BT - FAS8614 - Technical Readout 3050

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i MR, Me ees DI THE-RETURN OF KERENSKY CONTENTS. 2 Introsetion 4 Wasp 20 ry Heavy Mechs 11 The Clans 6 Commando 2 8 Grard Dragon @ 1 The Uncommon Common Enemy 6 Falcon 2 6 ostee 6 ae ay 6 Fray 30 85 Ostsl 2 136 Biting 7 Hermes 2 68 ‘uiearaw 6 18 iret 7 devaln 30 7 Bitleman a 130, ormitaryTeeology 7 Spier a 2 oman 65 182 Orcaniatin 7 Ureanvecn 30 ™ Cataput 65 184 Traces 7 Vane 0 % Crusader 5 136 ‘rmnnecns 7 restr 3 8 Boertech 65 158, lerias a Jenne 3 a0 Thunderbott 6% 10 Clan mechs 1 Ostscout 3 @ cher 1 182 ode ame Tons Page Panber 3 8 Cotear n 188 Dasher 2 2 Raven 3 86 Cataptvace 0 185 ost 25 4 Watthouna 3% 38 Grassnopper n 18, Uter 2 8 Modium "Mechs 31 Guile n 170, Puma a8 18 Assassin 0 2 Warhammer 1 12 Dragoty o ” ada 0 4 Marauder % 174 Fens 5 2 int 0 96 ron 15 176 Slack Hav 50 24 Hermes 0 98 Assault Mechs 179, Ayoken 55 % Sentinel 0 100 Awesome a 130 vuture 0 2% wean 20 102 Charger a 12 Lok 5 30 Woon 0 108 Golan a 18 Tor 1 3 Bujak 45 108, Hetameto-Ci ao 186, Mascat 75 34 Hatcetman 6 108 vieor a 188 Man O° War 0 38 Phoenix Hank 6 110 Zeus a 190, Masala 35 38 Vindeator 46 m Batetestr % 12 Siar 95 0 Wot Tap 6 m4 katana 5 iat Dash 00 2 enon 0 8 Shogun 3% 196, ner Sphere Response “ oa 50 18 staer 5 198, Prost “4 Enforce: 0 20 Oyeops 0 200 Teehnolagy “4 Hunenback 50 1 Mauler 0 202 Siratesy 45 Trebuchet 50 aa Banshoe % 208 Deployment 6 Derash 5 28 Annihilator 100 208 Light Meets 8 ‘stn 55 128 ‘las 100 208 Flex 20 50 Hootte 58 130 inp 100 210 omet 20 52 irtaro 5 12 Marauder 100 212 Locst 2 56 Searpion 55 134 Tests 24 Mercury 2 56 Shadow Hank 55 195 eapons 216 Singer 2 58 Wolverine 5 138 Exended-Range PPC 26 Entended-Range Lasers 24 Puls Lasers Ure Avtacapnon LE Autoeannon Gauss ie ‘Swarm Long-Range Misses “Thunder Long-Range Mises row WV Missle Airy Sytem Sin Shot hese Lunas Antasie Sysions ‘ni: Parsonnel Poss ecronies rem IV Fe-Contral Stem nar Mise Beacon streak Shore Range Mises Targeting Computer Computer Beagle Rtv Probe Guaran ECM Suite ‘constuction Materials, Dovole Heat Sas Cathlr Ammunition Storage Equipment yomarReceleator Signal Creaty Triple Seng yore Endo Ste internal Structure Forro-Fvous Armor XL Engines Can Plats and Characters COrniMech Construction ‘uttag an Omnitech Designing Hew Omntecns OmaiFighters ‘Omni Types ‘Mounting Pods ‘Designing OmnFghes BatisArmor Movement atmo Under Fie Battelror Atacks "MectanodBatetrmor Nor-GianBatlvnar Tables BaleTech Rules Clrtiations 2 215, 215, 216 26 216, 27 27 28 na 218 28 219 219 219 zo 20 20 zai za 21 zi 2 222 zm 222 2 223 223 3 23 m8 24 ne ne a na 5 2s 225 28 20 See) co ee INTRODUCTION ‘This manuals tended to assist members of Our Blessed Order who have receny completed thang as Aca, binging tem upto date on te events inthe outer word. The incredible changes in pois and ‘technology folowing the Fourth Succession War ae nothin compared to he tal transformation of the Inve: Sohare tat as occurred ovr the past wo wars. The Successor Stat ar cooperating toa depron unirinkable ren thre years goa power new adversary has captured more than 100 words, and mtr technology has fun rampart “Terapidpace of evens ad even morerapd proliferation of sophisticated weaponry have layedthe sue ‘ofthis book, Inde for lease In 050, a stata inte te, the Dook woul ave been cut of et etre it twached he hands ofits intone racers, Precrlo X-ata ith Sebastian wise ordoredwhlesaa revisions befote he volume raced the printer. The cover, unfortunate, coud net be caled back ‘Sots 3052 that his volume rings our newest Acolytes abreast ofthe att Batelach equipment of aliprtsin tre ner Sphere, excepto course, Our Bessa Orde, ur equipment has ot changedor ceturies, and Acolytes maka an in-depth sty of our miliary capacisas pat ofr basi ating his mporantto remember hat ian wesponsaresuperirnperormancstothoseot near Sphere, een ‘though the sare teinoiogy is used to discuss the weapons and quent fr bon Clans ad lamer Sphere Foracomparison of apbies see he Engineer Tests data Doing on page 214, I need not end yout thetetbleconsequenees shoud hi, or any ComStar document lf thenands of anjone outside Our Orde Tam honored that Peconor Xa Lah Sebastan commissioned eto oerss the ressarch and wring otis document. 1s thank recentor Maral Anastasius Fort or his hp, especialy inthe sections on he ‘Clans. The commander ofthe Cam Guards pert many months as vay tothe Clans, and his information and Insight ave been Ivalval. Te Information about te Inner Sphere response cams most from the ls of Procertor Xda Raymond Lit, whee assistance haped maka hie work posible Is the hope ofa involved with this project that or newest Aolies wl use te information inthis ook to ep achiev our great tsk of revtying mann, according othe Word of lake, “Mere Simms Adept xg (Comstar Archives, Terra 8 Febuary 3052 THE UNCOMMON COMMON ENEMY From ea das of 3048.and continuing nto 3060, ‘he stape ofthe inser Sphere began to change. Fom beyond ne Perper came te Jad Faces, the Woes, the Smoke Jaguars, andthe Gost ear, inaaing Wsrior Clans who eos pushecasdethecetencingarries inthe way. In ess ran ayer, the las sled more than 100, worl fom the Suoestr Stats. For 250 years, the House Lords had fought mang thamseves inte endless cntict knoun 2 the Suoze sion Wars. Many people died, afew words changedands, andthe evloechology degenerated eventurther Fora the fgntng and te ding, tte changes trom the ine General lsat Kereshytokthe Star League Regular Army within theurtown un 13 August 3049, te {ay he ner Sphere came contact with he ln ugger- rat Win hi suparir war machines, stange practices, and superhuman fay, tas invaders were thought 1 bean alenspecies,come conquer nur. years, we know the Clans are Human, but hi pacts ae 80 ‘Stange tous tht they are almost as aken ab another spaces. For months. he Clans were unstoppable. Even rack unite etre them. nine oceasionalinedets when Clans skirmishes wit he Com Guards by mistake, van ur sophisticated Mechs cul do it agate nad fs. Oneoftetvstand best ier Sphere regiments of to the Giars was te elite Seventeenth hye Rangers, ‘cis ofthe Jae Falcons trs-nave stk at Bacaana, ‘Aliso uns aestroyed or soul asrupte ay ne ‘hans impressive DESTROYED UNITS Federated Commenweatty ‘st Lyran Rogar 2nd Hew aatsen Chasseurs ‘th Acura Guards RCT 1 Doneal Guards RCT 121 Donegal Guards RCT in Sie Rangers 24 Arctuan Guards ACT ‘tat von Husars ACT Hot Springs Tamar Maren Mista Somerset Acadeny Training Baton Twyetos Tamar March Miia Wintel’ Regiment Wotan Tarar March Miia Draconis Combine ‘et astln Regulars 3 shin Regus 4mm Pest Regulars ‘mn alshain Regulars ‘9th Pest Ragutirs 14 Lapion of Vega Free Rasalhague Republic ‘stDrakors Ist Feemen ‘stHusars Ist Kaela 2d Draken Sra Freeman ‘is Kava ‘Mercenary Units "st Kl Hounds (3a Bataton) ‘2 Star Guar (our egimans) Black Omen Slory Wars Grave Waker (two regiments) ‘Skinner's Sota The Outs With the advance ito the Inner Sphere, must be assumed nthe lanstavaeaoy conqueredthe own tnttes thisareaftne Periphery. he Oberon Caneders ‘on, Ehsian Fields, he Grener Valyrat Stars En Santander V, and Pets, The Cans appar oe incositent inher behavior towarthor sujet ence they havecaptues wor. Tey use some cf tha capvesas aves, while thers contin thar les asin change ed cozuted. Tha Clan do not Intetere wih the aces of Our Blessed Order but yt eve make use four sees They sometines consult with our Adept and Precentors on treatment of tec fans Onetme ey are magnanimous and another they 28 sage ling milion trom space with ther warships 35 Fao on Trt Bay. “he Clans met the st eens a the hand othe Draconis Combine on Wozctan tn Federated Common: wealth an Twyers. Combines with the estvton of ther flagship and leader at he hands of a Rasahagian Aeropace piles avers Rave pu the bakes on the ‘Glans invasion, Theretavebeennonawatacksformans, and thereare ination that har ront-ine units havea the nner Sphere presumably to reraup whe garason ‘woop otc het hlgs, RIVALRY ‘The Clans each have thei oun ares, and heya in ‘pparert competion to avange te quickest. Whol in theFoderatedCommanweatnare he Jade Fleas. tack inglongtheLyran-Raslague orders the Wot Clan. On the ther sid ofthe Foe asthe Reuland ithe Draconis Combine a he Gost Bears tacking totaly within the raconisComine arene Smoke Jaguars. The Wolves have been advancing the most que, the Bers the slowest ‘The compeion—tch would be almost sortie ‘twere nat so deal and intens=—eists not ony ong ‘hedileent Clans butaso within ach Ca, Clans compete forthe ght osha an enemy, practicing an ‘unustal form of on-upmanship by tying accomplish a "askew the smal fore possible BIDDING (ne ofthe mos peer aspects othe Can’ watior society stat the actualy id with ane another for the sighto destroy te nar Spheres armies. Wen a wor, ‘ie Raslhagoe, as Othe Seam tween ha areas af wo competing lane ey bid or te pvlege of tacking te ‘wold, Whichever Clan vous to accomplish the tsk ith ‘hesmalestcomntmentofwarrorcand equpment rans ‘he assignment. ‘TheClansestmateheeneny'ssvenghwihasragh- forward proces tat tas never been iad belorethey ask. Before atacing each wor, the Cans request hat the ) hump te Hone Sump Capt ore ema: ForoFaroct manent 1675 ost pod space alae Manatazurer Unicow ammonia Sytem: Utrown ‘Tare ad Tracing Sytem: iigown “pe: Dasher Ewaipmest Ina Stator: Enon. Watig a, uring MP soln MP i Ske Gy Cree ma Far: ws CLANS neat Srucure oe 3 Cant Tro é Cet Ten) Teen s FL Tats ea LAr a ALL 4 ‘aight an Space Aan (ection Fee es iter Toso Fer Fevs Mase En Se Erne Pero Fbvous Exes Dou ew Sink 2Engne Paros Eno Stat Dol et Sok Feroiaus Endo Steal Ferevous End te! gniteg Er Ste Lt lag Eno stl Ron Toxo Let Too ont eta Panay Weapons Contain ‘oapon ana Are Laeton Eatesumtsser UN FRMeaumiase A sas Ra Ara A) 15 fa case Ra saat Rr Arar (AM) 25 fr case Rr Amor Spaces Bemaineg ° 4 crea Tomage , H 1 AtoratContouraton A ‘tase Se Arima (tsi) 2 case Tas Baal Probe Sen SRM 4 Arua Stan 25 case Aterrate contain 8 Wein Pease Sadan oa Macine Gun Arana (45) 200 os odin Pu Laser tert antguaton cms Ara (RM 24 ase tans Ana (24 case Pt sale System ‘ra tes) &8 case twat Cartan D Rien User ERM Lstr ER Mean Laser ERM Laser ERM Last Tagetng Computer Flare RRRERSSS aeRees as 13 KOSHI Overview: ‘Wi enough power to dat ber econ Mechs and ough sae inca ast ring es he Kesh woud beavauscieastionte any amy. Ths Mec’ sapaese name, "pray coned by a rember fecal ret fa fens Conn see, Wns eh a ama exh term wou snr mening Eg Te Kosh ote a ‘teon Siar tlts sometimes aad eight ee ear u's urinal he Beagle Probe appears be ‘vedoqsertntne Kash mesningiirae see oot ese ser ooaer Capabilities: nits mos conmon conguatn, the Kostean so in ‘manne Comber hits xe ecsenatsnce aes, [Tha lrgcane string power ape storage mapon, Sedametne nto de wih erty hs pets os a) ‘ect onary hat eared te nate Sra Dea. Ueosonal sds aenmovan 2n-prsontel weapon ad ara spate. th Koh sometimes mares so bate ‘sth an ans weapon mi Caring Target Aegaibon Gear {spatial tzrs ad veisequnped wih row Mises is Kost alo has emer To shld am a manne of ey acy has 29 usa sie ‘Site it amt ecigh ammonia on hs Datla fer. te combnatn ef aie APocs. mace ‘un, an tamer pv remy ry na nope sci he ec nape Confguaton Bh Kost aks corsirabiy more report ar oles he Soteng ip wagors of {wou er th fe all-upwallgo eole SAI Suneersons ghar Te igtamalsocaris srs ss ne Koso comers otto a 3 sane ‘ran Corinng heed Beage roe wih ana Guan Eo systems he Koster gon ay ney An A Mal item as os terse, we the a cas, ‘he tiepver alge ase anda neous ‘Thon een risen versonot te Kosh ‘hs om whe Uta? Acar a wegen nt it ‘sronghe Cans Aso cartrg aur ase andar ee, ‘fewisncanterre.etlhane bats eames, butt tty in preci tase oxason ens Aral ‘ContguatonD gas ie. Deployment: The Kasih en spt wth al four arr Cars, but ‘isa Meenofence ol whe Soe Jaguars. The aps aeustd a goad spate roan Cares, huh ‘tis rumor hat Gry r Kanal Theodore Kurta captured fate, dong mh severe igs ass: 25 1008 (hari Eno Stet Power Pat 175, ‘rig Speed: 75.5 gh Maximum Spet: 1183 00 dump ets 6 “ump Capnty 180: ‘enor aro oss emamet 7S ors ol pss» waale anata: Urinosr Commanaton Stew. rkrown “araing ane Tracking Sytem: ap Pote Type est Exuipment Maas Ira Sucre: Endo St 12 Fie sx as Wako 7 Rinmog MP: 1h omornMr tun Sine 120 ° Se 2 Clg 3 Amor Fata: o 35 Invenst mor Siucte “Va ae 3 3 Cate Tro 4 ra Came Toe a) é RitTore ; FUL Ts wea 5 Arm 4 a ratsg 6 5 CLANS [4 Weight an pace Alcan lection Fed spss Remain Wad Beagle Pobe o Caner Toso Fear Endo Se! o Age Toso 2 Ene 2Ferorbous Endo Se! Sump Jes Daub tSek 2 Letters ZEmie 2ferebous Endo So Sump 2mleneatSins 0 gna Ferortrs ko Se 6 Lena Fre Froue fo Se ‘ pmtieg Enc Ste ' Letleg” En Se + nary Weapons Conran \Weapnsand Ammo Location Gat Baagescine Poe " wo ao 1 ‘on (LA 12 a 1 + case & a 4 Shea sam Ra ‘ 2 fnoe (Seal) 25 A 1 1 Msn Gon RA 1 025 Aer (45) 200, Ra 1 t case Ra Q 4 nate Cartan A Baye ctv Probe neu ‘nt Mise System ‘aise Syste ‘roo Masi 72 case Poo Fare Nactine Gun Pr (45) 200, case Pos dear Cartguaton Beage cin Probe EReaun Use Ek Mesum Use same same Aran S49 20 case ER Smal Laer terratConfuraton C gle Ace Probe oar cok Peale Son oa hs) 2 case Range Laser ER Moon er aerate Cartan Saag Acbe Prove ‘2a nm (A) case ER eum Lise: Ral Laser Ssss-= w Ra Aa a os eng aoe! 15 ee] IL CLANS Overview: Te Ul; rane or the Mars godt an ona reat gh hee ns man congo, be er ‘ams anemia weapons, png srg over aa ‘anges an avin he pois assocated ih ence on Single jst With aonb good poet and ao Gesuneancetad Seen apstmany nen Messe lin Spe Capabiiti Init ary conus, te Uercomines out ne ‘ans mst advanced weapons Is ma hepa ees am the L859 Rtoeannn nt at arm ane ene age lige sein aot Real pulse lea Stes S30 the Urs pun at cs ange. Ts a rane of aes. essing heat olsup nchece econ on mise aso ‘olsun 9! neon a pode sng aa vanes Thought Sucesh Sates averages trom ln, th Ui st caught Ferd Gaon ‘ea ot gare eee v appearing. Ton A Wie wou expec a Meo cay sue pow heavy, a buy wasn 3 Gaus Fi? The wonpn an igpleanoposinniht Mech wthasenlest snes he ‘terraay against mus ewer ds, Though sca. ‘uation ao cotin wo ended args macum ase [aks he versa af he pinay ens ope fr es te, The 8 eran ater inti appeage aorta snceto te pinay canta, trae sea trots. Sl changes ne shor ange mse ack tea Toranan andthe ses can poe fl tothe Ine Sere ‘ectnamgr wh thnks ne oases apis Bs aise fhe enlist he ry verson, Dur less Ores rena how rer he aan ued bt may emote tan 25 pert ete “eC Carsten Utes hgh epeslas machine, esq dersely popes ses pista necro les alow itt spt a had enemy, cal devstaig mise ‘riley darter tacg corps ale sae tne Fsawlemacneguns an caule Pads a elect spt tery ity ao cae 3d fe ephotrple ‘esi timc sat oun reomng mass om een ‘remy Nez simutaneal ASoeshe weapon. howe, ‘hsvesirethe Ulerhaon anata gegen brat pte ae. The Ur snetings deans he oy of longs fee ‘siper wentappeas in AteatContiprsion Wn es lonparge ee urhas ante nay re sie feazon or entaoed sexy, he Ucn ed ts Stats ‘aia sing omar. Tho abou awbacs os dos "stale oh ied eon ret e wn an ean cose range Taaeeus ona centouaton Deployment: “The rma Sgt Mac ofthe Jae Fons he hr ae eesti Fayre Cormand Because ote "er Mache ar quer Uses secon iy "tan Some oer made Ite alo anammn wh te oe Cans, whe appear o pete sped Ms rset rd ane sigs or eng ese sass 30 os (han Eno Sit Power at 80 XL, Crusng Spee: 64.8 ich Maximum Spee: 97250 "tons ofp space avalible anatase Uikoow Commences Syston: Ukrown Targeting and Taking System Unicon ‘ype war ipmeat Mas Ios Stace: Eng Sta ‘ Exons 0% 35 Wakigue, 6 Furnng MP8 Jurong MP0 sa Se ‘020 ° Gro 2 Cp 3 Aa Far 7 4 ese Cate Too Cen Tose rea) Taso FL Torso ear Rica RLU Inet Stacie 2 0 ‘Weight and Space Aston os Cita Tos gone "ied Zein Fer Fue Doub He Sink 2 Foro oes 5 End tet LetToso —2ngoe 2 Foro Rous 2nd Stet ont Am Endo Sas! End Sta on Letts Primary Weapons Contour FeresFeeis Fere-Faous Doub et Sk Double est Sk Weapns and hi Laetion o FRLge Laser Sral use ser Sek SM Ame Ste 25, tesx ‘an (A) 20 cise Aner onguaton A ‘rr (as) 1 Eten er ERMsom at Gaus ite ase a Pa Ra Ra Ra Ra 6 o tw pa aes Ve 4 teat Se Rory Toa 1 2 1 1 7 Avrat Convention 8 SP N ‘ao () 20 2 2 case ae ° EResumiasr Tk 1 1 ERSrat ae