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Department of Education Central Province

G.C.E. Advanced level Practice Test -2010
Physics I
Time 2 hours

Grade 13

Answer all the questions
In each of the questions 1 to 60, pick one of the alternatives from (1) (2),(3),(4),(5) which
is correct or most appropriate and mark your response on the answer sheet with a (x) on
the number of the correct option in accordance with the instructions given in the answer
(g =10 N kg-1)
1. The force F acting on a particle at time t is given by F = A sin ( xt + ). The ratio A/x

has no dimensions
has the dimension of force
has the dimension of momentum
has the dimension of pressure
has the dimension of energy

2. Frequencies of micro waves, radio waves, blue light, ultra-violet light and gamma-rays are
fm, fr, fb, fu and fg respectively. Which of the following is the correct sequence of
electromagnetic waves in order of increasing frequency?
(1) fm, fr, fb, fu , fg (2) fm, fb, fr, fg , fu (3) fr, fm, fb, fu , fg (4) fg, fu, fb, fm , fr (5) fr, fu, fb, fg , fm
3. Which one of the following graphs correctly shows the relationship between the gravitational
force F between two masses and their separation r?





1/r2 0



4. The diameter of a wire is measured by a micrometer screw gauge in which the pitch of the
screw is 0.5 mm and the circular scale has 50 divisions. The reading is shown in the figure.
The reading is
(1) 2.17 mm (2) 2.67 mm (3) 2.73 mm
(4) 2.23 mm (5) 2.33 mm

5. A child immersed his index finger of the left hand in a vessel filled with water at 00C and the
index finger of the right hand in a vessel filled with water at 500C water. After a few minutes
he took out both fingers and immediately immersed them in a vessel filled with water at 370C
( normal body temperature) .

The left hand finger feels the water warmer than the right hand finger.
The right hand finger feels the water warmer than the left hand finger.
Both fingers will feel the water neither cold nor warm.
Both fingers will feel the water warm.
Both fingers will feel the water cold.

6. A box of mass 1 kg is placed on a rough horizontal table. A horizontal force of magnitude

50 N and vertical forces are applied on the box in different situations as shown below. In
which of the situations is the acceleration greatest?
10 N
50 N

10 N
50 N


50 N


50 N

7. In the given circuit the power dissipated in 60 resistor is 60 W.

The power dissipated in the system is
(1) 360 W (2) 180 W

(3) 110 W

(4) 130 W


(5) 240 W

50 N

8. The volume rate of flow of a viscous liquid in a horizontal pipe for a laminar flow is
(A) directly proportional to the pressure gradient along the pipe.
(B) directly proportional to the square of the diameter of the tube.
(C) inversely proportional to the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid
Which of the above statements are true?
(1) A and B only (2) B and C only (3) A and C only (4) All A, B and C (5) A only
9. Listed below are five isotopes of Uranium.













After two successive decay processes, involving emission of an alpha and a beta (-) particle
respectively leaves 234
as the decay product.
Which of the above isotopes undergo this decay?

10. A ray of light passes through a diverging glass lens placed in air. Which of the following ray
diagrams is not correct?






11. The mass of a nucleus

is M. The mass of a proton is mp and the mass of a

neutron is mn . The speed ofo

of this nucleus is

of light in vacuum is c. The binding energy per nucleon

(1) [ M - z mp (A- z) mn] c2 (2) [z mp + (A- z) mn-M] c2 /A

(3) [M/A- mp - mn] c2

(4)1/2 [z mp +(A- z) mn M] c2 (5)1/2[z mp +(A- z) mn M] c2 /A

12. The displacement (s)- time (t) graphs for two runners P and Q in a 100 m race are shown

10 10.5


Consider the following statements.

