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The official publication of

Bay East Association of REaltors®

JULY 2007


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Chuck Edell, 2007 president
Bay East association of realtors®

Technology has slowly crept into the real estate • Real Estate Podcasting/
industry. During my early years as an agent, I would Video Sharing Poised
create a list of potential homes based upon the to become one of the next
expectations of my client and the information found technological advances in the
in the MLS. After reviewing numerous MLS books real estate industry, this cutting-
and Hot Sheets, conversing with my colleagues and edge marketing tool allows you to
exploring potential neighborhoods, my clients and I present a house in an innovative
would spend the afternoon looking through my Thomas manner. Imagine being able to
Guide map book and touring houses in the hopes of provide a narrative walkthrough to
finding the perfect home. visitors without being present at the
house. Discover the possibilities
In today’s market, many agents adopt the best of of visitors touring a home without
emerging technology and use them to the clients’ ever leaving their desktop.
and their own advantage. Tools such as Treos, GPS
navigation systems, personal websites, and email
• Real Estate Blogging One of the biggest
expand the boundaries of a REALTOR® beyond the
phenomenons to hit the real estate industry in recent considered threats to the real estate industry. Rather,
traditional real estate business model. Tech-savvy
years is blogging. This form of online communication these developments should instead be accepted as
REALTORS® can now research a neighborhood, email
offers numerous benefits for REALTORS® including tools to assist us, expand our markets, and achieve
a picture and description of a house, and schedule a
lead generation and an opportunity for open dialogue great success as REALTORS®.
tour with the listing agent with their cell phone while
with prospective clients in a way never before possible.
they park outside of a home that a buyer would like to
By sharing their insight and knowledge, agents extend
the dialogue with existing clients and create an instant
rapport with potential clients.
Bay East has always been committed to providing you
Chuck Edell
the tools and support to be successful. Our Technical
2007 President
Training Department presents a variety of tech courses Plus, the members of Bay East Tech Support are
that can enhance productivity, at no additional cost willing to supply you with guidance on the best Please feel free to contact me at any time regarding
to you. Recently, they began offering a series of emerging technology to incorporate into your any issue you may have. I will do my best to answer
emerging technology seminars in which new industry business. Their expertise is free and one of the many your questions and resolve any difficulties. It is best to
trends are presented and guidance is given on how benefits available with your membership to Bay East reach me by email at chuck@realtyexperts.com.
you can incorporate these tools into your business. Association of REALTORS®.
These seminars include:

Today’s technological advances should not be

Volume 6, Issue 6 • July 2007
Bay East Association of REALTORS® Board
of Directors
Chuck Edell, President
INSIDEthisissue.. columns
Melrose Forde, President-Elect
Jean Powers, Treasurer
Gib Souza, Past President
page 3: From the president
Central County
page 5: CEO Notes
Otto Catrina, Director PAGE 7: INVESTING IN TECHNOLOGY • NAR Survey
Michael Godfrey, Director shows REALTORS® investing in and demanding more
Pam Winterbauer, Director technology.
Tom Cree, Director PAGE 8: REALTORS® 2.0
Dorothy Jackson, Director
page 10: TECH TIPS
Shawna Jorat, Director PAGE 12: BLOGGING 101• Explore the ABCs of publishing
John Juarez, Director page 13: EDUCATION HIGHLIGHTS
to the Internet.
Miguel Velazco, Director page 13: NEW MEMBERS
Pete Conley, Director competitors by using the new outreach medium.
Jeri Jorgenson, Director
Tammy Pryor, Director
Mike Fracisco , Director
New interactive mapping software goes beyond giving
At-Large directions to help you market your listings and your Mediation
Jeanie Reitzell, Director
services. Bay East, in conjunction with the Professional Standards Councilm
Don Faught, Director
Pat Huffman, Director now offers Mediation to all members and their clients at special rates
Affiliate to resolve disputes arising from the real estate transaction at any
Cathy Campbell, Director
point during or after the transaction. For more information, please
Chief Executive Officer
Tricia Thomas visit the Mediation page of the Professional Standards section of our
Vice President of Administration website at www.bayeast.org/programs/standards/mediation/.
Pam Barnes
Technology Training Director
Larnett Eckles Membership Renewal
Chief Financial Officer You should have received your 2007/08 Membership Renewal. In
Francoise Jordan addition to the paper invoice, an email notification that includes a link
Government Affairs Director
to pay your membership dues online was sent on May 30. All mem-
David Stark
Member Programs Director
bership renewals are due by July 2. Please add a $25 late fee if your
Toni Wilson payment is made after July 3. If your payment is made after August
MLS Support Services Director 2, you will need to include a $100 restatement with the payment. For
Jason Woods
more information about our online payment system, please contact
Information Technology Director
Mark Flavin us at (925) 730-1070.
Communications Coordinator/Editor
Joseph Smith

Bay East Realtor® Magazine is the official

publication of Bay East Association of REALTORS®
and is published monthly. Although every effort has
been made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness
of this publication, errors may occur. Bay East
Association of REALTORS® shall not be held liable for
misinformation, typographical errors, omissions and/
or misprints in editorial and/or advertising materials. To
advertise in Bay East Realtor® Magazine, contact
Central Valley Communications:

Michelle Manos, Executive Director

(209) 981-1414
Bryan White, Business Development
(209) 598-5040
Jaye Stevens, Account Executive
(209) 712-0857
Shaina Pijl, Marketing Assistant
(209) 858-1700
and target-market services and programs
that are most relevant to the needs and
preferences of each group.

