Danger Analysis / Safety Verification: Warning

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Danger analysis /

Safety verification

Gdel AG 4900 Langenthal

N ormal operation (autom.)
Sich. Protection target
S etting up
M aintenance
S etting into and taking out EN
of operation
414 954-1
Danger through

The processing of
dangerous materials.
Fire and the danger
of explosion. Thermal


The movement of the

Suspended loads.
(Z- axes and work


The throwing off of




Danger through


Problems with the

energy supply.


Protection measures *
Proposed solution for customers (italics, Times
New Roman)



Solution Gdel (Arial)

The only purpose of a Gdel appliance is the positioning of objects in their

determined location, hold them fast in that position, or move them
simultaneously with other machine movements.
No kind of dangerous objects (for example poisonous substances or explosives)
must be moved. Neither must Gdel appliances be operated in locations where
there is danger of explosion. The ambient temperature when in operation must
be between 12 and 40C.
The operating area must be
The operating area has been sealed off by mechanical protection fences so that access
secured in such a way that
to the area has been blocked from all sides.
neither operators nor other
There are door elements and or photoelectric barriers, which allow access to danger
persons can step into or reach
zones or to parts of the danger zones..
the danger zones of the
The height of the protection fences has been described under EN 294 and EN 811.
automatic movements.
Situation security switch-off:
The Z - axis can be secured redundantly by means of a motor brake and an additional
brake on the pinion shaft.
Gripping devices remain in a clamped position when currentless.
Door elements: a security switch off, of at least those drives which may cause danger in
this particular area, occurs when the danger zone is opened.
In addition to that, the door units are locked electro-mechanically.
Photoelectric barriers: photoelectric barriers are monitored in such a way that a
security switch off, of at least those drives which may cause danger in this particular
area, occurs when crossed. The distance between the source of danger and the photoelectric barrier has been described under EN 999.
When work pieces are manually The transfer axes (to and from) may only be moved in the jogging skip and by means of
transferred to or from the area, a permission key. The driving configuration has been designed in such a way that with
neither operators nor other
the maximum number of revolutions of the driving motor, only a low speed of the axis
persons must be injured.
can be achieved. The control units for the transfer (to and from) must be arranged in
such a way that the operator s view of the movement is not obstructed, and that
operators cannot endanger themselves. From a construction point of view, crushing
points have to be avoided as far as possible.
Neither operators nor other
Mechanical protection devices have been installed to prevent damage caused by parts
persons must be endangered
which may be thrown off in particular directions.
by parts which may be thrown

Neither operators nor other

Safety devices of the control cabinet.
persons must be endangered or Only such components which are safe to touch may be used.
injured by coming into direct or
indirect contact with electricity.

Neither operators nor other

persons must be endangered
by the consequences of voltage


Document format QM
Prepared: 16 March 2001
Date: ast

Additional description in the appendix:

Proper use of the product

according to its purpose.


Type of machine: all the modules inclusive of Roboloop and Project / Order number
Trackmotion without control system

The movement of the drives is mechanically restricted in the case of any loss of
the supply voltage (mechanical limit stops).
The movement of the drives is braked down in the case of any loss of the supply voltage.
The operator, as well as other persons, remain without the danger zone.

Remaining risk

Dangerous situations, which have not been
covered by the safety concept, may occur in case the
determined purpose is altered.
Requested behaviour:
Consult the manufacturer s or the supplier.
Extend the safety concept (operator)
In normal operation, all protection covers must
be closed, removable protection covers must be
screwed fast.
Requested behaviour:
Check the protection covers before normal operation
is started.
Situation security switch off: do not step underneath
suspended work pieces and the Z - axis.

Traversing movements must only be carried out

if no other person is within the danger zone, and if no
part of the body of the operator remains within the
danger area of the relevant axis.

In normal operation, all protection covers must

be closed, removable protection covers must be
screwed fast.
Requested behaviour:
Check the protection covers before normal operation
is started.
Before operations on electric installations are
carried out, always disconnect the system and check
(plug / main switch). Operations on electric
installations, control cabinets and appliances must
only be carried out by authorised electricians.