(A) At time t = 0, velocity of P > velocity of Q
(B) At time t = 10 s, velocity of Q > velocity of P
(C) At the instant when the velocity of Q is equal to that of P, Q has traveled a longer
distance than P
Which of the above statements are true?
(1) A only (2) B only (3) A and B only (4) A and C only (5) B and C only
13. A piece of metal of mass 80 g and specific heat capacity 125 J kg-1K-1 at a temperature
1000C is put into 100 g of water of specific heat capacity 4200 J kg-1K-1 . The final
maximum temperature of water is 370C. The initial temperature of water is
(1) 34.00C

(2) 34.50C (3) 35.00C (4) 35.50C (5) 36.50C

14. A particle of mass 0.2 kg moves with simple harmonic motion of amplitude 2 x 10-2m. If
the total energy of the particle is 4 x 10-5J, what is the time period of motion?
(1) /8 seconds (2) /4 seconds (3) /2 seconds (4) seconds (5) 2 seconds

15. A uniform solid sphere and a uniform solid cylinder are released from rest from the top of
an inclined plane. They roll down the plane without slipping.

The cylinder will reach the bottom of the plane before the sphere
The sphere will reach the bottom of the plane before the cylinder
Nothing can be predicted without knowing the moment of inertia of the two bodies
Nothing can be predicted without knowing the radii of the two bodies
Nothing can be predicted without knowing the density of the two bodies

16. The diagram shows the variation of pressure P with volume V for a sample of an ideal gas
when following a series of changes.

The internal energy of the gas is the same at
(1) A, B and C

(2) A and B but not C

(3) C and B but not A (4) A and C but not B

(5) no pair of points on the lines shown

17. Which one of the following is not a unit of magnetic flux?

(1) N m A-1 (2) Wb (3) T m2 (4) V s (5) J A

A charge +q is placed at point D on a cube as shown in the figure.

The total normal electric flux through the faces
ABFE, ABCD and CBFG are respectively

+q D


(1) q / 240 , 0 , q / 240 (2) q / 0 , 0 , q / 0


(3) 0, q / 0 ,0 (4) q / 6 0 ,0, q / 6 0


(5) q / 20 ,0 , q / 0
19. An electric motor is set up as shown, so that magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of
the coil.

When the current is supplied, the coil does not turn. Which of the following is required for the
coil to start turning?


The magnetic field must be increased

The direction of the current must be reversed
The magnitude of the current must be increased
The starting position of the coil must be changed
The direction of the magnetic field must be reversed

20. In the given circuit the readings of the voltmeters V1 and V2 are 4.5 V and 2.0 V respectively.

E =5 V



The value of resistance R1 is equal to

(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 5 (4) 6 (5) 7

AB is a uniform telephone wire of length l. There is a fault in the wire due to earthing at
point C. To detect it, the circuit shown in the figure is set up.


G is a centre zero galvanometer. On terminal of the galvanometer is connected to X and

the other terminal is earthed. R is adjusted until the galvanometer deflection is zero.
Then R was equal to 2000 . The length AC is equal to
(1) 3l

(2) 3l

(3) l

(4) l

(5) 4l

22. A sensitive thermometer was placed inside a tube of a hot molten substance and the tube is
suspended in air. The temperature of the substance was taken at regular intervals of time
and when the results were plotted, the graph below was obtained


The graph shows that

(A) The substance solidified between Q and R
(B) Specific heat capacity of the substance in the tube is less in the region PQ than in the
region RS
(C) Loss of heat by the substance was zero between Q and R
Which of the above statements are true?
(1) A and B only (2) A and C only (3) A only (4) B only (5) C only

23. A glass capillary tube AB is joined to a wide tube CD as shown in the figure. It is partially
filled with water. The angle of contact between glass and water is zero.
The water level in the large tube is pushed down a
distance x by applying a pressure. The liquid level in the
capillary tube is measured from the initial liquid level in
the wide tube is h.
Which of the following graphs correctly show the variation
of h with x?







