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Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

Chapter 9
Sinusoids and Phasors
Instructor : Tan Ching Sin
Universiti Tenaga Nasional
Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

Chapter 9
Sinusoids and Phasors

Dr. Tan

Phasor Relationship for Circuit Elements
Impedance and Admittance
Impedance Combination

Read Alexander & Sadiku, Chapter 9 and Appendix B

(Complex Number).

9.1 Overview
DC Versus AC

In a direct-current (DC) circuit,

current flows in one direction only.

In an alternating-current (AC) circuit,

current periodically reverses

Dr. Tan

The textbooks Chapters 1 through 8

cover DC circuits.

The books Chapters 9 through 14 cover

AC circuits.

The Math Used in AC Circuits

Our study of AC circuits will rely

heavily on two areas of math:

Dr. Tan

Sine and cosine functions

Complex numbers

Well review the math after

introducing some terminology used in
discussing AC voltages and currents.
Applications of phasors and frequency
domain for passive elements
Concept of impedance and admittance


The graph of a current or voltage versus time

is called a waveform.

o Note that this is an AC waveform: negative

values of voltage mean the opposite polarity
(and therefore opposite direction of current
flow) from positive values.
Dr. Tan

Periodic Waveforms

Often the graph of a voltage or current

versus time repeats itself. We call this a
periodic waveform.
Common shapes for periodic waveforms

Dr. Tan


Image from

Sinusoids are the most important of these.


Dr. Tan

In a periodic signal, each repetition

is called a cycle.
How many cycles are shown in the
diagram below?

Waveform Parameters

Dr. Tan

Important parameters associated

with periodic waveforms include:
Period T
Frequency f
Angular Frequency
Amplitude Vm (or Peak Value Vp)
Peak-to-Peak Value
Instantaneous Values


Dr. Tan

The time required for one cycle is

called the waveforms period.
The symbol for period is T.
Period is measured in seconds,
abbreviated s.
Example: If a waveform repeats
itself every 3 seconds, wed write


A waveforms frequency is the

number of cycles that occur in one
The symbol for frequency is f.
Frequency is measured in hertz,
abbreviated Hz.

Dr. Tan

Some old-timers say cycles per second

instead of hertz.

Example: If a signal repeats itself 20

times every second, wed write
f = 20 Hz

Period and Frequency

Dr. Tan

Period and frequency are the

reciprocal of each other:


Recall that the radian (rad) is the SI

unit for measuring angle.

It is related to degrees by
radians = 180
Well often need to convert between
radians and degrees:

To convert radians to degrees, multiply


To convert degrees to radians, multiply


Dr. Tan

Angular Frequency

Dr. Tan

The quantity 2f, which appears in

many equations, is called the
angular frequency.
Its symbol is , and its unit is
= 2f

One Question, Three Answers


So we have three ways of answering

the question, How fast is the voltage
(or current) changing?
Period, T, unit = seconds (s)


Frequency, f, unit = hertz (Hz)


Tells how many cycles per second.

Angular frequency, , unit = rad/s

Dr. Tan

Tells how many seconds for one cycle.

Tells size of angle covered per second.

Relating T, f, and

If you know any one of these three

(period, frequency, angular
frequency), you can easily compute
the other two.
The key equations that you must
memorize are:

T = 1/f
= 2f = 2/T
Dr. Tan

Amplitude (or Peak Value)

Dr. Tan

The maximum value reached by an

ac waveform is called its amplitude
or peak value.

Peak-to-Peak Value

Dr. Tan

A waveforms peak-to-peak value

is its total height from its lowest
value to its highest value.
Many waveforms are symmetric
about the horizontal axis. In such
cases, the peak-to-peak value is
equal to twice the amplitude.

Instantaneous Value

Dr. Tan

The waveforms instantaneous

value is its value at a specific time.
A waveforms instantaneous value
constantly changes, unlike the
previous parameters (period,
frequency, angular frequency,
amplitude, peak-to-peak value),
which usually remain constant.