Finally, we have learned what services our

members value the most and what means
Building a Better Association • Last month, we conducted an
of communication are most effective.
online survey to learn more about our members and gain a better understanding of
The highest service rankings went to our
the type of services you’d like us to offer. We had an overwhelming response, with
Professional Standards program, followed
610 of our 6,000 members participating. The next steps are to evaluate the data as
closely by Education, Computer Support
part of our annual strategic planning and budgeting process so we can adjust our
and Market and Statistical Analysis (60% or
business plan to meet member needs.
more of the survey respondents felt these
services to be extremely important). With regard to communications, 82% of the
I found the survey results fascinating and I wanted to share the data with you.
respondents said they found the Bay East REALTOR® Magazine a useful resource
There are some changes from the 2005 Member Survey that highlight growing
for information, but 75% felt that email (such as Constant Contact) was the most
trends in the industry. 70% of our members have a salesperson license which
efficient way to get timely information.
is a decrease from two years ago when 85% were salespeople. Where did they
go? They became brokers. Today, 26% of our members are brokers, which is a
All of this data will now be cross-tabulated so we can better understand the specific
significant increase over the 15% ratio two years ago. (4% of the total membership
preferences of each group (i.e. how do agent service preferences differ from broker
falls within the office manager category, many of whom categorized themselves in
preferences?). The final analysis gives us the ability to make program decisions and
the broker category in 2005).
allocate resources more efficiently and more effectively. And, ultimately, it enables
the Bay East Board of Directors and Leadership Team to continue building a better
Our membership has more tenure in the business than they did several years ago
REALTOR® association.
when 61% had been in the business 5 years or less. In fact, a total of 28% of our
members had been in the business 12 months or less. This year’s survey shows
that only 42% of our members have been in the business for 5 years or less and
within that category, only 6% have been in the business for 12 months or less. Our
membership is reflective of a more experienced “workforce” than it was two years
ago, and one that is predominantly well-educated. 49% or our members have a
Bachelor’s Degree or higher.

We’re also a richly-diverse association. 22% of our members are Asian/Pacific

Islander, 5% are African American, 11% are Latino/Hispanic, 1% is Middle Eastern,
2% are South Asian, 56% are Caucasian, and 3% consider themselves of another
origin not listed above. We are fortunate to have the same diversity reflected in
the Bay East staff and we strive to achieve similar balance in our leadership. Our
strategic planning process also recognizes that the membership demographics
closely mirror the homebuyer/seller demographics. As we design our education
and public advocacy programs, we are placing increasing emphasis on assisting
REALTORS® who do business in an increasingly diverse marketplace.

What else did we find out about our members? 55% of them are women (56% in
2005); 81% practice real estate full-time; and 92% have worked in no more than 4
real estate companies. Our survey also tells us that 58% of our members are Baby
Boomers (42 – 60 years old) which is not a significant change from the 57% ratio
in 2005. The number of Millenials (under 30 years old) has dropped from 6% to
3% while the number of Civics (61 years old and over) has increased from 15% to
19%. Generation X (31-41 years of age) members remained largely unchanged.
We track this information because we’ve learned over the years that each group
have communication and service delivery preferences. It has enabled us to design
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NAR Survey Shows REALTORs®
Investing in and Demanding The most popular devices REALTORs® use

