Vaccination Damage Handout

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(This is a membership only section now, but it is very easy to register. They have great
articles on vaccination and homeoprophylaxis with recent research from disaster areas
that have used homeopathy to prevent and treat epidemics. Fran Sheffield is a wellrespected homeopath and an expert on this topic.)
Homeopaths are often called to treat health problems in adults or children that would
appear to have been triggered by a vaccine. Now, for the first time, PhD research has
been released from Swinburne University (Melbourne), which shows there is a link
between vaccines and worsening states of health in children. Dr Isaac Golden, an
Australian homeopath, examined the long-term health of hundreds of children over a
five-year period. The children were divided into four groups according to the healthcare
choices parents had made on their behalf and whether or not they had been
Their health was assessed on the incidence of:
Ear and hearing problems
Behavioural problems
This research verified what has been seen in homeopathic practice for decades. The
group with the worst health was the fully vaccinated group - so much so that children
from this group were 15 times more likely to develop asthma than those in the
healthiest group. The research has been groundbreaking and further information from it
will be discussed with next month's cases. Today we will look at the stories of two
children, where a vaccine was strongly suspected of triggering their problems.
When treating possible vaccine damage, often called Post-Vaccination Syndrome
(PVS), two approaches can be taken. One is the standard homeopathic prescription
according to the Law of Similars. The other is the tautopathic approach. Both are used
by homeopaths.

The application of the Law of Similars can be seen in the first case. Nathaniel was
prescribed a homeopathic remedy which is capable of producing symptoms in the
healthy, similar to those it relieved in him a case of "like treats like". The second case
demonstrates the tautopathic approach. Jasmine was given the offending vaccine in
ascending potencies (micro-dilutions) to correct the imbalance it appeared to have
Case 1
Nathaniel was a boy who had problems with social interaction and communication. He
was withdrawn and non-communicative, and had not started to speak until two and a
half years of age. Although he could now talk, his speech had an unusual cadence and
he would rarely respond to conversation. If somebody spoke to him, he would ignore
them by looking at the ground and acting as if he had not heard. Occasionally, if he
thought he was not being observed, he would repeat parts of conversation he had
overheard. When he wanted something he would point at it with his middle finger and
make a "tsk, tsk" sound.
Nathaniel also showed some unusual behaviour traits. From an early age he had been
fascinated by spinning objects such as wheels and rollers he would spend hours
turning them by hand. He would also sift sand, watching it fall through his fingers
against the light. At other times, he would peer at things through flickering fingers and
wave and flap his hands.
This behaviour obviously concerned Nathaniel's parents so an assessment was made
at a specialist paediatric clinic. It confirmed their fears that Nathaniel's behaviour was
consistent with an autism spectrum disorder. A treadmill of early intervention strategies
began but improvements were slow and frustrating.
At six years of age I saw Nathaniel for his first homeopathic appointment. His parents
told me that Nathaniel also seemed to be depressed. He would lie on the lounge for
hours, withdrawn and staring sadly into space. He disliked affection or physical contact
and would become irritable if they encouraged him to be more responsive. Nathaniel
also seemed insensitive to pain. He could take a tumble, or cut and graze himself
without making a sound.
Nathaniel appeared unaware that other people had feelings and could be hurt. He
ignored the fact that his parents were upset by some of the things he did. For example,
Nathaniel could be destructive. Recently he had developed a fetish to cut and slash
things around the house. Curtains, sheets and furniture had all been damaged, and
always when no one was looking. When reasoned with or disciplined about these
incidents, Nathaniel would be remorseless and show no concern even though his
parents were obviously distressed by the damage. Nathaniel's parents now kept all
knives and scissors under lock and key.

Care had to be taken with Nathaniel around animals as well - he could be cruel. A
kitten had already been thrown into the washing machine while switched on. He
seemed pleased by this. His parents expressed anguish that their beloved first-born
seemed to be a psychopath in the making. They felt helpless about changing him as he
had been so unresponsive and resistant to their efforts.
Nathaniel was likely to become upset if people laughed when he did something or even
laughed in his presence. Though they were usually laughing "with him" in a friendly
way, Nathaniel reacted as if they were laughing "at him". He would cry with distress
and only settle if his mother removed him from the situation.
On asking about Nathaniel's medical history, I found that he had reacted badly to his
Triple Antigen (DPT) vaccines. His first one had been accompanied by a very high fever
and crying. This had lasted for days. Subsequent DPT vaccines had caused the same
response with increasing swelling of his leg following each injection. Nathaniel's
mother was told that this was a normal response and to continue vaccinating
Nathaniel. The doctor did eventually withhold the last Triple Antigen shot because
following the previous injection, Nathaniel's leg had been grossly swollen for six weeks.
In retrospect, Nathaniel's mother felt that the DPT vaccine had been the cause of her
son's ongoing problems but she was unable to prove this.
Nathaniel's mother also commented that Nathaniel had not been as healthy as other
children. He would develop high fevers from repeated middle-ear infections and catch
frequent colds. Each cold would take weeks to clear. Constipation was also a longterm problem and on two occasions, Nathaniel had to be given an enema at the
doctor's surgery.
Nathaniel was prescribed the homeopathic remedy, Sepia. This is the same remedy
that was prescribed for Madeleine, the singer from the case of a few months ago. At
face value, the two cases are completely different but closer inspection reveals shared
Sepia symptoms, necessitating the prescription. These were: depression and
withdrawal leading to irritability with family members; dislike of affection; and,
coldness, heartlessness, and cruelty. Madeleine's physical complaints revolved around
hormonal imbalances and sinusitis while Nathaniel's consisted of autism, constipation,
middle ear infections and colds which were slow to resolve. Even though seemingly
unrelated, all of these physical complaints fit within the complex of symptoms that
Sepia is able to treat.
While many homeopathic remedies can treat autism, depending on the symptoms of
each case, the standout symptom that indicated that Sepia would be the most helpful
for Nathaniel was his reaction to laughter. Sepia is one of a small number of remedies
that will treat a person's mistaken belief (delusion) that they are being laughed at or
ridiculed. While this symptom will not arise in everybody who needs Sepia, it will

certainly resolve following a prescription if other symptoms in the case also indicate
the need for Sepia, and Nathaniel's certainly did.
Nathaniel was prescribed homeopathic Sepia. The response was dramatic. His mother
reported that within 48 hours of having a dose he came to her for a cuddle and told her
that he loved her! He had never done anything like this before and she was very
emotional in the retelling. Positive progress, with a few ups and downs, continued from
there. Nathaniel began to engage emotionally and verbally with his family and his
physical complaints improved.
In the years following, Nathaniel continued to require ongoing homeopathic treatment
to progress and maintain his improvement. Sepia was prescribed frequently but so
were other homeopathic remedies as dictated by his changing symptoms Today, some
eight years later, he is still comes in for an occasional appointment. Watching Nathaniel
grow into a communicative, affectionate and considerate young man has given me
great joy. He is now very different to the little boy who first came to my Clinic all those
years ago.
It is nice to know that at least one family has been relieved of the ongoing dilemmas
parents endure when a child is affected like Nathaniel. In fact, it is one of the best
things about being a homeopath. Equally frustrating, however, is watching other
children suffer unnecessarily because their families do not understand how
homeopathy could help them.
Case 2
Jasmine was 19 months old, grumpy and miserable. Not so long ago she had been
happy and healthy but from 15 months of age, had suffered with severe constipation.
Jasmine could go for two weeks or more without having a bowel motion and then,
usually only with the assistance of strong treatments not recommended for a child.
Frequently she would have to be given suppositories or enemas before relief could be
obtained. Her mother said that the bowel motions would always be sludge-like rather
than hard, as if the bowel had just stopped moving.
Jasmine's mother also said that her daughter had changed totally since developing this
problem. She would cry and become irritable with each progressing episode of
constipation. The only time she would be her normal happy self would be the first few
days following a "clean-out" with an enema. She was also sleeping poorly. Where she
had once slept right through the night, she was now only managing two to three hours
at a stretch. Jasmine's mother was exhausted and at her wits end.
When I asked if there had been any event in Jasmine's life that may have triggered
such a problem, her mother said that it had occurred not long after Jasmine had her
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine. She had asked Jasmine's doctors if this
could have caused the problem but was reassured that it had not.