Lead and Lag

Dr. Tan

Generally, phase shift/angle is

introduce to account for relative timing
of one wave versus another.
Consider the two sinusoids below
v1 t Vm sin t and v2 t Vm sin t

v2 leads v1 by

Phase Angle

Dr. Tan

To quantify the idea of how far a

waveform is shifted left or right
relative to a reference point, we
assign each waveform a phase
angle .
A positive phase angle causes the
waveform to shift left along the xaxis.
A negative phase angle causes it to
shift right.

9.2 Sinusoids

Dr. Tan

A sinusoid is a sine wave or a cosine

wave or any wave with the same shape,
shifted to the left or right.
Sinusoids arise in many areas of
engineering and science. They are the
waveform used most frequently in
electrical circuit theory.
The waveform weve been looking at is a

Mathematical Expression For a


The mathematical expression for a

sinusoid looks like this:
v(t) = Vmcos(t + )

Dr. Tan

where Vm is the amplitude, is the

angular frequency, and is the
phase angle.
v(t) = 20 cos(180t + 30) V

Calculators Radian Mode and

Degree Mode

Recall that when using

your calculators trig
buttons (such as cos),
you must pay attention
to whether the calculator is in radian
mode or degree mode.

Dr. Tan

Example: If the calculator is in radian

mode, then cos(90) returns 0.448,
which is the cosine of 90 radians.
But if the calculator is in degree mode,
then cos(90) returns 0, which is the
cosine of 90 degrees.

Caution: Radians and Degrees

In the expression for a sinusoid,

v(t) = Vmcos(t + )

is usually given in degrees, but is

always given in radians per second.

Dr. Tan

Schematic Symbols for

Independent Voltage Sources

Several different symbols are

commonly used for voltage sources:

Type of Voltage
Generic voltage source
(may be DC or AC)
DC voltage source

AC sinusoidal voltage
Dr. Tan

Symbol Used in Our Symbol Used in

Multisim Software

Sine or Cosine?

Dr. Tan

A sinusoidal waveform can be

expressed mathematically using
either the sine function or the
cosine function.
Example: these two expressions
describe the same waveform:
v(t) = 20 sin(300t + 30)
v(t) = 20 cos(300t 60)
In a problem where youre given a
mixture of sines and cosines, your
first step should be to convert all of
the sines to cosines.

Trigonometric Identities Relating

Sine and Cosine

Dr. Tan

You can convert from sine to cosine

(or vice versa) using the trig
sin(x + 90) = cos(x)
sin(x 90) = cos(x)
cos(x + 90) = sin(x)
cos (x 90) = sin(x)

These identities reflect the fact that

the cosine function leads the sine
function by 90.

A Graphical Method Instead of Trig


Remembering and applying trig

identities may be difficult.
The book describes a graphical
method that relies on the following
sin(x + 90) = cos(x)
sin(x 90) = cos(x)
cos(x + 90) = sin(x)
cos (x 90) = sin(x)

Dr. Tan

To use it, we measure positive angles

counterclockwise, and negative
angles clockwise.

Mathematical Review: Complex


The system of complex numbers is based

on the so-called imaginary unit, which is
equal to the square root of 1.
Mathematicians use the symbol i for this
number, but electrical engineers use j:

i 1

Dr. Tan


j 1

Rectangular versus Polar Form

Dr. Tan

Any complex number can be expressed in

three forms:

Rectangular form; z x jy

Example: 3 + j 4

Polar or Exponential form; z r re

Example: 5 53.1

Example: 5e j 53.1 or 5e j 0.927

Rectangular Form

In rectangular form, a complex number z is

written as the sum of a real part x and an
imaginary part y:

z x jy

Dr. Tan

The Complex Plane

Polar Form

In polar form, a complex number z is

written as a magnitude r at an angle :
z = r

Dr. Tan

The angle is
measured from the
positive real axis.

Converting from Rectangular Form

to Polar Form

Given a complex number z with real part x

and imaginary part y, its magnitude is
given by

x2 y2

and its angle is given by


Dr. Tan

Inverse Tangent Button on Your

When using your calculators
tan1 (inverse tangent) button,
pay attention to whether the
calculator is in degree mode or radian mode.
Also recall that the calculators answer may
be in the wrong quadrant, and that you may
need to adjust the answer by 180.