w 1 os SAM BA 1 1s Ar (AM) 15 ma 1 1 case ma a 0 Ure ac Ra 4 0 tera Carfguation® od nina iteesieyeo ge 2 2 ogee o ° active Gon A 1 02s Mechne Gin w& 1 025 Rage Laser w 1 t Smal uselsee —t 1 1 pod a : as Sa (M6) 200 a 1 4 cise a o ° Beagle Probe Ra 1 4 tae Ra : i uaran com Ba 4 4 ‘Missle Stem RA 1 os Areas Seen RA 1 05 ‘Anes Sptem RA 1 os Arana (nbs) 48 RT 2 2 case fr o 4 Pos Rr 1 as teat Cantguaton D tains uw 1 as rw (18 aw 2 2 case tw 4 a tas w 1 1 Arana (Rm 24 a 1 1 case o 4 a tains mA 1 a Neredecan ma 1 2 Arar (LAM) 16 ar 2 2 case Ar a ‘ ‘ ‘ Nae Po (6) ar PUMA CLANS [is Overview: Wh ecoptorl oct fragt Mech hs sgn was laos Pra. Taught eoughoscutog mir Panacantand up tomany ie Sphow mum Mach as ctl repowe for gh Mech, suing ry Me ‘Warr in he Shcasa Sas te fat be thay athe ‘sin Te Taman th contr oo Yorn eases ‘reat weapons on an Onna, Capabilities: Went Pumals expecting ery comb, see atl bod scr of doable parti proj xin. The PCs lever any drags, ad the aoanced geting comput Impowsacuaey Aramis augers ena weapons ‘oar Cantguaton Arse Pum ie support ‘Mech The ule 20 rac oh ams can Se res sarage tomar, sate up the enon forth Pues Stars Foes at eto ch i ois par of sat guests 9. ‘erate Configuration 8 tues more ares wpe sd when commands aren wa Pua 08 vl ber Let iaryconiguranan te erson tay es ts lots prot heat bli I be ert aut at ower, te it has rat fepover nd wateiy ef es ‘spr The ws cor fae ple er aga ‘tes witntanarxeded age edu ein ‘etoso. Version appears ote whan eel Puma ed toga ese cases alae up wih Nae rss nd 2 Sra Corsan caries eae Bese for aT requces Tal doargade ts rislelacersto 3s Wie ae ‘uit mre rit ose hs verso an cares amu aera ator dan asm er on enc se ‘teat Contguation Dapper bea aration one B Vesna sapere ony rss he sn ind of suaons, his asian may appear eg} a 3 atria Pree ears the Ut itorsnon and xed "angele ase. eames Seat mse aes fo ‘ther an ses Deployment: ‘The Punaapper tobe ail set Mah, tough irae aso fr conan Te Walesa mee ‘the Pumathande ects Cla, enn ton aeascat ‘Mach Misc erestconman espe Mes Seg wi Sars of compton. ase. 25 Chass: Ean Se Power lt: 200 XL rig Seve: 64.800 ‘Maxim pee 97.2498 samp det oe ump Capacity: Hone demor forebeoss Iemaran ‘anes 18.25 ars of pas sac aie Mautaciver trou aemuiaties System: Uncen Tarpting ed Tracking Syste: Uninown Type Pama Eeuipment ass Troma Stace: Endo Ste 178 Fone 20a a Wako ue Rong? stig MPO es Sinks a0) ° Oy a Coop 3 ma Fat: 18 6 ‘tama! mer Stctre “Yate a 3 ° Canter Tso " 6 Cater Tro ra) 5 Tense 4 2 FL Tosa ea) 4 RUA ‘ 2 PaLteg & “ Weigh an space Aocaton Loaten Fed Secs Remaining wae Ferrous o CanerTose Eno Se aver o owtToso 2 eapne brass Enso Stel DuloHentsik 5 Luttono 2 Emine 2a Fovs ca Se Dewevre 5 Rigseam Ferrous 3 eta Frere 7 Rip Lap 2 Ease a Utley 2 Enea, 4 Pray Weagns Contpraton Weapon and Ammo” Laetion real Tonnage enpec tk 2 ° Dowex sik(t) LT 1 ‘ RPP mA 2 6 Tagen Computer AT 3 3 Aterate Confusion A taza w 4 5 Aer LRM) 12 a 2 2 cise & ° 0 SralPuselaser UF 1 1 ta 20 Ra 4 5 Bar (Am) 12 ma 2 2 case m 4 0 SullPbetaser RT 1 1 teat Contucation 8 tasx uw ‘ r Amino 8) a : i cage tr o o FRMesumtase UT 1 1 LangePuseLaser A 2 é Mesum RT 1 , ‘Ata Contguaion tras Arana (AM 16 case Hein Fuse Laser tas rar (LAM 16 case eve Becan are Pes (6) teat Carguation mage Last ‘Stak SAM 2 rm en case Oras ‘nm (a0) 20 case ‘Steak SAM 2 ‘Armor 4 ose BOSS ma rN Rr a ry u RA Ra a ar 19) DRAGONFLY Overview: Earnag tsar romiseraeandspeeoymovemenand also fom ernie ack fepaner compare eet Can {sign te Crago oles arise othe rer Sphere ‘tants morport bree Win god protecean, oi heat sins, and elt sped nd juring abit. be goo lak ny ack aut puch any ot yeagors ange ts, be Caponyeancaustrouieforan enemy ade (ot artery. Capabilities: Ins standard contguaton te Drago apes y ‘woz neh waa essay. aun hr ‘argemaslesanciedumpulse usesas man weap hs ‘arsine range adage os Cn desi Thogh 1s see and maneeraby an get he rapa ese ‘ange qu, ts arora arracert nee a Diced bates we car mean Mets ‘Ata Cortguaton A makes he Oagony eter evipedo sig tevtat lose rage. Te Ares Fre Ca. Sytem cease each oh elaes sortange Iii ack These ve mur are 0 nace he ‘Droonty’nepowe sate due tsk oat at heat cay. “ ants supsenlve hep compen ‘ators inom watnses he ut conceeseain he ‘arde-nge price pct canton mura 6 he fim, hte one see aval for ter weapons. Ths ‘weapensra, thar be Acoma, use rants ovens oe est ‘Used enc n ran actos, he Capo Ca Sayan bass» os tat peor weapons Th pared ‘tine ieee arene tesa he "ight, ing smareoay onepenery and sang the same armunton spss. Tote meses oo at ‘alee Nésr ears ago’ Beagle Probe cantar nas garra-puposecieigraton apaety pe ‘ered sone Gan bears etheDvarare employe Stig poner andaneo icon! Steak SAM Sin ee ‘amandapar cf radu sr nitsgharm. Tre Pa ong fang mae ance aous io aneines tren nate ‘Sallser malt oso prondeseatvopoeatose ge. Deployment Te ragontysncaneanuse oy the Gos eas, ‘Te Bea's preteen scoparia weak espn may ary reepnsble or tar eabelack of success apa o Ire de Gans Asaspeciy Mach, none he Capon) ether ale The Bas ony mite serine Tat isbet suited for peated ros ard misons ase: 4010 Cha: Ede Se Power lat 20 XL lain Sew Maina Spee: 126 0h dump et: 8 Sup Capa 240 ees ‘amor ar rat Armament 1275 nsf pod space salable anata itn Commancatons Sytem: Usrown “arting an Tracing Sytem: Uicun “ip: agony Eeuipment vas Iona Stace: Erg Ste 2 Erne zon 1138 Wako. Fume MP: 12 umprg MP: eat Sie 10129 ° Owe 4 cacti 8 Dror ae 1 7 Internat mor Snetwe —“Yave eas 3 ° Caner Too 2 6 Cae: Toso rm) 7 Toso 0 8 Tae ? Ram 6 2 RLU 0 % CLANS [20 Weigh and Space Aoeation leeston fae sya Remiing es Fer Foe ° CGenerToso Eau! 1 Faw Tos 2Empne Ferrous ‘Endo Steet ump Jets 4 2a 2FeroFoous ‘nd Steet 2umpe Feros Feo Fbos 2uumpses 2 mp Je Fant arm Uta Fatt eo tettap Panay Weapors Contgratan Weapons andAmmeLoralen teat sae im * ‘an A) 25 w case tw rssle yer UT me oes) 24 UT case ry Mesum Puce Lar RA Mian Pulse Lasw RA Meir Gn ar Dw (6) 20 ar case Rr Toaage . teste aniguation A seats a Area SAN) 15 vy case th rr & ERiedumuaer UT ERMedumter LT ERMedumLacer RA ERMedumLaer RT ERM RT Aral Contguaton rare Sral Pe Lae Sa Pose Laer omer tease Cantquatons Famer ER Maso ar ER Meson er ‘rage Prote Mache Gun sch Gn ‘arm (MG) 400 case Flamer Harer Mitre Gun Mctne Gin bene Gan Arno (6) 20 case ‘earate CongutionD ‘test sal ‘mo (Sea) 15 case FR Sral Laer ued Laser ER Mes Last th Arana a 24 case aESS cr t tr ny fr Rr Rr Rr w a Ak Rr ar 21 FENRIS. CLANS Overview: Notansthe Cans equpreet newt nvr Spr but soaresune ole tte Te Fen ean asl ai ‘A cesigaleto estas he Suess Ses amacum Senn Mech, Tough 8 weom cass, amo, an sna weaonry ea easly the Feiss 4 madam Mee, tet fears mae tue or eeammatsance Is ecle sped Beternaate any ight es ar corms Beane Pde when lows tet Neyer posts Far those reasons, ie ars has shown ap on so oh esis din many ate es Capabilities ‘rete ew Cn designs teaethe Beagle Probes ‘net aman cet. he Fri srs ep cana Sance cy gad ecorgoter het oS ‘terdoange pare jon aon prods te prc, ‘gma by as Steak mice ncher sd arate Te aro corseuion popes te Sea tm make ths Fr an xan act for ang missions ay he lose spon nen Iter Wects a proving reonaisee, he Fenisotan pas ina ContoiratonA Toph ackg ‘teenage costs of be gray verson rnd offers more weapons fer ghng gears nantes ‘sje odie te tel eran Tis brian ‘ost common when te Fos spars inh sie Sw ier Mec. Contgratin 8 appeal when te Cas xe! gk andcostybatleatcoseangeInsachashaton bounced ox ofshort-ange mesie tuners an va ey age. foowng up ade yin exerdoargelrge er Insuch ‘a contguaton te Fenn evar pret sou puns treat sort age fora Mach os Wes calle upon prove long are sued, be oni appears Aer Carguion Th deg ‘Senso inno espe it ass ama en-2ge ‘sie uncer boing 0 ae! hs ney Mec st ‘te Wa s en ores thal everson eth Fons ares an Aramis WV F-Contal Syste wih each aut, far tan a sng Nae Msi Bacon totem a Te sarge fhe ineperent sens sas ean coe ‘peratiny se Fea ae age oo es. When the Fens ison lon-ange sion ard gtr Mechs ae povdrg rcomassaes, VerzonO eraiay ‘peas Theughlacng he Bag Pree, serio cee {tron anion ean maste sem, Recor an otourmeda pela on ane ame hgh ana Deployment: ‘Thowhte Fs has aye ag parm tesuscess ot thew, isnt deus among ne Varia ‘Wit ne Wohes, te Fa aso cen eey Chater a slrost wan ey Star The appearance 0 many Fens in Such wd} trig congas as enon grt teen ‘orci nteFeeRasaaqu Repub oat ‘er. ne Fenaos Commonweal, as: 15 008 (Chasing Sta Power Pot 280. sing Speed 85.¢ oh Maxime Spee: 126 ih dump det: ne Sump Capt: Nore uma: Feroforoc Aemament 275 tors ol pot sac ial Manulctrer Uninoun Commantatone Sytem: rinoun Tugeting a Traeig Stan: Urirown "pe Femis augment ase Ina Suche: Endo Ste 28 Erie sox 65 WakiowP. 8 unrage:—12 sumer MP: 0 et Si neq 2 Sy: i Crepe 4 mor Factor ma 1 neat ‘Stet eas 3 ater Trso 4 ‘inl Trs (8) Ri Toro " FUL Torso ear Bean BLU " Weight an spac zation Lato fod ro Foro Rbous Caner Tora Endo Stl Fgh Tao” 2Engne 2 Foro rooue 2egne 2 ero ooue Ferofbro Eno ses Ferrous End Stet 20 Se 2 Eno Sel Lertone ight Arm elem ones Leas Primary Weapons Contgwation Weapons and Ammo Leto age Probe enpre Smal Laser ‘Seat SAM 2 ‘rr Sra) case BEEcSa teraz Cantguaon A Res Laser te2x ‘ar (6) 45 case Meum Lazer Dost Sate Dao ine esl) 26 RA case zesssa 2 Aor ‘ite 2 9 4 4 9 Spaces Ramsiing 2 0 1 a ‘Aart Confguaion Sas Pe Lar sais ‘ano (S) 25 case Rage Laser sae Arar SAM) 18 one Aunt Contguation¢ ERSral Laer tam Arar (LAM) 24 Ataris WC case tes Arar (LRM) 28 ‘ters iv Fos case ths Arar (LAM) 24 ‘ares FOS case ‘Aarate ConfguraionD Wed Pleaser ‘tase System ‘no Bot Mase 2¢ case Nes Pulse Laser Heat Pease Wes Pleaser BEESSSSS BESSSSS 23 BLACK HAWK Overview: "A Mach capa of mary ss tu exling re, ck navy assay re 0 Mave an gts Ore ‘Mechs wits Clas’ sara. Tough erate owe a rmanevabe camel rate tera Mes pot ak {he gie hers or raneweriy, Wt dows pases ‘ar versity, Thr ae seve ass ars. Ug ‘ater Exo Stel fr Faroe smo the Bk Honk ses rena sacethan sore igs Fue ‘oe ceage' we ans ope. lowing ea ext esining weapons pds Capabilities: Teta contin, he Buck autas anand sppeaance ar esre czas. The Reape veapoes oso sas bat si mem aes eae, grveing ‘cepona epowerbt ener wo much heats {tmp The Back Hak css mo fa aio Gob eat Sisto alow the plot mor eon fo use Hs wears. evecniss apt ties lene srs hoe av rake Inmodate town Tes mos conmonaiatin,he tent Version Alc ls uses night wears by saling an cenges ‘arg aril pjcioncaman mech am. Tn moe eahy ‘aresaracmpuselsser sietaso tad etbmachiee oun saaruteCongiaton cat Mechs deste fora nay of waspns ssa ntad ofn l wespos wih eae range ard er tress. The moss or Droste trenover ofa rg puse user thant Ata rai either guint reas eens he trims este wih 3 al ae ebb or woah a Soeatns ‘ezascnaly, power lack awksporing a Gaus Rie raesanappearee lstaling shay weapon mist ra fucha Mech naan urbe, ang eps tte mas hum CarngeiyanSRM nds puselser for sony “amament i lc ck te vsay tates he Sesign worfil, Hanger by ao lie amano or mar weapo. hs verse ae sed “he Mosel D ck Maks he ay varaton sen at carveslongange missles Lee ftv tan sore eg st Tonge he spp an yet rota weno, a puose {hs te erson ha ck Hoppa oe one feed ony when more sutabe equ aie Deployment: “The lack Hawks ployed tn but evn eugoste hang tastes pete wihan stack aceon Wa Cl, ardiisighty mow corarn een we ers Ray Gres a1 Custer hve mae than on Or wo Bick as Prwes as:s0 to (hare Sana Power Pat 250. sing Speed 54 on Maxmom Sone: 2 toh sump ets ump Capa: 180 mrs mor Surd rman 6.25 an of po sac alle Maulaer iron Communities System: Unknon Targeting and Tracking Syste Urkrown "pe Bae ak Eeuipment ‘eal race Ei ‘Waking Rurnng Me: 8 amore 5 eat Sn 42 4 Gre a Cit 3 Dror tr 160 0 ‘mas! Amor Srictre ae exe 3 ° Cate Tro ra a Came Toro ra) : Rito 2 5 FL Tosa ar) ? ica 8 18 tag ® 2 CLANS [2: gd Spe Aeon teen ad acs emanig it ° tron oe : Rents Egan Pomoc enseis 6 tettone een Ponceiensets 6 gtk : ion : antsy zion ° ies’ imps ° ary Weg Conan tothe ten eh amage aici mM fuentes = tt fucmins = tt Russe =O kT Sees Seamer tt canter) kt Sosehersert) ce Gucmise = Mt fom aucwisr = mM tt fc my Sunnie om tt cuca) ome BY cacnsmi) oY soar tgs ror ios Wicrneeme FG comer oO} frre ote fetusiesonm mPa Kmowewens 14 oe moo 8 tet Contour Lge us ae ira ag mo) 29 ast Sal Laer ‘Atarate Cstguaton¢ teat Continuation D teex Ano (a0) 20 case tanta ‘nm (AM) 12 case Ro-BRe-vo 25 RYOKEN CLANS [26 Overview: ‘A maracing ‘Mech with as tat en nou bare leas, th ators ere seta ar roga the Successor States, espe tacos Combi, hee It apne and whee is most carmen. The Ayohor omnes a bal ene, Eno Sle eal sue, Ferro aor, an ule at sis fr amaze wh ‘caareapanis nays caniguacare he ots einer sie ropover for aredum Mesh Capabilities: TheloerSphee astounds Mach agupoes wi col tarts tases nach ar 2d et se ‘heplotseten These aerscals deste als nama Because of speed ana trope s weson af te Ayko ‘carmands he espe ay oe he Sucesr Sate ‘Aconmeratenae ste Aversion whcheaiesamasie ‘20. ol ngage mses on gh ay steno a ‘roy roma dacs ts four acum use aes ea aust (eal qu asus hemoreaneteen ‘Seat meses rth sxack on ether sie of cet ‘raber conga forte oko ares a masse ‘Ute 20Auecamranon lear Tver shares the Bk Haks dnc hexagonal rt am, cars exec: ‘ange met aes tpl pdt hea sik ae ae he ahi toota npn dpa te eal eee yh aes. ‘Adal else wee hast Bears ees ar UB 1- Asacanan on ea at age ps rn he ah ‘is Cadelnaamedum pulse roar So fs ns. Ts comvaton as ees sues anaes ats sre that eae Cas san 2 “ett Conguaton sa mai rise plator. Me NarBeacon gives etary wins mgs a ot lacs. Naton dss eva massveL M20 auch ad ety of ads on each arm bi st chest a0 Sapa ube SAM 2 Deployment: The Aken, in seve os congas, so ate rot camo ects! te Sra gure. The may fonfguatn as easraly commana te ta Cars bute aterates art as waespead. spay win fe Sako Jgute ts Ryokan ve may erent scant ‘rough a he Orca Combe cn eg tobe ag ‘yours aos ay eager. as: 55 1008 ‘has En Stel Power Pat 20 rig Speet: 64.8100 Maxim Spee 37 2498 amp det: oe amp Capacity: Hoe demoe ferrbenss rman Bons of pod spackaable Manta Urinowr ommuniations Syste Unknown Targeting an Tracing yt: Uskronn "ype: Ryker Ewiprent ass nea Stucue Endo Sto a Ena sox 1235 Waking, 6 Fuming Me 9 among Me, 0 eat Ske 02 ° Spo 4 Crit a Arma For 12 0 Inteasl mor Since Vane as 4 3 te Torso a Caer Tro ra) un Ritter 8 u FIL Toso ear) 3 hem 9 @ rites a s ‘Weigh an Space Aoatin lester fed He Center Trso Fo Tore Feo Foo Zemin SFeroFreves rca Sea Lettono 2g aFerororas, Era Se Fant arm thar Fate Ctteg 2nd Se 2nd Ste Panay Weapons Contgratan ‘Weapons and A Ente ser Rage ase ER Melon ser Dowbe ea Sirk) Dove es Sn) Rage Laser Ried Laser Double Sik (3) Dole at Sk 3) ‘Aart Contguaion A esr Pleaser Hu Please Hedi Pleaser edu Pleaser ‘test SAM ‘eo (ea) 15 case tanz0 ‘ea (RM) 2 case ‘Steak SAM 6 Ara Stan 18 case ‘eaten apEessss= sess sce Remaining 0 ‘Aart Confguaion UtmeznAe ‘an (6) 10 case Rem taser ER ecu Laser ER Meco at ER Mach Laer ER Masum aser ER Maou Laer ‘Dost eat Se (2) Anat Contguaton (eiox ‘ano (6) 90 case Mesum Pas Laer LrgePuse ase Mesum Pa Laer Aner ontguratn trw20 ‘no (AM) 18 case Sia? Sale ‘ne Aa 100 case thaz0 Arvo (aM) 18 Case Nae Beene Nav Po (12) a a Aa Ra aBEE RESSSS 27 t+ (IL) I VULTURE Overview: Wah hue shots ard protuing heat sing So ‘uch iaatre tha ear tha ela wo placa ot ‘esaretin ts Mechs oe tte rast Sctctveleos ot any. Tage he Vulareby te Foe Rasane epee ‘Siete te Oacons Combe was ong he Aap, ‘ch ashe sae tg, is Mech ir gs nance the fonparsonTisapeanc sso straigial imusiavebe imomtoralTheruge wna eckson fs hears gate ‘Meh shud ok, bt the vera appease! lie when ret ota eapos pes ae Psa Capabilities: nas rirary contour, ature seve most 82 fesuppart "Mech Mary Ine Sphere lscWarors fae rated aoa te ene reat ey eo ok up and Sea Vuurparcie ona ge, ings mssles one agg ate blow a wating rt tr fo i Delreseoped Countoracaren Tetwnrace of 20!angangemesieren tetany hast ag enemy death. Shout th Ve lure an eum at ngage can ak ae its owe hans (or mec a and see weapon iho ‘oe -AtwrteConguaten Assis in apernce oe inary stp ut vary aferet unten. Tee ese ‘yer 1S reer each LAM ack on each sou ving Mis verson of he ue iemorse rusce sro feng Tne aceon and Pine mca esp he ene ‘yl th tare can beg sss et iyi betwee he tat