More Technology in their day-to-day business include digital

cameras, desktop computers, and
REALTORs® invest heavily in technology, with more cell phones. The survey also
than half of brokers, sales agents, associate brokers revealed the growing popularity
and managers saying they spent more than $1,000 of smart phones or PDAs, which
last year, according to a new survey by the National provide phone, Internet and
Association of REALTORs®. email capabilities. In 2005, only
8 percent of respondents used
The 2007 REALTOR® Technology Survey, conducted a smart phone compared to 28
by NAR’s Center for REALTOR® Technology, also percent in 2006, and as many as
found that 25 percent of respondents spent more 30 percent of respondents plan to
than $2,000 on technology in 2006. In addition, purchase or replace one in the coming
approximately two-thirds of those surveyed have a real year.
estate business website, and a quarter spends more
than $1,000 annually to maintain their site. Nearly all REALTORs®’ use of automated forms and
of these sites – 93 percent – provide listing search transaction management software is also on the rise
capabilities. Other than their own website, the most as real estate transactions become more complex. In more
fact, more than three-fourths of REALTORs® surveyed than
popular sites for REALTORs® to display their listings
half of their
include the local MLS, their broker’s website and said they must manage as many as 20 documents to
business comes from referral clients, which makes
REALTOR.com. complete a real estate transaction. Fifty-nine percent of
staying in touch with current and past clients crucial
those surveyed use an automated forms management to a REALTOR®’s success. The most popular way to
“REALTORs® have invested a lot of time and program to help streamline the paperwork involved in maintain relationships with current clients is through
millions of dollars in building and improving real estate a transaction. Twenty-three percent of respondents phone calls (48 percent) and e-mail (39 percent).
technology, and the demand for additional technology use a transaction management system, which tracks
is high,” said Mark Lesswing, NAR Senior Vice each step of the real estate process, and 69 percent Two-thirds of REALTORS® continue to communicate
of those who aren’t currently using a transaction with their former clients at least once or more every
President and Chief Technology Officer. “While eight in
quarter. The methods, however, have changed.
ten REALTORs® think the current technology supplied management system are interested in adopting the
Electronic newsletters have gained in popularity
by their broker is valuable, two-thirds would like their technology.
as a way to stay in touch with former clients; other
broker to expand the amount of technology offered. favored methods are mailings and market updates. By
Eighty-four percent of those surveyed were also “By integrating and adopting innovative systems comparison, the telephone has fallen out of favor; in
interested in augmenting the technology and services and processes, REALTORs® continue to advance 2005, one of every three REALTORs® picked up the
offered by their Multiple Listing Service.” real estate technology, improving communication phone to reach out to former clients, but less than 1
with home buyers and sellers and streamlining percent of REALTORs® in the current survey relied on
transactions,” said NAR President Pat V. Combs, of phone calls to stay in touch with their past client base.
One of those services is the Comparative Market
Analysis, which compares a home to similar properties Grand Rapids, Mich., and Vice President of Coldwell
The 2007 REALTOR® Technology Survey was based
that have sold in an area. Ninety-four percent of Banker-AJS-Schmidt. “However, real estate is still
on data from field research conducted from February
those surveyed include a CMA as part of their listing a high-touch business. Building strong, personal 28 to March 14 of this year. CRT e-mailed the survey
presentations, and most REALTORs® are satisfied relationships with home buyers and sellers and to 21,869 NAR members, including REALTOR®
with the program. However, 35 percent thought the understanding their unique needs, is essential to brokers and agents, and generated 468 usable
program could be improved by offering the ability to helping them find the home of their dreams.” responses. The survey is available for free download
personalize designs and making it easier to use. at www.REALTOR.org/crt.
Indeed, survey respondents cite referrals and repeat
business as the top sources for generating the greatest
number of leads. One-third of respondents said that
Mark Flavin

Director of Information Technology

We have heard about it for years at the

California Association of REALTORS®
(C.A.R) and National Association of
REALTOR® (NAR) events, successful real
• www.stumbleupon.com
estate professionals are quickly evolving
What It Does: A free, service that lets people rate and recommend random Web sites to their friends as they “stumble”
into a new business model-REALTOR® 2.0. around the Internet.
REALTOR® 2.0 refers to the way that Cool Factor: Stumbleupon provides a way for individuals to find new sites and services that are complimentary to their
likes and dislikes.
consumers interact with their REALTOR®. In
REALTOR® 1.0, a real estate professional
• www.meebo.com
would prepare a list of potential homes What It Does: Meebo allows people to communicate via IM regardless of location, operating system and device.
based on the expectations of the client and Cool Factor: People can IM without the need of downloading popular instant messaging services such as Yahoo
the information found in the MLS. If you Messenger and AOL Instant Messenger. In addition, Meebo can be embedded into a website presenting the
were cutting edge, you might have an IDX opportunity for visitors to converse with you.
site search in which potential clients could
come to you with a list of prospective homes
• www.digg.com
What It Does: Digg lets users vote on sites and places them on the Digg homepage based upon the number of diggs,
in which they were interested.
or votes, received.
In REALTOR® 2.0, tech-savvy real estate Cool Factor: Digg allows you to know what is going on in the web before everyone else does.
professionals embrace new web tools
to advertise and solicit consumers. By • www.pandora.com
What It Does: Pandora creates an Internet radio station based on your musical preferences.
harnessing emerging technologies such as
Cool Factor: Imagine a radio station that played only your favorite songs. If it plays one you don’t like, you can elect
RSS readers, mashups, blogs, podcasting
never to hear it again. Have the picture in your head, open your eyes – you must be at Pandora, your personal Internet
and wikis, REALTORS® are able to present radio station.
large bandwidths of information to their
clients and interact with them as never • www.eyespot.com
before. What It Does: Eyespot allows you to upload, edit and publish video to other websites at no cost.
Cool Factor: People can discover the world of producing streaming video without spending a billion dollars.
The Internet is quickly becoming the point
of first contact with buyers, sellers and • www.dabbledb.com
REALTORS®. 64.7% of respondents to What it Does: Dabbledb.com is an online database system that lets you manipulate data in real time and share it with
NAR’s recent technology survey stated they the world or keep it private.
wanted their broker to expand the amount Cool Factor: An individual can enter data into the site and have a fully functional database within minutes.
of technology that was offered. 50% of
respondents display their listings on their
own websites. Colleen Badagliacco (California Association
As REALTORS®, these technological of REALTORS® President) meets with
advances might make your job more
Michael Godfrey (Bay East Director),
demanding and yet ultimately more efficient.
Chuck Edell (2007 President) and Gib
You can communicate with clients any time
of the day and they expect that. It is my Souza (Past President).
belief that the agents who incorporate these
advancements in their business will achieve
Ms. Badagliacco met with several members
of Region 5 & 6 at Garre Vineyards &