On hearing that the MMR vaccine preceded Jasmine's problems I decided to use the
tautopathic approach of prescribing the potentised (micro-diluted) vaccine.
Homeopathic practitioners will occasionally use this method if they suspect the
damaging effects of a poison, medicine, or vaccine caused the person's health
problems. (Those interested will find further information about this approach at the end
of the case.)
Jasmine was given sugar-tasting pilules of the potentised vaccine, in a range of
potencies, over the next four days. The aim was to correct any imbalance that may
have been created by the vaccine. If this method had proved unsuccessful in
Jasmine's case, a homeopathic prescription according to the Law of Similars and
symptom matching would have been made in its place.
Within two days, Jasmine had her first unaided bowel motion. By the end of the week,
she was back to normal, passing a motion once or twice a day. Her mother was
thrilled, Jasmine was happy and contented and both had begun to sleep through the
night again.
Information on the Vaccination Issue
When parents and individuals have access to reliable information on vaccination, they
can then truly make informed decisions about their own health and the health of their
children. The Australian Vaccination Network is an organisation devoted to providing
such accurate information. Issues from both sides of the vaccination debate are
examined. Their website also carries information about acute and chronic health
problems that can result from vaccines. They can be visited at:
Copyright Fran Sheffield 2006
Homeopathy and Epidemic Diseases
In this country, we rarely hear of epidemics such as cholera and typhoid, but we are
still confronted by the infectious diseases of whooping cough, chicken pox, Hib and
flu. Elsewhere in the world, the story is different. Whatever the scenario, the
management of epidemic infectious diseases is a complex issue. It involves both
treatment and prevention.
In this article I will look at how Homeopathy has been effective in the treatment of
epidemic diseases, both in the past and during more recent times. The cases I share
from my own clinic include one of a young boy who had been very sick with the
varicella (chicken pox) virus, and several of people who had been unwell with the flu.

Historical records show how medical doctors over the last 200 years have used
homeopathy to successfully treat scourges such as cholera, typhus, smallpox, and
scarlet fever. Homeopathy is still used today for the same epidemics in developing
countries such as India. Much of the developed world, however, remains ignorant of its
potential in this area.
Information on the effectiveness of homeopathy in the 1917 flu pandemic can also be
read at the link found at the bottom of the flu stories. It is information you may like to
keep to hand in the face of the looming Bird Flu threat.
Next month, drawing from Swinburne University research, I will discuss how
homeopathy could go one step further to provide safe and inexpensive protection
against the same epidemic diseases it is able to treat.
The Case of the Runaway Chicken Pox
Four-year-old Kade was carried into my clinic by a worried mother. Six days ago, he
had complained of having a headache and feeling sick. His mother had taken his
temperature only to find he had a fever. The following morning she noticed a spotty
rash on Kade's body that changed to little blisters as the day progressed. A doctor had
diagnosed chicken pox and advised Kade's mother to let him rest at home and to give
him plenty to drink during the fever. Since then, Kade had been tired and drowsy, not
wanting to eat.
By the time Kade's mother brought him in to see me, she was feeling concerned.
Although Kade had had chicken pox for almost week now there was no sign of him
getting better. He was still lethargic and sleepy and only seemed happy if he could be
cuddled by her. She was having to carry him from place to place as he was "too tired"
to move himself and he would rapidly fall asleep wherever she put him.
Kade was even unable to attend to his own toileting. Whenever he had to "wee" his
mother would carry him to the bathroom and support his body as he stood before the
toilet. At this point he would plead with her to hold his penis to direct the flow of urine
as he was "too tired" and unable to do it for himself.
Kade's mother said that he was bothered if family members tried to talk to him but
equally, he disliked being alone. Though unwell, he would join the family at mealtimes,
sitting drowsily at the meal table, unable to eat anything.
As I examined Kade, much of what his mother said was confirmed. Kade was
indifferent and apathetic, not wanting to play with the toys in my clinic. His limbs
trembled as he moved and he became irritable and upset as I asked him questions. On
taking his temperature, Kade became distressed at being touched. With a lot of effort,
his mother and I eventually got a reading of 39.6C - a considerable temperature seeing
it should have been back to normal at this stage of his illness. His skin was dry and

hot. Taking his pulse or examining his tongue and throat was impossible. Once left
alone, Kade returned to an indifferent and apathetic state.
An interesting feature of Kade's illness was the appearance and size of his chicken-pox
eruptions. Most chicken-pox "poxes" appear as little blisters that break and dry to a
yellow crust over a few days. Kade's were very different. They were scattered across
his body in varying stages of development. While some blisters were still present, many
others had enlarged to the size of a pea. They had yellow, fluffy, pustular heads that
looked just like smallpox eruptions!
I made a prescription of homeopathic Antimonium tartaricum, a remedy that
corresponded to the complex of symptoms Kade was experiencing. It covered his:
desire for company yet distressed if looked at or touched; dry fever with profound
weakness and lethargy; wanting to be carried; indifference and overwhelming
sleepiness; and, trembling on the slightest movement. It also included the symptom of
smallpox-like eruptions (in fact, this remedy has been used to successfully treat smallpox in the past). Antimonium tartaricum and no other remedy can only relieve this
particular complex of symptoms. I advised Kade's mother to give a dose every two
hours until improvement. I also asked her to contact me later that day. His symptoms
were not consistent with a child coping normally with chicken pox. I wanted to make
sure Kade received further treatment if he remained unchanged or worsened.
Kade's mother phoned back before giving him a second dose. She said that within the
two hours of taking the homeopathic remedy, his fever had dropped and he had
started playing with his sister! It had been almost a week since he had been fever-free
or interested in playing so it was a substantial change. Such a pronounced response to
a remedy is often seen in children as their vitality, or ability to rebound back to health,
is strong. With increasing age, however, this vitality weakens and several doses may
be needed to achieve the same improvement over a longer period.
Kade needed another two doses of Antimonium tartaricum over the next 24 hours. He
remained active and his heightened irritability from being looked at or touched settled.
His pustular eruptions healed beautifully over the coming week and his fever did not
return. Did Kade have smallpox? No, just ordinary chicken pox but his inability to deal
with it normally certainly made him look as if he did. As a result he was given one of
our better known "smallpox remedies" as symptoms rather than disease names are
used for a prescriptions with homeopathy.
Antimonium tartaricum
Antimonium tartaricum (Ant-t) is one of the remedies used in the treatment of smallpox.
It is more commonly prescribed, though, for congestion and mucous build-up during
lung and respiratory problems. Sufferers will have loose rattling mucous in their

windpipe and a wet-sounding cough. Because of the extreme lethargy and sleepiness
indicating the need for this remedy, they usually will usually be too tired to cough
deeply enough to expel this mucous. They can look and sound as if they are about to
suffocate. The sort of complaints that can fall within the Ant-t range of action include:
bronchitis; bronchiolitis; chicken pox; impetigo; chronic obstructive airways disease;
congestive heart failure; cyanosis; pneumonia; "death rattles".
Homeopathy and the Flu
Nearly all of us are familiar with the flu. It comes around every winter, flattening
susceptible individuals in its path. For most of us, it is an annoying and inconvenient
illness but we do get over it. For some, especially the elderly and unwell, catching the
flu can be a matter of life and death. The flu virus has the ability to mutate, or change
its structure rapidly, so that it has been impossible to develop a fully effective or longterm vaccine against it. Third world populations also find the cost of these vaccines
beyond their reach. As a result, worldwide, the flu is still one of the biggest causes of
Those unfamiliar with homeopathy are often surprised that homeopathic remedies can
speedily relieve the symptoms of flu. In France, where homeopathy is well known and
prescribed by over 40% of French doctors, the leading flu medicine is a homeopathic
remedy, Anas barbariae. Studies have shown it relieves the intensity and shortens the
duration of flu symptoms better than anti-virals such as Tamiflu and Relenza - and
without the side effects.
Most homeopaths, however, would still prefer to treat the flu from a larger range of
homeopathics. While Anas barbariae has a broad action over a large variety of flu
symptoms, it is not so effective in the elderly and has to be prescribed within the first
48 hours of symptom onset. A homeopathic prescription that closely matches the
symptoms of the individual sufferer, however, usually has an even better effect
regardless of age or time. Examples of this approach will be seen in the following minicases.
A Belladonna Flu
Angie had the flu. It had been going around at work and had finally caught her. The
surprise was how quickly it hit. At lunchtime, she had started to feel unwell. By 3pm
she had such a high fever and severe headache that she was driven home by a
colleague. Her face was red, her eyes "glassy," and her pupils dilated. In spite of her
high temperature, her hands and feet were icy cold. She wanted to lie down but it only
worsened her throbbing headache and so she sat quietly on the lounge, her eyes
shielded from the light. Any sudden or jarring movements made her feel as though her
head was going to explode.

