Sham Government Re-Shuffle Cllr. Seamus Morris

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Councillor Seamus Morris,

Co. Tipperary.

Mobile: (087)2859125.

Date: March 25th 2010

Sham Government Re-shuffle

Speaking in Nenagh this afternoon, North Tipperary Sinn Féin Councillor
Séamie Morris said the cabinet re-shuffle announced by An Taoiseach will not
create one job for the unemployed. Cllr Morris described the re-shuffle as a
sham and said the Government should “be shuffling out of office with their
heads held down in shame.”

The focus for the Government this week was on jobs for the boys and girls in
Fianna Fáil and the Green Party as Cabinet ministers and junior ministers. But
looking on at this game of musical chairs are over 432,000 unemployed
people in this State. And there are further thousands of others looking on
from overseas where they have been forced to emigrate by the policies of
this Government.

This Government has left behind a trail of destruction of Irish jobs, including
flagship Irish companies. They have allowed valuable employment to die and
skills to be squandered in SR Technics, Aer Lingus, Waterford Glass, the sugar
industry and a myriad of small and medium sized enterprises throughout the
length and breadth of the
country. The lights are going out for the last time every evening on once
thriving businesses and the ‘for sale’ and ‘to let’ signs are going up on
premises in every town and village. The Government has no strategy to keep
young people in Ireland and use their skills to rebuild the economy. It hopes
that emigration will hide the true extent of unemployment. The Government’s
decision to cut youth dole payments was made in order to encourage young
people to leave.

Mary Harney and Mary Coughlan in particular still have a seat at the
ministerial table even though both have been proven completely incompetent
at their respective roles on numerous occasions and would surely have been
forced to resign in any other jurisdiction!
The decision to alter five of the titles of Government departments, to give the
impression of radical changes will cost the taxpayer millions of euro which
could otherwise have been better spent on badly needed job creation
strategies. When one department title was changed back in 1997, the cost of
changing department stationary, the department website, name plates on
buildings etc cost the taxpayer over 2 million punts at the time!

It’s time for Brian Cowen and co to do the decent thing and call an election
now and give parties like Sinn Fein, who offer an alternative, an opportunity
to put forward their proposals to the electorate.. Deputy Maura Hoctor is
critical of the reshuffle and Brian Cowans leadership and added to the Blank
Cheque for Anglo Irish Bank you would think that would be enough for our
two Government Deputies to resign from this malfunctioning Government. It
would be a popular move and it would signal the end for this disastrous
Government and it would go some way to saving the political career of at
least one of the deputies .For the sake of the country pull down this
Government who are determined to serve only vested interests over the
General Populace.

Yours sincerely Cllr. Séamie Morris 25/03/201

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