Winery on May 31, 2007 to promote her
vision of REALTOR® 2.0.
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of your listings. There’s also room for
forget to specify AM or PM).
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To Blog or Not to Blog! Consider these reasons as to
Larnett Eckles why you may want to blog:
Technology and Training Director • It’s your oyster! Create on-going
conversations with readers and potential
What’s all the buzz about blogging? Is it clients.
right for me? First of all, what is a blog? •It’s your opportunity! You are able to
According to Blogger.com: position yourself as a neighborhood or
market expert.
“A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A • You generate awareness of your
collaborative space. A political soapbox. A services! Blogs are social! Blogs are
breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. shared, blogs are linked to, and blogs are
Your own private thoughts. Memos to the distributed.
world….In essence, your blog is whatever
you want it to be. There are millions of them, So…is blogging for you? Only you can
in all shapes and sizes, and there are no answer that. The best way to find out is to
real rules. try it, and there’s no time like the present.
As you ponder this venture, keep these
“In simple terms, a blog is a website, where thoughts in mind: Know your niche; Read
you write information on an ongoing basis. other blogs; Experiment; Review your
New information shows up at the top, so writing skills; and most importantly, Write for
your visitors can read what’s new. Then a purpose!
they comment on it, link to it or email you.
Or not… Blogging Best Practices
• Update your blog regularly
“A blog gives you your own voice on the • Stick with a single topic
web. It’s a place to collect and share • Link and acknowledge others
information that you find interesting – • Get involved in the conversations
whether it’s your political commentary, a • Self-promote your blog through word-of-
personal diary, or links to web sites you want mouth
to remember. • Reference previous blog posts in later blog
“Many people use a blog just to organize
their own thoughts, while others command Are you interested in exploring blogging
influential, worldwide audiences of more deeply? Remember, the best way to
thousands. Professional and amateur understand it is to try it! From the blogging
journalists use blogs to publish breaking seminar recently conducted at Bay East,
news, while personal journalers reveal inner it was suggested that you use Blogger.
thoughts. com. They’ve “worked really hard to make
it really easy for you. In less than five
“Blogging is about more than just putting minutes you can be part of the phenomenon
your thoughts on the web. It’s about that’s transforming web and media to a
connecting with and hearing from anyone participatory activity. What will happen
who reads your work and cares to then? Who knows. It might be fun, though!
respond…you can control who can read and And remember: Blogger.com is totally free,
write to your blog – make it available to just and if you have trouble, help is just a click
a few…or let the entire world see what you away on any screen, where you can find the
have to say!” answer you’re looking for or even ask their
dedicated support staff for help!”

Have fun blogging!

Bay East offers an array of exciting and informative live seminars, classes and events designed

to keep you up-to-date on the latest trends. Please remember our classes are subject to change
or cancellation; always check class status with Member Services at (925) 730-4060.

Professional Development July 18 (9:00 – 11:00 am)