Angie received a dose of homeopathic Belladonna. Within the hour, her headache was
eighty percent better and she had broken out into a sweat - her temperature was
coming down. Angie needed two more doses of Belladonna when symptoms began to
return to fully resolve her flu.
Belladonna type flu's will have the following symptoms:
* Rapid onset and high fever
* Aggravation period at 3pm
* Reddened and flushed face
* Hot face and body with cold hands and feet
* Glistening eyes with dilated pupils that are sensitive to light
* Throbbing pains in head or throat
* Head pain worse for lying flat or jarring; better for sitting upright
Rapidity of onset is a key feature of Belladonna type flu symptoms. Unlike some other
flu's, rapidity of improvement is also notable when the correct prescription of
Belladonna is made.
A Bryonia Flu
Russell was feeling unwell. Two days ago, he had developed a sore throat and runny
nose. Initially he had been hopeful it may have been a passing cold but one by one, the
symptoms of flu appeared. Now he had a severe headache and was wet with
perspiration from his fever. Everything hurt and from time to time chills would run along
the right side of his body. Whenever he moved, the aches and pains worsened - even
breathing hurt. For the most part Russell just wanted to lie still in bed. His wife said that
he was extremely irritable. Whenever she went to check on him, he would snap at her
to leave him alone. Russell also complained of being very thirsty. Every so often, he
would swallow large glasses of water to relieve his dryness.
Russell was prescribed homeopathic Bryonia. Unlike Angie's flu, Russell's symptoms
had developed slowly over a few days. This feature, along with other aspects,
indicated that Russell would need a different remedy to Angie and that his return to
health would be more gradual. Within two hours of taking a dose, Russell was starting
to feel a little better. By six hours, he was able to move around without everything
hurting. His fever had reduced. By the following morning and some three doses later,
Russell declared himself 80% better. The following day saw all symptoms resolved and
Russell was able to return to work.
Bryonia type flu's have the following symptoms:
* Slowly progressing symptoms with severe aching.
* Symptoms worsened by any movement - the person wants to keep still.
* Symptoms often worse on the right side of the body.
* Intense thirst and desire for large amounts of water at infrequent intervals.
* Severe headache in the back of the head and forehead.

* Very irritable and wanting to be left alone.

A Rhus-toxicodendron Flu
Shilpa's flu had started after being caught in the rain on a cold day. Her symptoms
were in marked contrast to those of Russell. While Russell's aches and pains were
worse when he tried to move around, wandering about relieved Shilpa's discomfort. In
fact, she was quite restless. Russell had felt irritable but Shilpa felt unusually anxious.
She was also thirsty for sips of warm drinks, rarely cold ones. Any sort of coldness
seemed to trigger a chill. Blisters on her lips had also developed with the fever.
Shilpa was successfully prescribed the homeopathic remedy Rhus toxicodendron, a
remedy known to treat her distinguishing symptoms. One day later and after six doses
of the Rhus, Shilpa was completely free of flu symptoms. The blisters on her lips
healed over the next few days. Flu symptoms indicating the need for Rhus
toxicodendron include:
* Aching restlessness.
* Stiffness that improves with movement and stretching.
* Fever that starts after being chilled.
* Shaking from drafts or uncovering.
* Throat pain and general discomfort better for sipping warm drinks.
* Anxiety and anguish.
* Herpes or fever blisters on lips.
A Gelsemium Flu
Max could hardly lift his head. He was unwell with the flu and exhausted. His eyelids
were half-closed and his face was flushed a dusky red. Max had started to feel unwell
with a sore throat four days ago and had slowly deteriorated since then. He was now
drowsy and weak and it was an effort for him to sit up let alone stand. His arms and
legs would tremble with the effort. Max's fever alternated with severe chills and rigors
(shuddering). The back of his head ached and the pain radiated over the top to his
forehead. In spite of the fever, Max was generally thirstless. When I examined him, I
found his tongue to be thickly coated and yellow. Because of his exhaustion, Max
spent most of his time sleeping when left alone.
Max made a gradual recovery after a prescription of homeopathic Gelsemium. By the
end of the day, the headache had resolved and he only had a low-grade fever. His
energy levels had improved and though still feeling weak, he no longer trembled on
trying to do something. It took another two days before Max was completely well but
this was a significant improvement for this type of flu. Many of his friends were still
recovering some weeks later.
Gelsemium-type flu's will have the following symptoms:
* Marked weakness, debility and sleepiness.


* Trembling and heaviness of limbs and head.

* Eyelids drooping or closed - unable to open fully.
* Occipital headache radiating to the forehead.
* Chills running up and down the back.
* Mental fogginess and dullness.
Homeopathy and the 1918 Bird Flu Pandemic
These four remedies are just some of the ones used by homeopaths to treat flu
symptoms. Gelsemium, from the final case, is the remedy so successfully prescribed
by doctors during the 1917 Spanish Flu pandemic. Unfortunately, up to 50 million
people lost their lives during the time that it swept the world but many of those who
found their way to homeopathic treatment, survived. To read accounts about the
results of homeopathy during this pandemic, go to Flu Pandemic.
Copyright Fran Sheffield 2006
Homeoprophylaxis: Homeopathic Immunisation for Epidemic Diseases
Part A: Homeopathic Immunisation in Meningococcal Disease
Meningococcal Disease - Nasty and Deadly
Once again, the Meningococcal season is upon us, yet few people know that
Homeopathy can provide safe, effective and inexpensive protection against all strains
of this bacterium. While the disease is not common in Australia, hundreds of infections
are reported each season. Approximately 10% of infections lead to death.
A significant percentage of those who do survive will lose digits or limbs and/or suffer
brain damage, deafness, nervous systems disorders, liver or kidney failure, chronic
fatigue, seizures, or strokes. It can be caught at any stage of life but those most at risk
are children under the age of five and young adults between 15-24 years.
The peak period for infection is winter and early spring. The disease is spread by
"carriers" through droplets on coughing or sneezing. Surprisingly, many of us could be
responsible. The Meningococcal bacterium is present in the throat or nose of about
10% of us at any given time even though we remain symptom free.
While most people remain unaffected when exposed to this bacterium, some develop
septicaemia (blood poisoning), meningitis (infection of the outer covering of the brain
and spinal cord), or a combination of the two. Early symptoms include fever, irritability,
stiff neck, severe headache, pale blotchy skin, vomiting, joint and muscle pain,
drowsiness, or coma. Often, a rash of tiny red or purple spots appears that enlarges to
look like a bruise. Death can occur within 48 hours. Urgent medical attention is
essential if infection is suspected.


What about the Current Vaccines?

There are 13 strains of Meningococcal disease but only two available vaccines. One
vaccine provides some protection against four of the strains but is only 55% effective
in children between the ages of two to three and is ineffective in children under two
years of age. Protection lasts for only two to three years. The second vaccine provides
longer protection and is 92% effective in children but only against the 'C' strain. There
is no vaccine for the 'B' strain - the most common strain in Australia.
As with all vaccines, side effects do occur. Common symptoms include fever, swelling,
irritability, loss of appetite, and headaches. Life threatening side effects are rare but
have been reported. Homeopaths, along with other health care workers have noted
that many of their patients seem to have a reduced ability to resist infections following
Homeopathic Protection Against Meningococcal Disease
There IS a safe way, however, to maximise the protection you and your children have
against Meningococcal disease - Homeopathy! The use of homeopathic medicines by
medical doctors and homeopathic practitioners for the prevention of epidemic
diseases has a 200-year history. It is called Homeoprophylaxis - the use of
homeopathic immunisation to protect against disease symptoms. Pronounced, 'home-oh-prof-il-ax-is', it is a long name and quite a mouthful! For the purpose of this
article, it will be shortened to HP. It is important to note that while it is possible to
immunise homeopathically, there is no such thing as a homeopathic vaccine or a
process known as homeopathic vaccination. Both terms are inaccurate when referring
to HP.
Homeopathy is a safe and effective option for the protection of all against
Meningococcal disease. While vaccines have to be matched and prepared against
individual viral strains of any infectious disease, HP remedies (medicines) are matched
to the disease symptoms rather than the virus. Because symptoms are the same from
one Meningococcal strain to another, the one HP remedy can be prescribed for all. As
a result, protection is possible for even the 'B' strain - the most common type for which
no vaccine is available.
Today, homeopathic Meningococcinum (the HP remedy) is frequently used to protect
against Meningococcal infection in some of the world's poorest countries.
Unfortunately, ignorance about HP in much of the Western world means that this
method has been less commonly used here.


