into it today, but there were some hints, allegations, of military personnel being used
for vaccine testing and that may have contributed to it.
DP: The military is often used. The... Our men and women who serve are often used as
vaccination guinea pigs, and there are many fights... Not only are these men and
women sacrificing their lives for very noble reasons, but they are being used by the
government to test vaccines. Again, not going to go into that, but if that's an area you
want to investigate, I can point you in the right direction for research for that. At this
time, they did have sulphur drugs and penicillin, but what they found that... So, they
were in the midst of another outbreak which has already shown a high death rate. So,
again, Dr. Dorothy Shepherd, this book was being written... It was first published in
1967, so chances are good it was in the '50s. Okay, I've got a hand here. Go ahead,
Laurie: I just wanted to add to your statement about the military. My husband was in
the military, and it's well known that... I heard the stories that he told me that they have
you stand on these footprints here. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And they have
like these big guns literally that they're injecting them with, and you really have no
choice or you're going to be... You know, you're out of there. So... And it landed him in
the hospital. He was sick, and it's just outrageous. And years later, it happened to the
children. So, I just wanted to add that. That is a very unfortunate situation for our
military, like you said. They sacrifice their lives for our country, and I remember the

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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
stories my husband had shared with me, and how they have you do that, and it's
DP: Yeah. That is... There are some tremendous resources out there, Laurie, that are
supportive of military personnel who have had vaccine damage. Dr. Meryl Nass has
done a tremendous amount of work with military personnel who have been vaccine
damaged. So, if you Google that much, you'll be able to find some of the research and
resources. Thank you for sharing.
Laurie: And, of course, he was in the hospital for, I think it was two or three weeks, and
they discharged him. They said, "Oh, there's really no known reason why you're sick."
You know, and of course, he figured out later it was probably due to the massive
amounts of vaccines they were giving him at the same time.
DP: Yeah. The anthrax vaccine, in particularthat's Dr. Meryl Nass' specialitywas
quite damaging.
Laurie: Well, fortunately, he didn't have that one, but thank you. I'll check into that, and
look at that on the follow-up notes I get.
DP: Great. Thanks, Laurie. Okay, so when Dr. Shepherd was in her emergency surgery,
there was an outbreak, and a lot of lung involvement, and what they were finding was
the medical doctors couldn't do anything with the sulphur drugs they had at the time or
penicillin. So, this would have been at the beginning of the penicillin days, and she said
this particular epidemic that she was involved in "strikes its victims down like lightning
and one attack predisposes another." So, in this particular flu outbreak, what they
found is that they would get repeated influenza illnesses.
DP: Once they got through one, they would get another one as well, and I'm going to
read this to you simply because this is important information and it's documented, it's
historical, and it's taken some digging for people to make sure that this stays in the
consciousness of everyone. But "during the 1918-1920 epidemic, the mortality rate
was 30%, and 25,000 people died in America alone under orthodox treatment while
the homeopathically treated members of the community showed a death rate of under
1%," and often the homoeopaths were dealing with mismanaged cases of flu. And if
they lost a case, it was often that circumstance that they actually lost a person with
that. So, these are huge statistics and for some reason it got buried. Well, there is
reasons for it and, again, we won't go into that.
DP: So, part of what becomes a challenge is to figure out which homeopathic remedy
is actually needed. So, rather than get a straight prescription, everybody gets the same
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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
antiviral, everybody gets antibiotics preventatively which they cannot do anymore.
Medical doctors do know that. For secondary complications, they cannot prescribe
antibiotics preventatively, it's just created a huge mess in terms of treating bacterial
infections. And new antibiotics are creating more neurological damage than helping
heal the infection and pharmaceutical companies now are not spending money and
time researching antibiotics anymore. We'll get into that when we talk about the
meningitis and pneumococcus.
DP: So, today we will go through the remedies in quite a bit of detail, so that you will
have that information. What she recommends during the flu is that if a person is not
hungry just make sure that they're drinking, and this is interesting. Even in the '50s she
said raw fruit and fruit juices and not synthetic blob of juices. She saw the problems
with that in the '50s and nowadays... Oh, just a horrific news story today about
Canada's Food Guide and a mum being told she didn't send a grain to school in the
child's lunch. She had sent Sunday dinner basically to Monday at school for lunch.
Roast beef, roast potatoes and a vegetable, and she just didn't have any buns or whole
grain bread or whatever. So, that's what she sent with the child. They fined her, the
daycare fined her for not including a grain according to Canada's Food Guide and they
gave the child Ritz crackers. That's my horror story of the day. It'll make the Facebook
rounds very shortly I would think.
DP: So, she recommends fresh oranges, lemon juice, apples, apple juice so you would
likely have to... If you've got a juicer that would be great or a natural organic kind of
one. And just no meats and no milk. So, as the temperature goes down then you can
start to add other things. Now what's interesting, if it's a belladonna fever, they may be
craving lemons or lemon juice anyway and that will be one of your indications to know.
Okay, Cam, gonna put you on mic, go ahead.
Cam: It's kinda after the fact now. I just wanted to point out, I had heard after the Ritz
cracker thing that the irony of that was that it happened at a daycare and that the
mother was actually one of the people on the board of the daycare that had pushed for
that rule.
DP: I know. Isn't that funny?