August 15 (1:30 – 3:30 pm)
Emerging Technologies - The Why and How of Paragon - Contact Auto-Email Notification is
Video Streaming • July 26 (1:00 – 3:00 pm) a two-hour class that covers entering Contacts/
Fee: $30 includes a Jump Drive which will contain Prospects, assigning searches, setting up auto
all class materials. Standard listings are a picture email notification, and more. (Prerequisite: Paragon
and a paragraph - video streaming is so much more. Essentials) Central Haidee Gonzaga, Excel Realty
Let the Bay East Technology Staff teach you about
Adriana Venegas, International Brokers Hope White, Intero Real Estate Services
how you can use Video Streaming to get the client July 10 (1:30 – 4:30 pm)
attention your listing deserves or drive clients to your Allen Shin, Re/Max In Motion Jeff Lee, New Star U.S. Pro Real Estate
July 31 (9:00 am – Noon)
web. August 16 (1:30 – 4:30 pm) Anita Longoria, Looker Realty Jessica Caorsi, Prudential Ruby Hill Realty
August 30 (9:00 am – Noon) Araceli Ramirez, Realty World Neighbors Jill Fusari, Tucker Assoc Real Estate Services
ABR (Accredited Buyer’s Representative) and Paragon - Create a CMA Presentation is a three- Christian Dulay, Hilltop Lending Corporation Jimmy Araujo, Everest Realty Group
WCR Elective – Negotiating • July 31 (9:00am hour class which covers all the steps in generating George Newkirk, Keller Williams/Castro Valley Leo Kirby, Century 21 Lincoln Realty
– 4:30 pm) • Fee: $135 Education Advantage; a CMA Presentation packet. (Prerequisite: Paragon
$150 REALTOR® Member; $300 Non-REALTOR® Geraldina Schirado, Re/Max In Motion Luz Puentes, Prime Investment
Member. This course is one of the three course Jacquelyn Campbell, Keller Williams/Castro Valley Melina Packard, Coldwell Banker Prof.
days required to obtain the ABR Designation. July 17 (9:00 am - Noon) James Borja, Coldwell Banker Melissa Longley, Ziprealty Inc.
We will show you how to consistently secure the August 21 (9:00 am – Noon) Jamie Hester, CWM Financial Muhammad Moosa, Windermere East Bay Realty
best outcomes for your clients and communicate WINForms® Basic is a three-hour class covering Jerri Savage, Keller Williams/Castro Valley Nasira Mojaddedi, California Home Realty
effectively under pressure. Learn how to negotiate creating and saving a template for a Purchase
your way to a win-win for you and your client. Karl Kruger, J. Motto & Co. Peyman Rad, Infinity Capital & Real Estate
or Listing transaction, and emailing forms. After
exploring how to use the Desktop version, the online Michael Cunningham, Re/Max In Motion Richard Goh, Prudential California Realty
Legal Updates with Gov Hutchinson • version will be covered. Paul Yolland, MJS Independent Brokers Ron Cutchon, Alain Pinel, REALTORS®
August 9 (1:30 – 3:30 pm) Fee: $35 Education Samuel Wilder, Wilder Realty Steve St. George, St. George Business Ent., Inc.
Advantage; $40 REALTOR® Member; $80 Non- July 17 (1:30 – 3:30 pm)
REALTOR® Member. Let California Association of Sharon Johnson, Realty Professionals
August 21 (1:30 – 3:30 pm)
REALTORS®’s General Counsel fill you in on the Susan Toscano, Advance Adobe Properties
WINForms® Advanced is a two-hour class covering
latest in Real Estate Law. Gov’s two-hour Legal additional functionality of the application including: Tammi Hannah, Keller Williams/Castro Valley New Affiliates
Update is a must for those of you who need to keep Clause Manager, Mortgage Calculator, Sticky Notes, Vincent Vo, Help-U-Sell San Leandro Central
up to date on contract law and legislative concerns. importing/exporting forms between desktop/online, Wenonah Washington, Keller Williams/Castro Brad Warren, Bradley K. Warren & Assoc.
This is a sellout seminar so sign up early. electronic signature and much more. (Prerequisite: Valley Kevin Williams, Financial Title Company
WINForms® Basic) Luis Castillo-Munoz, Prepaid Legal Services, Inc
Short Sales Seminar - How To Handle An
Upside Down Sale • August 15 (9:00 am – Noon) Tri-City Monica Welch, Financial Title Company
Fee: $45 Education Advantage; $50 REALTOR® Armand delos Santos, Global Realty Marketing Sam Medina, Wachovia Home Loans
Member; $90 Non-REALTOR® Member Benjamin David III, Universal Marketing Group Tara White, Financial Title Company
This seminar is approved for three-hours of DRE
consumer protection CE credits. Take this how-to- M A R KETING M EETINGS Bipin “Bip” Bubna, Classic Realty
seminar from nationally known instructor, Dennis Carmen Rosas, Century 21 Mission-Bishop Tri-City
McKenzie and learn a step-by-step procedure for Carrie Knoth, Timothy Crofton, Inc. Anne Sagehorn, JCP Disclosure Reports
listing agents who must negotiate a short sale. Central County Marketing Meeting Catherine Zhou, RE Realty Experts Copney Toler, JCP Disclosure Reports
Knudsen’s Ice Creamery Chona Ramos, The Mili Realty Group Roevic Garingan, Verizon Wireless
3323 Castro Valley Blvd., Castro Valley Dawn Carlson, Re/Max Executive Ruby Walia, Financial Title Company
Member information and officer contact
Technical Training information can be found on our website,
Demetrio Nitafan, Dem Realty & Mortgage Co.
www.centralcounty.org Fidel Asilo, Complete Realty Tri-Valley
July 11, 16, 19, 23, 24, and 30 Gurcharan Singh, American Dream Prop Corp Brad Louden, Residential Pacific Mortgage
August 1, 2, 7, 8, 13, 14, 20, 23, 27, and 29 Thursday Gurmeet Singh, United Real Estate & Mortgage Edilberto Po, Hope Home
Paragon Essentials is a mandatory three-hour Tri-City Marketing Meeting Imelda Punsalan, At Home Realty Joan Leavitt, Residential Pacific Mortgage
class which covers Searches, Saved Searches, Golden Peacock Banquet & Bistro
Views/ Reports, Email Listings, Print Reports, Listing Jessica Anit, Exit Covenant Realty Mari Mahoney, Residential Pacific Mortgage
3681 Peralta Blvd., Fremont
Input, and Quick and Easy CMA. Please call or visit Liza Ann Dolor, Maxim Realty and Loans Marion Martini, Residential Pacific Mortgage
Member information and officer contact
our website for class times. information can be found on our website, Madeline Choi, RE Realty Experts Martin Young, Joy Olivier Insurance Agency
www.tricitiesmarketing.com Maria Loza, Community One Sandy Hermann, Residential Pacific Mortgage
July 12 (9:00 – 11:00 am)
Maribel Guerrero, The Mili Realty Group Terri Terriquez, Residential Pacific Mortgage
August 6 (1:30 – 4:30 pm) Livermore Marketing Meeting
Create Flyers Using MS Word Marshall Bell, Infinity Financial Theresa Po, Hope Home
Robert Livermore Community Center
Basic Microsoft Word instruction Max Meregillano, Dem Realty & Mortgage Co. Tom Reiser, The Reiser Group
4444 East Avenue, Livermore
Member information and officer contact Nadra Troop, Re/Max Executive
July 25 (9:00 am – Noon) information can be found on our website, Patrice Newsome, At Home Realty
August 9 (1:30 – 4:30 pm)
August 22 (9:00 am – Noon)
www.livermoremarketing.com Sonette Padama, At Home Realty New Platinum Affiliates
Paragon Listings is a three-hour class which Tahira Janjua, Home Advantage Corp Tri-City
covers everything you need to know about entering/ Tanisha Dhillon, Paragon Real Estate & Mortgage Trisha Forde, Verizon Wireless
Valley Marketing Meeting
changing listings, putting properties on Tour/ Tommy T’s Restaurant Virgilio Pineda, Universal Marketing Group
Open House, uploading photos, and associated 5104 Hopyard Road, Pleasanton Wendy Chiu, BayOne Real Estate Investment Tri-Valley
documents. (Prerequisite: Paragon Essentials) Member information and officer contact Corp Mary Lombardo, Vintage Mortgage Group
information can be found on our website,
July 26 (1:30 – 3:30 pm) www.valleymarketing.com
August 15 (9:00 – 11:00 am) Tri-Valley
Popular Bells & Whistles, part of the Grab-It-&-Go Hispanic Association of Real Estate Bill Shanley, Prudential California Realty
Series, is a fun-packed two hour class comprising Acapulco Restaurant Brenda Richardson, Intero Real Estate Services
of the following: “Resize Digital Pictures”, “Radius/ 19950 Hesperian Blvd., Hayward Brian Barbir, Prudential California Realty