to, a ast one, oar Contgatn 6. ener nce Sakae ‘north Sle nda Arta W teats fhe ‘ongange ante The sms tea mie, he teu pleases inte rg an we weeded age We tees nha ‘Soci in appearance at rr Spee Mecharors ‘oigeayoug twas aseuate Mech verona Vutre ‘doesnt ee oo ik hat, Lacking te armies ‘aes, Vue Chas wo povetGass Rates Soy se ‘hes aps hat mode cary te ammonite puny as Te wegt equa prev ee Com ‘ang ay er wasps On by cal ty of i ios ‘srt ident ee ant ro suc of is design ‘ethomeota Votre Deployment: Thodgh sien esti he Drazons Combine ar story thereaterin there Masog epee Veh se opeaes wi al he Clare The Ghat Beas ae wih he ‘ries egy btw Se pes a evens Meh ‘he vars somewhat esconon ty ho means ‘wth ter nmr Ce ar: 60 008 Chasse: Sas Por ln 200 XL Erasing Spout 5 oh Maximum Spee: 2843p sump ee Noe ump Cape Nore ‘emor ao Pr08 ‘manent Zoo pod spate avalitie ator rerun Communica System: Uieown “Taringa Tracing Syste: isco Type vate Euioment ase Ina race © Erie 00x. 8s Waking PS Fumng Me 8 sarong Me 0 eat Ss 204 o Sy 3 Cope 3 mar Factor: 10 es ttre “ale Head 3 ° Caner Torso a a Car Tro) 7 Reto 7 6 PL To (ea 7 BLA 0 6 cat 7 a CLANS ‘Weigh and Space Alain lester fed Spaces Remaining es Fer Porous ° Cen Toro 2 pM Torso” 2Engne 2 rare Feoue ‘ luntowo Zena Dre Rous 4 Rigntam — Fenororo 7 Citkm — Fenafavacs > Rone 2 tetas 2 Prinary Weapons Conta Weapon snd Ano Laeton cea! Toaage LePelasor A 2 . Mdm fusetaer 1 thm a 4 Aina LAM 6 i 1 case ur 0 aig Pe Lager 2 Nedum Puce Laser Ak 1 camz0 ar 4 ‘roa (LAM 6 ar ; case ar ° ‘arte Cantguation A esx uw 4 ‘nme (0) 40 a 2 case a ° Sats a 1 seus iy 4 srs 1 ‘ano (0 90 a 2 case a ° enorc RA 2 save a 1 ss ar 1 sams. a 4 ‘ano (AM) 90 ar 2 case er ° 28 teat cantguaton 8 ER age Laser Ararat ContguaionC ‘anno (aus) 1. case Gussie ‘no (as) 16 case 29 LOKI CLANS [30 as 5 ay Wn Conon Ores wr rst we tue ran ed Secwetincttndie td Tome anc i kn ae ea Nemoto : : eps ntomnariimenmarens Sloe tet rn ote woo ioe trys ato eG oe et ae ee Siemon fae oer Hamman Set is tof SrnteteratConmnman aon ee omam eee ee imsigiometuerscccpattssnrymascrines. ein he os toxcatomamevenertesentutaaitwarmsoet MONS a Lo ; adalat Spa ek as ee aN ZET tontfpod space ale grave iy 1 1 rsttasipe mere uses foe yore eon electra Communications System: Unknown [ER Medium Laser ng 1 ‘ ring Be ons Saumur ft apatites: Deel ebeedamels Guanes = YY Th ia mat La an cr mane pe as nee Ct ‘boasts Garoan Ector Couto Measures, ¢Beaje Probe, ri = . io Ssnpntend yg conte, TRC a OTS Sepa sie oe moe Sumnetrontceeacinrucnaecyeser RTT me Se fe. sergrroen orange aecetanna eM sox tis Kmogmnys mY chomenetiecagsticamctananerse OME kes i ‘mois cinat genase eects: aM, ee Rinsimcaseapsclocotoyssenacoanten mW, 8 in oo ‘eau og ee io : The mot conmonateraine win ofthe Loki uses St ae 4 Aten Configuration & ivaniyorir-suppor slrgvangemisiebuneerandist Cg 3 knot) 20, cr 1 1 Ghactacraoctosncmangdonsceney OSM og on oot Caner ite threat be Lobe es a 7 : St ca tse pur th cone gt os co Ses OwoimcnotennaiatteGegre betes ug oy ee eononon nace gn pwow sopte meneame — Ey leet a | : Tena eesatiadetn ey ena, SMT ; ror fo tna om a sitoue Ns erat to i Fetupeabi href Col Spime ties. MATIN ‘ a oe vysth souiemsate Suro cere fae RO 4 Seen ; Sprinemyaorernntconrg Weucnacate REA _ 4 S . Seoream etn 8 outa sooo Mec faa mote Steamers Cane pat yc aecston fetes tae ee Sp emg ine ae Deployment: fg ° te ar re Th so he gt mt dy ae Ser Tono 2 tea ro ‘scone TemagpartguthSeohe Coemsnu sey RpeTese 2h ‘ oe oe Seconlovtmiscpoinernte nine’ Gitese’ 2Ehe ° Stersomonsiopeimr steric iat piace : Seeoomtuebrenactioaainarsrer ics (sare : i : tis : _Atarate Configuration 8 tasx ‘aro (8) 40 case ER Sal ase Gus ite rv (ass) 6 case Shuts seats oe SA) 45 foi V8. ‘em VFS u ar Rr Rr Rr Rr 31 O00} THOR Overview: “The Thors min abatages cote have design ae mobi dt aby oe a is eapos wh ie wory out tal udp This tin all confgratons. ogre rrroung concepts trom te designs ofthe Wanner ‘Marais 2d Vir he Tors an excl aroun Mach White Mor maybe sponta sa deo ans and ess (quek han aers success Bend of apower an aneveabiy. Capabilities: Theuge Tor when sands atleast ameter ran mst iter Macs, apes est fn In 2 conan ta Fema ne ae weaponry sro wages, ower. caries wit be ech smareueiy ork ‘ounce Tas mde cates alogvarge sie lth ot iste chuder aPPC inane ta and hea aveareon ne ‘ne mest omen vaarthasthe ight Gaus ite its loam. Wim th SES ard ge pus ae, ths ode can use ra camage wih Barly aloe thea gage The Thor A's enone as case tee “rag eer ig a ror pst porte Thor Bi teeing wer moreconon The combton ne NayeMisbe Beacon wt such alge ayo miseries rites the model cate otcaog pet damage al roves te trating fr fs Slarmatisequpoed wth Mare Faringrissies Theagharyngsfienteoatsoatueh- 15D Thr Bis pony equppest ottmutpe eager ease ck ter weapons whan isles dou at “te Curt eares amass Urs 2 8oesion ome thumctarsone weapons wown,Towpncarjgesta sta forthe weapon te Thor Cea nit prt wth m= tan ina prong engagener sate weapons cons ah SRM at an enone ge se. “ane verse of Tho” ved for miso rom logistalsopo taal Corton. Reyog easy o laa tascearresasopisteatedtxpetng carpe etne stout weapars Teedenetang ats ard tiem seem lowe Tort taps tance ne runimo more tan ea nl. Deployme The Moris heaves! ein in geal ue with hae Fao ts. est hee es 5 amon ith ears ‘trie te Clan who ao ue tay. Tr te Cas Ve as mole spp fo assault Mees. whe he Lae Faas use ae quck stk harrow 3 ap ance as: 7010 Chan Sad Power Pat 50. rising Speed 54 oh Maximem Spee: 8 toh sump det: a Capa: 180 mts mor Fre as emanate "2275 nsf pd space aaale Mautser Ura Commuriations Systm: Union Tgetiog and Taking Syste: ae Beacon Tipe Thor euipment ass neal Sct 7 Erie sox wis WakirgwP. 5 Fura uP 8 uno 5 a Ske p28) 4 Gro. 4 Cpe a ma Foor 1 35 nema Amor Stree as 2 ° Cater Toso 2 2 (ar Tro) ® RL To 8 2 FI Teso (ea) 7 Lam " " Ite 5 B CLANS [22 ans ttn bee oo Cur Tooo Spans t Sour 2ebee vettono Ete Patsy Slows i this’ Home ° nay Migr Coraaon Gideon" Cten cen) Ta er 0 fais oo. ft ie Moo AtersateContguraion Ay) >No Suma ee Reacts GY oe my ieee ee Aterrat Cartguaton 8 tao Arana (8M 12 saat. ‘amo (S25 Asie Sysom ‘amo (Me) 24 case Nae Bescon re Pos (5) tw 20 ‘mo (AM) 12 sau ‘ano (5) 25 case ‘Aart Contguaon¢ uaz Ac ‘amo 10 case ‘Seat SAM ‘mo ta) 15 Rage Laser ER Sia ar Ate Contguaton 0 ERLage Laser ER Madam ae Double eat Sire (3) Machine Gun Arava (45) 200 Arts Sys Arana (ht Msi) 48 Case FR Large ase Reducer Dol tS (9) “ageing Gonauter 33 MAD CAT CLANS [3 Overview: The Ine Spores rst brush wih an Ornish was wih ‘aM Caton he Rock, Oberon Caen. 13 Auge 206, Twas fom a roast ay a mamber of he Kal Huns ererazyunt Pat Or Beso Oder co! ee mes {rater mysens mass Cans rarest sgh he a carbene shane aver trae commonte be Mra ane Capt Te ad a's ep eo bitin of an ML Cass eng, Endo So mera sce, FeroFoous arma, ard due hati, Capabilities: Te ost commen conuaon othe a ar ares noresive rapowe saving it dole LAM20 asso he ‘Stour The weapurs pads oth ars ath cot eeniearge lag ase ard exendedage eu see. “Tre Mad Carasosoarporea pe oetrigy, wih aed Dust seri eae sl tare, ul machin panes tour at weapon, ‘tea Conigurinn Acai haangeaunneron ‘soph stole nstead of LAM ardabox out pacoge soweeredion passers tele euler tata fees patton canon aa am, wha sero SANG ibe ght ‘comentate: ormanae'senmauaingaGassfile Insight shart carioes ae pulse eng xa ule ase Th Mad Car versie mats use ote ors ‘recess on bn he RIO acon ale hoe arate Seon gn shouce ‘he Ma Ct Cals concerts ore tepowerin tam weapenpaisengtaimearenhe tis aver, ile ‘helt nastonecensa-arg arpa Toe 2995 od weg foran LAM Slauncer onesie an sna risiesjste mtbeletosoas wl sracentrmourtad sr ise. Thoogh ae Sen. he Nd at Dred etn or is urasual wagon coniurtian Apprety ged ign ean’ is hase Stak A Saar trsmeuntoneach shod onepoigowaroard vas {outeran: Tavganoten ame tae te dees tepavet fan eterded ange parce jection amon Deployment: Th Ma Cat torte‘Mah oe Wt Clan can lama sarc! hereto he Wai’ rts, tnd tris ro appre exlanaten why eppeas i 0) meer wih he oe Care ase: 75 10s Chas: Ee Se Power an 375 XL hls Sone sina Spe: 6p) shim it None ump Capa Nore ‘mor aro Peas ‘manent oso pd space avaible Manatee Uninown Commanaton Sytem: Unirown Targeting a6 Traeig Sytem: Unioown ‘pe: Mae cat augment Mass Iams Sucre: Endo Sul 375 fone asx 1925 Wakingwe, 5 urn uP 8 Jurong MP0 ea Sis 15 (0) 5 Gre: 4 Crap a mar Factor v0 fa ‘tims! Amar suctre ae as 3 ° Cir Toso a ® Ctr Toso() ° Bute 6 2% Too (ea 7 2am 2 a BiLtey 6 2 Wogh an space Acton ecto ed Sits Remaing a Ferooue ° Caner Toso Eno Seat 1 RgiToso — ZEmpre Ferra Eno tt 7 Lettomo 2 Emone Bar Foss Eco Stet 7 gta Feros 7 Leta Fecosbout 7 giles Zeros ° lettag! Zeno Sie 0 ‘Primary Weapon Contain \Weapensand Ammo” Lseion cae Tonrage Mae Gon cr " ‘= Rage Laer a 1 ‘ ERMeoum ate Uk 1 1 DowbleHeat Sekt) Lk 2 4 Meum Pasetaset CT 1 2 tau20 ur ‘ 5 ‘ano (MN 6 1 : case ur o o Smal Laser tr 1 5 ERLarge Laer ma 1 a EiMesun taser RA 1 1 Dole HeaSnu(t) A 2 i Wasi Gun ar 1 25 ‘ma (6) 200 Rr 1 t20 Rr ‘ 5 Ama LA 6 Rr 1 ‘ case Rr 4 ‘teat Carigutin A ene uw 2 6 Dove est Sink(3) A 6 3 Maur fuse tae UT i 2 Modu PuseLase UT 1 2 Medi Puse Laer UT 1 2 enPpe a 2 é Double eS) A & 3 Sass 6 ar 2 3 rio (Seay 15 T i 5 case a o ° Anant Contouaton RSmal Laser a Lagebusetasr Uk SnatPuselaser A taco a en (LAM 12 t fame W 0S a case t Caste Ba Arar (Gass) 8 BA tase ma Saas fr Ara (SAM) 25 ar amis 03 ar tet Cantquaton ERS ane or ER Lape Laser th Ene ase aw tems a Arar (LAM 8 a deaissle Sen LT case ry Dies ac fa Arr (20) 20 Ba case fa rans rr Arr) 18 Ar Dera inns 24 AT cose Rr oar Conguratin D enpee uw ‘Seat SAM 6 a ‘mo Steak} 90 LT case ur San sim vim earrc Ra ‘Seats 6 ar ‘ammo Sue) 90 AT cise Ar ‘Sak SaM 6 ar 35, Tj MAN O" WAR CLANS (5 Overview: Wh exceptional spe! ora asa Mach ante aby ‘odie gra sours ea na shor tine he Man a SS ata een asa Moods a sal ess tat righerectobeaoitorunavay roma Mest ost Canigurates anon rast missns fe Maro Warcontons ‘temy er day a ecu doseage Capabilities: Whales aft repomein ts am weanors pss in ‘a conuratoes te Maro Wars vate ces regain fae time lange fam one vein fo ater. The most amon combo weapons san 8 8X ANON an ‘SRN eer on ach am, hela theca nv! a uot seen 3 nel hat arias ute punclepogctoncamoesinneraharmang ating csr: Inthe Wt Aare pu user ses above te wo eum pulse lasers, Span as eos weve machine gu Whey ext rpowe sede, Mon Wr ops -Asaratecoaigurion® Msmotelacissonectevesatity the tars gah the pave Gass Ril. ne am, ‘nut akte aay nRMTO Bn ach spot eon Anam Vf coral yt, ‘Rater mcs hat appear wth some equency & mode which cars a exagoral aay fea srs ts ht tur Te et apis ears Uso20 Atos er hoe dienes fs mote! mats toe P0d sytem, Deployment: Trai mote commen nthe Woes tan wth the ae cans, tbe Man War has payed impart as axas De trast ea ts crintion sped anatrepower makes (ee msn forvanou oer esq ae stan Mass: 20:08 (hari Saas Power lat 20. ting Spee 54 oh Maximum Spee: 3h ump et: Nose ump apa: Hoe demon areas Irmarant 21,75 tn of pod sac sale Mantarer hao Communion Systm: Uninoun Targeting ad Taig Syste: Uirown Toe: Mano War wipnent Moss iera Stace: ° Enger on. 2825 Waknowe 5 FumnrgMP: 8 Sunping MPO vet Si 1692) € Gy: 4 Coop 3 emo Factor: an " nwt Amor sructue “Vue as 3 ° Centr Toro 5 a err Tro (a) 0 Ri Toso 7 u FUL Tors ea ia RLArm 8 B ALL 7 % Weight an Space Alcan a) Seas Ramaining ios Ferris ° Canter Tr 2 GH Toso” 2Egine 2PFaotous a Lenore 2g Preroroois a fgttam Ferrous ? etam — Feroseos 7 gn 2 tena z rina Weapons Comguaton Weapons and Ammo” Leealon real Tomage ER Sra ser cr + 08 lasx th 4 7 SAM & 1 ‘5 ‘Arno (6) 10 iy 1 * case tr 4 o ‘ao (S) 15 a 1 1 tosx Ba 4 7 sae ma 1 ts Aner 8) 10 ar 1 + case ar a a Arar SA) 15 Rr 1 1 Ataaate Contguation A rape aA 2 6 EnPre ma 2 6 LargePuse Laser A 2 6 Medan Paselaser Uk ‘ 2 EResumlser Uk 4 ‘ Smal Laser a 1 05 Acate Contguaion 8 aaa w 1 2s ‘mo (RM) 12 aw 1 fi ‘nome WV FS a 1 : sauna a 1 ‘ ‘Ar (8) 25 a 1 4 ‘acon VFS a 1 : cise a o 0 Gait ite Ra 5 2 ‘anno (uss) 16 RA 2 2 case a 0 a tera Cantguation tie z0Ac bet ‘ao (6) 10 case ER Mesum Laser vem Lass Resa Laser Rives Laser Rem Laser Resim Laser Pos io ase = 7/ (EBD a MASAKARI CLANS [38 Overview: as tet byssus, tir ea, rd road tl th Masaka acy bea tv 0 ne See HecrWarars rts ely esr. The eso is eu toon ts akance ageing compat, when aoparety ‘aes as andar ecupen en lms. Tough he om pute sb ei oder weapons aay nda Eomaies consumes more onmard wet heb com ing bes opal blithe fae oe ich, Capabilities: ThemstamlarMasoaristeonewahpssegPPCsinihe arms and pet ong ange msi archer Wi tee Tanga acca saved ye ageng computer, Ps mode an destoy smal Mechs win sng bast ‘taraseConigvaton caries gene es of wep- os jens area, vars, paorm ioe ai ls. The isle sangre fm asad 2 Stee SAMS Tauetr tc st 0 te ie of 20 LAM ack one {sala shoe The esa asa sate oe he mary ofl hat oe great te so uch hea. “he 8 vers lhe Mist oe fe mast ut Sesigrs withthe Cin ater bemanath Gass Reh thei em wre ot enh ean Berns se ‘weapons 2 bvestning argu mau a tam. Ths Seago tates tare eee rs sie ns una Slo sie SANS acters urchd one nit shou ‘ary sem, pabby tase of ext eles, 63 ‘Malas astra on ae weapons ar POS Ths race proves vaatleoredenso mess boas 0 prelomewthanmant an mst acuta weapons sso The ples compas: wou sbvois be Dl the wears ‘sens wl note edd fe Meare eae eta Deployment: Tis ds appears ost quent wih te Ske Jg- vars, wo fle part wth he Dah Ie estat enna wh the Ghost Bers an as een Sano 0 wine ce Flees. ae: toe Chass Stare Power Plan 30 XL Crs Sew 43.2405 maximum Spee: 648 Jump et: None ump Capa None mor foro ara manent "25 nsf pod space able anata Uioow| Communications Sytem: rirown Targeting aed Tracking Sytem: Spock! Tageg Camper Type Wasa Ecuipment lea race: fain ‘Waking MP unnog MP dimpng A at Sts oe. Crag Dror ator eas Ctr Trs> (amr Troe) Reto. Toso ear) Rica ALL sox 4 zo) 20 emt Stace 3 a " Ps Vale 3 2 0 & a 3 ass ae na aight an Sac Allocation locaton Fed Spoes Remaining Hes Feros ° Cane Toso 2 gn Tow 2 ge 2 Ferrer Daibe vets 6 Lattono 2 Enpne 2FerorFoos ‘Daible bn Sks ana Feros 7 Cita Ferarbrove ; Fighiteg —DuleHestSink 0 Tetley) DasleHasik 0 Pinay Weapons Contain ‘Weapons nara” Location Cal Toeage cree rm 2 ° eaprc a 2 8 taro th ; 25 ‘ano (AM) 12 a 1 + case tw 0 0 earec RA 2 5 enPec Pa 2 6 Tangeeg Compute AT 5 5 ‘Aart Confouaion A EhLage Laser w 1 4 hae Laser a 1 4 Sinai a 2 3 emo Sue) 1A 1 1 case a ° o tetox Ra 5 0 ‘ro 20 Ra 2 2 case Ra ° 0 tats ar 1 a5 ‘Anno (LAM) 8 ar 1 1 Tgetea Computer AT 4 1 tere Cortquation 8 Nar fecon are Pot (6) Gaus ite ‘rn ss) 16 case case ER Maou ar ERMooum Laer ER Madam ase sana Ra 7. Targeting Camper siate seM6 erate Corsguation Famer eRPeC enpee Dose Heat Sir (1) {ge Pus aser (Grae Pe Laser outer 1) Targeting Comper RaRERERESSSSS REEESssa 39 GLADIATOR CLANS [4 f tas 08 Wei an Selector Or retire ost ena er emer econ Rg Ses Reig hourean jana 120m sdcarers at caror? Fewer Pl 20x. ead Foro fue ° wn 2 7 Ertan 2310 Conetonw hase ‘ eon am tinge aia ged 8590 fronton’ enn Tieton hacen naymernagtone Mei oa eoniteamnuttgosactooyecstnrrsteres SNMASHE:S ca - iy in Sar Th se Snot Comey. ee Seteromerendwrscay mon wane roracrmacn MF 20m Tediatorn ome comta Te sun pia stsaie MMMM er : Sno Cn nee pana anmomity 2st fae ey eee eee ner at Me™, Cammarata: Ureawn Leta Feros ; ‘aarcuemaler sare ooh Mechwousbeststie To and Tae ‘own Figittey ump es ° {or the dueling warnors on Solar. roel en Let Leg 2dump Jets: o Capabilities: A etel ‘inary Weapons Contouration Next Can Hrs wo pet Gide 2 E—upment tax Wop me onan re Tomage cxaphoutinponsetbecace te comnresninpesar EPR as ee Setanioccheraspaisinatooyesg neon omen kt ? Toretededmasorswiceanmanten mgr ecm: yp, os ao a ‘uote Gaerne Saas wih ne oe OMG fnmoteay 6 Mt : onsen tea an ener mum me Eriaosuse a ‘ Sevier Te Goauore Scoehetansot iy C eunie a4 ‘ tarnicaryorines ands tonet ana cnee 4 Daitehaasncy RA 3 Sonesta npetomaretoesararesins 3 Men rn owiehe eto Ute lace net Sag tds kmonco 1 {nandoetee gp potancsnon tat ‘nt Amor ose m8 a ‘CSraarand aol ste und eter agen co Thatesyyotersaotieustersetneyorcon: yg : : Ate contguaton A ron temerdeipscingtatmistweraretinats A, rags a oF Uimrweiser 2 ‘ Sitemap yen etaiceactasewmevie, SOMITE ° tract = § Sonictsaen and Ut TOnaecronncreytone a eg