Danger analysis /
Safety verification

Gdel AG 4900 Langenthal

N ormal operation (autom.)
Sich. Protection target
S etting up
M aintenance
S etting into and taking out EN
of operation
414 954-1
Danger through


Malfunction of the
control system.


Loss of protection
The movement of the
The throwing off of





The movement of the




Suspended loads.
(Z - axes and work


Suspended loads.
(Z - axes and work

The throwing off of



Problems with the

energy supply.






Type of machine: all the modules inclusive of Roboloop and Project / Order number
Trackmotion without control system

Protection measures *
Proposed solution for customers (italics, Times
New Roman)

Additional description in the appendix:

Solution Gdel (Arial)

Neither operators nor other

persons must be endangered
by the consequences of
possible malfunctions of the
control system.

The operating area has been sealed off by mechanical protection fences so that access
to the area has been blocked from all sides.

The prevention of possibly

arising danger.
The starting of the installation is
only permitted if there is a
permission key, and the
permission key has been
pressed. Any other starting
must be prevented.

The installation has been fitted with emergency stop devices, which cause the
emergency stop of the installations.
The switching on of the installation is prevented by means of a safety relay (e.g. PNOZ),
which is the equivalent of an emergency switch-off situation.

Before any renewed switching on of the installation occurs, the operator must be placed
without the safety devices, the door units must be closed and acknowledgement must be
given at the control panel. The panel has to be placed in such a way that there is no
obstruction of the view of the danger zone.
In case the permission key is
Axes may only be moved individually, in the jogging skip and by means of a two-hand
pressed, the operator must not operating device. In case of several carriages on one gate, the individual carriage must
be endangered by any
be called up by means of a key-operated switch. The permission switch is a shock
automatic movement caused by key.
another person.
In order to cause the permission switch to become active, only one protection door may
remain open, the others must be closed and acknowledged. Those parts of the control
unit concerned with security, are checked periodically and at suitable intervals by the
machine control.
In case the permission key is
Gripping devices must remain in a clamped position when currentless.
pressed, neither the operator
In the case of the very often occurring setting-up underneath the Z - axes, Z - axes can
nor any other person must be
be better and redundantly secured by means of a motor brake and an additional brake
endangered by falling work
on the pinion shaft.
pieces and Z - axes.
In case the permission key is
Gripping devices can only be operated in case they are in their depositing position.
pressed, work pieces
suspended in great height must
not be dropped accidentally.
In case the permission key is
The axes can only be traversed at reduced speed.
pressed, no parts must be
thrown off.

In case the permission key is

pressed, neither operators nor
other persons must be
endangered by the
consequences of voltage loss.


Document format QM
Prepared: 16 March 2001
Date: ast

In case of any loss of voltage, the drives have already been switched off (situation
security switch-off)

Remaining risk

In normal operation, all protection covers must
be closed, removable protection covers must be
screwed fast.
Requested behaviour:
Check the protection covers before normal operation
is started.

Before any acknowledgement of security doors

or photographic barriers occurs, the operator must
ensure that no person remains within the danger

Operations carried out in this condition, demand

a high measure of self-responsibility from the
operator. Traversing movements must only be carried
out if no other person is within the danger zone and, if
no part of the body of the operator remains in the
danger area of the relevant axis.

Do not move underneath suspended work

pieces or the Z - Axes.

Never move underneath suspended work

pieces or the Z - axes.
Operations carried out in this condition, demand
a high measure of self-responsibility from the
operator. Traversing movements must only be carried
out if no other person is within the danger zone and, if
no part of the body of the operator remains in the
danger area of the relevant axis.

Danger analysis /
Safety verification

Gdel AG 4900 Langenthal

N ormal operation (autom.)
Sich. Protection target
S etting up
M aintenance
S etting into and taking out EN
of operation
414 954-1
Danger through

Malfunctions of the
control system.