The Brazilian Experience

So how do we know that Homeopathy works in these instances? To answer this
question we will look at two recent, large-scale studies conducted in Brazil where
Meningococcal epidemics frequently occur.
Study 1
In 1974, during an outbreak of Meningococcal disease in Brazil, 18,640 children were
given HP for protection against Meningococcal infection, and 6,340 were not. The
following results were obtained:
818,640 protected homeopathically - 4 cases of Meningococcal infection.
6,340 not protected - 32 cases of Meningococcal infection.
Based on the infection (attack) rate in the unprotected group, 94 cases of infection
would have been expected in the homeopathically protected group. Instead, there
were only four cases of Meningococcal infection, showing that the homeopathic option
was 95% effective against Meningicoccal disease. 1
Study 2
The results of the first study led to the Brazilian government funding a larger study in
1998. Two Professors of Medicine from the University Foundation in Blumenau, Brazil,
and a Blumenau specialist physician and Health City Secretary conducted it.
A total of 65,826 people between the ages of 0-20 were given HP for protection
against Meningococcal disease while 23,532 were not. Over a 12 month period, the
following results were obtained:
65,826 protected homeopathically - 4 cases of Meningococcal infection.
23,532 not protected - 20 cases of Meningococcal infection.
Based on the infection (attack) rate in the unprotected group, 58 cases of infection
would have been expected in the homeopathically protected group. Instead, there
were only four cases of Meningococcal infection. Statistical analysis showed that HP
offered 95% protection in the first six months and 91% protection over the year
against Meningococcal disease. 2
Both of these studies used only low to medium range potencies of Meningococcinum
for protection and only one oral dose per person was given. One would anticipate
longer and possibly increased rates of protection if higher potencies and more than
one dose had been given; this has certainly been clinical experience elsewhere and is
indicated by recent research conducted in Australia.3
The researchers of this study are at pains to point out that the use of
Meningococcinum for protection against Meningococcal disease is not a new
development and provide another 10 references to the use of HP.


Benefits of Homeoprophylaxis (HP)

HP is extremely safe. Because Homeopathy is an energetic system of medicine that
prescribes remedies in sub-molecular form, poisonings, addictions, and other
damaging side effects do not occur. Chemical interactions with other medicines cannot
happen. Homeopathy does not harm.
HP provides protection against diseases for which no vaccine exists. This has already
been discussed with the example of the 'B' strain Meningococci - the commonest
strain in Australia.
HP can protect when vaccines may be unsuitable, e.g. for those who have already had
an adverse vaccine reaction; the malnourished; the sick or debilitated; the immunecompromised; the pregnant; those allergic to vaccine materials; and those on steroids.
HP is safe for all these groups.
No method of immunisation gives 100% protection but recent Australian research
showed that Homeopathy provides 90.4% protection for childhood communicable
diseases.4 (This research is discussed more fully in Part B). This figure is consistent
with those from overseas studies on HP. It also compares favourably with the 75-95%
protection rates offered by vaccines.
HP is inexpensive. Provided in bulk, Meningococcinum, for example, can protect one
person for one year against Meningococcal disease at a cost of cents rather than
dollars. This would be a boon for poorer countries where the cost of vaccines places
them out of reach for the majority of the population. It would also lead to significant
savings in the healthcare budgets of more affluent nations.
HP is easily distributed and dispensed. One dose usually consists of a small medicated
sugar pilule that is dissolved in the mouth - well tolerated and pleasant for all ages. It
does not use needles and syringes, require refrigeration, or depend on teams of trained
health workers to dispense it. Homeopathy truly is a medicine of the people.
Homeopathic remedies are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Because of
this they cannot be patented, meaning that their production and distribution cannot be
restricted or controlled by corporations for profit or political gain. Perhaps this is why
there is usually vigorous opposition and harassment when HP is discussed in the
public arena and why so few people are informed about it - those with vested interests
have a lot to lose.
Are There any Drawbacks?
None that I know of. As world famous violinist and conductor Sir Yehudi Menuhin said,
"Homeopathy is one of the rare medical approaches which carries no penalties - only
benefits." Now isn't that the best news you have heard in a long time?


(To be continued in Part B of this article - Homeopathic Immunisation in Other

Epidemic Diseases. The use of HP for other epidemic diseases will be examined plus
recent Australian research regarding the effectiveness and health benefits of
homeopathic immunisation will be discussed.)

Castro, D. & Nogueira, G. G. (1975). Use of the nosode Meningococcinum as a

preventative against meningitis. Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, 1975
Dec 68 (4), 211-219.

Mroninski C, Adriano E & Mattos G. (1998/99) Meningococcinum: Its protective effect

against Meningococcal disease, Homeopathic Links, Vol 14 Winter 2001, 230-234.

Golden, I. (2004) Homoeoprophylaxis - A Fifteen Year Clinical Study (A Statistical

Review of the Efficacy and Safety of Long-Term Homoeoprophylaxis) Daylesford:
Aurum Pty Ltd.

Golden, I. (2004) Homoeoprophylaxis - A Fifteen Year Clinical Study (A Statistical

Review of the Efficacy and Safety of Long-Term Homoeoprophylaxis) Daylesford:
Aurum Pty Ltd.
Copyright Fran Sheffield 2006
Homeoprophylaxis - Homeopathic Immunisation for Epidemic Diseases
Part B: Homeopathic Immunisation in Other Epidemic Diseases
(This is the second part of an article regarding Homeoprophylaxis - the use of
homeopathic immunisation to protect against disease symptoms. Pronounced, 'ho-meoh-prof-il-ax-is', it is a long name and quite a mouthful! For the purpose of this article, it
will be shortened to HP. It is important to note that while it is possible to immunise
homeopathically, there is no such thing as a homeopathic vaccine or a process known
as homeopathic vaccination. Both terms are inaccurate when referring to HP.)
Homeopathy has a 200-year-old history of use by professional and medically qualified
homeopaths. During this time it has had a high success rate in safely protecting people
and populations against some of the world's worst epidemic diseases.
Part A of this article looked at two large-scale and recent studies in which
Homeoprophylaxis (HP) protected against Meningococcal disease.
Part B will:
Consider other instances in which HP has been historically used to protect "at
risk" populations from epidemic diseases.
Discuss recent Australian research that shows HP to be both safe and effective,
and a healthier option for immunisation than vaccination.


In the Beginning
The first documented use of HP was by the founder of Homeopathy, Samuel
Hahnemann, during an epidemic of Scarlet Fever in 1801. While using homeopathic
Belladonna to treat patients already infected, he made an interesting observation:
those who chose to take the remedy before catching the disease remained uninfected
and healthy in spite of coming into contact with it. This realisation led to Homeopathy
being used for protection against other epidemic diseases, usually with marked
success. Not only could Homeopathy treat those unwell with epidemic diseases, it
could also protect the healthy. Homeoprophylaxis (HP) was born.
HP in Action
For the past 200 years, professional and medically trained homeopaths around the
world have used HP to provide short and long-term protection against a range of
epidemic diseases. Part A of this article revealed how homeopathic Meningococcinum
protected against Meningococcal disease in two large-scale Brazilian studies. HP has
also been used with effect in epidemics of: Poliomyelitis; Chicken-pox; Hepatitis (all
types); Japanese Encephalitis; Hib; Influenza; Measles; Pneumococcal disease;
Cholera; Smallpox; Typhoid; Typhus; Whooping cough; Rubella (German measles);
Mumps; Diphtheria; Malaria; Yellow Fever; and Dysentery. Quite a list! A compilation of
referenced HP accounts and studies can be read at the link provided. Some examples
(references omitted) are provided by the following:
During a Poliomyelitis epidemic in Buenos Aires, practitioners (Homeopaths and
Doctors) distributed the HP remedy Lathyrus sativus to over 40,000 people. Not one of
them developed Polio during the epidemic despite exposure.
Only 6.5 per cent of people given a homeopathic immunisation contracted influenza
compared to the 20 per cent who had not received the preventative. Those who did
contract the 'flu following HP recovered more quickly and lost significantly less working
hours than the others affected. This outcome confirms the experiences of practitioners
through history that contagious diseases tend to be milder if contracted by people who
have already used HP.
Nurses and patients protected by HP at the London Homeopathic Hospital remained
disease free during a 3 year period in which they were regularly exposed to Diphtheria.
The Indian government and Public Health Centres recently distributed the homeopathic
preventative, Belladonna, during an epidemic of Japanese Encephalitis. This resulted in
a rapid decline in fatalities.