Dr. Tan

The tan1 button always returns an angle in

Quadrants I or IV, even if you want an answer in
Quadrants II or III.

Converting from Polar Form to

Rectangular Form

Given a complex number z with

magnitude r and angle , its real part is
given by

x r cos
and its imaginary part is
given by

y r sin
Dr. Tan

Exponential Form

Complex numbers may also be written in

exponential form. Think of this as a
mathematically respectable version of polar
Polar form

Example: 330

Dr. Tan

Exponential Form



In exponential form, should be in radians.

Mathematical Operations

You must be able to perform the following

operations on complex numbers:

Dr. Tan

Complex Conjugate


Adding complex numbers is easiest if the

numbers are in rectangular form.
Suppose z1 = x1+jy1 and z2 = x2+jy2

Then z1 + z2 = (x1+x2) + j(y1+y2)

Dr. Tan

In words: to add two complex numbers in

rectangular form, add their real parts to get
the real part of the sum, and add their
imaginary parts to get the imaginary part of
the sum.


Subtracting complex numbers is also easiest

if the numbers are in rectangular form.
Suppose z1 = x1+jy1 and z2 = x2+jy2

Then z1 z2 = (x1x2) + j(y1y2)

Dr. Tan

In words: to subtract two complex numbers

in rectangular form, subtract their real parts
to get the real part of the result, and subtract
their imaginary parts to get the imaginary
part of the result.


Multiplying complex numbers is easiest if the

numbers are in polar form.
Suppose z1 = r1 1 and z2 = r2 2

Then z1 z2 = (r1r2) (1+ 2)

Dr. Tan

In words: to multiply two complex numbers

in polar form, multiply their magnitudes to
get the magnitude of the result, and add
their angles to get the angle of the result.


Dividing complex numbers is also easiest if

the numbers are in polar form.
Suppose z1 = r1 1 and z2 = r2 2

Then z1 z2 = (r1 r2) (1 2)

Dr. Tan

In words: to divide two complex numbers in

polar form, divide their magnitudes to get the
magnitude of the result, and subtract their
angles to get the angle of the result.

Complex Conjugate

Dr. Tan

Given a complex number in rectangular

z = x + jy
its complex conjugate is simply
z* = x jy
Given a complex number in polar form,
z = r
its complex conjugate is simply
z* = r

Scientific Calculator
Casio Fx-991ms/Fx-570ms
Example : (4+3i) (5 -20)=?
1. Set your calculator and display it in CMPLX
, and Deg Mode
2. Then press
key a number of times until
you reach the setup screen
3. Toggle to select r setting (i.e., all solutions
will be presented in polar)

Disp r = 25
Disp = 16.87

To get convert polar form Rec Form

Disp x = 23.924
Disp y = 7.255i
Dr. Tan

Performing Complicated Operations

on Complex Numbers
Solving a problem may require us to
perform many operations on complex

Dr. Tan


Using Scientific Calculator, you can do this

quickly and easily. With normal calculator
its more tedious, since you must
repeatedly convert between rectangular
and polar forms.
Another option is to use MATLAB.

Useful Properties of j
j is the only number whose reciprocal is
equal to its negation: 1


Dr. Tan

Therefore, for example,



Therefore multiplication by j is equivalent to a

counterclockwise rotation of 90 in the complex

Kirchhoffs Laws in AC Circuits

KCL and KVL hold in AC circuits.

But to apply these laws, we must add
(or subtract) sinusoids instead of
adding (or subtracting) numbers.

Example: In the
circuit shown,
KVL tells us that
v = v1 + v2.
But suppose
v1 = 10 cos(200t + 30) V and
v2 = 12 cos(200t + 45) V

Dr. Tan

How can we add those to find v?