Cam: So, I thought, "Well, how funny." [laughter] And I guess, this isn't what you meant
by this obviously when they put that rule in place. I'm sure that that wasn't their
intention, but if things are gonna be taken literally. I'm sure that it was put in place

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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
because they wanted to make sure that mums weren't sending in horrible food for their
children, not that it's anybody's business, in my mind.
Cam: You're the mum, you get to decide even if it's a bad decision. [laughter] But I
thought that that was very ironic.
DP: Very. Unintended consequences. Unbelievable. Yeah.
Cam: Okay, go on with belladonna.
DP: Okay. So, if you have a child who's craving lemon or lemon juice or something
sour, you will know that that's a good indication for belladonna in the fever stage and if
the other symptoms of belladonna are there then you know that you've got a good
start and you may need to change the remedy as you go along, as the symptom
picture becomes clear, so we'll talk about that as we go. And I'm going to recommend
that there's certain remedies that you should keep on hand. And when you get your
remedies, this is just another little side note. You will see the DIN number so the drug
information number and you will see an expiry date, and in Canada it's to meet health
regulations in production and manufacture.
DP: In fact, a homeopathic remedy never ever goes stale. So, hang on to your
remedies and you don't need to replace them. The only time you would need to replace
a homeopathic remedy is if it accidentally got stored with the tiger balm or your
eucalyptus oils or any of your aromatic oils, Rosemary, and I can't think of some of the
other ones. But if you suspect that or if you brought it home with the groceries and the
bag of coffee beans was in there, it's possible that the homeopathic remedy will be
antidoted. If you feel at all nervous then by all means replace it. But just so you know, a
remedy will last you forever as long as you keep it stored properly. So, I'm going to go
through the remedies, not right now, but in a little bit. But just so you know,
homeopathy has an amazing, amazing track record with epidemics in influenza in
DP: So, we've talked about the shift, the drift and the shift. I want to spend a little bit of
time just talking about the vaccines and simply because something new is happening
in terms of the vaccines and it's important that you know about it. Already in Winnipeg
where my mum lives, she serves lunch to the homeless on Tuesdays, and the one
Tuesday she walked in, they have the kitchen. But there in the church was a group set
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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
up offering vaccinations, flu vaccines, to the homeless, to everybody who was there.
And very sweet, well-meaning volunteers putting their heads in the kitchen and saying,
"Who would like their vaccine?"
DP: And my mum being approached, and she could hardly contain herself, but she
ignored it. But one of their volunteers took the vaccine that day, so that's about two,
three weeks ago now, and my mum said, "Where have you been? Are you okay?" And
she said, "No, I'm not okay." Her English... She's Korean, so she had some difficulty
expressing herself. And my mum just took one look at her and mind being poked in the
arm, she said, "Yes." She has been very, very ill from this year's flu vaccine. So, likely,
she won't take one again.
DP: So again, this whole idea of herd immunity and coverage really starts to fall apart.
Especially when people have had adverse reactions, they're not likely to go back and
have another one. And in fact, research has come out from the University of British
Columbia, I will make a note of that to send it to you, that in fact the more people are
vaccinated yearly with the flu vaccine, the more they are susceptible to the next year's
flu. It seems to be with this particular research that it just increases their susceptibility
to flu rather than preventing it. I'll find that research for you. It's an important one.
DP: Now. I introduce this as vaccines in the second year of life. In fact, they are
advising vaccines, flu vaccines, for babies as young as six months of age. If you have a
prev... You know, and it just boggles the mind. Now, they're also advising or saying to
women who are pregnant it is safe. In fact, if you read the package inserts, there are no
scientific studies. I have a patient who works in the paediatric unit for neonatal birth
and the NICU (the neonatal intensive care unit). And what they're seeing are far more
still births of babies, miscarriages, and women having their babies way too early.
DP: And it's very difficult for her. She sees the damage and nobody is... None of the
medical staff are making the connections that she can see and there has been a huge
increase. So, hopefully, there'll be a wonderful OB-GYN as some point who makes a
connection like Dr. Suzanne Humphries did on her nephrology ward on the kidney
dialysis ward.
DP: So, what they are recommending for babies at six months of age are two doses of
a trivalent inactivated vaccine. So, a minimum of four weeks in between. So, I really,
strongly encourage people if they are considering this vaccine, so a trivalent means
there's three of the viruses in there, and you have to do the package inserts because
some of the ones that are improved have thimerosal. Most of them have antibiotics.
They all have formaldehyde in it, egg protein in all. And you will see on the Public
Health Agency of Canada website that they'll say an allergy to eggs isn't considered a
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
problem. You should still get the vaccine anyway. But if you read the package insert,
there are other concerns there as well.
DP: Gelatin, which is an animal protein. There's MSG in some of them. Some vaccines
have a shelf life after having been opened, and Novartis flu add. So, that one is not
recommended for children six months of age. This is one... Actually, it's recommended
for seniors. And what it has as an adjuvant, so to make the vaccine work better, is
MF59, which is squalene. And if you want a lot of information about squalene, Dr. Meryl
Nass is one person you can research, but Gary Null is another one if you want to find
out about squalene and also Mercola. So, I'll put those website links in the follow up
email for you if you have interest in researching those.
DP: Squalene is shark oil, so you'll be told that it is a safe substance and in fact there
are some real difficulties with that particular adjuvant and they started that instead of
aluminum in the vaccines for some of them. So the live vaccine, the live attenuated
vaccine is actually being recommended in Canada for ages 2 to 16. There are risks with
the live attenuated virus and one of them being that it does shed. So the same way the
flu virus, it's through the sneezing, coughing that sort of thing.