Records from a Smallpox epidemic show that of 2806 individuals protected by the HP,
547 of them went on to have a known exposure to the disease. Of those, 97.5%
remained disease free.
Children in Britain, prior to vaccines being available, escaped the disease of Whooping
Cough if they were protected by HP.
Animals as Well
HP is just as effective in immunising animals against many of their epidemic and
infectious diseases. Professional and homeopathic veterinarians use HP for diseases
such as: Panleukapenia in cats, and Kennel Cough, Parvovirus, Heart Worm, and
Distemper in dogs. HP has even protected against porcine (pig) stillbirths and mastitis
(udder infection) in cows. Studies and accounts of veterinary HP can be read in the
provided link.
British HP studies on bovine (cow) mastitis are having a huge impact on farming
practises. Today, the majority of Britain's dairy herd farmers incorporate HP into their
farms on purely economic grounds. Sick cows and veterinary treatments cost money
and erode profits. HP stops this. Increasingly, Australian dairy farmers are doing the
same as they too become aware of the benefits of HP.
Ground-Breaking Aussie Research
The largest study undertaken anywhere in the world on the long-term health effects of
HP was completed by Dr Isaac Golden at Melbourne's Swinburne University in 2004.
His doctoral research1 analysed 2,304 responses from 1,159 children, each response
covering one year of a child's life. For some children, multiple years were analysed. The
study showed that:
HP had a 90.4% efficacy against epidemic childhood diseases - a rate similar to
that of conventional vaccines.
HP remedies are non-toxic and safe - free of the side-effects or resulting
damage that can occur with vaccines.
A second study conducted by Golden, followed the incidence of chronic disease in 781
children between 4 - 12 years of age. This study placed the children into one of four
groups according to the choice of immunisation made on their behalf. The children had
been either:
Protected only by conventional vaccines
Protected only by HP
Protected by a mix of "constitutional" measures from alternative therapists such
as naturopaths, osteopaths, and chiropractors, as well as homeopathic
constitutional treatment (but not HP)
Protected by nothing at all


The health of each group was then measured. They were assessed for the incidence
*Ear and hearing problems
*Behavioural problems
What it Showed
The Golden research, the first of its kind in examining the long-term health impact of
immunisation choices, confirmed what practitioners have been saying for decades - a
problem exists. Immunisation choices do affect health. Unfortunately, the group that
fared the worst was the fully vaccinated group - so much so that children from this
group were 15 times more likely to suffer from asthma.
The group with the fewest chronic health problems was the one that had received the
homeopathic immunisation (HP). They had less asthma, eczema, allergies, and fewer
behavioural problems. This encouraging result is certainly consistent with homeopathic
philosophy where it has always been understood that the subtle, dynamic challenges
of homeopathic remedies to the immune system have a strengthening effect that
makes the individual less susceptible to disease and ill-health in the future. Another
unexpected surprise for the researcher was that the HP group was even healthier than
the constitutionally protected children where "natural" and preventative measures had
been taken in an attempt to raise the children's health to optimal levels. The group that
ranked third for incidence of chronic disease was the group that had done nothing.
Further Details
To quantify the results even further, the following conclusions were drawn from the
Immunisation only by HP was associated with a lower than average chance of
acquiring asthma or eczema and less risk of developing allergies.
The incidence of asthma (3%) in children who were immunised only by HP was
well below the national average of 19%.
The incidence of behavioural problems in children immunised by HP was
extremely low compared to the other methods of immunisation.
In relation to asthma, immunising a child with HP alone was 15 times safer than
immunising by vaccines, and 6 times safer than doing nothing for immunisation.
In relation to eczema, immunising only with HP was 7.4 times safer than
immunising with vaccines and 2.8 times safer than doing nothing about
In relation to allergies, immunising only with HP was 5 times safer than by
vaccines and 2 times safer than no method of immunisation.


Summary of HP Benefits
To repeat the concluding points from Part A of this article:
HP is extremely safe. Because Homeopathy is an energetic system of medicine
that prescribes remedies in sub-molecular form, poisonings, addictions, and
other damaging side-effects do not occur. Chemical interactions with other
medications cannot happen. Homeopathy does not harm.
HP provides protection against diseases for which no vaccine exists. This has
already been discussed in the example from Part A of this article, the 'B' strain
Meningococci responsible for most Meningococcal infections in Australia.
HP can protect when vaccines may be unsuitable, e.g. for those who have
already had an adverse vaccine reaction; the malnourished; the sick and
debilitated; the immune-compromised; the pregnant; those allergic to vaccine
materials; and, those on steroids. HP is safe for all these groups.
No method of immunisation gives 100% protection but recent Australian
research (discussed above) has shown that Homeopathy, for childhood
communicable diseases can provide 90.4% protection.3 This figure is
consistent with those from overseas studies on HP. It also compares favourably
with the 75-95% protection rates offered by vaccines.
HP is inexpensive. It is possible to protect one person for one year against one
epidemic disease at a cost of cents rather than dollars. Such economy would be
a boon for poorer countries where the cost of vaccines places them out of reach
for the majority of the population. It would also lead to significant savings in the
healthcare budgets of more affluent nations.
HP is easily distributed and dispensed. One dose usually consists of a small
medicated sugar pilule that is dissolved in the mouth - well tolerated and
pleasant for all ages. It does not use needles and syringes, require refrigeration,
or depend on teams of trained health workers to dispense it. Homeopathy is
truly a medicine of the people.
Homeopathic remedies are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Because of
this, they cannot be patented, meaning that their production and distribution cannot be
restricted or controlled by corporations for profit or political gain. Perhaps this is why
there is usually vigorous opposition and harassment when HP is discussed in the
public arena and why so few people are informed about it - vested interests have a lot
to lose.
(To be continued in Part C of this article - The Politics of Homeopathic Immunistion.
Consideration will be given as to why Homeopathy has not been more widely promoted
as a viable option for disease prevention.)

Golden, I. (2004) Homoeoprophylaxis - A Fifteen Year Clinical Study (A Statistical

Review of the Efficacy and Safety of Long-Term Homoeoprophylaxis), Daylesford:
Aurum Pty Ltd.


Golden, I. (2005) Vaccination and Homeoprophylaxis? A Review of Risks and

Alternatives, 6th edition, Daylesford: Isaac Golden Publications., pp. 171-179.

Golden, I. (2004) Homoeoprophylaxis - A Fifteen Year Clinical Study (A Statistical

Review of the Efficacy and Safety of Long-Term Homoeoprophylaxis), Daylesford:
Aurum Pty Ltd., p.12,21.
Copyright Fran Sheffield 2006
Homeoprophylaxis - Homeopathic Immunisation for Epidemic Diseases
Part C: The Politics of Homeopathic Immunisation
(This is the third, and final, part of an article regarding Homeoprophylaxis - the use of
homeopathic immunisation to protect against disease symptoms. Pronounced, 'ho-meoh-prof-il-ax-is', it is a long name and quite a mouthful! For the purpose of this article, it
will be shortened to HP. It is important to note that while it is possible to immunise
homeopathically, there is no such thing as a homeopathic vaccine or a process known
as homeopathic vaccination. Both terms are inaccurate when referring to HP.)
Part A of this article looked at two recent large-scale studies in which
Homeoprophylaxis (HP) provided protection against Meningococcal disease.
Part B examined other instances in which HP protected "at risk" populations from the
effects of epidemic diseases. It also discussed recent Ph.D research showing HP to be
safe, effective, and a healthier option for immunisation than vaccination.
Part C will examine some of the barriers that stop HP from being a recognised option
for immunisation given the fact that it has a 200 year history of success in this area.
Muddied Waters
People need accurate information when making immunisation choices for their families
or themselves. For whatever reason, this has not happened with HP. Information
distributed by Government to the public and healthcare professionals about HP has
often been incorrect. The following examples demonstrate this:
Example 1: Government literature frequently states there is no evidence that HP
provides immunity. Either Government has not had access to the available studies or
has chosen to ignore them. Results from the Brazilian studies of Part A of this article,
for example, confirm what homeopathic doctors in Brazil have said for decades homeopathic Meningococcinum does protect against Meningococcal disease. These
results have been sent to our Government. At the very least, they deserve to be
followed up and investigated. Part B of this article also listed other studies and
accounts from both medical and professional homeopaths over the last 200 years on