Adding Sinusoids (Continued)

For example, if we add

v1 = 10 cos(200t + 30) V and

v2 = 12 cos(200t + 45) V
well get another sinusoid of the same
angular frequency, 200 rad/s:
v1 + v2 = Vm cos(200t + ) V

Dr. Tan

But how do we figure out the resulting

sinusoids amplitude Vm and phase
angle ?

Complex Numbers to the Rescue!

One method for adding sinusoids

relies on trig identities.
But well use a simpler method, which
relies on complex numbers.

Dr. Tan

In fact, the main reason were interested

in complex numbers (in this course) is
that they give us a simple way to add

9.3 Phasors

A phasor is a complex number that

represents the amplitude and phase
angle of a sinusoidal voltage or
The phasors magnitude r is equal
to the sinusoids amplitude.
The phasors angle is equal to the
sinusoids phase angle.

Dr. Tan

Example: We use the phasor


V = 30 V to represent the sinusoid

v(t) = 10 cos(200t + 30) V.

Time Domain and Phasor Domain

Dr. Tan

Some fancy terms:

We call an expression like
10 cos(200t + 30) V the timedomain representation of a

We call
V the phasordomain representation of the
same sinusoid. (Its also called the
frequency-domain representation.)

Using Phasors to Add Sinusoids

To add sinusoids of the same
1. If any of your sinusoids are
expressed using sine, convert them
all to cosine.
2. Write the phasor-domain version of
each sinusoid.
3. Add the phasors (which are just
complex numbers).
4. Write the time-domain version of
the resulting phasor.

Dr. Tan

Example of Using Phasors to Add


v1 = 10 cos(200t + 30) V and

v2 = 12 cos(200t + 45) V:
Transform from time domain to phasor
V1 = 30 V and V2 = 45 V .

Add the phasors:

30 V + 45 V =

Dr. Tan


Transform from phasor domain back

to time domain:
v1 + v2 = 21.8 cos(200t + 38.2) V

9.4 Phasor Relationships for

Circuit Elements

Dr. Tan

Weve seen how we can use phasors

to add sinusoids.
Next well revisit the voltagecurrent relationships for resistors,
inductors, and capacitors, assuming
that their voltages and current are

Phasor Relationship for Resistors

For resistors we have, in the time

domain: v = iR

If i = 2 cos(200t + 30) A and R = 5 ,
then v = 10 cos(200t + 30) V
For this same example, in the phasor
domain we have:
If I = 30 A and R = 5 , then

Dr. Tan


So we can write V = IR.

Summary for Resistors

In the time domain:

In the phasor domain:

Dr. Tan

Phasor Relationship for Inductors

For inductors we have, in the time

domain: =

If i = 2 cos(200t + 30) A and L = 5 H,
then v = 2000 cos(200t + 120) V
For this same example, in the phasor
domain we have:
If I = 30 A and L = 5 H, then

Dr. Tan


So we can write V = jLI.

Summary for Inductors

In the time domain:

In the phasor domain:

Dr. Tan

Phasor Relationship for Capacitors

For capacitors we have, in the time

domain: =

If v = 2 cos(200t + 30) V and C = 5 F,
then i = 2000 cos(200t + 120) A
For this same example, in the phasor
domain we have:
If V = 30 V and C = 5 F, then

Dr. Tan


So we can write I = jCV.

Summary for Capacitors

In the time domain:

In the phasor domain:

Dr. Tan

Summary: Textbooks Table 9.2

Dr. Tan

9.5 Impedance and Admittance


Dr. Tan

The impedance Z of an element or a

circuit is the ratio of its phasor
voltage V to its phasor current I:

Impedance is measured in ohms.

Like resistance, impedance
represents opposition to current: for
a fixed voltage, greater impedance
results in less current.