corer es : Serie wor comate Pi too ¢m) i Donic) : "AY om eg re Gt as to ten LTO noe Ginnie ; somedonPorase Risin ssoscatwoshireasrens RAST a 4 fugit kt : Shuatotsictam Inevonamsatge angi poi tuoi Rk ‘ pene leratte ton coe tices por os timate kt i oad roe tanps es att ton, is Somierewsa® A 2 Cont a eh noo ee OE techw Ge men ‘enol elo am acter Kenowsyem i case mo a Deployment: The datos connor seven wih te Gest Sear nly. The ote Can eal he Sign as nave, ug ey yo apc on coe Woe a _AtrateContguaon 8 fe Ge fea ss oe Hoes 2 ere a 3 8 | Socio) MS H a Rowen mS as . { fniaedean 188 caqacse fo LV oe es Jt | Anermate Configuration © | cn woo4 os i Kmowme = MSS mes, GG oie oo Utra-20 AG mA 8 2 | \ eevee mts oe mote 7 ecm ee (e Aetna sare w+ 4s Sus cg moms = = ase a 3 a a Sonim gt eerie Meche me fanmeis ome foe San mt fake mt \ pare Sameue oY Sunes Socios ok DAISHI CLANS [2 Overview: tse estat pe Acton TiuphsaposetyreBat(oaesiyarintx a Sana eaten Se Roy ote bons Cones comral gepoun, be rane ewe 002. tat 1 Sepa no cheba oS Tne Sn pwn Cea t le shoulder mount augments te frepower, isthe bundles ot Maximum Speed: 54 koh Fight Torso 2 Engine lasers, autocannon, and other arm pod weapons that make the Sump ets: None roar igri ie Uechineterton nsx cogeon,ebues sa _mpconc Nave Luttowe — Peahe ‘problem with thes ‘Mach. Intligent pilots alternate the fring of AMBaF Standard eee - Serwconstteehataiseapaeens twas’ meme fered : ‘is, nevertheless, an assault ‘Mech in the purest sense, able to 50.5 tons of pod space mathe Uttam Li perio a oe ann lor man : {Snot yom: Uo Chie” omens 8 on ‘Soot Takin sawn ‘The main an6 by far most common, configuration of Sane iame teem tai os mca ts tpt cin cute consists of abundle of death, nametyan Ulira-S Autocannon,two ferme a : : age lasers, and twomedium pulse lasers. Seven doubie-strength | — ee = i: a Zanmalsweestoerae eae ee teres ae aon ne as ‘The mostcomman altemative design caries the huge Gauss, aaa : daly pode 7 : : nauacteomunonencts fami ieee 4 Sms miso oncie tcereetelt yy RM Sy mee Stabarer hie tet toupee my ‘00 oe moe controled, by the addition of sx double heat snk a : mt Tiebenadatoe Dasha wretaseray ont S20 a shovder estat of te mesie ancher. Tis box aparates HON a fo i : : Shure aati Asoo a ote sane — oe od feed tte sels stored the torso bow. The i a Pas 8 fee 7 at Gumus a 1 ’ Daratredumpabe ses ar apa oteneroea-ange aie 1 ad atonal a i : eee cet ue oe ee ozone a Sere tea % ON, Meter mE Mow ap meta he : a8 oe Deployment: aLam o hee gt gee ao 3 wtotmundtomeatnrghtencevestorsgngay eS : : ‘Highly dubious out persistent rumors incicate thatthe Draconis 4 Carte tr marge ae sl tw et sala Stow Mewes co an sch sa nahn 83 tier entrar a ieee vein foa tatwenw oben vse oF onl ‘tera Cantguaton A Dou ests (1) Gaus ie Ar (ass) 24 ase Steak SAM 6 Seok SM 6 fra Sea) 20 Doub ea Sk 9) ase Lae use Laser Lege ae Laser Large Pas Lae Double is Sik (1) snvaissle Sten frao At-issie) 72 Dole es Se) tase Dove Wet Sk) Ateroatconsorton B Ral aar ERPrC ERPRC Hear Pease esr Pl tance Ute ac U2 ac Ue 2a ‘anno (6) 99 case lerox ‘ano (96) 29 case BS ecep esas ecco 43 INNER SPHERE RESPONSE ‘The miltay stuton inthe Successor States has changed greatly inthe lst year, because of the Can Invasion and for ater reasons ay wel, Production nas Shown drama increases in quay and quantity, the ambined result of several converging factors. State, tates, andeplaymentnavechanged aswel Perapstie ‘mostrovbing changes the apparent nw ea of cooper tin among the stats ofthe Inner Sphere, which wars, against teams an efor of Our Blessed Ode, PRODUCTION ‘Tpelesons ofthe Fourth Sucesson Warandthe Wat of.999 gave the Sucoesso States good resontostep up ‘Mech production Inthe years of peace at flowed, the Great Houses profited tom the chance to egraup and set new preribes. House Kurta was especaly busy. The Draconis Combine eratdrand-new ns ound aysto strengthen its mitary wit) suppor fram te power Yakuza crime sydieates, nd eared out such ingenious ‘epaymets in the War of 3059 that took the mighty Federated Commonveat by suprse. (he Combines use ot Star League designs proves by Our lessee Order also played havae with House Davin and Steiner inen- tion of sly ating var what ty Delives was er ‘ously weakened fe Te Draconis Combine asalso been \workingon new BatleMech designs, swells making use of captured Davon ‘Mech facaries on Marduk and ‘ven “Te casign work ona Kuta version of he Steiner ‘Hatehetman has Been in progress fr years, a has the trasion from the Dragon tothe Grand Crago. Though Drogress on the Matcarman as been sow, the Gand ‘Dragon’ successes cern fist Two athe designs lof more recent vintage, the Wot Tapand the Mavi so ‘ow promise AS or te Combe ston uporadethe altered StarLeague Mechs they obtained rom Our Blsse6 ‘ede during he 3039 War, ROM agents have been nate to ascertain to wha extent they have been svcestl heather new designs fave sprung rom Banzai Weapon Design Corpany inte FederatCommonwenth ‘These projec 0, ware years in the plang. Designs suchas the Caesarand Axman were already wallunderway at th time tat he Successor States Depa suddenly to nick the secrets of Star Leapuetecnolgy. Work on ‘hese designs has paralled the merger of Stine: and Dvon forces into the army of te Federated Common- \weath, Joint panning hes given higher pint to certain esgns, namely the Atlas, Ctgpract, Commando, En- force, Hatchetman, JagerMech, Valkyrie, Vitor, ‘Wotthourd, and Zeus of hich the Federated Common ‘weal ators ae proccing in oer greater numbers The Free Words League, rately uouched by r= cantwarshasinreasedtsproduction scary Though ‘he "Mech forces of House Mark nave grown only mad- ‘sly, ter stats and mercanary uns depend inceas- ing o factories inte Free Worlds League or bah spare farts and replacement ‘Mechs. was te abiy to pur- ‘haseMechs rom te Fre Words League tated te Draconis Combine vastly swe numberof Mach rei rents without a comparable increase in SatteMech pr ‘duction. The Feerated Commanweath, too, was abe to mak up massive losses fom Ie Four Succession War andthe War of3038 party witMark’Mecs.TheF-ten ‘went an to rage he Salus of countess regiments > Regimental Combat Teams and simultaneously create sgzens of new FG Mech and armor reqiments, ure #taning ts ow production. The Capaln Confederation, cut in ha by the Fourth Suczesion War and wit ts tay nein, hada lst go many Mectfatoris hat is production was vitally sald Onc again, twas the Impressive production mus of the Free Worlds League that alowed ths shatered star empire to ebul, With Reguar House units consuming 0 much ofthe ‘Mech faclory production, many mercenary uns have turned tothe Mech factories of Periphery states, primaiy the Tauran Concord tutale the Outworss lace and ‘te Magistiacy of Canopus. Though hese producers were abitsiow in gearing up, they have sinceincreases produc- ‘ono meet his uranticigated groundswel of demand Las, the Gian iasion has given the powers ofthe Inner Sphere anew iets for inceasng production. In sunpreidentad ssl of cooperation the House Lords have ben working together meettethresttrom beyond the Perighery. Putting fears of industial espionage aside, the executes ofthe primary weapons producers have toured the faces of formery hostile realms to consult vt one another on steaming procedures, Paraps the bast sample was th it tor of he Drazonis Combine and te Federated Commanweath to hlp the Fee Rasal- Fague Repub et back ons feet. With he Wo lan pushing forward at arp pace in 060, te Rasahague Defense Minis sw ts ony Mach factory on New Oslo ect nthe ne of atack Urabe stop th Clans or event low ther pace the Rasslague Defense Ministry dsassembed the New Osio fact and ‘moved ils equipment tute ror te fon ies, othe lant of Sstaice. Though his prevered the capture of ‘aluablecoupment te Rasahagians lacked heesouros ‘and knowhow out the plant backinto operation quick. ‘Wane ul inthe igntingand te newatitude ot coopera- ‘ion, however, ecricians from the Fderted Common eaith nd Oracons Combine havehsped engineers om Gorton, Kingsley, and Thorpe Enterprises to Febuld hir ‘actor and even improve upon TECHNOLOGY “The deploymant of the Com Guard in the 30308 was the biggest change in Ine’ Sphre mit tchncogy since the allo the Str League ante exods of Genera ‘Alsand Kerensy, Though the House Lords sought 1 ‘apy aur Men designs and to sel thai sere, our ereptonal security procedures kept our tecnologia! edge even rom House Kurta, to whom we siplid some ‘tered versions of Com Guards ater, “Tough wecouldonce cam superior itary technol gy, wecannolenger.Theabity othe oer GrextHouses ‘copy some ofthe Sar League designs fo wich only we ad aoa at esi cause a re deplorable stato sas, The eeson of ou technological sopra so tuetoineftor of Hae Devon, ma eat penceand brimary enemy of Our Ose Westl dort know haw te Fareed Suns was ale fo ccument our ltrdeton ‘tae during the Fourth Succession War, bt we suspect some mysterious (Cough suey infor) system pec 45 —_—_———— formed te sence of our HyparPuise Generators, ROM pens have sil been unable pinpoint his technology, but some indents ear indate an aerate form of inestalar communication, The oer source of eco. gy continuing reeareh atthe Now Avalon ist of Spence, anther tol of Hanse Davin. MAIS esearchors prodved the faved myomer tat gave House Lao its timarrasing defeat on ln. Research the sucesstul practi appeaton of ts improved ‘Mech muscle con YiuesstNew Avalon Sian, ndprobably severe Though working mode! tas appeare, these researches have ‘made some progres i using new compounds. Davonisnotchiresporsiblefor the nner Sphere's _mainadvancisintechology. however. Tatdubioushonor goesto Colonel Grayson eat Carisle whose Gray Death Legion ecovereda Sar League computermemory core on the planet Helm jst ays before te str ofthe Fourth Succession War Despite etzrainary ers by Primus “ula Tiepoloana Primus Mynd Watery, Colonel Carle has made good on his announce intention to spread the Seorets of is library core throughout te Inner Sphere. Trough thas taken wo decades fr sles o unde stand and apy ths technology. "Meets with entances ‘apabitiestave begun to appear throughout he Succes Sor Stats. nth mis ofthe Fourth Succession War, te tte Com Guards unt Blake's Vision Il-sigma posed 2s's Death Commandosinstagearad onthe New ‘aan Institue of Science and destroy the rary core Had ths ald bean svoesstu, we would fave flowed ‘trough wt coningeney plans to destroy ther cones bong sues by ote Houses not far long in hie research ‘Aer out fue to destroy the Gray Death memory a the NAS soul but surely coninued o decode the technolagy Bt by Bk starting withthe development of 2 ‘eat exchanger wth wie the capac ofa normal est ‘stk Though no as elec asthe design useé on Cian "Mechs, these Frezers 35 they wee tapped, soon gained widespread use, Research at NAS continued ata emia pace, Dut scientists nthe Draconis Combine werent fa ening im making paral eiscoaris Lacking enough osu faba 1 take Tl advantage of har suc- cesses the Kurta shared the soca wih tha aly the Foe Words League, in exchange for production fom Mark fois, Th station sted abou four yas, wh the Fever sted Commonweath, Draconis Combine and Free Worlds League tantcay upgrading od designs and retooing factories fst th engineers could move. Then ame learance for orton, Kingsley, and Thorpe Energies, ‘arent compary of Astin Weapon anda major weapons rouoer rte Draconis Combine, to sare some of ts {Technology wih he Free Rasagut Fepuble’sNew Oslo ‘Mach factory. The spread of intrmaton to Hie inter. pantary in Te Ses Compact lt only the Capen onteeraton ae the Periphery stats out nthe colt. Fortuna for House Lite, the Cpalans Rad some thingto 268. Capea sins Rad continued research fan the boody-rapped omer and nad achieved ited ficess In idettyng anoter compound wih te same ‘alualeproperies ut not the same uneabiy 304, House Lio trad its knowledge of th improved myome {or House Mark's halp in esuming ‘Mech production and Incorporating he technology hat had lead reacted te resto the ler Sphere. Though si eistag in rately small umbes improves. Mech designs are emerging from factories ‘troughout te Successor States, including even Rasa agus new atory on Satie. Cert weapons factories have achieved such high levels of production tht the assely pans, sil in he prooess of retooling, cannot Use ene outpt Such surplus advanced ses and er weapons are bein sued To unt as felé modi ‘ion ts and retrofit onto older Mech designs. Though the technology canot equal te Str League's pecion ‘manufctring tchiques, the raw inner Sphere "Mechs ten possess exellent design concep, sametimespro- fucing& weapons mix that super thecxigal Star ‘League design even thovg he equipment doesnt quite meet eran Hegemony standards. ‘These "Maohs were not aval in ine to mest he inital Can invasion, but tat offensive has provided a Dower cad forthe Successor Sates to teep thir "oderization plans in igh gear. These improved Inner Sphere’ Mechs resting match for those ofthe Cans, bt ‘ey cefintey give the Successor States new and beter ‘ds The invasion also appears tohave gente Succes- Sor States tervals nya ew years apo reason ose aside hei ferences and work topetier against com- ‘mon oe Precentor Martial Arastasis Foch’ mission othe Clans opened up new areas of posse infuece, but that carat offset he Cam Guta lssof tecnologia supe ‘oy. nthe post Succession Ware, Primus Waters \ellaé plans made GomStar and te Com Guards ac mired, appreciated, and yet feared In every ream. Our ‘Order's good deeds and rmireseeeopenadthe doo ‘number of new staepe Tor Increased powor and infuene, The Com Guar re til powerful, Dut we Rave lost ou margin of technological superiority And our very ‘omnpresance has Become a ably wth he cisetsal of ‘out mary ovr so many words. “he Com Guards aar-lnvtvement in the Inner Sohere's war against he Clans has made the Successor Sates agua eupicious of or order. ComSars aterpis to'help the people within the Clans teitory has been ‘isunderstoodty the Los ofthe Great Houses, who have become mare guarded tan ever in thir Geaings with Comstar On most wos, garisonunts kep 3 cose vatehonthe Com Guards detenmens protecting he HP Statens. ‘STRATEGY The appearance af anew enemy has provided the impetus orlner phere strategis to reevalsteod ways of figting war. Using inferior equipment as forced the (enaas fo come up wit ateratves to standard power ‘acts, In the fist wave ofthe Clan invasion, the range advantage of thet Mechs preserted the gravest problem the Inver Sphere aries ha face, ana it remains te focus of te Suoessr Stats ateaie tacts, Though reduced to fghing from the midst of sanésorms ard Paging in swamps cape wit lth troops of the ner Spherehave bee abe to andthe Clans thas defeats INNER SPHERE RESPONSE a With the obvious colusion among the faders ev enced bythe “sere” summit meting on Outach to wich ou ade were not nite ti expected that te Successor Stats wilthave new surprises wating forthe Clans renewal a ter fens. DEPLOYMENT Evenwhietheinvasin yasstiprogesing atti the Fecerated Commonweath located great numbers of JumpShip ana DropShips to masin oops on Suet, ‘eaoy to respond to new tacks or make counters Into Clan tarry. Besies te four regiment hat mage the successful stk on Twyeoss, the tre regents of ‘he mercenary Erdani Light Mors and a dozen Federated Commanneath regiments gathered onSudeten. They were ‘heFourtnand Eth Deeb ght aay. he Tid Royal Guard, te Seventeenth and TwenbetyArturan Guard, the Tenth, Eevenh Wntoen and Thirty Second Lean Guards, and the Eleventh nd Tw - Repent, ond the Fst Kati Unans, ‘Te Draconis Combine als stripped the Siye-Dieron bord, even lating information abou fs weakened region ta show Hous Kurta s concern abut he avance of the Clans, Davion responded in ind by redepioying hs ‘wn border foresto beter meettetveatt eC bt halo cavered his underbely somewhat y moving abot ten repens, mat mercenaries tram Crus Macho Sige March, The OCMS uns are more cut to tack because nether Our Ordernorany other sistas been ate toginpoitGombietroo tenth since before the War of 389, and now the Karl ha dspene the deception by renaming unis tek th Clans Resticbon onthe Com Gvards' movements have preveteé ROM agents rom baring beter tlignoe ‘Cooperation smang the Svcassr States has probe ‘by made ter roaledge of fe Clans almost as good 36 our own. They have caany shard infomation about words ost, equipment, oop strength, and step. Our inside tarmaton about customs, clan iy, and pos stle motvationss probably ou ony edge over the House Les | 0 ANNA FLEA aad 50. 