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RAM Structural System

CONNECT Edition Release 15.0

Integration with ProjectWise

Last Updated: September 21, 2015

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RAM Structural System

Integration with ProjectWise

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4
Chapter 2: Integration Basics ..................................................................................................... 5


Prerequisites for Using Integration .......................................................................................................................................... 5

Integration Commands ...................................................................................................................................................................5
Add File to ProjectWise ........................................................................................................................................5
Open File stored in ProjectWise .......................................................................................................................7
Update ProjectWise Server Copy .....................................................................................................................9
ProjectWise Properties ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Affected RAM Structural System functionality ..................................................................................................................10
Closing a model opened from ProjectWise ................................................................................................ 11

RAM Structural System

Integration with ProjectWise

Integration with ProjectWise is a RAM Structural System feature that allows working with documents stored in
the ProjectWise V8i data management system from within RAM Structural System V8i Release 13.0.
For the sake of brevity, V8i integration with ProjectWise will be referred to as Integration throughout the rest of
this manual.
This manual is only intended to serve as a guideline for the Integration functionality. It is assumed that the
reader is already familiar with the set of ProjectWise Explorer applications and the RAM Structural System.

RAM Structural System

Integration with ProjectWise

Integration Basics
This section covers the prerequisites for using the Integration functionality, the new Integration commands
available in the RAM Structural System and the RAM Structural System functionality that is affected by

2.1 Prerequisites for Using Integration

To use the Integration functionality, both the ProjectWise Explorer V8i and the RAM Structural System must be
installed. The order in which the ProjectWise Explorer V8i and the ProjectWise Explorer V8i are installed is not
Note: On the 32-bit version of the RAM Structural System is integrated with ProjectWise.

2.2 Integration Commands

When ProjectWise has been installed, four specific Integration commands are available in RAM Manager.

Update Server Copy

These commands are accessible through the File > ProjectWise menu and the ProjectWise toolbar.

2.2.1 Add File to ProjectWise

Toolbar icon

Menu command

RAM Structural System


Integration with ProjectWise

Integration Basics
Integration Commands
When enabled?

A RAM Structural System model has been opened on the local computer using the
File Open or File New command.
Add the current RAM Structural System model to a ProjectWise repository.
When invoked for the first time, the ProjectWise Log in dialog is displayed, allowing
the user to log into the ProjectWise datasource (see the ProjectWise Explorer V8i
help files for more details).

Log in by supplying the required information and clicking the Log in button

After clicking the Log in button, the ProjectWise Save Document As dialog is displayed, allowing the user to enter
ProjectWise document information such as Folder, Document Name, Description, File Name, etc. (see ProjectWise
Explorer V8i help files for more details). All Document section fields in the dialog are automatically filled with
default values based on the local file name.

RAM Structural System

Integration with ProjectWise

Integration Basics
Integration Commands
Entering all required information and clicking the Save button will result in the creation of a new empty
document in the ProjectWise datasource. This document is updated with the RAM Structural System model
If the ProjectWise datasource settings require the user to enter comments for each document, the ProjectWise
Update Server Copy dialog is displayed, allowing the user to enter comment. If comments are not required, the
dialog is not displayed.

A Progress bar is displayed during the data transfer indicating the file content transfer status.
The newly created ProjectWise document is then checked out from the ProjectWise datasource. The RAM
Structural System recognizes that the current model is linked to ProjectWise and allows the File ProjectWise
Update Server Copy and the File - ProjectWise - Properties commands to be invoked.

2.2.2 Open File stored in ProjectWise

Toolbar icon

Menu command

RAM Structural System


Integration with ProjectWise

Integration Basics
Integration Commands
When enabled?

Always (when ProjectWise Explorer V8i is installed).

Open a RAM Structural System file stored in aProjectWise repository.
When invoked for the first time, the ProjectWise Log in dialog is displayed, allowing
the user to log into a ProjectWise datasource (see Add File to ProjectWise for details).
After logging in to the datasource, the ProjectWise Open Document dialog is
displayed, allowing the user to browse/search the datasource contents and select the
document to open (see ProjectWise Explorer V8i help files for more details).

Once a document has been selected and the Open button has been clicked, the ProjectWise document is checked
out from the ProjectWise datasource, copied to local disk and opened by the RAM Structural System.
The RAM Structural System recognizes that the current model was opened from aProjectWise repository and
allows the File ProjectWise Update Server Copy and the File ProjectWise Properties commands to be

RAM Structural System

Integration with ProjectWise

Integration Basics
Integration Commands

2.2.3 Update ProjectWise Server Copy

Toolbar icon

Menu command

Update Server Copy

When enabled?

RAM model has been opened from a ProjectWise repository by using File
ProjectWise Open command (or added to a ProjectWise repository using the File
ProjectWise Add command).


Update the ProjectWise server copy of the file with the latest changes that have been
made to the local copy of the file.


When this command is invoked, the model that is currently open in the RAM
Structural System is checked for changes. If the model has been edited since the last
save, a message is displayed asking if these changes should be saved before updating
the file server copy.

Depending on the ProjectWise datasource settings, the ProjectWise Update Server Copy dialog is displayed
when the Yes button is selected (see Add File to ProjectWise (on page 5) for more details).
A Progress bar is displayed during the data transfer indicating file content transfer status.

2.2.4 ProjectWise Properties

Toolbar icon

Menu command


When enabled?

RAM model has been opened from ProjectWise repository by using File
ProjectWise Open command (or added to a ProjectWise repository using the File
ProjectWise Add command).

RAM Structural System

Integration with ProjectWise

Integration Basics
Affected RAM Structural System functionality

RAM Structural System

Review and edit ProjectWise document properties of the currently opened file.
When invoked, the ProjectWise Document Properties dialog is opened, allowing the
user to review and edit the ProjectWise document properties and metadata (see
ProjectWise Explorer V8i help files for more details).


Integration with ProjectWise

Integration Basics
Affected RAM Structural System functionality

2.3 Affected RAM Structural System functionality

This section will discuss additional RAM Structural System functionality that is affected by Integration. The most
important affected items are:
Closing a model opened from ProjectWise repository, and
Opening a model from within the ProjectWise Explorer application.

2.3.1 Closing a model opened from ProjectWise

When closing a model in the RAM Structural System that was opened from a ProjectWise repository, the user is
given three options for file management: check in, update server copy or free file server copy. This occurs in any
of the following cases:

Close Model command is explicitly called;

New model is being opened (either from local disk or from ProjectWise);
Save As command is invoked;
RAM Manager is closed.

When one of the above actions occur, the ProjectWise Check in dialog is displayed, from which the above
mentioned file management choices are available (see ProjectWise Explorer V8i help files for more details).

RAM Structural System


Integration with ProjectWise


32-bit version 5
64-bit version 5

basics 5

ProjectWise Log in 5
ProjectWise Save Document
As 5

RAM Structural System

ProjectWise Update Server

Copy 5

commands 5
introduction 4

prerequisites 5
ProjectWise Check in dialog 11


ProjectWise Document
Properties dialog 9
ProjectWise Log in dialog 5
ProjectWise Open Document
dialog 7
ProjectWise Save Document As
dialog 5
ProjectWise server copy
updating 9
ProjectWise Update Server Copy
dialog 5

Integration with ProjectWise

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