DP: So in addition this year to the trivalent vaccines, which... They have the H and the
N and your alphabet letters A, B, and C. But this year they are offering what is called
the quadrivalent vaccine, quadra meaning four and the four means that they are
including the H1N1 vaccine that was introduced in 2009. We're now at 2013, so four
years later there's enough documented research from enough countries worldwide that
we know that narcolepsy is an adverse reaction to the H1N1 influenza vaccine and they
are recommending this quadrivalent vaccine.
DP: So I even suggested to this patient of mine who works in the hospital situation in
some of these still births, if the mums actually had the H1N1 vaccine, I don't know if
babies in-utero can get narcolepsy but there's no studies done so these are the kinds
of questions and information that people need. So always I suggest to people if you are
in fact going to go ahead and get a flu vaccine, take your adverse events form with you
so that you know which batch is being used, the name of the vaccine with the
manufacturer, make sure you've read the package insert, know what the
contraindications are and know what the possible adverse reactions or complications
can be with the flu. Especially with a live attenuated virus, whatever you can get from
the flu, you can get from a vaccine as well. And I'm not going to go into the side effects
or adverse reactions of the flu vaccines. You should be able to find plenty of that on the


Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: So the complications mostly that I would want you to know about is a secondary
bacterial pneumonia, so the lungs are all juicy and wet. So the staph and strep are
already inside of our bodies but because the body is now dealing with this virus that is
replicating and dumping its own toxins in it, that means there's more food for the strep
and the staph and this is where you get the complications coming in if left to run on its
own. There's lots of other common sense things you can do for the flu and we'll talk
about that a little bit as well.
DP: So the staph and the strep also can have other diseases, but it is part of the
problem or can be as a secondary complication with influenza. One of the problems
with staph infections these days is you have something called methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus, multi-drug resistant. This is the MRSA. They tend to develop in
the hospital and it's a good reason also to not go to the hospital in an influenza
epidemic or pandemic. Not only will you be turned away, but if you happen to be
hospitalized the potential for this MRSA infection is quite high with the Staphylococcus
resistant antibiotic.
DP: And this is what has happened with overuse of antibiotics. Is that these strains are
now resistant and not only are they resistant, there's a brand of drug being used,
fluoroquinolonesI think it's what they're called. I'll send you a link for that from
Mercola. It's an excellent, excellent research article. But what's happening with those is
that people are having permanent complications, neurological damage from the drugs
themselves. So yes, you don't have the secondary complications of the flu virus or the
staph infection, but you have permanent damage done by the antibiotics themselves.
DP: So now I'm going to go into the signs and symptoms of influenza and this is an
opportunity for me to continue showing you how it is that homeopathy works on what
is characteristic about the flu with the person rather than what is common. And once
you get this concept really ingrained, you will know what to look for whether it's a baby
or a preverbal child, a healthy in between those ages and stage of person or in the
elderly. Sometimes we have to observe symptoms. With an influenza pandemic, one of
the big fears is that normal, healthy people... By normal I mean functioning, no chronic
illness, no susceptibility that is known to any illness in a pandemic, that is the group
that that will possibly be susceptible to a new strain of flu.
DP: So the common symptoms, they usually begin about two days after exposure to
the virus are fever, chills and headache, muscle aches, dizziness, loss of appetite,
tiredness, cough, sore throat, runny nose, nausea or vomiting, weakness, possibly ear
pain, possibly diarrhoea. So infants with the flu might also seem fussy all of the sudden
or just not look right. Those are the common symptoms. So we're not talking about a
cold. We're not talking about, some people like to call this, stomach flu. What we're
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talking about is knocked down, you have every symptom in the book, your muscles
ache, your joints ache, your back aches, you've got the fever, you've got chills and it
leaves you feeling very, very weak. And quite honestly when you have a flu you really
feel like you're going to die.
DP: I actually had H1N1. I was in Vancouver at the time. I was at a conference, a
homeopathic conference. My feet got wet. I was tired, sleeping in a strange bed. And
it's deadly for me to get my feet wet in damp, rainy weather which I did. And I was so
sick and I used Bryonia. And within four days, I was able to go back to Calgary on the
plane. It's really nice, hopefully I wasn't infecting a ton of other people but it wasn't...
That's what I did.
DP: So after five days the fever and other symptoms have usually disappeared, but a
cough and weakness may continue. In fact, it may continue so long, you can develop a
syndrome or an illness, it's not really a disease, but it's called Guillain-Barr. This
actually can be a complication and an adverse reaction to a vaccine. And in some
years, sometimes this is an adverse reaction of that particular season's flu or vaccine,
flu vaccine. It's important to know that. Being homeopathically we can treat ill effects
of flu vaccines as well. We'll go into that a little bit.
DP: So pneumonia is one of the biggest complications. One of the most common
sense things you can do, of course, is not shake hands in an epidemic. Sneeze or
cough into a tissue or a shirt or a scarf or a handkerchief. But also, keep your distance.
Now all of this common sense information, I'm going to recommend a book and I'll
have a link to it in the follow up e-mail. It was written by Dr. Vincent Lam. And in 2003
he was part of the emergency team in Toronto, Canada during the SARS outbreak.