0 Vv E R v | E Ww Ferme rare inte Inver Sphere, the Fea has been appearing in increasing numbers in the lst decade, ‘most in te mercenary Wal's Dragons repens, which have een ruling ever since the devastation of theFourh Succession War anaiay now exceed thor stength, Te Faas say more common among the Dragoons than in ther uns, and now Earthwerks Incorporated appears to te producing a version Incorporating recovered tchclogy,partaps under exclusive contrat ote Dragcons “This model aks advantage of ger Endo Stel o replace the Flz's medum lasers with more potet rmetum pulse lasers. acause tne Dragoons us the Fe far more ofen ns reonnaieance roe than in an antipersonnel rol, arthwers dropped te pao Spat Browning Machin Guns, placing tem with Myorer ‘Accaeaor Signal Cat. Though angers to use, the MASCtectnology Is sometimes the ny way othe Fea o escape abd sation because acs the seed and jumping abiy of many othr ight Mechs. "would seem thatthe Carers pln on Ascunoon and Sema wilson complete er production ran forthe Dragoons. is unknown whether Eahwerks wil produce te Mech fr general sale or wil case ‘roduction a the mode. HORNET 0 Vv E R Vv | E Ww -Adasgn nats ong bean out aer, the Horetwas one ofthe fist Mechs to se rezoveres technology inthehopeotimpeavng ts perfomance. Te work was daneat ehigh-secury Kalo factory onthe plane Talon Inthe Wernke system. The HNT-171 made shown has appeared i ited numbers in F- unis, most in he Sarna March This is apparent afl test, Wolfs Dragoon, which always deployed the Hamer in grater ‘umberstan did HouseDavion may beusinga diferent med, ut Our lessod Orr astesnunabatocanim that ‘The Federated Commonwealth version fax more tect tan be ot HNT-15 Mncorporates the ght Endo Ste construction, combined wih Far-bous armor anéCalUlar Aramuniton Sora Equipment. THe 171 made cares ala ion Tess armor than he 151 ut has vty he same amount of extemal protection and ‘gniicanty more protection against an ammunition exposion. Tha Mane Point tense Ant-Misse Sytem gives the Hometbeter defenee against enemy misies a ‘ecostotanineflecvesmallaser.remanstabe seen, however whaler thaimproves Hore provemeore ‘valuable on he bates LocusT 0 Vv E R Vv I E Ww ‘The Locusts one of the most canon Mechs inthe Inver Sphere, being pracuced in vrous versions in ‘east eight factories. A model hat has stived he most exitement the ane nearing fl producton on the Planets Stevatant GhsonintheFreeWors League This modelmakesuseofbethEnda See and Ferro Abrous ‘mor. These ofr vitualy the ame protection for les tonnage, alewing the LOTM modelo ica the unloved prof mache guns in favor ofthe Vookers Parasol Am Mss Sytem ad our smal acer, “Tne LCT mol produces by Defanoendusives at Fula exempis a een approach cates CauarAmmuniton Storage Equipment o pote gansta intemal explsion alwing nat ony 2 full of ists, but also incorporating an ammo efit Coventy TAH Shart-Range Steak Misie Rack, The costs the at-mse systema sal ase, anda ton of armor, making he LCT-38 more vuneabe especialy nthe legs, ned, and tant rs, ‘chara Bateechs of New Avalon produces the unusual LCT-3D made, wich has any two Magn Longbow LAM Launchers as amamant. ters hala ton ess armor ha the Fe Woks League model Dut iis StarGuardFerro-Fibous. Because a scout ‘Mech sso vlperale tse ranges, tis varlant emphasing long-‘ange misies may prove ust, ring its weapons ad leg Delors the enemy ca respon, ‘Aso of notes the factory ret in pogress a th prtiady rebut Bergan Indust plant on Avs, nthe Capelan Confederation. Te Capetans, obsessed wih the tple-steagh myomer Ma Hane Daven used 80 successful o ck hem uring the Fourth Sueesion War, havebren experimenting keep the myamastrom bursting it ame upon contact wih acatalyst. Theugh esting has ben unsuecestl ofa, th Capstans are producing tos numberof LCT-V Locust wih te stilvinerblemyomer for engineerin stds. Stllin wid setroughout the iner Sphere and Parighery ite venerable LOT-1V Locus I produced tseealine Sphare actors andatAliareeDefrder tad on Alpert nthe OutworisAlianc, Majesty ‘Matas an Manufacturing on CanopisiVinthe Magstacy of Canopus, and Taurus Terai dusts Tauris) and Pinar Protectorate Limited (Mac's ag) inthe Tauran Concordat i p fe rE i BRSESESOR wo oe = £ 56 MERCURY 0 Vv E R Vv | . WwW The Mercury have been the most imprtant Mach ofthe Star League ea but body knew unt tee centuries ater tas uve in 2742, anda remainedin tenner Sphere ata General lksand Kerenshy's rads. is significance its modular design the value of which was lest on the Suceessr Sats Sutra on he hers ofkerensky. This Mech was the ovous inspiration or the Ommiehs trong te nar Saher tod. Using abasic structure, powerplant, nd man torso, the Mech can supper many combinations of kn weapon systems and otter equipment. The most aus advantage of tis construction hey. ake at ‘mantnanceandrepa. Recovery rom bate damage sa simple mater. Ofaimastequalimporancets we ably tovany the Mechs weapomy ms, lalringitfor a specie sion ac keeping the enemy guessing about te ‘Mercury bites. “Tough notnsorvce wih he Sucesso States merenais, he Mercury common nthe Com Guards, socially with The Grace of Thought Vx ana Straight Wor V-epsien raving mat aconaisance ane Imligence missions, thse ‘Mechs die from the usual Equipment Pakage 99 vary of Mercury seen most oftnin he Star League Regular Arm. The Com Guards’ MecuryMGY 97 cares the Beagle Pobeler enhances etecton and MyorerAcclrater Signal Circuitry or fst getaways. ging Up amudmlaser anc smal ast to make room, Thaugh a weakling fier ths model 3 pra ecoanisnnes Mech, STINGER 58. 0 Vv E R Vv I E Ww Though not widely produced ste Locusta Was, the Stingers ery common everywhere excapt the Draconis Combine and Free Rasalhague Republic. AS workhorse Mech that easy anche to produce, {he Stinger stil emerges in ret numbers ram a umber of actors. The ages producer has aways been Earthwers in, producing te Mech at botn Keystone and Calloway V ‘The Taian Concordat has overtaken second place tom Lyra factories in reoent years by erasing ‘roduton at Pad Protectors Lined at MaLeod's Land and Vanéenberg Machaniod Indust at New Vandenberg and iishin. The Lyrans’ Coventry Meta Werks on Coverity keeps production ine working, Dt atalowerratathanprevoush toemptasizecther Mechs, rimatly the Commando. Teather ators producing large numbers of Sngrsare Majesty Metalsand Manufacturing at Canopus Vin he Magistay af Canopus and ‘Allanca Detnders itd at Alperatin he Outwors lance Of hese factors, onl the Eathwerks lant inthe Fee Wolds League plan oinearporte Star League tectnology ano the Stinger. Those pants wil ap the two machine gursin favor of Flame Tech Pmer and nab Shotgun An Mise Syster, Endo Stel construction willow the Stine” STG 5M tocar alton more armor, beefing up the rot torso and head WASP (ke) 0 Vv E R Vv I E Ww iththousands of Waspsin service andor than 10 new ones marching ofthe assembly Snes very yar, this Mechs one ofthe most common nthe ner Sphere and Parigery. The use of ecovered technology can ‘ony prolong te serie oth din. Fos ors League actos atcaut oramathalottenew Wasps evry yea, andthe pans on Shir I and Kaa arein he most of air retain produce the WSP-3M ‘model: Employing Endo Steel and Faro-brous armor for ighnass, th Mech wl wade is meu set fora ‘more potent matin pulse laser. Even wth he stronger armor, reducing its oval armor weight by Ral aon ‘makes he Waspa bt more aneabie but Catia Ammunition Storage Eupmentfor he missle reloads mre than fet that weakrss Deflange Industries Furl produoes the model hat wlbecome stndainthe Federated Commonwealth, ‘model hatha started apear nthe naw Cun, Though carrying mum pul ase ke the WSP-OM, ‘he WSP-1S ages he missle aurener fortwo Osfance 63S Small Lasts anda Zippo Flame, This eliminates ‘he now for CASE. allowing the Steiner version to cart ala on more arer. "Yetanoter modeusteacing reductions the WSP-3W caring cut te Acherar BatleMecks factory ‘one Avalon unger aconvact om W's Dragoons, This unusual design ck the Endo Stef he WSP-3M, ‘oes rot need CASE, and careas only wo ton fama. wespors cant fo Sut Pretian Lite Small Pulse Laser inthe ight rm aa four CisComp 32 Smal Laer, two each the et gad le so, Fourfactonisin the Periphery continue to produce the WSE-1A,Tauan Teor Indust Tau) nd Pinar Protetratas inte (Paratin) inthe Tauran Concordat Majesty Metlsand Manufeturingat Canopus IVinthe Magistacy of Canopus, and Allance Defenders Lites at Alphraz ne Outwors Aance 60. COMMANDO 0 Vv E R Vv I E Ww ‘The Commando an the Valyrinae have been designated asthe standard ight Mechs of the Federated Commonmeatn orth second al ofthe 31st century. Theuph production a ater sgn contoues, these bo light Mechs are execs to appear in eer greater numbers. Bening raducon a Coventry Metal Works on Coverity, the COM-SS Commando is 2 mode of eficeny. utes Foundation Uivalght Endo Stel and Lexington High Grade Farro-Fbrous armor fo devote more of sass to weapons and eter systems. Though ‘ating on thee tons of army, thefact atts Fro-Fbrous andthe asaton of Cellar Ammunition lorage Equipment otset is weakness. Thenew Commandos greatest efcienc is tstwo missle systomsltsubstutes 3 Covent Si ackat ‘Shor-Range Misi forthe ancient Shannon Sx Shooter, anit combines the SAME with an tes IV fie onl stam toimproveatcuray. aso replaces the Covent 4Tube Misi ystam ith renew Covey ‘4H Shor-Range Streak Misi. Though only Gua ack, the TAH great increases ammo efcency By itnoting fe un he ageing sytem actives a Tock Lacking Star League tectnology, Vandenberg Wchaned Indust continues to produce the older design ‘COM-20 Commando ats factory on usin ste Tauran Concordat FALCON Ue g 0 Vv E R Vv I E Ww Ra outs the merconry Woi's Dragons reqiments, the Falcon has nat been reduced in the Inna Sphere since a Mark raid destoyed the Falcon wing of 2 Battech factory on Hesperus during th Fst ‘Suozssion War. Te number of Fleas cropped steady during the centuris a war, ard hose st nthe ld ‘ame a look more and more oor because of te ako pare pats. Tenn 305, Wo’ Dragoons arrived into Ine Sphere wit acorn mint conon. “The mercenaries have been abe oFep the Flconsin good repair, apparently wth thar own stockpile ot ‘pare parts, but no raw Falcons arive to roplace lst ones. Though there ae rumors of nw mocelin the Dragean ans, ts moreikely fat Coonel aime Wol'sreimenare sing recover techneogy to Upgrade ‘hose already in serve. “Theme coal reports inate thatthe Dragoons are replacing the old SunGlow Type Meium Laser wih ‘Magra 400P Mesum Pulse Laser, a ecovered technology weapon general avalaberoughou te Inne Sphere, Tie model epartedy alto replaces the two machine gun witha SureFie 444 An Mise Syste, other neu weapon aatabe over te courier o anyone wih enough Cis FIREFLY 66. 0 Vv E R Vv I E Ww ‘The Frey, extn xcept in the sevice of Wo’ Dragoons, has repestedy proven is muscle against other reconnaissance Mets, mast ecely inte Fourth Succession War. Thid-hand ears lees up by ath arm FROM apart in the St ws Compact inate tat he Dragoons are planing field modi eaons to improve the ‘ret’speronmance trier. Adept Sara Norman eprtes to Unclutered Spech N-sigms headquarters at eg that she tad batinded the fenae companion ofa Kel Hounds mercanary based on Amberg. “is lose-ipped Meche boasted chain rained wih Wot Dragoons on Outreach, Toimpress his ‘lhe deserted naw models of alder Meche and Feld modizations to ater. This Blech groupe was Iigy knowledgeable and duly impressed, an se exctedly passed on her ‘secrets fo her Dest rend, Sarena Noeman. Tough his the ony source fr this nfrmaton,fhas a igh aenood ot ah Thal variation reported romovesthe Frey tou smaller, repacing them ih a SureFre 444 Ani- Missie System. Tis ges the Arey beter protection, as does «second modi, again Celie -Ammunton Storage Eaupmento protcthe missle rloadsandammunitonorthe Sure 444 Thesrucral changes equa t add CASE a Feld macton cast doubt on the truth of his reper, onthe ther han, ‘he ineligence on ths equpmant correct, he Dragoons may have afactory to produc tha Frey HERMES RL 0 Vv E R v I E Ww When ian ateMechs Unimite shite to production the Harmes iin he late 28thcetury, the orga Heemesbecames dead desig, exstngndluepin ony. was stilagoodlght Mech design, but rian nolonger had the ay to eau withthe spected Enco Ste itral structure and Fero-trous arma. With the nookng of many Str League ecological aces te Hermes has once agen became a feasible design. eats gorsinsid ian atleMecns aime repr hat he Hermes as Dog ary ied podution asaspecity Mech. Thre separate models havecome of eli al ispesing with efamerandincorprated "Myomer Actaleratar Sina Cveuty. A vee se askspetic Meche employing the MAS ystem 2830 emergency measure fo get out of Rae's way. ‘Thema conmon a the tha cares the Beagle Probe to enhances econaissance capable. Ainge Hermes equipped woul be assign oa tation. The ster bro modes Would more kal be aetign 0 8 regimental headquarters un. The fst caties Guardian Electron Courter Measures egupmert, us 0 ‘Screen the poston heheadquarts. Te other ates target acquisition gear to spot for Mechs and vies equipped win the aitey-range Arow IV mii system. Fe Mech unis employ tis weapon and so the Hermes aint equipped ith TAG expect Tobe ae oO Vv E R Vv | E Ww “Though Davion its plo the avn, tis ‘Mach hasbeen rarein ote aries since Stan Amari Rim Wort tops Sestrayed the Stranger AsserbBes tor on Caphin2778, Davon commanders ave avays Fl the Javetinn igh regard epioyng tin much greater numbers han th oer states and preserving hem ‘rough he centuries of Sucoesson Was With any Javesshiinsrice avon ffersareexpectatomaketeld modiatonstokeepthe Mechs abveastotrecoveretectnclogy. Though necanfimaton has been posse onevaration hasbeen reported The Fetrated Commeanweat’ssereweness about madcaons fo te Jevei ae consent with the Mechs reputation or eg sey. “The ncatimee reprint that commanders are replacing he ors SRM rack wh twa SAM: 2 launenes, presumably te Hove Streak For 2 smal saci in repower, this change would make the “vin appreciably moréefiet in using ammunition, etancingis bio ty onthe ated. By Keeping ‘ane oth SANE-6 racks the sneaky Javelin coud conse an enemy about Whee he was acing an original ot 2 radia version of the Mech SPIDER 0 Vv E R Vv i E Ww "Nakach Fusion Products ithe sae producer ofthe Spider at 16 year, has bogun plans fo upgrade the'Mech wit tar League tecnoogy The Fre Words League the primary customer for Nimakachstimited productn ofthe Mec, tut has nested no iteton of easing the number of Spiers in is sevice. AS it ‘ould be economy fr theft etal simply fo produce 16 orso Mechs pr yas he that on ‘mor other Houses or mercenary tands have place orers with Nimatah forth upgraded versio. “Tenew SOR-7M Spiers scheduled to employ oth Eno Stel tera suture and Ferro-brusarmor ‘This wouldprovide comparable protection wit lss weight, allowing Ninakach to relae tet mediumlasers thn Tana XI Miu Pls aes. ortheprceofs miorlssinprotectn, ne Spider great improve its trepower. ‘Asa Mech with excelent sped, xclentjumpingbity,andimrovedrepower, the SOR-TM Spidewould have moe ses an, tus, mote appeal al armies, House Mark's good rlaons wih House Kutta and the Draconis Combines eave snorape af factaris for Hght Mechs mak I key tat Gunpno Kani Theodore Kurtis the mating fore etna the new design, URBANMECH Re 74 0 Vv E R Vv | E Ww “hough panera disdineé and consigned to arian dy the Urbane in bers to large for ‘ne design to bo abandoned. The Capalan Confederation, especialy, woul find is amy seiously weakened it Itallowed Is Uranbecs tobe further outclassed by the advancing ecology of ts neighbors, Though the Capea el tha highest percentage of Urbane, te design's common throughout Be ier Sphere. Dien moctatons are being adn aiferent realms, but none can reso the Urbantects bagest ‘tency steko speed, Thoughe technology to addanXL cas engras