Rubberband/Polygon Searches”, “Customize Member information and officer contact
Reports”, “Market Monitor”, and “Driving Directions.” Genevieve Mongrain, Keller Williams Tri-Valley
information can be found on our website,
www.ahbr.org Giselle Nieto, RE Realty Experts
Trump competitors bread; the actual content
by using the new is the “meat”; and the
outreach medium. close, with your contact
 information and call to action
(if appropriate), is the second
Every day real estate professionals slice of bread.
strive to put their unique imprint on
marketing messages so that they can • Assemble the necessary
“rise above the noise.” The Internet hardware. You’ll need a
has made a huge difference in the way reasonably good condenser
you market your services. And now, microphone. The one I use
there’s yet another arrow to add to is the $29.95 Professional
your marketing quiver: the relatively Microphone from Serious
new medium, podcasting.
Podcasting Magic. You also will need a
is a Net-born neologism that refers to sound card for your computer
broadcasting audio information (music, — but most computers have
the spoken word) over the Internet them already installed.
• Weekly podcast “radio” shows that include phone
specifically to be downloaded into and played from an
interviews with guests
MP3 or other audio player or on your computer. • Install sound recording and editing software.
• An audio real estate blog, or Web log
This can range from $35 to several hundred dollars
(extemporaneous thoughts on what’s happening in
Apple’s iPod is the most well-known audio player. depending on how fancy you want to get. The basic
your market)
Because these players tend to be highly portable, they software captures the audio but doesn’t offer a lot
provide a unique opportunity for anyone to listen to of editing options. More expensive options allow
Your voice can be a powerful marketing tool.
anything (including your audio message), anywhere, you to mix in music, edit the audio, and tweak the
With the right approach (and some practice), oral
anytime. Initially, the main use of audio devices was sound quality. For most real estate professionals, the
communication is far more expressive and compelling
to store and play music. However, the options are inexpensive variety works just fine.
than mere words or images on a piece of paper or
expanding. For example, universities such as Duke
computer screen. Also, when clients and customers
and Purdue offer hundreds of podcast-based classes. • Record from a quiet location. Find someplace
hear your podcast, they may be more likely to perceive
From a real estate marketing perspective, podcasting where you and your computer can be as free from
you as an authority on real estate.
offers many possibilities to help you stand out from ambient noise as possible. If the recording software
your more silent competitors. You could record: isn’t loaded onto a laptop that you can take to a quiet
Getting Ready
place, then record your podcast earlier or later in the
Successful podcasting takes planning and
• Reports on various aspects of buying and selling real day when it’s more quiet at home or at the office.
commitment. In setting up a podcast,
•Descriptions of new listings Mr. Internet, RUSSER Communications, its staff, and
• Determine your content. Are you going to do audio
officers receive no compensation from any third-party
reports that don’t require frequent updating (e.g.,
• Brief introductions of you and your team vendors and make no recommendations as to the
financing options, seller disclosures, and staging a
• Custom audio newsletters or articles within your suitability of the products or services mentioned in this
home), or are you going to commit to a weekly audio
newsletter article. Always thoroughly investigate any product or
service before trying or purchasing.