DP: And it prompted him to write The Flu Pandemic and You: A Canadian Guide. This
SARS, which was a respiratory illness, it's an acronym for Sudden Acute Respiratory
Syndrome, I think. So anyway, it prompted him to... Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome, yeah, so that's what it is, first appeared in China, November 2002 and soon
travelled to all continents except the Antarctica. So this caused a tremendous amount
of fear. A lot of the information I have about common sense treatment of it, the whole
idea that you won't be able to get any help from the medical system in the hospitals,
walk-in clinics or your doctor's office, has actually come from his book. And it's very,
very helpful I find.
DP: And one of the things that he does say is this virus, they're quite large viruses that
are in the droplets of the mucus when you sneeze or when you cough. And in fact if
you keep a distance of, I think it's like three feet or a meter, you won't get it. The virus
will drop and land on the ground and it can't... It doesn't live in the air like that. So that
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was one of the common sense ones that I read with him which was really interesting. I
thought it was interesting, but then I'm a little weird with this.
DP: So the H1N1 was actually the Swine Flu. So it crossed over from pigs into humans.
The Centre for Disease Control actually put out a statement on narcolepsy following
pandemics influenza vaccinations in Europe. So this is information that's available to
you on these very... These are the go-to sites, the Centre for Disease Control, the World
Health Organization. The H1N1 vaccine also had the adjuvant of oil water emulsion.
That one was called AS03. Now, what the difference is between the MF59 and the
ASO3, I'm not sure, I would have to look that up. So, I want to continue giving the
symptoms. So those are the common symptoms.
DP: I'm going to give you a list now. How to protect yourself against flu without
DP: And I'm trying to see where I got this little tidbit of information from. Information
from all kinds of places. Oh, this is from Mercola. His research is so good and he's very
thorough in it. So, optimize your gut flora in the flu season. Avoid sugars, optimize
Vitamin D3 levels. And he's a big proponent of safe tanning beds as well. So that's
another way to go. Avoid sugar and processed foods. Rest. And when you think about
flu season... Although I think the flu season, don't you, is year around now? It doesn't
seem to be just a fall-winter phenomenon. But he does say have effective tools to
address stress and get regular exercise. Now, these are all things, I don't know about
you, but every young mum, I just didn't have time. It takes huge amounts of time to be
physically fit. Cam, go ahead.
Cam: I'm sorry, did you just say something about tanning beds?
DP: Yeah. Mercola is a big proponent of safe tanning beds.
Cam: Just because it gives Vitamin D or something?
DP: Yes. Because instead of taking it as a supplement, when you're exposing your skin
to the... When it's safe, your body is producing its own Vitamin D.
Cam: Okay. I just... Oddly enough, a couple of nights ago, I had a dream about tanning
beds and we went to tanning beds because we all got sick on an airplane.
DP: Oh, interesting!

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Cam: And it didn't make any sense to me.

DP: Well, maybe it was... You know, you were prescient with this.
Cam: This conversation, yes! So, when you said tanning beds, I was like "Wait a
minute, what?"
DP: Yes.
Cam: Okay, alright, so it's for Vitamin D levels, okay.
DP: Yeah, according to the latest review by Carole Baggerly,,
adults need about 8,000 international Units a day to reach a serum level of 40 nanograms per millilitre. He also advises to take Vitamin K2, if you're taking oral Vitamin D,
because there's a synergy with the two and will prevent Vitamin D toxicity. He's really
got a lot written, so just go to his website on safe tanning beds and he'll tell you
exactly what to look for.
Cam: Okay. Interesting.
DP: Of course, he sells them.
Cam: Well, there is that.
DP: Yeah. So get plenty of rest. Tools to address stress. He recommends emotional
freedom technique.
DP: I actually would highly recommend anything by And I will put that
in the handout follow-up email. They've done a tremendous amount of research on
stress and the whole idea of coherence from the heart. Moving from the head to the
heart, monitoring it, using it for stress, using it for anxiety. There's a great interview with
a neurologist as well talking about autism and what's happening in the brain
neurologically. And they have very simple techniques. Once when I first went there, I
thought "Oh, duh!" Sort of like when my boys went to school, "Just read to your

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children." I thought, "What kind of advice is that?" But turns out to be very good
advice. So this HeartMath, for me, is a great way to de-stress. A tremendous number
of free great resources on their website. So that would be my recommendation.
DP: Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT or tapping, is a great way to do that as well,
if you know somebody that practises that. I guess that's why I love HeartMath, there's
great tools for free and it's pretty simple to implement. Whereas, when I was a young
mum with two kids, special needs, learning disabilities, by the end of the day, I had
nothing left in me. The HeartMath exercises I could've done and but even working in
exercise routines. Once you're getting meals ready and special diets for kids, it's a
huge amount.
DP: So regular exercise. And the worst of all is those great pieces of common sense
advice is that when you're exhausted, you can hardly motivate yourself to get up and
do those. He recommends Omega 3. And I'm going to tell you this as a story, I cannot
take the Omega 3-6-9s that I get from a vitamin research program I'm a part of here in
Calgary but I can take Mercola's Krill Oil. And the Omega 3s, I get terrible indigestion
with them so I was told to take them with my meal. That was even worse, but I can
take this Krill Oil, so go figure. So I would recommend Mercola's suggestion for that. Of
course, he sells that.
DP: And you know, he sells a lot of stuff but I'm happy to buy some of my supplements
from him simply because of the work and research he's doing with not only supporting
the National Vaccine Information Centre but also the GMO, the genetically modified
foods and he's willing to take on all the big guys so I'm happy to pay for his products.