general avalabe. heestraraom itregres makes al tt impossible, Consequnty, the modieatons consist of various combinations oftinering wth the weapon systems, “ie oc Capel eld modieation kt seems to offer the most abvantges. Replacing the Imperator Autocanon withthe Mysron Excel L810-X nnances te ‘Mechs range and acurcy, bees reducing the ‘weigh enaughtoaiow cine emancement, Tsk aso alows a Magn 200? Smal Pulse aero Demounted inthe Mechs chest, 0 Vv E R Vv | E WwW ‘The Valea symbol he future fhe Inner Sphereas was the formaton of ha Federated Common- wath ned the VLK-OD owe it origin ttt allan, Ont calleiges at acd Sten and Daion ‘tary planners was haw oie te dsparae Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth unis sense of unity, ‘Adopting common strategy and isin was para ths eft, Reding the vary andiceasing the quay of equpment is note “TheVLK-O0 Vays one he success stories ol thisetor. Thoughthe Vayrehsswaysbeen common lndavan uns, twa ls avaible other Suecessor States. Wit the decoding fhe Star League's mysteries, Corea nterpises New Avalon quick seabouteppyingthe breakthroughs tothe company smestsuceesstu design The resuthas proven so succestl i el als tat th Viyrie was selected sone the Federated Commonweal’ standard ght Maen, witha hug inrease in production orered. Employing Endo tel infernal structure an Feto-Flvous armor has smuttaneously reduces weight an ‘ncrease protection. The GelsarAnmunion Storage Equipment eaances protection ue, andthe leftover ‘right cterence allowed Crean to prove bat weapon sysions. A uel Precision Lie Meum Pulse Laser incteasestneirepower verte old Sutl Kose, andthe add ton tan Artemis fe-contol sytem nereases ‘he aceuacy othe lng ange misses. “Tha oly setack or the ne cesig occured belreits panei. The Draconis Combines capture of Marduk ‘uring the Fourth Sucession War depres Corean of is source for Vali jump jes. Nore Indust. Prodton aged for years as designers ed ane modeler another, with els vay les than sstactony. The stengtheng of es between he Federated Commonweth and Ses Compact roid the solution fo te problem Under pressure to tade with Compact rms, Crean Wied te Hilo Medel 12 jump jt and found that wore wll with he Vay’ other systems. FIRESTARTER 0 Vv E R Vv | E Ww A secily Mech not designed for rotsine sence, the Fresartr might have seemed 3 lu prionty candidate to rctive acovere ecalogy. Thus were als of Ie net Spite surpnsee when Federated ‘Commarweatn mila laners ordeal forthe proteype F585 on Thar in 3089 Coverity Metal Works, which hasbeen producing a fe Frestates each yea or decades, equipped the ‘Mech with Endo Stel, ihlering the structure enoug for oer weapons or equpment. A Surf 444 Ant Mss System replaced one ofthe two machine guns for aed delense nda smal asr reac he oer ‘mathine gun “The Festa norma deployment tno marettan on toa baton headquartesor regimental headquar tars made ian ect canal to ery species entone gf. The estar tat stated Is Su at Thar in 3049 caved the sophisticated Cyclops Beagle Probe for locating canceled enemy positions. Given the wisdom of such an equipment change ts key ta oter Frets wil aso be equipped wit eter re Beagle Probe or Guardian Becton Courter sasures equipment aie Uh St Erin pee tee Name Spent 37 205 Cac ts 4 Des Ops Type 0 Sa Laer Sheela annie ton Mande Coy ne "ean ay Coy onmonestne yim Coep ¢ Tarim ad Tacky Sym cop Beh eso Pe ‘pe FSS Fran Bet ae ' = : on ; oe A =— = fe : ie | fection = a = ie =f 6 | mam, § | meee Gf ie ok 79 JENNER 80. 0 Vv E R Vv | E WwW ‘log wth the Panter the Jnnerha ong been a antn ight Mech inthe Oracons Combine Mustrod Solin The Jemerts proven vst ay les, can detest rostotaright Mechs na one-on-one oat anti st and manevirabe enough erorm he tratonal szovting and screening dues of alight Mech Win preductoninhighgearattha then mor Works, some among Ou Blessed Order expected House Kurta to kaa the design a it was. ‘During the Werf 309, however, seealincdents provided reasontoctange the esgn Atleast sixties ring he war, lghty damage Jenner lew ise to pices when the mis rlads detonated tom a resk ‘enemy sho, The avai of Sar League technology has proved a slution tots poten, Empoying loner New Samsekand Royal Ferrous armor to actave almost the same degree of protection wit anata less woh, Luthien Armor Works engnets ited height torso with Cellar Ammu- ‘ion Storage Eauipment fo mite he et fan anvmo explosion. Though his model has onl just begun to se serve, appears hat Kuta planers have enhanced an excelent design wih it las f produto, OSTSCOUT Re 82. 0 Vv E R Vv | E WwW Longin te paradoxical status of being a weak op and yet a treasure the Ostscout continuts to serve cross Ine: Spec, Te Ostscout wit woul weak weaponry Ras avr sen services atin Mach ‘What gives the Mech vale ar ts gent advantages asa scout. Manewerabe peed, and ale jump 240 ‘mets, his sign can report enemy postions and scoot away tte say of end tines “Treasured fo ts scouting prowess an excelent communications gat but fo weak fo fae combat, the stscouthasbeen an orphan sincethe estucton ofthe Kongintestelractory on Connaughtinthe ay stapes ofthe Succession ars Fr cette, the Successor Stateshavehoarded ther Ostcous,savngthemf" special ‘ith noun wing ose its Ostscout it bat, several have akon atvartage of the Mechs excelent ‘ommuniatnsequipmentby reouing the cium ern favor of Garret Mole Target Roqustion Gear, Such moi Ostscoutcan ed a securetiting pace and repo enemy postion to trey vehicles that cary he potent Azow 1 riley misses. Though hs Ostcout ls deans comers, the ‘Mechs speed and mz ewverabity make it tet op. PANTHER Re) Me [24 SSF 0 Vv E R Vv | E Ww Produced only by Alstan Weapons and its parent company, Gorton, Kings, and Thorpe Enterprises, the ‘anthrnas been te preeminent ghtMech far House Kuta thoughout he Succession Wars, With the New Oslo factor fang sige he Free Rasahnaque Repub, the Panthers played an impart atin te ne KungsAimd special te Husar regimens “Tenyears ago, the Panter was produced on wo planes, New Ol and sae, bth of which have allen o the Clans. With the New Oslo pant csassembled an he Jaret one gutted belo the fos tothe Clans, the production of Panthers has dropped dramatcaly ‘Ahan Vleapons already fad pls fo Ould anther tactry on Krenice, but the Clan ivaion telescoped ‘hose pans. Sill ot of production because ol hlae of are, Panne incorporatng recovered ecology are ‘expected to bepn marching of then at Krencesomatine wth tenet yor ‘Theavalaity of tr League technology has give Gorton, Kingsley and Thorpe the chance to make a ood thing beter tts rebui factory on Sata. Though te Panta was rad wel-atmedand-arores, GKST i lanng to mprove both weapon systems ad obo up the Mec Geenses sles. The use of Endo Sta Ineral tute saves enough weight alow the other changes ‘The excallet Lord's Light Price Bam Weapon is rplated bythe second. generation, extended-ange ors Light. Firs haveshownn problems mththenew system ThecelableCa yes Stargetn sistem hasbeen merged withthe Artemis IV re-contol system, great improving he acurayof he Tls& Shot ange Misses. Though te Panthers we armored ora ight Mech, an occasional cyst could detonate ‘ness rloas, making is model pric canal for Cellar Arun Storage Eaupment. Panthers with such equipment re jst begining to reach te mos presbious Un, RAVEN 0 Vv E R Vv I E Ww ‘Two decases ago, te ven was a House Liao eparimental attempt produce Mach that could provide bata or regiment wih sophistcated elecraric-warlare capabaes. The equipment wos nota compete ‘suocess, oth bacause twas to heavy ae because it was nat sophisticated enough our th tide of Dale Recover echnology has changdal at. Produced on by Hellespont Indus an Sian. the Ravens sting ‘of the assembly ine brstng wh the most advanced eletraic ever een inthe Inet Sphere Thekeytomakingital wortaretheghter materalsané eupmentnowavatable The Hermes 210XL engine saved enough massio equip he Raven ith even more electri gear tan planned in 3025. Te Guardian Hee role Courte-Measures help shied the Raven andthe st ofits unt rom enemy sensors. The Beagle robe, wich meses especialy wal ith te Apple Church 200 targeting system locates een biden enemy unis Onceltlocates te enemy, the avencanombarGhimtorubbleintwo ways. The tage aquston er, Rocked irc othe Beane Probe. spotsthe ener acurtal for nen etromtbeArow Warbler missle Besdes ths, he Apple Churchill Guding Light Nar Beacon provides aagetfor diet ire mii, rm he avenand from te rest os unit ‘Theeconomyat weight slows Helespontindustries to maketh Ravendeter protected sk well Anadis! att of armor protects ihe on torso and atm, an Collar Anmuniton Storage aupment shields the mis- Sl loa aganst anneal xpeion, WOLFHOUND 0 Vv E R Vv I E Ww ‘Both he Kel Hounds and Wots Dragoons have hae gest suecess wth te Wolfound Though reduced by one ot the mestrespcted Batleech factors in Steiner spac, bis sgn wasnotaprovedor vey Lyran or Davin untl afer he Fourth Succession War. twas amostas the we mercenary uns weredong eld tess for atin Steiner the Four Succession War wasa st forthe Mech te Wolfhound passed wth ying coos, defeating Kurta Paterson numerous ecason, ‘The Feerated Cmmonwest a since reacted wih enthusiasm, orcering major increases in production, The Tarka factory has, however, slowed inte lat si months tallow retooling to the Wolnound wth «covered technology Toughitreains he Deince BGM Meclum Lasers 4 yelp Xl Extended Range Lage ase replaces the Setanta avy Laser. Perhaps the most significant change inthe nw WLF-2 model's te use of double hea sinks. Though most light "Mects have lit problem with heat te Wothaurds aiane on ser weapons made mare wuneabi than most. Star League tecmology provided ne answein double het sks, wich he Wolfcunal thelghest "Mech employ ASSASSIN 92 Oo Vv E R Vv | E Ww ‘Neer produced in reat umbers, te Assassin as become een more scarce ioe the Fourth Sueession Wer. The centre of wear and ter nave not Relped the Mect's erormance. Though he Assasin has some ‘usign advantages, he MectWarric isi are ote avery cautious because ofthe lack of spre pas. “ToHoly Short Range Mss Rack, whoseloading mechanismad tendency jam cestedan even more serious problem and became even more save wi tie. Rater than wie off he Assassin ently, Nowe ‘may unis ae using Star League ecology tog the Mech a sight diferent ole “Tetalky SAM rackis normaly removed to make oom for oe weapons or equipment Acommon mod fcatons to upgrade the medium set a pulse se, normally the ead aval Magna 400P. In adlton, these Mechs mount Artemis Vre-conol sytem enhance te vale ofthe Hoty longangemissias. So cited, he Assasins once agin an asset on some missions. ese 00 ‘re a0 Fewer VO 200 ema or or en Pune ase 1a Len ange alec Monee aes Coen may a umm Spe ae 15 8 ‘Sarena Stn et SS wt Ata Vata =. = wae : = : oe i ce eet RS 1 ae KI 93, CICADA 94 0 Vv E R Vv I E Ww ‘TheFree Wolds League ony prosucer oe Giada since ha fl ofthe Star League, has pve this design increasing ririy in recent yeas. Te aaa of ecovere tecnalogy expected continue en, for ‘neligence obtained by Our Besse rae nccates thatthe Cicada benefit more han most Mechs, Pans 0. tained by Adept XV-tho Kael Taowsz on Gibson shaw at Mark planners nave been able to keep te Cia s ‘biggest ssl, sped, eliminate the Cicada’ bgest headache, heat, and upgrade ts weapony and protection esices. The incorporation of doute hat sinks wl vicualy eliminate the Cas problems wi eat bulup In stallion of me eiabi Hermes 30 XL wilsigieaty reduce to weigh, alawng more and heave weapons Plans calf replacing the Magra 200 Smal Laser with the new Magna 200° Small Pulse Laser and adsing an Imperator Uta Autacznnon These changes would make the Cicada far more power foe, The addon ofthe Imperator wilbeabpasse. To make sure theimpest’s ammunition dos not become ‘ity, designers plan toinstal Celular Ammuniton Storage Equipment. ASapackape, heCDA-IM Ccadamay Dovid a rede surprise for earies othe Free Words League CLINT 96. 0 Vv E R Vv | E WwW Never producedin greatrumbers, tb Cintas become almost an ody on today's bated Our Besex (sderestiatesthtno mare than 200 cxitinthe armies othe Sucessar Sates athe various meresary uns. ‘Thecrigina design's shortage of ammunton forts Armstrong Autocannon was serous drawback onthe bat ‘iid, probably the reason why no Sucessr State as atemted to pu the odCn back n reduction “Though ndidal MenWatiors have modifd thee Cn many sean way over th yeas the ne ‘id modtiaton issued by he Capelan Canfederaton shows great promise replaces he autocanaan ath the new Magna Festa Extended-Range Particle Projection Cannon, eliminating the ammunton probe and ‘eating enough oom to upgrate the medumasers to medium pulse ass. “Tough his variant has eto see aton, ths madeaton package expects to improve the Cliats par. formance greaty Ihe mede! shows enough promise, perhaps a Successor State may yt resume actarypro- ucion of he into take vantage of tutralimgrovements, soc as extra-ight engine ofeto-Nbo4s tee {rae os Moi Fever ita 3 Erin Spent ote Mia p90 ‘Sap Aang J Aver trates 1 Fie Edn Pre Pet ase 2h Pen abe es. ocr ss may ty aman Sen an ‘pinot racing StS 20s 90m ‘ype cum oe a » = met mt he = on . San i ie 7: re 5 reetovinne tno a = ce oe I a7 HERMES II oO Vv E R Vv | E Ww Besides resuming lists production ofthe onginal Hermes, ian attechs United asst completed anovemal of te assembly ine or te Hermes. The nen made’ HER-SS i anehe example of House Mark's ‘excelent use of Star League technology to prov extng designs. ‘The use ofthe rian Second Generation Class 40 Endo Stel chasis as rede the weight ofthe ster sttutue enough allow ian Baers toimprovethe weapon systems. The use of double est sinks Should ‘liane ay concerns abot het buldup nthe new made ‘An nperator ita Autocannon replaces the dOnt ACIS, and an intek Miu Puls Laser replaces tne aging medium ser weapon produces by Ian Weapons Wore, Fronine untae reported to be expe ating the new modi he fis Machs slates forte lt First Guards. il eat ast ex months toe any oer nt can nope tose the naw Hermes SENTINEL [100 ‘The Santina Star League design that Our Blessed Oras supp to the Draconis Combine. fought St tat entries ring te Kuta counterthust atthe avon lane! Exeter during he War of 3039, long vine Crab he Senieplayed ama olin the Combis destruction of vastares ote planet. This makes ‘he apparent ingratuseof Kurta MechWarrars athe mote unused ComStar ned nathave provide these ‘Mochs to House Kurta atl. I semsparully sl centre for House Kutt atibutets victories to tee ofthe yakuza ad tothe succass of he nexpeted deployment andtactes when ComStr's ep was cbvousl th dein actor The appeararoe f hese Star League designs ‘onfusedandigheradth eran. Davon frees a nataines fight ese ahs fom he st, anicoud ‘barged tat he morale mpact as tured he ei at str ates. Its partly pty or kurtaMechWarorsta complain abou te rfiting fhe Satnelwth thecommon ‘Marlin Mini SRM-2 Launcher instead ofthe Streak system orignal intaled It is mor ely hat Kua arogane about using a product rom the Magistray of Canopus is behind the complaints, ater tan any roblems with pertrmance. Te Draconis Combine mustnnkth Primus extremal felshtobelevesne woud rely giveaway the Com Guarés' advantage [102 VULCAN 0 v E R v I E Ww “Taree Worlds League making se of StarLeaque technology to makethe Van an flecive cy hor andantinfanty Mech ntoaorepotet foe against oer Mach as wel Keaping the mer and machine gun {or use against intr, Nimatachi Fesion Products Lis ogining to upgrade fe medium later to a Trane! Xi Meclum Pulse Laser and instal a Tronel PP-20 Large Pls asar stead athe autocannanin the nih tor, “Theuse of En Sel itral structure offsets the weight gin, andthe potenti het probleme avert by insalng eleven double eat sinks. Onto such ‘Mechs have emerged rom the factory on Tema, Dt pro Clction expected to increase as Wimakach works tens out is assembly ine. ‘Tne Federated Commonweat staking avery dierent approach to making the Vulcan beti-equpped > engage oter ‘Mechs. Te VL-S sick closer tothe original weapons mix, wi the any chang beng the Insalatn of an Imperator Uta utoeannn forthe olde Among model TeV, produced by Covey Metal Works on Coven, employshe proven Edasin Motrs240XL engin rther