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OSM752 Information Systems Management

Assignment 1: Case Study Analysis

Case study Analysis

Choose one company and analyze the companys profile and its development in
managing their information (business functions) and write a case study. Your
elaboration/explanation must relate with the IS framework. You can choose one
functional area in the company to limit your scope of elaboration.
Executive Summary

One to two paragraphs in length

On cover page of the report
Briefly identify the major problems facing the manager/key person
Summarize the recommended plan of action and include a brief justification of the
recommended plan
1. Introduction: Companys history and growth
Outline briefly what the company does, how it developed historically, what problems it is
experiencing, and how you are going to approach the issues in the case write-up

2. Strength and Weaknesses

3. Opportunities and Threats
For SWOT analysis: Analyze and discuss the nature and problems of the companys
business-level and corporate strategy, and then analyze its structure and control

4. Findings
5. Strategy
6. Implementations
7. Recommendations
For 4, 5, 6 and 7: Be comprehensive, and make sure they are in line with the previous
analysis so that the recommendations fit together and move logically from one to the
next. The recommendations section is very revealing.

8. Conclusion
9. References

Guidelines for writing a case study:

1. Investigate and analyze the companys history and growth
A companys past can greatly affect the present and future state of the organization. To
begin your case study analysis, investigate the companys founding, critical incidents,
structure, and growth.
Sept 2015

OSM752 Information Systems Management

Assignment 1: Case Study Analysis

2. Identify Strengths and Weaknesses within the Company

Using the information you gathered in step one, continue your case study analysis by
examining and making a list of the value creation functions of the company. For
example, the company may be weak in product development, but strong in marketing.
3. Gather Information on the External Environment
The third step in a case study analysis involves identifying opportunities and threats
within the companys external environment. Special items to note include competition
within the industry, bargaining powers, and the threat of substitute products.
4. Analyze Your Findings
Using the information in steps two and three, you will need to create an evaluation for
this portion of your case study analysis. Compare the strengths and weaknesses within
the company to the external threats and opportunities. Determine if the company is in a
strong competitive position and decide if it can continue at its current pace successfully.
5. Identify Corporate Level Strategy
To identify a companys corporate level strategy for your case study analysis, you will
need to identify and evaluate the companys mission, goals, and corporate strategy.
Analyze the companys line of business and its subsidiaries and acquisitions. You will
also want to debate the pros and cons of the company strategy.
6. Analyze Implementations
This portion of the case study analysis requires that you identify and analyze the
structure and control systems that the company is using to implement its business
strategies. Evaluate organizational change, levels of hierarchy, employee rewards,
conflicts, and other issues that are important to the company you are analyzing.
7. Make Recommendation
The final part of your case study analysis should include your recommendations for the
company. Every recommendation you make should be based on and supported by the
context of your case study analysis. Never share hunches or make a baseless
8. Review Your Case Study Analysis
Look over your analysis when you have finished writing. Critique your work to make
sure every step has been covered. Look for grammatical errors, poor sentence
structure, or other things that can be improved.
Sept 2015

OSM752 Information Systems Management

Assignment 1: Case Study Analysis

Font type: Arial
Font size: 11
Spacing: 1.5
Number of pages: must at least 12 pages
Cover Page: Green
Due of Submission: 15 October 2015

Sept 2015

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