Actually, the delivery is very reasonable and fast.
DP: Washing hands, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, natural immune
boosters. So oil of oregano and garlic and Echinacea is another one from the daisy
family and avoid hospitals. That's his big thing as well. And they won't let you in
anyway if there's a pandemic going on. Even in a flu season where there's a lot of flu
going around, you're not really welcome in emergency or walk-in clinics where there's a
possibility of spreading the flu to a whole lot more people. So that's pretty much the
information I want you to have before we go into the homeopathic remedies.
DP: Okay, so we're going to move on to what makes flu characteristic in the world of
homeopathy and then we'll talk about the remedies. With flu and homeopathy, you will
want to refer back to your fever section because this is how it will start is with a fever.
And some of the things that you'll want to think of when you are considering a fever
remedy for your child, from babies and up is a possible causation, homeopathy can

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deal with causation and the causation simply means that whatever has happened has
created an opportunity for susceptibility for the virus in that particular season.
DP: So some things that might happen particularly this time of year would be high
winds and you have... You're out tobogganing, it's a great sunny day and here in
Calgary this is a scenario that can happen and all of a sudden the winds blow in, the
dry winds from the west and we have a chinook and a huge sudden change in
temperature. So the kids have gotten hot and sweaty in the cold air and then the
weather changes and then that night they wake up with a fever all of a sudden. It's
possible, you won't know again if you give Aconite in that situation based just simply
on causation and some of the other symptoms of Aconite are there, the restlessness,
the fear, you will be able to prescribe that and never know what you headed off, it may
be helpful just in terms of the fever, so causation is one event.
DP: Possibility of grief, sometimes when we have a major loss or grief, it can leave us
susceptible within our whole immune system to the virus being introduced and we just
don't have that extra energy. The vital force then moves into a response to a virus that
is replicating itself inside the body. So always be aware of what's happening for a
causation especially for children and you might not always know.
DP: Then you want to go through the stages of fever. There'll be a chill stage and
sometimes with your verbal children or elderly or spouses or people your own age,
they'll be able to tell you, "I can feel the chill running up and down my spine. It feels like
cold water has been thrown on my back." With some, they'll get the chills with the
actual heat of the fever and that's a little bit unusual. We usually think of fever and the
person being hot, but if they have a chill, then it's a possible indication for a different
remedy. You'll want to see what goes with the fever, if there's a runny nose or if there's
vomiting or diarrhoea, these are what we call concomitant, the symptoms that go with
what is happening at the time.
DP: Generally after the chills there is a fever. So, it's like the furnace cooling down and
heating up again. So, watch what's happening during the heat. Are they wanting, even
with the heat? Are they wanting to be covered up or are they wanting fresh air? These
are the things that become characteristic. So a common symptom of flu, is a fever. A
characteristic symptom of a fever is what you want to be dealing with homeopathically.
DP: The vomiting, the diarrhoea. Than you're going to want to start looking to see
when anybody has the flu or yourself, what makes you better or worse? So, we call
these general symptoms. Food cravings go under that. Our preferences for fresh air or
no air at all, and we usually say, "I feel better with cold drinks." That's going to be a
characteristic symptom for you. If somebody wants ice cold drinks in the chill stage,
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these are all going to be clues. I like to tell my students, "You're CSI, you're looking for
every clue. You're detectives." Burning pains. If somebody's got burning pains and
they want heat on it, this is very characteristic. Usually we want something cool on
burning pains, but this is going to lead you to the right remedy.
DP: So, that gives you an example, an idea of the kinds of symptoms you're looking
for. If somebody says, "My head aches, my leg hurts, my back hurts," we think of those
as physical symptoms and it's about the part, about my. But if you have three parts
where you're hearing somebody say, "My lower back hurts, it's like it's broken. My shin
bone hurts, it feels like it's broken, like I've got a broken leg." When you start to hear a
similar parts of the body, with the same symptom or the same sensation then you know
you're moving into a general of the remedy as well. And, when you can get more
general and characteristic symptoms of a person with the flu of their particular flu, then
it's likely they're going to end up with a very good prescription. Homeopathically that
will help support healing while that person has the flu.
DP: So, one other little book that you can take with you that I'm going to use today is
called Influenzas by Douglas Borland, MD. My copy is from B. Jain Publisher from
India. It's just a little pamphlet really and Jain Publisher in India, their mission was to
make homeopathic booklets available and affordable to everybody. So, it's only 20
pages. A lot of it is medical terms, but that's okay you'll be able to get a good idea of
symptom pictures anyway in this little booklet. So, along with Dr. Shepherd's book, if
you do a lot of travelling and are in different countries, I would highly recommend to
have this tucked in with your homeopathic kit of remedies.
DP: So, the remedies that I would recommend you have in your kit for influenza, you
can even... I have little pouches if you wanna buy. I have five-remedy and 10-remedy
pouches, in all sorts of colourful colours and you can pick your favourite. And, you can
make one pouch that is just influenza remedies, and you know that's your go-to kit. It
will be a basic kit. There's a possibility that the flu that you have in your household
might not be covered with both remedies but chances are pretty good that it's going to
cover 75% of the flus that might be circulating.
DP: What also happens in a influenza epidemic and pandemic. Homoeopaths get
together and put together a genus epidemicus, which is a collection of the symptoms.