than he Eno tel al suc, Coventry aso appears tobe mare concerned wn survivability tan wth eat. The VL-SS keeps the origina ten normal heat inks bu ads oar augment to make te Vian lot sae. The use of Lexington ts. High Stade Ferro-Fbrous Armor fers muchbetpotectontorthrigttand tors and legs wit thesareamount of eight. This eign as Cllr Ammunition Storage Equipment protest theautocanon sls ana omer ‘Accaerator Sal Cutt lhe Mach eave te bated na hu whan al le fas fro3 WHITWORTH oO Vv E R Vv I E Ww ‘Te Whitworth, ou of production since the forest Satan Amare destroyed the Whitworth factory on ‘iron inthe nal ys fhe Star League, has cortinued to serve wa mas with Kua and Daven, The "Mechisaspecalzed aig, toa slowtorun an oa poo armaredor lugs The Whtwortstotls ong: ‘ange fighting, butt needs te support foe "Mechs to pero ts mission Fromiseariest dys, he Whitwortsbigpest problem ootured when a MchWarior tre to fan tht atclse range. ven th rst models were suite ors ale. Designers discouraged the pace by removing theshortangemissielauncharsintavor ofiong-angeracks Sl, many MechWarverswho hued pal at missles woud cose ois of the nary wh tha medi sas Too ote, twas te Whitworth tat got finshed of. Recent, ed modiicaton ts have ben issue to Oavon and Kurta unis hatha Witwots, Techs in these units replace the mado lasers with Artemis 1 fie-contol systems. This sigieany improves the accuracy of te long-range missiles and removes ary tampon oclose wih the ene, BLACKJACK Rm i106 oO v E R Vv | E Ww Fe mourned ne destruction of General Mots’ laci factoryon Kathi during te Fist Succession Wat. Common only in Davon and Lao space, the Blacjck was never highly regarded. It was ony Techs in the Federated Suns wo saw promise inte design and kept nkting wih sconguaion. “he avail of Star League technology hs given Dvion engines mereto worth, andthe resulprom- ise tobe afl mosication kt or Federated Commanieath units tat have Blaacks The focus of hese ‘modiatons ste weapon, andthe contguation thal seams to be ging favors radical one. ‘An experimental mode, designates the 2, nouns a Diverse Optics Sunbeam Extended Range Large Laserin each ar, partclary unusual on such aight Mech. These models replace al our med users th Hovere Streak SAM-2 Pods. This model canserves ammunition so wel that wo tons of leas are per) fr the our pots, imei Sree Seat ae == = hors Opts Sabon Etc Rape Lope Lass “foro re Sah Pose corer nes rs rma Face ammo Stam DebonMcons Setar a oon + ry : oo = at hen : = : = i sey § fF Beet nS so emcee mn ee ee ee Ss | Re co: HATCHETMAN em) TT [roe oO Vv E R Vv | E Ww Popular in tyran serge sincets itraductionin 3023, he Hatchetman has been designated 2 pry for Federated Commons ui. Moons ave already begun to arte, mostly with be naw F.C regiments. Construction has rp sine engnges convert te assy ings o produto te new HCT-5, which incarorate a numberof Slr Lexgue systems. “iene modelusestheetiient nau Elsen Motes TD XL engine reducing weight make room formare potent weapons, Te DetaceOsnteyator LB 10-X Autocannan replaces te olge Defiance ier ATO a rade | ammn in many ‘Met tht cared a Class 10 autocanon.Teee Deane PSM Medium Puls Lasers enlace i thetwo B3M models. The gtr engine allows Deflancs rdusris to use more armor, andthe HC cares the new Durlx Super Medum Ftro-Fibrous vm, Ineesing the Hatem’ protetion by amost 50 | erent, Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment protects tne autocannon shal rom ral explosion. | ‘With the Cracons Combine sl struggling to come up wih is owm design Fderled Commonwealth ‘secarty officers feared fra time that Tauran spies hed stolen the plans and were beginning to produce the | Hatchatman a Taian Tertoral Industies.Inctesed production at Taurian Teoria started a sorts of i ‘mrs, and then fe Concordat formed a four corps in 3046, wth the Peas Lancers using a number of | | | Hatoheien, Davo aens ater confimed rat the Tur of production andthe appearance ofthe Hatchetmen ina sector of pace wher ithad never Deon estes Deore were a cinidence Fichar'sParzr ga, a mercenary unit whose commander was obsessed with Melisa Steiner ano ed great yay tothe Lyran Commonwealth, hdpurcasedanumber ofthe new Hatheman Mecrsin he 3020s Hanse Daven mariage to Melissa Sten’ was fo much forthe commander, Colne ita 8g ‘asoy" Whitman, who sgned on with House Liao 3s soon 2th Brigade’ contract expirod. When Colonel ‘Witran de ofa hea attack nie way othe Caplan Confederation, isso, Rchara Sugar Baby" Whitman, ‘eat himself o Colne and took command ofthe unit. The son did nat command the respect this ater. ‘and vera compares of Mecha took tale Mec, iiuding Hatehetmen and kap going, eventually {oningthe Taran Defense Forces as part of the Pleiades Lanes PHOENIX HAWK Rm a3 110) oO Vv E R Vv I E Ww Te Phoeni Hawk. one of te most common designs inthe iar Sphere, was an early candidate for ‘wcovred echnalogy, wit ne modes inl peducton a ols thane ators. The Free Worlds League ‘ode, PXH-3M, produced by Eanes Incorporated at Keystone, kas advantage th gtwigh XL engine and Eno Ste! neal structure to upgrade its meapony. To extende-range ge les replace the Sg ‘armal-ange age se, te two medio srs now incorporate pulse ecology, and an at-nissilesystom replaces one ofthe twe machine guns. Furthermore, Celular Armmuntion Storage Equipment protects the mmunion rm ermal explosion “Te PXH-30 mode produced by Ache BateMechs on New Avalon, similar to the FL ‘Mah, aks the CASE andthe machine gun, placing ther wi wo eat inks. has much beta aly to spate Ret because ats tele beat snk are double sang. Coverity Metal Works produces tho PXH-35 modo, hich has a single Thunderbot 12 Large Pulse Laser inthe rightaminsteadoheextended-angelargelaerineach arm ialso sticks with te regular sium ses Leington Lt High Grade Faro-brous Armor improves is pratcon sty on the arms and gs ts main ‘ston sits Myer Accelerator Sigal Gruly, allowing burst of speedo supe an enemy oRlping ‘he Mech escape wen defeat sees inet. Finaly, Alshain Weapons o Jaret andthe Gorton, Kingsley, and Thorpe Enterprises pant on Sate are eating upto produce te PH. 3K version orth Draconis Combine and Fee Raslbagu Republic Ths version wil employ New Samarkand Royal Faro bus Armer, but not Endo Stel construction. wil aso have Wee ‘oubl ests, Eiminting the ane-misse estem and machine gn lo peels te eed for CASE. [4 VINDICATOR rm fiz 0 Vv E R Vv E Ww Because ofthe impressive producon of Ceres Metals Industries he Vinator has become acomman | “Mechin the units ofthe Capelan Confederation. Though te Vindicator capitis might not jusy soc ge | deployment, he dean does have many advantages. Te recovery of Sar League tctnoogy Mas gven Ceres ‘Mazi a chance to correct many faults othe company’s tages product. Perhaps the biggest problem forthe VMD-TR hasbeen heat buldup. Gees Metals engines plant instal doublet sinks, ging the VNO-SL model great improved ay fo dsiate heat, despise removalatone hat sink The probiam of ammutiton exglsons is being adaressea wit he incorporation of Cellar ‘Amuiton Storage Equpmert forte missle eds. “The weapons wil also be upgraded, according tothe latest version ofthe plans, with a pulsar replacing ‘the madi sein th ead anda Cares Ars Warr Extonded-Range Parle Projecto ile replacing the ‘ler Smasher moden te indir ght arm. This design drops te Hessen Small Las: former cred Inte et arm, WOLF TRAP Rm mz 0 Vv E R Vv I E WwW “Th Wo Tap the Federated Commanweath codename for House Kris answer the Wofhoun, 2 ‘rubric ey ost, even hough te Dracons Comte wi doubles ge i same Japanese name Ts Mach has beenon th rawingboardsfor years, onl recent entering extansve featesting Oreotthesicorpeay new designsto emerge since the recover of Str Leage technology wile a belveterto ef oter els, Such the Free Words League and Caplan Confederate, rush produce ew designsinsed of vamping dares Nearing prodveton at top-seeurty wing of Luten Amar Woe, the Wat apis expect ta be bens of proven sstams and advanced technology. Prototypes have earasight engines and Endo See snernal Structure. Theaovanceengne provides goed speed, and so designers tavenotequppesthe WOM Trapwth jump Jas. The weapons mix isnot one that ganarates peat amounts of et, and so the Wol Tap prototypes do not Fave aly double heat sins. “The Mech's weapon is designed to dlr heavy damage at ong range and fallow up wth even mare firepower ste range loses. The Veto 298 Medum Lasers an Shigunga Long Range Mssis are proven | stems, use on many Mechs across Kurta space. Te npraor CodeRed L810 Autocanons sll an fil secret, promising but unesie. 1 te potoypes conn to prtrm wel, the Wot raps expected to begin production with sx maths, CENTURION [116 0 Vv E R Vv | E WwW (nthe Gentron, as wth many ‘Mach designs, he avalbilty of Star League tchraagy has allowed en- ineerstocorrectchome pablo ané improve Me Mechs performance ther ways, oo, Coean enterprises has recent begun production ofthe made CNS-D Gantaion at its New Avalon aco, and eo0Ing Is rooteding feverish at Jnlastr Aerospace Comuron pant on Panpou. There are aso reports tat Davion npiaers are contin to et other rotoypes of is Mech, ‘Themodeljustemarging trom hte Avalon factory combines End Stelintenal structure wher ight ‘ngineechnlogy o make roar fr equipment to enhance he long-fange mss system, Then madle ave Cellar Animuntion Storage Equipment to guard against an ital miss explosion and an Artemis Ve onl system to improve the accuracy ofthe longange misses. In addon, the od Luxor O-Saris ‘ulocanon, for which parts had ong Bae seaee i rplaceé with a Myon Excel LB 10 Avlocannan The ‘compactness a the Myron Excel ales ot fe bt space avaable fr the Luror. The continued testing of Ceturin prototypes centers on Hause Davin’ tims to manufacture an Improved myomer nats ret 2s vulerabias than plant th Hovse Lig nthe Fourth Sueesslon War, OW puns report tat at ast one Ganturion operating agate Cans esa equipped CRAB [18] 0 v E R Vv | E Ww ‘Tha Craasenwoleeivean Kurta unis since Our Blessed Order began upping them tte Deacons Combine. Te Mech perform walin tha War af 3030, surprising Daion uns wh te Weapons doen sist isla. ntact, Hoes Kurta would probably mak th Cad one fs staan designs haa te factory to prods sou, The wapans have ban probe andthe Paulin Heavy Fro -Fious Amor tesa large meacura ot protectontorits tonnage Msronictratkare TheodoeKrfaisso leased with raf, rhe mode supple {ois regiments stands unremarkable are plain next to he Cras i service wi the Com Gud, “The kurtaCrats cary she-mdel Garetcommuncabonsand targeting gear, ot the soptisicates 650 AND and Dafan Snes systems aboard te Com GuaraMechs. House Kurta aparently accepted ou explanation tat these systems nad ot been ly ested and might prove incompatible wit he egipment of ter Kua ests, ENFORCER [i20 0 v E R Vv Il E Ww Longa standard medium ‘Mucho th Fdaated Suns, the Enorcerie ate mit of a redesign that wll robaly make it the standard medium ‘Mech o the Fdeatog Crmmorwesth. The plas cl for improving ‘tection, weapon ange, speed, and jumping ait. The new mode! wil ths be supers n evry vy ANssan 250 XL engine proves entra pone ress weigh, sinleousy enncingths Enforce’ speed and treing up mass that can be devoted to longer range weupors and an ext jump tA Myo Ext LB 10 autoesnnon pices ne FedraesAG/0, and lazeieSwenshot Extended Range Large Laser elacesthe ChisComp 43 Special guing he Enforcerenra eich in bot cases. “The Celuar Ammunition Storage Equipment ore autocanon shal provides proton against nema eplsion, but bigger gas mpoteton comes ram the se ot SarGuard CV Fetro-Fbvous Armor With he same weight of smo, he Enfocerhas more protein everywhere excep the head and ron cee fos, Federated Commonneaih nits nave reason to ok foward davery othe ENF SO, Ess Senet ‘apue: etbeg Scs i aay 5 es Amor ar For en CASE Senses ayeon tl. 0X orann 1 Been es Fp Lge Ls onetonp Seat na Fao or an ira oon ae) anmnetter tm fom (nos i 1 rato an tig Sen Ft at Ewpnen ass erie 3 toon oe 2 Smtawcen 3 Lam 4 & Rts 2 s Mapes: ton ret ini = ' 24 HUNCHBACK 122 0 Vv E R Vv | cE Ww Te Hunchback known forts devastating frepower at close range, has problem wth heat buy. The ‘overy of tr League lchnaigy made his 2 easy problem o save With barely 3 pause prosution, Ka "Yara Weapons nausres ne. atkaldaa stad produsng Honchaks wth aoubeheat sins. TheFree Words League, sing he vue of tha new design, ineeased its dest 20 per year Bids using double Neat sinks, the new HBK-SM uses he new Sungiw Prsm-Opte Sal Pulse Laser nsec ofthe Ors Opcs Type 10 Sal Laser. also aml th aulcannan shes Calla Arwmston Storage Eaupmento guard against an eeal explosion Urforuaty, these wo changes reduce the amour ‘fautcannenammunonte Hunchback can cary hs uns ut tobe aprble, Kal Yama could asi keep ‘he double eat sinks but return tothe preious weapar-and-ammuniianconiguraton, ‘Marius at ave eehed ene. Hunchbackrave gen iave evens, The fit MecrWarrior who runs ‘utotautocannen ammunition nthe mile of 2 bate might be doing 2 ateret kn ot ravng, however TREBUCHET haa ‘he Fre Worls Lezove tas proven ta ican improve upon 8 god thing. House Marks Trebuchet. an cele Mech na harow ange oes, sin th process of geting beter at what taeay di bes. The Fe Words League's tre main factories producing te rebuchetarealreteolng oak asvatape of Star League technology. This work proceeding a he Coreen Enterprises factory on Stewart, te Kall Yama Weapans Insts plant on kate, athe main Iran Batleecns Unit Tact on ran Such widespread acy istard to coneal and ROM reports otha new speiicabne ar aed Highly Relable. Employing both exta-ightengines ard Endo Sel iferal structure, he now Tebuches il have inresed mobi and ebroader eng of misons, Tha wight savings willow Markengingesio give the Tsucherthe Abi. banu forthe Mechs platincounlss situations. Calla Ammunition torege Equipment eps ‘4a agaist an interal msi explosion, vl Goule-srengt ea sinks keep the Mec cool “he most evoutonary new equipment onthe Tebucht wil be he Octagon Mssle-Mapnat Rare Beacon. Tis deve wi allow the Tabu lok arto age, suring greater accuracy forts mss and similarly fuipped mises of ther Maen inthe Trebacer unit DERVISH 126 0 Vv E R Vv | E Ww “Though he Dewish as once one of the mst common ‘Mechs inthe Iner Spare the Sucession Wars have taken thal onthe Mech, With the any Derishactey beng in Davin space, theater Successor Sates lostmoreand moreot tis designation Berauseeachadasupoy offer cesignsinthesame weight as, the Huse Lods were ite concarnes. Even Hause Daan seemed oles interest nthe design, “he Federated Sur contmued io purchase he Dish butt much slower ate than er designs, uch asthe Enforcer, AcetnarBateecns has tempoanly shu suns Dervishlie ats factory in Doon on New Avalon whl apparel stung ways se Star League ectnology to spark ew intrest nthe Dens “The pln reported cl or king advange ot Endo Stes intra structure fallow instalation a to Fedrated SuperstreakBual-SRM Launches in lace ofthe older model and Caular Ammunition Storage auipment to el rete the long-range missile rleads. An extra ta on af armor and 2 sch a SlarGuard {IV Ferro-Forous would enhance protection even more GRIFFIN 128 0 Vv E R Vv | E Ww “The Grit an ery canst for new technology, asthe tinction of bing prosuced rom arial state's ‘sign pans at two dle factories. Two Gra fctories,Bigader Corp. on Olver and Norse Battech Wor t Marduk exanges nad inthe Furth Suotssion War. That hy Stand uni re begining To gt Grin uit om Mark plans captured at Olver aa Kurta wit wil get Gots but ram Davonglans captured si Marduk “The most common model, the GRF-3M, cares the ght Hermes 275 XL engine, using the svingsin weight to repace the LAN-10 witha Doombud Long Range Missile 20-Rck and prtet it eoads with Celular ‘Ammunition Stoape Equipment. This mode ab paces the earer PPC witha FsigonLongtooth Extended FangeParteleProjecton Ganon, poy douteeatsnkstocsiptthe extra eat generated thenewer weapon. Fnaly, a Oiscomp Sal Laer was mount inthe hed The GRF-DS made, produces by Derance Indus at Hesperus, Kalon Weapon ndustisat Talon, and ree Batoach Works at Marduk dire trom the Mark version uti. is The stanaad Federated Commanweath version, even though tals appear in Kurta unts and even haugh the