Type of machine: all the modules inclusive of Roboloop and Project / Order number
Trackmotion without control system

Protection measures *
Proposed solution for customers (italics, Times
New Roman)

Additional description in the appendix:

In case the permission key is

pressed, neither operators nor
other persons must be
endangered by the
consequences of voltage loss.
The risk of danger must be kept
as low as possible.

The movement of the drives is mechanically restricted in the case of any loss of
the supply voltage (mechanical limit stops).
The movement of the drives is braked down in the case of any loss of the supply


Any starting of the installation

must be prevented.

The lockable main switch of the installation interrupts all the main and the control


Neither the operator nor any

other person must be
endangered by falling work
pieces and Z - axes.

Work pieces must be deposited beforehand, either by means of the automatic

or the setting-up operations.
The Z - axes have to be secured either by means of the provided directing of
the Z - axes or the transport safety device.


Neither the operator nor any

other person must be
endangered because of faulty

The contents of the operating instructions are known (particularly chapters 1-3).

Neither the operator nor any

other person must be
endangered by overturning or
falling installations.

Installations without floor supports:

For the connection to existing supports, the prescribed screw diagram,
according to the Gdel layout must be followed, and suitable screws must be
Installations with floor supports:
The screws which have been supplied with the appliance must be used for the
For the connection of the supports to the floor, the proposed anchoring
according to the Gdel layout must be observed.
The safety devices of surface gates which prevent falls must be mounted.
National rules and regulations for the disposal of the installation must be
The commissioning of a specialised company ???

Loss of stability.

Any inappropriate
disposal may lead to
possible danger for
the environment.


The appliance must be

disposed of appropriately after
it has completed its life cycle.


The only driving systems used are those whose conformity with the current state
of engineering can be reasonably ensured.


Remaining risk

Solution Gdel (Arial)

W The movement of the

The throwing off of
W Suspended loads.
(Z - axes and work

Faulty mounting.


Document format QM
Prepared: 16 March 2001
Date: ast

Operations carried out in this condition,

demand a high measure of self-responsibility from the
It cannot be ruled out that there may be danger from
the movement of the axes caused by a possible
malfunction of the control unit.
Therefore, the operator should, if possible, never be
placed in the possible driving direction of the axes,
and also make sure that no other person is placed in
the possible danger zone.

Moving underneath suspended work pieces and

Z - axes should be avoided whenever possible.
Work pieces must be deposited beforehand, either by
means of the automatic or the setting-up operations.
The Z - axes have to be secured either by means of
the provided directing of the Z - axes or the transport
safety device.

Before any Gdel appliance is transported,

unpacked, mounted and set up for operation, the
operating instructions must be familiar and
Check all the connections which are responsible
for the stability of the appliance, before the installation
is started. The operating instructions must be familiar
and understood.

Danger analysis /
Safety verification

Gdel AG 4900 Langenthal

N ormal operation (autom.)
Sich. Protection target
S etting up
M aintenance
S etting into and taking out EN
of operation
414 954-1
Danger through

Type of machine: all the modules inclusive of Roboloop and Project / Order number
Trackmotion without control system

Protection measures *
Proposed solution for customers (italics, Times
New Roman)
Solution Gdel (Arial)


Document format QM
Prepared: 16 March 2001
Date: ast

Additional description in the appendix:

Remaining risk


*) Protection measures (notes)

The proposed solutions in italics are mandatory proposals in order to achieve CE-conformity.
We would like to point out, however, that before the installation is set into operation, appropriate protection measures for all dangers must be realised in order to achieve EC-conformity of application
of the Gdel appliances. The appropriate protection measures must be realised according to the EG rules and regulations for machines 98/37, inclusive of their modifications, and their standard
must be according to the current state of engineering, and the required safety category achieved. In case not all the protection measures are realised, for whatever reasons, or in case any
protection measures supplied and / or installed by the Gdel company, are modified or not installed, the Gdel company will neither set the installation into operation, nor will liability for possible
events be accepted by them.

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