So, it's possible that many people in a flu season will have very similar symptoms that
are characteristic of the flu that year. And there may be one, two, or three homeopathic
remedies that will be required in a season. So again, the remedies that I'm going to
recommend today often are covered in what we call these genus epidemicus. If you
want more information on that, and the idea of genus epidemicus and

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homeoprophylaxis, I would highly recommend taking Dr. Isaac Golden's
homeoprophylaxis courses. He has them for parents and also for professionals.
DP: Your first one to have on hand is Gelsemium. Now most of these remedies I'm
going to recommend also have other uses. Some of them not so much. But some of
them yes, you're going to want them in your kit anyway. But, for flu they're spectacular.
The first one is Gelsemium, and you can visualize this as a ordinary sort of typical flu
case, and it may take six to eight hours to develop and the patient feels out of sorts the
day before. Little headache-y, a little feverish, a little indefinite pain, probably a runny
nose. Goes to sleep, doesn't feel really well and then the next morning feels rotten. So,
this is a much slower pace kind of flu. Then something that aconite or belladonna
would come on very suddenly.
DP: And this is what is characteristic about Gelsemium the remedy, but Gelsemium in a
flu state. And the symptoms progress fairly slowly. There's a lot of weariness and a lot
of trembling and shaking with Gelsemium. Gelsemium is jasmine, and it's a flower vine
that needs a lot of support. And if you think about a vine in the slightest breeze, there's
a bit of trembling to it. So this is the Gelsemium. They actually look like they're kinda
drunk. They're red... The face can be flushed very red, the eyes are droopy. They just
feel and look droopy. They tend to want to sit up. And if they develop the headache
with their flu symptoms, it's usually going to be in the back of the head, called the
occiput. And it is going to be excruciatingly painful.
DP: They will be hot and sticky, and yet, they'll have the sensation of little shivers of
cold up and down the back. And it won't actually be shivering, but small trickles of
cold. It's just like as if somebody ran a cold hand or spilt a little cold water down their
back. These are the things you'll be wanting to listen for when they say, "It's as if."
These are sensations that will point you in the right direction for a homeopathic
remedy. So although Gelsemium will be hot and sticky, they will have this coldness
running up and down the spine.
DP: They'll have a tremendous amount of shakiness with it. They'll be very dry, and the
lips will be very dry. Dry and cracked. And there might be an unpleasant taste in the
mouth, and a sensation of burning in the tongue. And the tongue can be coated yellow,
but it also can be quite red and dry. So again, the tongue and the thirst, you're going to
want to investigate. They may be a clue for you in what remedy might be needed. I've
mentioned the headache. There's sometimes a sense of dizziness or blurred vision with
the Gelsemium state, that's what we call it in homeopathy.
DP: So if you happen to give Gelsemium, you think this is the remedy that's needed, if
your little patient, your flu patient then gets up and passes a large amount of urine, you
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know that you're on the right track. There's an aching soreness in the muscles with
this, which is common to the flu. But these are deep-seated muscle pains in
Gelsemium. And that intense heaviness. It'll be in their eyes, and they'll just feel like
they're weighted down, like they can't move. That will often be what you hear.
DP: So those are the biggest symptoms I want you to know with Gelsemium. Now
Gelsemium is one that you're going to be able to use for many situations. For example,
public speaking, where you've got to get up and pee or you have diarrhoea, or you're
trembling and shaking in the knees, can hardly hold yourself up. Gelsemium could even
be used for sore throat or it could be used for headaches. So this is a remedy that's
going to be quite useful in your kit for other situations.
DP: The next remedy I'll talk about is called Baptisia. Baptisia's actually from the
legume family, so the same one as peas. That's probably the most common one, peas
and beans, that we know of. So the Baptisia person is Gelsemium intensified. So they'll
be the same flushed kind of countenance, and they can go into a delirium. And one of
the keynotes, what we call one of the main characteristics of Baptisia, is the sensation
as if everything, all their body parts are scattered all around them on the bed. And
they're trying to pull them all together again. So to give you a visual image, just think of
a pea or a bean that's tight tight tight in the pod, and then it explodes. There's no way
you're gonna get it back into the pod again.
DP: And this is so bizarre that our plants and homeopathic remedies can contain this
kind of energetic imprint that we can use in a flu kind of situation, where they're lying
on the bed, and you might see a child who's pre-verbal trying to... You'll see them and
they might be trying to pull something together, and you're thinking, "What are they
doing?" But if they have really stinky breath, there's a lot of putridness to the Baptisia,
and it's because there's a toxicity to their body at this stage. There's confusion, they
may... This is part of the confusion, pulling their body parts together and thinking that
everything is scattered and they have to pull it together. This is some of the confusion.
They're not clear why they're there, where they are, and they don't know if somebody
else is talking to them or if someone else is in the bed. They're much more confused.
Gelsemium will just be kind of out of it, whereas Baptisia will be Gelsemium plus a
whole lot of confusion with it.
DP: The tongue is dirty looking and pretty foul smell coming from the breath. There's a
lot of ropey, tough saliva, which might dribble out of the corner of the mouth when the
patient's asleep. And again, the lips will crack and become foul and might bleed. With
the drooling you might think, and the smelliness, you might think of mercury but
Baptisia may be another consideration. They sweat a lot but the sweat, again, is sour
and offensive, so you're starting to see this toxicity picture with Baptisia. Now Baptisia,

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it's possible, one of the ailments from, in the Baptisia homeopathic remedy is ailments
from sewer, smelling sewer. Sewage. So if you thought about a flood in June, we had it
here, but if somebody was exposed to that and then they got a flu after that, it's
possible that the remedy that they actually need for the flu was caused by this
exposure to sewage and they need Baptisia. So when those symptoms fit, it might be a
good remedy to consider.