• Create a standard format. Think of every podcast

as a sandwich. The opener that grabs the listener’s
attention and says who you are is the first slice of

The following are the Top 10 Issues that the Bay East Tech- clicking on the link, the member can email from the Paragon The member here will have to call CAR for a reset of the
nical Support Center encounter on a daily basis: system. software to allow extra installations.

1) MLS ID and Password Forgotten • Member for- 5) Hardware Issues • Members experience hardware 8) Microsoft Outlook Help • Members use Outlook
gets ID and password for the Paragon system. Solution: issues such as a printer not working or a computer not boot- for their contacts and emails. Solution: There are two
Contact the Tech Support Center at (925) 730-7100 to get ing up to the Windows screen. Solution: Bring the com- common solutions for the problem.
ID and Password. After verifying the last 4 digits of the social puter into Bay East for an inspection by a System Support • The outlook.pst file is too large and emails need to be de-
security number, ID and password are given to the member. Representative. leted or archived, so new emails can arrive into the inbox.
• Occasionally, Outlook program files become damaged and
2) Java Settings • Member purchases a new computer 6) MLS Xchange Login Problems • Members have the detect and repair option can fix most of these problems.
and does not find the search bar at the top of the Paragon problems logging into MLS Xchange or other MLS systems Other solutions will have to be looked at through either a
screen. Solution: Download the Microsoft VM 3809 soft- in the area. Solution: There are two different types of Webex session or brought into the Tech Center for a closer
ware by either running the autofix program or downloading solutions: inspection.
the software manually from www.bayeastsupport.com. • The member is inputting the wrong User ID and password
9) Searches on Paragon • Members want to conduct
3) Popup Blockers • Popup blockers cause problems (ELP¬YOUR¬CLIENTS¬GET¬MORE¬THAN¬JUST¬A¬HOME¬L
• The ID and password in the other system do not match
more advance or specific searches. Solution: Call the
what is on Paragon and needs to be reset at that specific
on Paragon when trying to email or create a CMA. MLS. An email is sent to the specific MLS for password Tech Center at (925) 730-7100 to learn how to customize
Solution: Depending on what pop-up blocker it is, each
of those popup blockers can be configured to allow Paragon
'IVE¬THEM¬PEACE¬OF¬MIND the layout on Paragon to add fields that the members need
to conduct the search.
as a trusted site for pop-ups 7) Winforms Installation • Members encounter prob-
lems downloading Winforms. 10) Partial Saving a Listing • As agents add informa-
4) Email is Invalid • Every email in the Paragon System Solution: There are two different solutions for download- tion to a listing, sometimes the listing does not save in its
has to be verified. When an email is not a verified a mem- ing Winforms. entirety.
ber will receive an error that email address in Paragon is set • The wrong ID and password is being used for the CAR site Solution: Individuals should restart and save the listing
to invalid. Solution: Verify the send email address after to access the Winforms download page. A call is made to every 5 – 10 minutes, so as not to lose any of the work that
receiving an email. Once the member receives the email CAR for the correct ID and password. was entered.
there is a link inside the email to verify the address. After • Have exceeded the number of installations of the software.






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Mike Antoniak

You’ve probably been using online mapping software

for years to find the quickest route for getting from
Point A to Point B. But Web-based maps have come a
long way since their inception. A new host of easy-
to-use programs can help your clients and prospects
explore neighborhoods, find listings, and learn about
your services — without ever having to step away from
their computer.

These new maps, sometimes referred to as

“mashups,” let you combine basic mapping data with
information from another source, such as listing data,
photos, or video. As a result, clients and prospects who
access your customized maps can click on particular
homes or landmarks to see the additional images or
data that you’ve added. These maps can serve as
great marketing tools for properties, neighborhoods, or
your services.

One example that’s already garnering lots of attention

is Google’s free My Maps. Released in April, the • MapsAlive. Insert landmarks in maps or floor plans and provides directions, staff listings, services offered,
software allows you to easily embed photos, video, that link to additional information or photos. There’s and contact information.
and text to landmarks on an online map. You can even a 30-day free trial period; thereafter pricing starts at
view the map you created in Google Earth. Some other $19.95 per month. Or, you may want to create a customized map of your
mapping programs include: individual market area, complete with schools, photos
• Map Solutions GeoLocator. Create maps of an of parks and local landmarks, and information about
• Yahoo! Maps. Create and publish personalized maps area with listing information from a property database restaurants and entertainment.
on Yahoo!, share them, or incorporate them onto a or MLS, and a CMA report on the map page. Annual
website. Like Google Maps, the site includes a number subscription is $169. Get on the Map
of application programming interfaces (or APIs), which With Google’s pervasive influence, its release of My
you can use to build maps or combine with other • Real Estate MapBuilder. Use tools for linking listings Maps is guaranteed to create more awareness of and
content for mashups. A free registration is required. on maps to whatever real estate data subscribers interest in these mashups, especially since they are
choose to include. There’s a free seven-day trial, so easy to develop now with simple online prompts to
• Microsoft’s Windows Live Local. Web surfers can thereafter the service costs $19.95 per month. walk you through the process.
search the map database and use Microsoft MapPoint
Web services to tap a programmable Web service for So, How Do I Use It? The service also gives you the option of keeping maps
integrating maps, driving directions, and information on All of the above services simplify the process of private, for personal distribution, linking to them from
an area into a websitee. The developer center includes creating and distributing customized maps that your website, or publishing them for public access
a number of resources explaining what’s available and can help consumers learn more about a home or through Google search results.
how these mapping tools can be used. There’s also a neighborhood.
tutorial on linking maps and directions to your website. Such mapping software will allow you to easily provide
The challenge for you comes in deciding what quality, detailed information about your properties
information you’d like to include on maps to provide online and give your prospects a chance to explore,
practical benefits to potential buyers and sellers. The wherever they are. In an industry whose mantra will
key is to make your maps as relevant as possible to always be “location, location, location,” these new
your clients’ needs. mapping solutions can certainly bring value to the work
you do.