the efficacy of HP during epidemics such as mumps, typhoid, typhus, diphtheria,

whooping cough, and influenza.
Example 2: Government literature and media statements have claimed that the
Executive Director of the Australian Natural Therapies Association (ANTA) has said that
no properly qualified natural therapist would recommend homeopathic immunisation as
an alternative to conventional immunisation.
This statement has been reported widely since 1990 and is frequently used by
detractors of HP. It is both untrue and incorrect. The Executive Director of ANTA at the
time, denied ever making such a statement and ANTA subsequently released a
statement that said:
Immunity could be stimulated naturally by good nutrition, natural herbal
remedies, homeopathic remedies, and correct lifestyle changes, or, artificially by
Natural therapists were philosophically bound to stimulate natural immunity as a
first choice.
It was only appropriate to stimulate artificial immunity by vaccines when natural
immunity had been exhausted.
ANTA wished to promote the fact that options other than vaccines were
available for stimulating immunity.
Vaccination should not be compulsory and parents should have freedom of
choice. Unfortunately, this actual position of ANTA is not reported while the
earlier untrue statement is quoted and promoted.
The Stifling of Debate and Research
Misinformation about HP is a problem but of greater concern is the pressure applied to
individuals or groups, seemingly to discourage the use of HP.
Example 1: The British Story.
Frequently, quotes from the Faculty of Homeopathy, London, are used in Australia to
convey the impression that British medical homeopaths do not accept HP as an
alternative to vaccination, and therefore, neither should we.
Some British homeopathic doctors have only adopted this anti-HP and pro-vaccination
stance in recent times. It is a position at odds with the views of their Faculty
predecessors, many of whom used HP extensively in epidemics and wrote of its
benefits. Interestingly, the Faculty's change in attitude coincided with threats by the UK
health authorities to block access to some groups of homeopathic remedies unless the
Faculty issued a statement supporting vaccination.
What most people, and perhaps our own government, do not realise is that only a
small percentage of British homeopaths belong to this Faculty. The great majority
belong to other associations that do not support or agree with the Faculty position.


Example 2: The Australian Story.

At the same time, a similar story was played out in Australia. In 1994, the Australian
Government issued a press release welcoming an announcement that the Australian
Medical Faculty of Homeopathy (AMFoH) did not support homeopathic immunisation
over conventional vaccines. What was not said in this press release was that prior to
AMFoH's announcement, serious threats had been made against doctors who used
Newspapers carried reports of doctors being warned about "child vaccines" and
threats of them being sued if they used homeopathic preparations. At the time, the
Australian Medical Association's President, Dr Brendan Nelson, said that he knew
some doctors were prescribing HP and that if they came to his attention he would,
"refer them to medical boards." In 1995 he further said, "We are gunning for people
who behave in this way." With the threat of de-registration hanging over their heads, is
it any wonder that Australian homeopathic doctors no longer speak in favour of HP? A
great shame, as we are all the poorer for it.
Example 3: The Golden Story.
Dr Isaac Golden (PhD), whose recent research on HP was discussed in Part B of this
article, has also had his fair share of difficulties. Between the years of 1989-95, he
weathered: complaints lodged anonymously by some medical practitioners; visits by
government officials suggesting he had committed criminal offences; and, four
investigations by Health Departments of two states of Australia. On each occasion, it
was concluded that he had no case to answer.
Most recently, Golden has been told he would receive a $27,000.00 fine in each
instance if he supplied HP remedies to people living outside his home state of Victoria.
This threat significantly reduced the data Golden was able to analyse in his HP study,
reported in Part B of this article. It is truly sad when some of those who openly criticise
Homeopathy for not having enough research, then actively work to restrict research
opportunities. Once again, we are all the poorer for it.
Vested Interests
So why do we have the spread of misinformation and such opposition to HP? If it can
point to records of effectiveness in some of the world's worst epidemic diseases over
the last 200 years, why isn't it being used? In comparison to conventional vaccines, it
is inexpensive, does no harm, and may improve health. Surely, it must be worthy of
further investigation. Why does this not happen?
To understand the situation a little better one has to look at who has vested interests
and what they stand to lose. Vaccines are the only form of medicine that each person
on the planet will be encouraged to have multiple times throughout their life - from birth
to the grave.


Vaccines are patentable products. They are big business for drug companies that
produce them, the countries in which they are produced, and those involved in their
distribution and administration. Vaccines generate billions upon billions of dollars each
year and this river of gold flows from the factories to the end prescriber. When
business becomes this big, what is ultimately the best for people's health may take
second place.
In comparison, HP is of no interest to drug companies. As explained earlier HP
remedies are prepared from naturally occurring substances and so cannot be patented
or monopolised. Their production and distribution cannot be controlled by companies
to maximise profits. They are also inexpensive - HP remedies provided in bulk to large
populations would cost cents per person to produce rather than dollars.
It is easy to see that, unlike vaccines, little money can be made from the manufacture
and promotion of HP remedies. The drug industry has no incentive to fund research
into HP and certainly does not want to promote its use. In fact, if HP was found by all
to be a serious contender in the immunisation stakes, the vaccine industry and those
associated with it would lose a lot of money.
More About Research
Two hundred years of clinical usage and field trials have shown HP to be effective in
preventing epidemic diseases.1 While earlier records cannot be analysed by modern
research methodology, they do reveal that HP safely and effectively prevented
epidemic diseases before the dominance of the vaccine industry.
Recent research on HP does exist but has been restricted by lack of funding. Large
multinational companies who hold patents on the medicines they are developing fund
most pharmaceutical research. Patented drugs, if successful, lead to large profits that
underpin further studies. Homeopathic medicines, on the other hand, are inexpensively
prepared from naturally occurring substances. They cannot be patented or sold at a
premium to provide similar funding for homeopathic research.
As a safe system of medicine with records of efficacy, one would think that
Homeopathy was an ideal candidate for government funding - not so. The Australian
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) received $427 million in the
2004-2005 budget but not one dollar was allocated for homeopathic research. It is time
to address this oversight and actively fund research opportunities in the future.
At other times, government departments have even hindered research opportunities. It
has already been discussed how threats of fines restricted the Golden research. In
another instance, opposition by the NSW Department of Health led to the NSW
Department of Education refusing to distribute information to parents about


participation in the Swinburne University research. Clearly, it is time for Homeopaths

and the public to call on government to correct such perceived imbalances and biases.
While critics will always say, "Further studies need to be done," thankfully research on
HP does exist and is highly positive. All documented studies show it to be effective and
safe - much safer than the alternative of vaccines. None have shown it to be harmful.
This being the case, HP should be made available immediately on humanitarian
grounds to those too unwell or impoverished for conventional vaccines, at the very
least. Such a compassionate and logical act would also generate a large pool of data
for future research.
Making the Choice
There are three options for improving the immunity of ourselves and our children. They
*Conventional vaccination
*Strengthening natural immunity through healthy lifestyle and diet
*Homeoprophylaxis (HP)
This article (parts A, B & C) has tried to increase awareness of the HP option. For those
who would like to read further, the Australian Homeopathic Association, the largest
association representing Homeopaths in this country, has written a Position Statement
on Homeoprophylaxis that provides further information.
For pro-vaccination material, the Australian Government has produced extensive and
useful information at its Immunise Australia site. You will also find some of the
misinformation discussed earlier.
For those who wonder why seemingly loving parents would choose to avoid vaccines
for their children, you can read their reasons in the document, "Ten Reasons Why
Parents Question Vaccination" at the Australian Vaccination Network site.
The Way Forward
After reading this article, what can you do? There are a number of things. Consider one
or all of the following:
Research the immunisation issue further so you can be well informed about your
immunisation options. The information provided in the above links should be just
a beginning. Some of it may be confronting.
Exercise your right to choice because contrary to common belief, you do still
have a choice about immunisation in this country.
Bring your findings to the attention of your Local Member of Parliament. If you
were not aware of certain things, in all probability he or she will not be either.
Lobby Government to release funding for research into Homeoprophylaxis to
the satisfaction of all. Those unfamiliar with HP will want to confirm that it is


effective. Those who are already know that it is would welcome further research
into areas such as potency and length of immunity issues.
Petition Government to control the dominance of drug companies and
associated industries so that our health care system serves the interests of
people rather than the greed of large corporations.