DP: These are very sore throats. Very very sore, and again, extremely offensive and
filthy glaring mucus. So this is just a really dirty smelly remedy which might make you
think of mercury but this is the Baptisia look. Baptisia is not likely a remedy that you
will use in other situations. It is a good one to have on hand though, if you feel that in
your family history there is a susceptibility in a history to very serious flus. With the joint
pain, these are intense aching pains but this will move into the joints. So where
Gelsemium more focused in the muscles, these will be in the joints and a feeling like
being sprained or bruised, and moving is very painful. Which you might think of was
Rhus Tox but we'll talk about that in a little bit.
DP: So that's Baptisia. Now, Bryonia I'm not going to cover so much, it's the grumpy
bear remedy. What is characteristic about this one, I can just give you the keynotes for
it but on my website I'll give you the link to the Bryonia handout. I made quite an
extensive handout in September of this year for anticipation of the flu season and what
you will see are symptoms for infants. How to recognize a Bryonia infant, infant
needing Bryonia. Preverbal children and adults. But what is particular with all of that is,
they don't want to move and moving makes everything worse. This is a general
symptom, the headache is worse, the muscle pains are worse. They are worse, they
don't want to be disturbed, so these are going to be the people with flu who don't want
you touching them, they don't want you fussing over them. In fact, it will just make
them more irritable.
DP: So aversion to being disturbed, not wanting to move, they want to be very very
still, they want a lot of quiet. And then the other thing is, they will have a thirst but
they'll have a thirst for large quantity of water all at once. Bryonia is hops and when
hops grows it grows in a very dry area, and when it's watered, it's watered very
intensely all at one time. So these little images and pictures of some of these remedies
I'd like to give you because it will help you think of that. So I'll give you the link on my
website for the Bryonia handout. Bryonia is one of those remedies that you are going to
use quite a bit, it's very good for headaches that are worse for motion, sore throats that
are worse for swallowing. If you can't get anything more characteristic than that with
the thirst and averse to being disturbed, chances are good you'll have a good
prescription with Bryonia.

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DP: Eupatorium perfoliatum. This is from the Compositae daisy family. And the daisy
family has Arnica in it, but eupatorium perfoliatum is just a great remedy for the flu. This
is the flu that the shins will hurt, the shin bones will hurt, the backbones will hurt, all the
bones feel as if broken. If you have anybody saying, "It feels like every bone in my body
has broken," you can pretty much take that one to the homeopathic flu kit and pull out
eupatorium. They will be lying on the bed moaning and groaning. They complain
bitterly about the intensity of their pain, they're very restless. If not complaining, they
move around in the bed groaning and moaning, and are very sorry for themselves.
DP: They're chilly and they feel cold and shivery and are sensitive to any draft of air
and often have a sensation of chilliness spreading up the back. So if you're thinking,
"Oh, gosh is this Gelsemium or is this eupatorium?" What you're listening for, for
somebody who might need eupatorium is this as if every bone in the body is broken or
as if they're back is broken and there's moaning and groaning. Gelsemium won't have
that kind of energy, they won't be moving around on their bed. They'll be sitting still,
sort of like Bryonia but they'll have a different look to them. Again, it's a look as if
they're just stupefied or drunk. Besotted is the old-fashioned word in the homeopathic
Materia Medica.
DP: The runny nose in Eupatorium. This one will have the feeling as if the nose is
completely stopped up. And then it's accompanied by a very runny nose with violent
and incessant sneezing. So sometimes you're going to have to measure and see what
the symptoms are. They will not do well with too much ice water, ice cream, or cold
drinks. They will get an upset stomach with that. So if you've got that happening, it
may be an indication for you. So even though they have a very strong thirst with a
desire for cold drinks and for ice cream because of the burning in the throat, their
stomach won't do very well with it.
DP: Phosphorous has that symptom too, craving ice cold water and as soon as the
water hits the stomach, it gets vomited right up again. So if you see that happening
with the bone pains as if broken, you'll know that it's likely Eupatorium. So you're child
asking for ice cream? Or cold water? You wanna make sure that they're doing alright
and then up it comes or they end up having stomach problems with that.
DP: The coughs can be very violent and it hurts them from head to toe. The Bryonia
cough will be like that as well. And what is worse for the Bryonia person or the person
needing Bryonia, is that it's the motion that is affecting them. Whereas in Eupatorium
it's just this violence. So you think of the pain with Arnica and it's similar to the
Eupatorium. And they try and control the cough because it's just going to be so painful.
So it's an aching pain as if they are being broken not the sharp stabbing pain of

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Bryonia which is equally as sensitive. So sometimes it's going to be a little bit subtle
when you're trying to figure out a remedy.
DP: The next remedy is Rhus Tox. Rhus Tox is a kind of the busy busy brother of
Bryonia who wants to be still. Rhus Tox is extremely restless. It is a gradual onset, sort
of like Gelsemium. But the aching in it is very very severe as well. They're extremely
restless and they feel better from moving until they can't move anymore they're so sick.