GRF-3M is begining ‘0 appear greater nudes n Federated Gomnonweath unis, The GRF-IDS routs aThundera-12 Large Pulse Laser insted ofthe eteded- ange PPC of th Mark version. The standard GRF-1N version lacking any covered technology stil common throughout the nner ‘phot nfacttissttinprocucon th Vandenberg Mechanized lndustes actry at iushi nh Taian Concorst HOPLITE 130 0 Vv E R Vv | E Ww ‘ur Blessed cer has ban urabe ta penatate th secur fhe mercenary Wol'srapeonsto any usu ‘cent itn mysterious Dragoons the onl unit to posses the Hop eretore ay epot on modtion ofthe desanis most spacuitve. Twelve ofthese Wechs werekown lo exstin Dragoon uns befrethaFourh Succasion War. Therrrcenary regimens sued suchheay sss in at war, Hwee, hat 2 Fe 350M) neo wo Hopes might exist 'Muagens win Our Ores pinto tha fact at te amber of rapconHophitashas decined steady since 3005ndeting thal the mercenaries ranuacuring capabilites, whatever and wherever they ar aelncapabie 1 produing new Hopes. Ita of ese Mechs do ext, one obvious eld mditcston woul replace the AGO witha genera avalabe Myron Excel 10- Aiocannon, The Hoplite would pm in nge and aeuracy sn cou perry ouce te ammunition, Fy deesse oo | KINTARO [132 oO Vv E R Vv | E Ww ‘TheDraconis Combine has used the Kitaroto gent tet since the Pinus began opening ou warehouses tHouse usta, Th bul yukon regiments hd extraordinary sucess wiht Meth inthe Wao 208, The Federated Commonwealth was fing unknown unis that were sing unknown ‘Mechs. The eft was Seastating in some cases. “he Draconis Cambie even seemed content with Coma’ explanation o the presence of he common Magna Wiki Lvge Laser ona Men rom anti. Ning was fhe Nare Mise Bescon, tough ou 39s Tray adratea tat the equipment standard onthe Kit, aiving these in serie wit the Com Guards. House Kurta accepted aur contention mat missles equiped to pickup the Rare sigal rin such short suply hatte Mare Seacn might be a abit prolongs campaign. Crain, Hause Kuna woul 0 De bet take ulladsatageofthetecnolog by equipping neki slancenateath are compatblemiesies Bases, the ge ase improves Hrepower by adainganoter weapon. SCORPION [134 0 Vv E R Vv | : Ww ‘The Scoypions an unpopular sgn tat as fw gropanens. When he ast ator o proce was de stryeain the Second Surcessin Wat, 0 company stepped forward a Hee the design ave Since then, he umber et Scorpion: has dwn ur wth each nwa. "he cota he Met's unpopularity i ourloged design. This gives the MetWarir 2 reugh ie, requis soohisteated gyros, and its th weapomy tat the Seon ca ery Win so ew Scorpions sit infighting for, theresa need fora stancard mit kit incorporate recovre ecology noth espn Several uner-operatorsaveretisedto concede the Scorpio infer ‘exchanging the aniqutas Anderson Armaments Parle Cannon PP 12 othe commen sable ne Magna Fiesta xtended-Range Parte Projection Canon, SHADOW HAWK am) ET [36] 0 Vv E R Vv | E Ww ating someting nat May peeps mers temas caphitas une gui some sal Settle Thal sttecase uth new Shao RewkSHD 9 Tsrod Goes sed avant Cine, ut ere sees ote ose of eer coma een. et Wat eoie Sedna combined Ena Sv tal sue ad te xoent Herma 278 XL eng eae weights weapoesard fer gnest Whietwo eats use roe at ete mots eee. fs leerg eM eolrem. the eae cies ay pie At | impatience: edad and overex Seat Sl 2 od oats eo ely | ‘ack improving sm tice Aiea np sneha a nae Teo es damental ono amo roast. med ips | Thauoh Eanes etary a alloy ste ony manta fe Shaw Ho nthe ner Shere ley ies Marta on duneansce te Mapa of Crops spss ead ShO-idesn The Feces Carmonwentnos cnt en achng os tes. patos odo themandsecngtemtanew an itaoresng emo acer Te sane roan ates 2 ete depen Hy SAM? who Fae Supt un SAM Lures factory changeover to incorporate Star League tetnology onto esting designs often gv the iuston ot | | \ WOLVERINE am) TO [138 Vv E R Vv E Ww Te Fou Suecesson War gave, ad the Furth Succasion War took away. The Federated Sus captured thecagean Woierne cory on Nanking bust ts own Wolvee actor an Marouk ote Draconis Combine. ‘Thelarge Kan nutes assembly ine et House Davion vith anal gan and House Liao asthe on se. ‘Tre WVF-70 moo emerging Wom the Nanking fact represents excelent use of recovered echalogy. The weight savings ot XL engine technalogy is putt pood use upgrading weapons, heat sks. and protection A General Motors Novae Autocannon replaces he ler Whirsrd mad ada Site Peas ine em uae ase tke he lac othe Magna made Designers ate aig a heat snkane wsg Kon Unity Weave Fero-bros Aor. era on of so and hese of Faro-bvous matarilimrove protection ‘at, most an he eg ane cetera, Cala Armunton Storage Equipment shields te atocantan Shobs and missile rena, and MyomerAccaeraor Sigal Cully provides emergency speed for scx) suatons ‘atthe Norse atech Works on Mark, the Draconis Gmbie I raduing a ey diferet version. lacks MASC and CASE ut makes use a double heatsinks, eliminating concerns about heal buldup. A Victory ‘rambeat Large Puls Later epacestheautocanon angavicony Td Sal Pulse Lasers ade Aso adden IsasacondTeos-6Shor-Range Wisse DelnerySysiam. Addi ton anda al of armor compensatsTorthe lack ot Fro Frous mater, ‘The Fae orgs League falso nearing peducton of ts on WR-7M at Kalo Industries on Terman san Fee Worlds Defense Induses on Gsan. Tis model's much closer tote orginal WWR-ER than tis {otter me Devon Kusta version thes the orginal armor and lacks CASE. also keeps te orginal twee et sinks but uses douie-stength ones. The exta-igh engin alows use of MASC an a naw weapons coiiguaion, Two Diverse Optics Sunbeam Exterdes-Range Large Lasers replace the suacanna, and 0 Magra 400P Medium Pulse Laser place the sing alder mode! 149] GRAND DRAGON 0 Vv E R Vv E Ww ‘Te Grand Dragon wtichbegantl-scale production anlyn3040 when the Draporassemblineshut oan, is aeaay undegaing a reiion to acorperate Star League tchlogy. Otte with Caar Ammunition Storage Eaupment fom the et. bet the lst Dragons to come af te ne te Grand Dragon aso uses a etraright engine o good eect. Tis mac rp becoming House Kurt's workorse"Woch. Recovered tctnoogy ves ieven more ‘sti. king ton he most eau dasignsi the Draconis Combine Mstered Solder. ergloys Cole heatsinks 2dcing een he arcces, ging te Grand Oragonthe aby o cisspatethelet peered y ts {cctonal weapons. Lord's Light 2 xtndod-Range Pate Beam Wespan replaces he lg autocanon,ané dasignrs added a thia Victory 258 Medi Laser. “he oldr Dagon design reduced in great numbers, sil common troughout the DCMS. Te Ite rads, hose eaugped winCASE reuncergoing tamed eaionto upgrade autocanno oan pertor [ites removing # medium ase anda on 6 arimunin te comparsate or the aed weight OSTROC [RH] 144] 0 Vv E R Vv | E Ww | popular aes, though one tat does nt exist great numbers, the Ost coninues to see sence throughout the ner Sphere. expeely sore regions of he Deacons Cmbine. The design's ust in mary roles but ts becoming ever ess common sine te desrcton of he Ostianelactry on Tera at the end ot the Siar League ere “hese umber of Ostracs and to wide peal make this eg poor candidate fora standard rmodtstan kt The neal avai of theDverse Optics Sunbeam Extendes-Range arge ase provides an thous variant n uns wt skied techs to gerfom th work These weapons substut forte ging Fearn c Hany Lasers, gang the Ostoca sting at greater stance a te cost of rater heal z a Beanened: OSTSOL 0 Vv E R Vv | E Ww Te new OTL-M Oss jst beginning to appear wth Fee Wolds League unis, is eter a factory model ‘or ail moateationbuta it of bt. Tough fe Kang nerstelaactry on Comnaught hs ben capable atproduing Meots since sured heavy damagein the Fst Sucossion Wr, a nat tay ncapactatd it has spud along for years, producing sore pats forthe Ostsol tunable to make others a tty incapable of producing a compet ech. Usingtte Kong ners asso ie, Maik engineersareetting Ost with te exalt Hermes 300 XL engin ara double eat sinks, hte ening te Meh ¢ hea problems and eduing is massa alow or ‘more weapons, thse engineers edhe Osta to tzans of chica, wo setabout evamping the weapons. ‘The usual approach sto replace al he ol Tron! ser wth newer pulse versions, the doubt sinks, bring steno cisiate te adatonal net generate. The weight savings prowdd bythe XL engine aon Techs toa a Lindl Shogun Act Missle Sytem, MechWarsors who have received the nem model Mave responded fvorbly and enusasicaly QUICKDRAW RH] [148 0 Vv E R Vv. i E Ww ‘Thenewmode OKD-SM duickrancoming tot te Savanaharary of Tehnicron Manutcturing pats ‘rom rational Free Words League practice a sicking wth mainsteam modes. Tha ue of dole ea sinks and Kalon FL Spec! Ftro-Fibrous Armor olaw standard theary, making signcat improvement ne uikorasprotecionand ait io cisipate ast. The seo! Cellar Ammunten Strap aupmenttaprotect ‘hela for the long-range mise une also sou \Whet hs creatda turoris the subettuon aa Hovets Short Range Missile Detachable Quad othe old ‘madel mount iste center taso, Tis one-shot weapon fara use ony an lasers, nverra, ‘nd ote eis cesged to makea sing ofleasive pas and ten le. The ck of recads rte Decale ‘vad seems oo area drawtack ofl he salty gained by reravng tearm bus rom the Quickaraw’s tin Arma Works, anu, begining produces model at voids ptl bus contort in arotner way. This med, te OKD-SK, removes Ie engrange mise launcher, intling two aceon ‘eum lasers instead. With fewer missiles abcard the Mech goes no use CASE. With more se weapons, (ves utero avid eat ui, caryng 17 doublet sinks. Ts uri hana ached the ld 2 ya, ut iis prea that many Mach Wao wil be unhappy abeut ein hi ng-argerepower. \ p nt iy = RIFLEMAN 150] 0 Vv E R Vv | E WwW ‘Katon inusties at ermopstss report to bein ull production ot House Mark’ new version of the ‘man te REL-SM, Designers made some sound chices, sing an exta-ight eine to save weg fr aber systris. Fist, they added two heatsinks ans used the eoubie-strength technology, vay improving the Femara essipta hex. nadton te designers ade eal autacannan or telonger ang ana rar accurate Imperator Uta. They alka incested he ear armor “ie resulting Mech as tegun to reach one-ne units i sadly increasing numbers. Designesin the Federated Corimorneat rave adopted sgt dierent approach A wel pees Ret ‘on Tyerosshas blind eopas of plans presumed to ve bee san the Fadeatd Cannonwest soar {wo Rileman actors 35 wel Though Aleman praditon does not=ppen to bea high priya the 0) ‘on Tyjerossis an une pace fo tart naw designs because he Federated Commarea sano rasp tthe wr th cuput oth eter lant could ake ths common Mech theatre Besides he Trelsire Heavy Infuse factory on Twycoss also producing the RiteranareteKalon Industries acy on Talon and ‘ne ed Des Industri plant at Pandora, Bast estimates put ese factories test tine mon ay rom campleing te rtoaling nebo to produce te ne mode PransforareisedAamansubstue two exenée rage Delarce 1007 Pattee Proeten Cannan rhe tre utocannon, Thay add five more cole heat ks ows the extra eat generated by te ER PP. The CASE system wl no longer be necessary. 152] AXMAN Ww For years gleam nthe eyes of designer the Baral Weapon Design Company thi bigot ofthe ‘Hatehetmanay rally bearing production. Therese rures tang prebeme withthe mammot xot Devastato20Autocannona malady ta would ob he Auman ts primary weapon. Pacane Alyn Oi. cammande of The White Cyones Iau based on New Sys, tas provide intarmaton gathered by an Adept ‘fo was ordered to consr wit Marvin Johnston, scion ofthe amy that ows Jost Indus, tums urthatthe onnstons’ plans for anew act on New Sys andthe dese to expand the company’s ice production to inde tanks coincided with Or. 8. Bana’ sucess in applying recovered tchaloy 0 his Auman prototypes The secrecy surrounding tis developmen was the mam reatentorehoesng an moron ‘company ke Jonaton insti; pes would never look ora Mach factory on New Sys. ‘Obvious nee fr widespread deployment tauphautthe Federated Commonwealth te Axmandesin features weapons and equpmant fom Davin and Sten space, 5 alas Kallon Unity Weave Ftro-Fibous ‘Amo oma former io facor nthe Sara Marchand HlaCo Mosel 2 Jump Jets tom the St. es Compt, ‘Thus wl every MechHarior and offer be ble to point this advanced design wit rie, no mater wnat his regional yates. CATAPULT Re) CE fe | oO v E R Vv i E w | "Catt hen wed ay int Capan Confer, dest ater Sues Si | Les n sah ner sri et ess nm LanCaapels ls eeanecta cen coop | buttheCapelans ae planingamajor tld reftthat iltmandatenetacts on the partatCapelan commanders i Fectvred tectnoogy alows Caplan Tectsto improve further onthe Catapult excl capitis os along | ‘gestae Cipeanunts win Catt arebegning eevee mae kor Moe Baer ron Ae | syste Th ower hen ably wpe may owt ona ots en ad Stan Ga ently are ete companion at eqns wi ag ens oy ote ‘Caplan nay sats ae oping ree as to cambio, Noreen ee Cpls thing ft anage is ond escronsoranimincuae escon wort nay Cnt CRUSADER [RH] TOT [ise oO Vv E R Vv I E Ww The rusaderisa poplar design common thoughout the Inner Sphere in many variants. The aval of ‘Star League ecology es ineeasd the proerstion ofthis Mech, ana also he diversity of ts configuration, (Of te four factories producing Crusades, te produce virtual the sae madel Ths was the offic Free Worlds League version, produced in Kan Industries fatoses on Asuncion and Berrardo, 2 wel as the Brigadier plant on Over, which was captured theLyran Commonneathin the Fourth Succession Warandnow ‘broduces th "Mark version’ for he Faderatd Commonwealth, This model uses an XL engine an 18 double eat sinks, great improving sustained perormance Free rls League aasignrs equipped tn CRO-5M with jump is or moti and Cela Amnon Storage Equpmertoc rater satay A Lindblad Shotgun Ant- Missle Sytem replaces oe of hetwo machine gus, an 2 par of Hovetz Steak SANZ Pods replace the cd SAN, racing frepowe or ammo efilency. artes Industries on Tharadprodves asia version fer the FeertedCommonweath, Strategists be lev he existence of two versions ofthe Grasaertghng se by side wl confuse te enemy. The Thaes ‘version fhe GAO-S5, bcs thelump capably fhe Mark arson and cars thresles double hat sn, wich ie st ply. apps apomer ofthe dal SANE launchers and the second medium se, gig up both !macine gu ad he ants syst Feld medication is hve tured up inDavionand iso space that arealmost identical Each treet ‘sinks and rps te SAMS launchers for Sea tchnology double Federated SperStreak Oual-SAM Laueters ‘none case and double Hover: Sreak SAN-2 Pos inte Caplan Confederation, Each ops the medium users and bot machin gus in favor of soube medium pulse lasers, Magn 400 for Lia and Sue Precio Line for Daven ‘Ales eenive fl modification has appeared in the Oracnis Combine. Ths mount two Magn 400P Medium Pulse Lasts inetea of fe medium sts and double machine gun. JAGERMECH RH eg 158] 0 Vv E R Vv | E Ww popular Mech commonin te arnge othe Fesrated Suns ana CagelanConeceation the agers began to gel even mee Daven anton withthe lass ofthe last Kalon production line inte Caplan Confederation, nvng bon remaining uagerc atres n Davon space, Wh he formatian othe Federated Commanweath, the JgerMec as aang the dasigns chase or ease emphasis Prototype work Dean at te gn-secunty Kallon Bate atayon the lana Talon nthe Werke syst rome preiinary dats wentouttothe ther JagerMec factory, independence Weaponry on Overt, forineoparaton of Sar League tctnoiogy as esarchersconinued og the bugs ou. One f the Draconis Combin's bigest pres inthe War of 3089 waste Jagorkec try on Guertin, compete wit plans for the ow J.D Tass how House Kurta managing o produce tential Mech designated to prionty nthe Federated Conmanneath The new design combiesKallon Unity Weave Fero-irous Armor wih Calla Armuniton Storage Eup smentto prove estrtiyimproves pletion wth no crease in weight To lighter Mssan 260 XLenine allows designers to upgrade he weapons, substituting Geral Motors Nowa Auocannan forthe two oer ydron Mal C weapons an using Sut resin Lin pulse tecnolgy to elae the ald Magna media THUNDERBOLT [160 0 Vv E R Vv | E Ww An fective design nus across the nex Spe the Thunderot was ahgh rity for employment of racaveted technoagy The ree Worl League got the jmp on the Federated Commaneath by ating into production otanew moda attshuge Earner lnton keystone. Ths mode he TOR-7M tures 18

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