A Resistors Impedance
For resistors, V = IR, so a resistors
impedance is:

= =

So a resistors impedance is a pure

real number (no imaginary part), and
is simply equal to its resistance.
To emphasize this, we could write
= + 0
= 0

Dr. Tan

Resistors and Frequency

Dr. Tan

A resistors impedance does not

depend on frequency, since Z=R for
a resistor.
Therefore, a resistor doesnt oppose
high-frequency current any more or
less than it opposes low-frequency

An Inductors Impedance
For inductors, V = jLI, so an
inductors impedance is:

= =

So an inductors impedance is a pure

imaginary number (no real part).
To emphasize this, we could write
= 0 +
= 90

Dr. Tan

Inductors and Frequency

Dr. Tan

The magnitude of an inductors

impedance is directly proportional
to frequency, since Z=jL for an
As , Z, inductors act like
open circuit.
Also, as 0, Z0, which is why
inductors act like short circuits in dc

A Capacitors Impedance
For capacitors, I = jCV, so an
inductors impedance is:

= =

So a capacitors impedance is a pure

imaginary number (no real part).
To emphasize this, we could write



Dr. Tan

Capacitors and Frequency

Dr. Tan

The magnitude of a capacitors

impedance is inversely proportional

to frequency, since =
for a

As , Z0, inductors act like
short circuit.
Also, as 0, Z, which is why
capacitors act like open circuits in dc

Impedance, Resistance, and


Since impedance Z is a complex

number, we can write it in
rectangular form:

= +

Dr. Tan

We call the real part (R) the

We call the imaginary part (X) the
Impedance, resistance, and
reactance are measured in ohms.


Dr. Tan

Conductance, measured in siemens

(S), is the reciprocal of resistance:
The reciprocal of impedance is called
admittance, abbreviated Y:
The unit of admittance is the

Admittance, Conductance, and


Since admittance Y is a complex

number, we can write it in
rectangular form:

= +

Dr. Tan

We call the real part (G) the

We call the imaginary part (B) the
Admittance, conductance, and
susceptance are measured in

9.6 Impedance Combinations

Combining Impedances in Series

Dr. Tan

The equivalent
impedance of
impedances is the
sum of the
individual impedances:
= 1 + 2 + +
Thus, series-connected impedances
combine like series-connected

Combining Impedances in Parallel

The equivalent impedance
of parallel-connected
impedances is given by
the reciprocal formula:
+ + +
1 2

For two impedances in parallel we can also

use the product-over-sum formula:
1 2
1 + 2
Thus, parallel-connected impedances
combine like parallel-connected resistors.

Dr. Tan

Voltage-Divider Rule

As in dc circuits, the
voltage-divider rule
lets us find the
voltage across an
element in a series
combination if we
know the voltage across the
entire series combination.
Example: In the circuit shown,
1 =

Dr. Tan

1 +2


2 =

1 +2

Current-Divider Rule

As in dc circuits, the
current-divider rule
lets us find the
current through an
element in a parallel
combination if we
know the current through the entire
parallel combination.
Example: In the circuit shown,
1 =

Dr. Tan

1 +2


2 =

1 +2

Impedance Transformation

The Delta-Wye transformation is:



Dr. Tan

Z1Z 2 Z 2 Z 3 Z 3 Z1


Zb Zc
Z a Zb Zc



Zc Za
Z a Zb Zc

Z1Z 2 Z 2 Z 3 Z 3 Z1


Z a Zb
Z a Zb Zc


Z1Z 2 Z 2 Z 3 Z 3 Z1

Summary of Chapter 9

Weve seen that we can apply these

familiar techniques to sinusoidal ac
circuits in the phasor domain:

Dr. Tan

Ohms law ( = )
Kirchhoffs laws (KVL and KCL)
Series and parallel combinations
Voltage-divider rule
Current-divider rule
Impedance Transformation

In each case, we must use complex

numbers (phasors) instead of real

Steps to Analyze AC Circuits




Dr. Tan

Transform the circuit from the time

domain to the phasor domain.
Solve the problem using circuit
techniques (Ohms law, Kirchhoffs
laws, voltage-divider rule, etc.)
Transform the resulting phasor to
the time domain.

Whats Next?

In Chapter 10 well see that we can

also apply these other familiar
techniques in the phasor domain:

Dr. Tan

Nodal analysis
Mesh analysis
Source transformation
Thevenins theorem
Nortons theorem

Thank You


Dr. Tan

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