20 Essay Questions For HSC English

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20 Essay Questions for HSC

English Discovery
Question 1
Not all discoveries are made for the first time.
Explore the truth of this statement in relation to the texts, you have studied.
In your response, refer to your prescribed text and at least ONE other related text of
your own choosing.

Question 2
Most discoveries encompass rediscovering something that has been lost, forgotten
or concealed.
To what extent do you agree with this statement from your study?
In your response, refer to your prescribed text and TWO other related texts of your
own choosing.

Question 3
Discovery is a product of curiosity and careful planning.
To what extent do you agree with this statement from your study?
In your response, refer to your prescribed text and at least ONE other related text of
your own choosing.

Question 4
Deliberate planning is essential for a discovery.
Is this your view?
Write a persuasive response referring to representations of physical journeys in your
In your response, refer to your prescribed text and TWO other related texts of your
own choosing.

Question 5
You have been invited to speak at the book launch of a new collection
entitled Exploring Discovery.
In your speech, explain and assess the ways in which discovery is represented in the
texts included in this collection.
In your answer, you should refer to your prescribed text, and at least ONE other
related text of your own choosing.

Question 6
Texts represent discoveries as being sudden and unexpected.
To what extent do the texts you have studied support this idea?
In your response, refer to your prescribed text, and at least ONE other related text of
your own choosing.

Question 7
Planning rather than curiosity, necessity or wonder leads to discoveries
Demonstrate how your prescribed text and ONE other related text of your own
choosing represent this interpretation of discovery.

Question 8
Texts may show us that the discoveries can be fresh and intensely meaningful.
To what extent do the texts you have studied support this idea?
In your response, refer to your prescribed text, and at least ONE other related text of
your own choosing.

Question 9
How has your understanding of the emotional, intellectual and physical discoveries
been shaped by the techniques used by various composers?
In your answer, you should refer to your prescribed text, and TWO related texts of
your own choosing.

Question 10
Discoveries confront and provoke the individual leading to change in self.
Discuss this statement, focusing on how composers of texts represent the concept of
In your answer, refer to your prescribed text, and at least ONE other related text of
your own choosing.

Question 11
Explore how discoveries can cause the individual to have a new fresh and
meaningful outlook on life.
In your response, refer to your prescribed text and at least ONE other related text of
your own choosing.

Question 12
An individuals discovery shapes the way they understand themselves and the world
around them.
How is this view represented in your prescribed text, and ONE other related text of
your own choosing?

Question 13
More than anything else, discoveries lead to new worlds, values and ideas.
Do you agree? Argue your point of view.
In your answer, refer to your prescribed text, and at least ONE other related text of
your own choosing.

Question 14
Only through discovery can an individual speculate about the future.
Discuss this statement, focusing on how composers of texts represent the concept of
In your answer, refer to your prescribed text, and at least ONE other related text of
your own choosing.

Question 15
An individuals interaction with others and the world around them can impact on their
experience of discovery .
Discuss this view with detailed reference to your prescribed text and ONE other
related text of your own choosing.

Question 16
Explore how an individuals discovery and process of discovery can be influenced by
their personal values.
In your response, refer to your prescribed text and at least ONE other related text of
your own choosing.

Question 17
An individuals context influences the discoveries they make and ways they make
Demonstrate how your prescribed text and ONE other related text of your own
choosing represent this interpretation of discovery.

Question 18
The worth of an individuals discovery evolves in response to the passage of time
and interaction with their world.
In what ways is this view of belonging represented in your prescribed text and at
least ONE other related text of your own choosing?

Question 19
An individuals discovery is questioned and challenged not only by the individuals
attitude but also by the attitude of others.
How accurately does this statement reflect the ideas represented in your prescribed
text and ONE other related text of your own choosing?

Question 20

To what extent has studying the concept of discovery expanded your understanding
of yourself, of individuals, and of the world?
In your answer, refer to your prescribed text, and at least ONE other related text of
your own choosing.

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