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Seon ‘3 NANI THE CONCEP OF SAINTHOOD NIA AINA UOT CURZON SUFI SERIES Series Editor Tan Richard Neon Professor of Arabi Studies, ‘University of Leeds “The Curzon Su Series attempts to provide short inioductions to a _varity of fiets ofthe subject, which are accessible both to the general reader and the stident and hola inthe field. Each book wil be either a synthesis of existing knowledge or a distinct contribution to, and ‘extension of, knawedee ofthe partiular topic. The two major underlying Principles ofthe Series are sound scholarship and readability BEYOND FAITH AND INFIDELITY “The Susi Poetry end Teachings of Mahmud Shabistar Leonard Lewisohn ALHALLAL Herbert W. Mason RUZBINAN BAOLI Mysticism and he Rhetoric of Saintood in Persian Sufism Carl W. Ernst ABDULLAH ANSARI OF HERAT ‘An Faly Sufi Master AG. Rovan Farhi PERSIAN SUFI POETRY ‘An introduction wo the Mystical Use of Classical Persian Poctry EP. de Bruin THE CONCEPT OF SAINTHOOD IN EARLY ISLAMIC MYSTICISM Two works by AL-Hakim Al-Tirmidhi ‘An annotated translation with introduction by Bernd Radtke and John O'Kane Fat published in 1996 ty Caron Press| ‘ok Sts Car Ros, Rican ‘Suey, TW320A. (© 1996 Rem Radke and John "Kane Printed in Gest Brin by Bide Line, Gulfod snd King’s Lyn Allsight reer: No par of his bock may be era ‘epoca er tls in any for ory ny dentro, Thechinical, of other meas, now known ohereafer Invented, insuding photocopying and ecordng or in any ‘nformion stage or rereal system, vaout posi in “ein from he pices British ivary Cataloging in Publication Dats ‘A catalogue record for hs bok s avalide fo the Bash Library Lita of Congress Publication Das ‘Acatlog record fr ths book has ben requested ISBN 0-1007- 0452-3 61) ISBN 07007-68132 (PH) CONTENTS: PREFACE ABBREVIATIONS INTRODUCTION, 1. The Life of a-Hakim al-Tismighi 2, Tinihi's Watings 5, Tiamihi's Position in Islamic Intellect 4, Friendship wit God 5. About Both Texts ‘THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE THEOSOPHIST OF ‘TIRMIDE AL-HAKIM AL-TIRMIDHL: THE LIFE OF THE FRIENDS ‘oFGop [Bxcursus: Theory of Knowledge Bxcurss: The Spit) APPENDIX INDICES 1 nds. of Proper Names 2 Index of Arabic and Persian Words 3. Index of Concepts BIBLIOGRAPHY vit 38 ut 213 241 250 258 216

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