Finally, if you would like to work with me on this issue please go to the following form.
There is much to be done and I would love to hear from you.
Fran Sheffield.
Copyright Fran Sheffield 2006
Other Resources
This is a recent interview transcript with Dr. Isaac Golden on Debby Brucks
internet/radio show called Homeopathy World Community. This is a great website with
regular shows on everything homeopathy. Signing up gets you regular emails about
upcoming shows.
In this interview you will hear Dr. Golden talk about the science and research being
done on HP and vaccination. Lots of great information there as well and a quick look at
the site tells me there are classes now for practitioners and parents on HP. Check it
Dr Isaac Golden
Interview with Debby Bruck
December 17, 2012
Homeopath since 1984
Vaccine Safety Options and Vaccine Damage
In NY Times December 17, 2012
Warningin the Journal of Pediatrics if we ban Thimerosal this would devastate the
health programs in developing worldmulti dose vaccines throughouttheres going
to be reps from govtsto prepare a global treaty by banning certain products
Ethyl mercury criticalfor multi dose vials.
If they would only take note of these, they could provide coverage without
having to use Thimerosalreplaced by another chemicalvaccines and vaccination


programs have saved lives but they have also cost lives. You can save lives without the
cost of lives. One thing we know, youre not going to cost lives with homeopathy.
All of those things are important but it is a fact that preventing infectious
diseases, very healthy people can get infectious disease. Create healthy lifestylenets,
swampy stagnant watermaximize, you have to prevent with disease specificeither
vaccination or homeoprophylaxisHP is safe.
1. The long term safety of Vaccines
One side is lets prevent and the other side is when we have damage wed like to
address that.
Vaccines can cause significant damage to recipients, as evidenced by compensation
for vaccine damage paid by some Governments.
For example, in the US Since the first Vaccine Injury Compensation claims were made
in 1989, 3101 compensation payments have been made, $2,379,597,663.81 disbursed
to petitioners and $93, 863, 172.49 paid to cover attorneys fees and other legal costs
This amount would not be paid if there were not strong grounds for vaccine damage.
Governments such as the UK and Japan have also paid out hundreds of millions of
dollars in vaccine damage compensation.
NVICP Compensation Data, 2012. National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. US
Department of health and Human Resources. HRSA Health Resources and Services
Administration. accessed 4/12/2012
Official publications claim that Vaccines, like other medicines, can have side
effects, but that the great majority of side-effects that follow vaccination are minor
and short lived and that all vaccines in use in Australia provide benefits that greatly
outweigh their risks
Apart from the fact that it seems highly unlikely that billions of dollars would have been
paid in vaccine damage compensation if this statement were totally accurate, the fact
remains that the long-term safety of vaccines has been poorly studied as evidenced by
three facts:
Australian Academy of Science. The Science of Immunisation Questions and Answers.
Australian Academy of Science, November, 2012. Page 12.
The long term safety of vaccines has not been studied.


(a) No studies have compared the total impact of all 28 doses of different vaccines
given to children by 4 years of age with completely unvaccinated children. The
closest we have is a study where primates were given the full vaccination
schedule and others not, and the impact on their brains studied. When orthodox
people study a vaccine, they study only a single vaccine. They havent studied
the WHOLE schedule. This study found that maturational changes in the
amygdala volume and binding capacity of [C]DPN in the amygdala was
significantly altered in infant macaques receiving the vaccine schedule. The
macaque infant is a relevant animal model in which to investigate specific
environmental exposures and structural/functional neuroimaging during
neurodevelopment, i/e/ the amygdalas in the vaccinated primates were
significantly affected leading to autistic type behavior.
Hewitson L, et al, Influence of pediatric vaccines on amygdala growth and opioid
ligand binding in rhesus macaque infants: A pilot study. Acta Neurobiol Ezp. 2010, 70:
They studied the infant macaques and adjusted for body weight. One group received
the whole series and what they foundtheir brains were significantly affected was the
part of the brain that affects autistic type behavior. You cant do this with humans as
an experiment but you can look at retrospect with human childrenlook at long term
health outcomes and this has not been done. Because these have done been done
thereits an unscientific statement.
(b) No substantial studies have been published examining the holistic impact of
vaccines, i.e. the effect on the intellectual, emotional and physical development
of children, in fully vaccinated and unvaccinated groups of age-appropriate
children. This is important that the children are age-appropriatefor the long
term effect of the program to be developed.
Four small studies that attempted to do this all found that vaccinated children were
much less healthy than unvaccinated children Large, long-term studies which do
claim to show that vaccines do not cause specific effects are methodologically
questionable leading to conclusions that are suggestive, not definitive.

Odent M. (1994) Long-term effects of early vaccinations. Primal Health

Research. Vol. 2, No. 1 Pages 3-7.
Golden I. (2010 Vaccination & Homeoprophylaxis? A Review of Risks and
Alternatives. 7th edition. Isaac Golden Publications, Gisborne, Victoria. Page 164.
Generation Rescue. (2007) Cal-Oregon vaccinated vs unvaccinated survey.
Bachmari A (2012) State of health of unvaccinated children.


With these four studies done over time, Odent in 1994 was published in orthodox
medical Lancet and JAMA journals, my own study, the Generation Rescue study done
in US and the last study done by a Swiss homeopath was done comparing the
(German homeopathy)compared a long term study in Germanynine or ten
thousand vaccinateda long term and collection of information of 12,000
By comparing the two groups one can get an ideawhat Ive done. Its an article that
has not been accepted yetIve put together the 4 studies and the findings say there
is a case to answer. The vaccinated are 3-4 more times likely to have long term health
a statistically significant association exists between the number of
vaccines given and a nations infant mortality rate. Linear regression analysis of
unweighted mean IMRs showed a high statically significant correlation between
increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates, with r=0.992

Miller NZ, Goldman GS. Infant mortality rates regressed against number of
vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?
Human and Experimental Toxicology. 30(0) 1420-1428.

These are just 3 quite different examples of the sort of evidence that is accumulating
on long term vaccine damage. When you are objective and not trying to prove vaccines
safe, you find research to say they are not safe.
2. The Effectiveness of Homeoprophylaxis (HP)
Official publications claim that there is no evidence supporting the effectiveness of
HP. These claims are unscientific because they simply ignore the substantial evidence
that is available. In fact there are now four types of evidence which can be considered
supporting the effectiveness of Homeopathic Prophylaxis.
There is no point in having something that is safe if it doesnt work.
They simply ignore the substantial evidence to support HP.

Over 200 years of recorded clinical effectiveness spread throughout the

homoeopathic literature in many languages (HP was first used in 1798).

Most of this anecdotal clinical evidence was recorded by homoeopaths who were also
doctors of medicine. Were looking at millions of people being protected. We need
studies which give us statistical evidence of effectiveness.



A number of short-term trials of HP in English exist. The most

impressive is a 1998 (in Brazil) intervention which involved 65, 826
children using the homoeopathic preventative against meningococcal
disease (type B), with a control group of 23, 539 children, showing an
efficacy of 95% after 6 months and 91% after 12 months. Other smaller
trials produced effectiveness around 90%. In this region in Brazil, many
orthodox doctors are also homeopaths. There was no vaccine for
meningitis so they decided to immunize homeopathically. When you look
at smaller studiesthis study had a large number of people
involvedthat are not as rigorous but what they had was great
consistency around 90%.

65, 826 people ages 0 to 20 years in Blumenau, Brazil were given the
homoeopathic remedy Meningococcinum 30CH.
Another 23, 539 people in the area did not receive the remedy.
The rates of protection found in the group using HP were 95% in six
months and 91% in 12 months.

The authors noted that their use of Meningococcinum was not new and cited 12
references to its use from 1966 to 1996. Mroninski C, Adriano E, Mattos G (2001)
Meningococcinum: Its protective effect against meningococcal disease. Homoeopathic
Links Winter Vol 14(4). 230-4

A trial of the effectiveness of long-term HP conducted by the author

from 1985 to 2004, and which formed one part of the authors PhD
theses completed in 2004-5.

This showed an effectiveness of HP of 90.4% (95% CI 87.6% and 93.2%).

Historical, short term and 3rd body of evidence is long term HPmy own research. This
showed an effectiveness of 94% which is consistent with the short term epidemic. CI is
confidencethe reason why these are important to showbut if the confidence
level87.6 is still very close to 90. The confidence limits is very important because it
shows consistency.

Massive regional and national interventions. Two examples are current:

Golden I (2010) Vaccination & Homoeoprophylaxis? A Review of Risks and

Alternatives. Isaac Golden Publications, Gisborne, Australia. 7th edition.
The book is in its 7th edition (2010) and contains all of the data Ill talk about with the
exception of some Indian data.
The two examples that are most current are from Cuba and India.


