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Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 4 ore.
Consider the following text:

(30 de puncte)

Against these far stretches of country rose, in front of the other city edifices, a large red-brick
building, with level gray roofs, and rows of short barred windows bespeaking captivity, the
whole contrasting greatly by its formalism with the quaint irregularities of the Gothic
erections. It was somewhat disguised from the road in passing it by yews and evergreen oaks,
but it was visible enough up here. The wicket from which the pair had lately emerged was in
the wall of this structure. From the middle of the building an ugly flat-topped octagonal tower
ascended against the east horizon, and viewed from this spot, on its shady side and against
the light, it seemed the one blot on the city's beauty. Yet it was with this blot, and not with the
beauty, that the two gazers were concerned.
Upon the cornice of the tower a tall staff was fixed. Their eyes were riveted on it. A few
minutes after the hour had struck something moved slowly up the staff, and extended itself
upon the breeze. It was a black flag.
"Justice" was done, and the President of the Immortals, in Aeschylean phrase, had ended his
sport with Tess. And the d'Urberville knights and dames slept on in their tombs unknowing.
The two speechless gazers bent themselves down to the earth, as if in prayer, and remained
thus a long time, absolutely motionless: the flag continued to wave silently. As soon as they
had strength, they arose, joined hands again, and went on.
(Thomas Hardy, Tess of The dUrbervilles)
a. Contextualize the text from a historical and cultural point of view. (15-20 lines) 10 puncte
b. Discuss the relevance of the text, in terms of content and style, with reference to its
authors literary canon. (30-40 lines) 20 puncte
SUBIECTUL al II-lea (30 de puncte)
a. Identify and illustrate 2 ways of expressing possibility. 10 puncte
b. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it.
1. Please help me with my luggage.
Would you .
2. Why did he make us wait so long?
Why did he keep.
3. Its too expensive to eat at this restaurant

We cant..............................
4. Everyone laughed at his joke.
They couldnt help.
5. Would you like spending a weekend in the mountains?
How about
c. Write one word in each gap. 10 puncte
There was a time, not long ago, . (1) urban fashion didnt exist. Back then,
feashion meant expensive designer outfits which (2).. the very rich could
afford. Although the clothes were usually designed (3), they were mainly for
women, and (4) was very little interest (5) menswear.
Now all that has changed. Young people nowadays wear comfortable, practical and
affordable clothes that have been (6).designed by somebody young. For
example, taking new ideas (7) the streets, the fashion industry (8)..
now busily supplying trainers and hoodiesthat is, large, confortable sweatshirts(9)
. both boys and girls in todays culture. And the list of such exmaples (10)..
go on endlessly.
SUBIECTUL al III-lea.(30puncte)
a. 12 puncte
Based on the text from SUBJECT 1, devise a pre-reading activity in which you teach
your students how to write entries for a short story:
specify the objectives 2 puncte
specify the estimated time 1 punct
indicate the level of your students 1 punct
describe the stages of the activity 8 puncte
b. 18 puncte
Devise three exercises based on three types of indirect items to measure students ability to
express wish and regrets (five items per each exercise). 3 exercitii x 6 puncte
Content 3 puncte
Specify the time limit and the students level 1 punct
Mention the learning objectives 1 punct
Provide the answer key 1 punct


Se puncteaz oricare alte formulri/ modaliti de rezolvare corect a cerinelor.

Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota final se calculeaz prin mprirea punctajului
total acordat pentru lucrare la 10.
SUBIECTUL I (30 de puncte)
a. Contextualize the text 10 points
b. Discuss 20 points
SUBIECTUL al II-lea (30 de puncte)
a. Specify and illustrate five categories of verbs that are not normally used in progressive
forms.10 points
Specify (1p x 5 uses) 5 points
Illustrate (1p x 5 examples) 5 points
b. Complete the second sentence (2 p x 5 sentences) 10 points
Suggested answers:

Would you mind helping me with my luggage?

Why did he keep us waiting so long?
We cant afford to eat at this restaurant.
They couldnt help laughing at his joke.
How about spending a weekend in the mountains?

c. Write one word in each gap. (1p x 10 words) 10 points

Suggested answers:
1- when; 2-only; 3-by ; 4-there; 5-in; 6-especially; 7-from; 8-is; 9-for; 10can/could/might
SUBIECTUL al III-lea (30 de puncte)
a. 12 points
a. pre-reading activity 12 points

specify the objectives 2 points

specify the estimated time 1 point
indicate the level of your students 1 point
describe the stages of the activity 8 points

b. Devise 18 points
3 exercises x 6 points
Content 3 points
Specify the time limit and the students level 1 point
Mention the learning objectives 1 point
Provide the answer key 1 point

Candidates will lose points as follows: 0.10 p spelling mistakes

0.25 p lexical mistakes
0.50 p grammatical & discourse organisation mistakes
0.50 p irrelevant/incorrect/missing information

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