16 For instance, a real estate brokerage with many local

offices can create a map that pinpoints every location
Mike Solis
To explore Google Maps Street View, go to http://maps.google.com/help/maps/streetview/
System Support Representative
A few weeks ago, Google unveiled the newest feature of
its mapping tool – Google Maps Street View. This new
feature provides users with 360-degree ground level
views from designated locations on maps. Areas on the
map where Street View is available are indicated by a
blue outline. Users can click and drag the icon to any
place on the map where Street View is available.

To rotate, users can click and drag the photograph left

to right, or use the arrow keys. Clicking on the arrows
on the road allows you to take a virtual walk down the
street. Clicking on any part of the screen or using the
slider bar on the left allows users to zoom in. It hasn’t
come without its share of controversy, as many people
have expressed concern over privacy related matters.

The Street View images are clear and systematically

stored, allowing anyone in the world to look and zoom in
anywhere else as if they were using a telescope. Google
claims that the images aren’t anything that can’t be
viewed normally from the street, while also providing
links on pages where users can flag inappropriate

Controversial or not, this new feature can be an

extremely useful tool for REALTORS®. By using
Street View, REALTORS® can visit a neighborhood
and explore schools, parks, and other sites, all without
leaving their computer. If they like what they see, they
can then schedule a viewing of the home, saving the
time usually involved in traveling to different locations.
Users can also share views with others by clicking on
the “Link to this page” link in the top right hand corner
of the screen, copying the web address in the web
browser, and pasting it in an email.

With this feature, REALTORS® are able to present

virtual tours of neighborhoods to clients, allowing them
to explore and get a feel for different areas.

Street View is currently limited to metropolitan areas

like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York, but
according to the engineers in charge of the project, only
a small percentage of the information they’ve collected
has been made accessible on the site. As new regions
are constantly being added, it’s realistic to believe that
the feature will be available for smaller towns and cities
in the near future.
Total Units Sold
May 2007 Housing Report May 2004
The median price of an existing, single-family home in southern Alameda
County during May 2007 was $705,000, a 4.3 percent increase over the
$675,710 median in April and a 4.4 percent increase compared to March
May 2007

Highlights for June 2007
• The Median Price Sold of a Home was $705,000, a 4.3 percent
increase from the previous month.
•Total Units Sold in Southern Alameda County was 438 in May 2007, an
‘05 ‘06 ‘07
increase of 14.3 percent from the previous month.
• The Average Days on Market (DOM) for the month was 26 days, a
decrease of two days from 28 in April 2007.
• There were 2617 homes on the market at the end of May 2007, an
Year to Date Summary
• The Median Year to Date Sales Price of a home increased slightly
increase of 12.1 percent from the previous. Using May 2007 statistics,
(0.8%) compared to the same period last year. Livermore (2.1%) showed
there are nearly six months of homes on the market.
an increase. Houses in Newark and Fremont maintained their medium
• The Median Sales Price of a three-bedroom home increased from
price from 2006. Sold residences in San Lorenzo (-1.8%), Dublin
$609,919 in April to $630,000 in May 2007.
(-2.2%), Union City (-3.2%), Castro Valley (-3.5%), Pleasanton (3.6%),
• The Sold Average Square Foot Price was $407.46, a decrease of
Hayward (-3.7%), and San Lorenzo (-6.0%) showed a significantly lower
$12.13 per square from April 2007.
median sales prices.
• The Average Year to Date DOM was 35 days, an increase of nine days
for the same time period in 2006.
• The Total Units Sold for 2007 was 2,165 homes, a decrease of 15.7%
from 2006. Pleasanton (24.3%) and Dublin (3.3%) showed increases
Sold Market by Price Range
in number of units sold. Fremont (-3.6%), Livermore (-9.9%), Newark
1% (-21.4%), Castro Valley (-24.5%), San Lorenzo (-26.5%), Union City

16% 7% $300,000 - $399, 999

(-32.6%), San Leandro (-35.3%) and Hayward (-35.4%) showed a
$400,000 - $499, 999 decrease.

51% $500,000 - $749, 999

$750,000 - $999, 998

More than $999,999 Days on Market

May 2007

May 2004


18 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07


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