Cuba - is a very interesting example. Theyve been under American embargo for the
last 50 years which means they have had to become self- sufficient particularly in
health deliver. It has one of the best public health systems in the world. Ive been there
3 times for the HP program. Ive lectured there and its amazing and you lookthey
spend a fraction of the amount of money. They allow their orthodox medical
practitioners to use whatever they need to treat their patientsso they use nutrition,
homeopathy, etc.
The Findlay Institutethe person who led the homeopathic preventionthe
doctorshe is a wonderful personDr Gustavo Bratchohe is a published scientist
and he looks specifically at the adjuvants. They are actually a highly vaccinated
population but they try to make their vaccines as safe as possible.
2007there was a very bad hurricane and there is a bacteria Leptospirosis and it
spiked. They do have a vaccine for it but they found the vaccine wasnt holding the
outbreak so they immunized the 3 hardest hit regions with the homeopathic remedy
(2.2 million people) and within 2 weeks the epidemic broke.
It kept going in the rest of the country until the dry season started in January. In 2008
there was even a more dramatic result. That year there were 3 very bad
hurricanessignificant increase in Leptospirosis. So they HPd the in the worst
areasbig spike in the disease in the rest of the country but in the 3 regions it hardly
changed. Published in articles in a variety of sources and on my websiteif you look
there I do have a summary of what I am talking about there. Youll find the references
there with graphs of these results. Dramatic resultin 2010 with the big swine flu
scarethey HPd the whole country9.8 million people. There were no cases of swine
flu in the countryinterventions was successful or swine flu didnt come to Cuba. No
way to quantify the results. Government was so convinced with the Leptospirosis, they
were willing to immunize with homeopathy for the flu.
The Leptospirosisthey cant say it didnt workwe have the comparison with the
rest of the country. Also in Cuba, they just released their Dengue feverthere is no
worldwide vaccine for Dengueso they are going to do a careful study. They have had
success with Hep A.
Indiaheard of it 6 or 7 years agocriticism cant be saidthis relates to the disease
JE. Its a problem in Indiain this province of 90 millionHPd children against JE.
There are 20 million children in the provinceby 2003 deaths in this province had been
eliminated. Compared to the surrounding provincesthey were unchanged. Massive
HP programs can be extremely effective.
DB emphasize handwashing and isolationself precautions as wellchat about
CEASE therapy.

Vaccine Damaged Children


I would say that half my clinic these days is comprised of autistic children. I get a lot of
referrals from people who suspect their children are vaccine damaged. Child was
developing normallyeye contact, play with others, warm/loving relationship and then
you see the change within a couple of weeks of the MMR vaccine. When you see
hundreds of these caseshowever much they try to discredit Dr. Wakefieldthe fact
is that when you talk to hundreds of parents of children whose child has been
diagnosed with autismit is not a coincidence. What Ive done over a number of
yearsIll have data next yearIve collected of symptoms of children that I have
treated successfully with homeopathic vaccines


Dr. Tinus Smits and CEASE therapyhomeopathic potencies of vaccines. When you
see a child who comes with a group of symptomswhen those symptoms being
removed of the potency of the vaccinethe only way it can work is if the vaccine
caused those symptoms.
What I didI plotted on the graph the percentage among the children I sawthe
symptoms that were removed by the potentized vaccine MMR. Ive also done a profile
for the DPT vaccinethe profiles of MMR and DPT showgiving an indication of the
symptom picture that can be produced.
DPT has a high skin and asthmaeczema being cured by cortisone cream and then
the child getting asthmaskin problem will always come back.
CEASE therapy is one approach to the vaccine damage problem. He looks at more
than just potency of vaccinesnutritionDr Smits also talks about homeopathic
constitutional treatment. I highly recommend CEASE therapy. I want to make it clear I
am not a CEASE therapist. The way we metone of my students was doing a research
project on vaccine treatmentmy student mentioned Dr. Smits work. The results were
very very similarindependent researchhis and mine. We emailed from time to time.
The legacy he has left is doing enormous good. I work in a similar way.


Are you treating vaccine damaged children with your own protocol?
My own protocol is what I have built up with experiencenot dissimilar to CEASE
therapy. I dont work in quite as structured way as a CEASE therapy. Dr. Smits set
down a step by step protocol. I treat each case individuallydepends on the case
history. Potency will differ, frequency and other homeopathic support will differ from
case to case.
You have to vary what you do with how the child reacts. My approach is less formal
with its structure. Everyone is different. You can have a dozen children with a similar
historywell until 12 monthsevery child is different therefore the potential is to work
differently than you did before.
How To Differentiate?
How can we tell if the common symptoms to the diseases listed occur as a result of
The only way we can tell is the wisdom of hindsight. If you give a potentized vaccine
and the symptoms go away, then you know. Without the wisdom of hindsight if you
know there isIm not a scientist. Im a homeopath and homeopaths rely on careful
collection of symptoms and thats my perspective. Lets look at the symptoms before
and after
When I first started the MMR had not been used for very long and most of the vaccine
damage I saw was with DPTyou saw more add/adhd from the DPT. Youd treat a lot
of cases of asthma/eczema and chronic ear infections. Profile of
DPTeczemaasthmaallergiesclassic profile of that vaccine.
Do you consider the miasms with the vaccine treatment?
Very much so but not first linefor listeners who dont knowmiasmsreal causes of
chronic illnessthese things are inherited and often dormant and often the first
stressor is the vaccines and the vaccinesnew sibling, movingas the child gets
older and going to school, bullyingthat will activate miasmsimportant for long term
treatment for any person. If there is a very strong stressor it can leave a layeronce
againthe remedy can only do so much and they hit the wall. If there is a strong layer
of damage ie vaccine damage and until you break through that layeryouve got to
treat and remove the layer and then the constitutional and anti miasmatic can be done.
Trust is an antimiasmatic remedylack of trust is a result of the miasmstrust and
belief can be a remedy in itself.


Accurate Documentation
What percentage of adverse reactions have actually been documented?
Relayed to family physician
Recorded by government agency
Included in total statistics
The answer is there is no completely accurate recording. USA has VAERSthats just
a fraction of the total events and that covers the short-term events. The true long-term
impact of vaccines is not quantified.
Has there been instances when vaccinations schedules, ingredients, or cautions have
been adjusted due to adverse effects reports, data, documentation and insistence from
the medical community?
There are cases where different vaccines have been withdrawnthe Rotavirus vaccine
recently. There is batch monitoring and occasionally they find there is a bad
batchbut they sell that to third world countries. Thats another discussion. If there is
a clear and serious breechproblem with one of the flu vaccines in Australia so they
stopped that use in young children. One of the most dramatic was in Japan in
1990they saw that there were deaths and irreversible brain damage in some cases
so they increased the age from 3 months to age 2 yearsbasically deaths went to zero
and serious adverse events almost disappeared. That was a dramatic example of a
change but it still doesnt tell us about long-term damage.
The patents for the most popular drugs have been coming off so that means most of
the popular drugs can be produced genericallythe focus has been on patents for
cancer and vaccines. I did a rough calculation on the swine fluthe USA spent 4 billion
dollars on research. You could have homeopathically immunized for 200,000.00.
What about the use of ibuprofen, Advil, aspirin or Tylenol (acetaminophen) to prevent
fever before or after vaccination?
To reduce natures inflammatory immune response to foreign matter?
Doctors, nurses find ways to ease pain after vaccination.
Giving babies Tylenol to prevent fever when they get childhood vaccinations may
backfire and make the shots a little less effective.
CNN Health, April 16, 2012
What I say to parents who are going to vaccinate is that they should give the child
large doses of vitamin c a week before and a week after to reduce toxic shock. I
actually dont see evidence of giving homeopathic remedies before a vaccine. I dont
think vitamin c will prevent vaccine damage but it may reduce reaction. Thuja was a
specific for small pox vaccine historically. In terms of dealing with the unpleasant


fevers and pain following a vaccine that is givenfever is not something we should be
afraid of if it is properly managed. If a childs immune system is really healthy it will try
to throw off the products in the systemthe same way it would with a puncture
wound. In one way, stopping fevers can be very counter-productive. If a fever gets too
high, it can be life-threatening or damage the brain. There is a balance there
somewhere. If you can avoid treatments that are suppressive, then you should. There
are many things in orthodox medicine which are positive. If you can avoid giving
something to bring down a feverremember homeopathy has some excellent
remedies for fever.
One reason sugar can workplacebo works to remove pain.
Why Doesnt the Medical Community Investigate Homeopathy?
Help to build a childs own innate immunity
Reduce infection and disease
Reduce side effects and harm
Build the community immunity
I would slightly change the question to why doesnt the Australian and US medical
Many medical communities around the world use homeopathy. Homeopathy was the
most commonly used complementary medicinefirst in upper group and second in
lower group. Its the arrogance and ignorance of the medical community in NA and
GSK 6-in-1 vaccine, Infanrix Hexa


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