So Rhus Tox are extremely anxious. Rhus Tox is made from poison ivy. These might be
children in the late fall who are out playing soccer, they get heated up, sweaty, and
then get out into the cold and the damp. Or Playing indoor soccer, hot sweaty and then
they go out. Or playing hockey on the arena, and get over heated and then they get
chilled. These are situations where Rhus Tox might be a better choice for a flu.
DP: They're very chilly and very sensitive to cold and any draft or cold air will make
them worse. Everything will be worse for them. And what they will want are a lot of bed
covers and usually hot baths. Hot baths they will crave. Totally crave and will feel
better. As soon as anything get exposed to the cold though, it becomes painful and the
ache starts to come on. We'll talk about Rhus Tox as well with shingles. Rhus Tox
person with shingles will be better for a hot bath but they'll be absolutely worse going
out into the cold air. There will be so much pain with that.
DP: Rhus Tox is worse in the evening, so this might be somebody with flu who seems
to be doing fairly well all day and then come night time, holy cow, they're really really
sick and then they can't sleep. And in the dreams, they might dream that they are back
at work and they're really working hard. It's an unusual symptom. And you might
wanna pay attention to that. We don't always think about asking about dreams, but
sometimes when we're sick, we have very unusual dreams. They sweat profusely and
again there's a sour odor with that one. So, mums, you'll have your sniffers out.
Sometimes you don't really need your sniffers to come out very far to be able to smell
what's going on.
DP: Rhus Tox can have a lot of blisters. It's a remedy that's known for herpes on the
mouth. And also eczema or eruptions that kind of have that poison ivy look. Rhus Tox
is made from poison ivy, so when you see those blisters or vesicles that are hot and
watery when they break, if they're on the mouth or the dry lips, it may be an indication
that this is for Rhus Tox. Rhus Tox has a characteristic tongue. It's a bright red tip, and
a coated tongue, and it can be white to brown. And it's a triangular shaped red tip.
They might not always have it but, it's possible that they will. A lot of dryness, a lot of
burning with this.


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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: Rhus Tox can look like Arsenicum. And we've talked about that before. I'm not
going to talk about Rhus Tox today. We may cover that for yet something else. But if
you think this is Rhus Tox and the Rhus Tox doesn't do anything, you can give
Arsenicum. You can often think of Arsenicum at the end of a flu where there's still a lot
of weakness, chilliness, and restlessness, burning pains that are better for heat. Those
are you keynotes for Arsenicum. So they start to sound fairly similar to Rhus Tox. Rhus
Tox, they're not really thirsty, but they do like little sips of water to moisten the dry
mouth and throat. Arsenicum typically will want hot drinks. So even though they're hot,
burning pains they will want hot drinks. This is how one of the ways you will be able to
differentiate with Rhus Tox.
DP: I'm not going to talk about Pyrogen. Pyrogen is made from septic meat, rotten
meat and very, very severe symptoms. If you are in a flu state like that or one of your
family members, you will be wanting to talk to your homoeopath, especially if you can't
get in for medical help. It's possible that you might need Pyrogen with that. And
Pyrogen, Pyrogenium would be well indicated in a flue where you have a secondary
infection, where it's moving into a septic state. So that's like a blood poisoning and it's
a very good remedy for that and may just turn things around very quickly. But I do want
to mention Merc Sol, Mercurius Solubilis, and it's similar to the Pyrogen. So that's why
I would prefer to go with Merc. A damp sweat, it's a little bit oily looking, the patient
looks a little bit greasy even and they tend to be hurried. A lot of anxiety and
DP: Mercury, the state will be often like the old fashioned thermometers. They'll be up
and down, the fevers and the chills and it will be much worse at night. And they'll have
a rise in temperature and sweet more and that's more discomfort and then they'll have
the chills and then they'll be sensitive to draft. So they'll take off the covers and they'll
need to put them back on. They'll be a lot of smelliness as well with the Mercury. The
throat is likely to be the area. So we talked about Merc Sol with mumps. So it's
possible that the throat will be the biggest symptom that your prescribing on with this
particular flu.
DP: Everything is watery and everything burns and everything smells and there's green
and there's puss and always worse at night. A lot of drooling and it's a keynote of
Mercury. So you'll see that the hands become shaky and all fine movements are a bit
trembly and how you will distinguish between that and Gelsemium is simply because of
the smell. Gelsemium won't have the smelliness that Baptisia will have and the Merc
Sol will have.
DP: And we're at the end of our time together, so hopefully that gives you an idea. I
would never wish the flu on anybody, but when it comes this is a good opportunity for
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
you to practise using your homeopathic remedies and figuring out what's needed. So
start... It's quite safe for you to do at home, these acute, they have a beginning, a
middle, and an end. If the symptoms are getting worse then you that the person you're
trying to help needs to contact a homoeopath, a naturopath or their physician if it's not
an epidemic or a pandemic. So are there any questions, concerns, clarifications,
anything to share?
DP: I know we all have to get going, so I'm going to take everyone off mute, just so
that we can say our good-byes. Thank you everybody for being here today. Oh, we've
got one hand up. Okay Jan, go ahead.
Jan: Who was the author... Was it was Douglas who was the author for that Influenza
DP: Borland.
Jan: Borland. And it's called Influenza? Okay.
DP: Yeah. So I'll be sure to put that one in the follow-up email.
Jan: Perfect.
DP: Okay. So you'll be well equipped. Thank you everybody for participating and I'll
see you next week. I believe we're going to be covering Haemophilus Influenzae B,
HIB. Until next week, be safe and well. I'll see you next week.


Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:

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