24. A bird B in air is looking at a fish F in water in a pond. For the bird, the fish appears to be at
a distance 27 cm from the bird.
For the fish the bird appears to be at a distance x
from the fish. x is equal to
Bird *B
(1) 24 cm (2) 18 cm (3) 40 cm

(4) 36 cm

27 cm

(5) 32 cm
8 cm
Fish *F

25. The displacement time (s-t) graph for a particle moving along a straight line is shown in the
figure below.
Which of the following could be the
velocity time (v-t) graph for the motion
of the particle?

t 0

t 0




t 0


26. A steady current flows in the circuit shown in figure (i) . Figure (ii) shows a potentiometer


10 V





When A is connected to P and X is connected to Q, the balance length is 100 cm.
Consider the following statements
(A) When B is connected to P and X is connected to Q, the balance length is 40 cm
(B) When B is connected to P and C is connected to C is connected to Q, the balance length
is 20 cm
(C) When R is increased , the balance length will increase
Which of the above statements are/is true?
(1) A and B only (2) B and C only (3) A and C only (4) A only (5) All A, B and C

27. A transverse wave in water is shown below. What is the point at which the acceleration is in
the direction of motion of the particle.

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E


28. A current flows in the combined wire PQR from P to R. The cross-sectional area of PQ
decreases gradually from 2A to A and that of QR increases gradually from A to 2A.The number
of free electrons in unit volume of PQ is twice that of QR.

The variation of drift velocity of electrons (v) from P to R is best represented by









29. The cathode of a photocell is irradiated by light of frequency f and photon intensity x. The
current was I and the stopping potential was V. Now the frequency is doubled and the
photon intensity is halved.


The new current and the new stopping potentials are I1 and V1 respectively.
(1) I1 = 2 I ; V< V1 <2 V (2) I1 = I /2 ; V1 =2 V (3) I1 = 2 I ; V1 >2 V
(4) I1 = I /2 ; V1 >2 V (5) I1 = I /2 ; V< V1 <2 V
30. Air of density 1.2 kg m-3 flows in the horizontal pipe shown in the figure. The cross sectional
areas of the pipe at X and Y are 1.5 cm2 and 1.0 cm2 respectively. The liquid of density 900
kg m-3 in the manometer rises so that the difference in liquid levels in the two arms is
0.24 cm.


0.24 cm

The velocity of air flow at X is equal to

(1) 2.0 m s-1 (2) 2.5 m s-1 (3) 4.0 m s-1 (4) 5.0m s-1 (5) 6.0 m s-1

31. A defected eye is using a converging lens of power 2 diopters to read a book at a distance of
25 cm from his eye. The distance from the eye to the nearest point that he can see clearly
without spectacles is,
(1) 30 cm (2) 40 cm (3) 50 cm (4) 100 cm (5) 200 cm

32. In the given circuit the current in 50 resistor is zero.






What is the value of resistance R?

(1) 40 (2) 30 (3) 20 (4) 10 (5) 5
33. The light emitting diode (LED) in the circuit shown in the diagram will be ON
(A) Switches P and Q are both open
1 k

1 k

(B) Switches P and Q are both closed

(C ) Switch P is closed and switch Q is open
Which of the above statements are correct?

(1) All A, B and C

(2) A and B only (3) B and C only (4) A only (5) C only

34. A steel wire of length 2.0 m is stretched by a load of 60.0 N resulting in strain of 7.5 x 10-4
within Hookes law region. The energy stored in the wire is
(1) 4.50 x 10-2 J

(2) 9.00 x 10-2 J (3) 3.75 x 10-4 J (4) 7.5 x 10-4 J (5) 8.00 x 10-4 J

35. Two coherent sources produce waves which are 1800 out of phase. What is a possible value
for the path difference of the two waves when they meet at a point of constructive
interference, if the wavelength is .
(1) 0 (2) /4

(3) /2

(4) (5) 2

36. The stationary wave shown in the figure is formed in a stretched wire of length 1.5 m by a
variable frequency source when its frequency is 80 Hz.
When the tension in the string is
increased by a factor of 4 how many
loops can be observed in the string
for the same frequency?
1.5 m
(1) one (2) two (3) four (4) five (5) six
37. The resistance between the two ends of a solid cylinder of radius a and length l is R. It is
completely inserted into a hollow cylinder of internal radius a and external radius b made
of the same material.


The combined resistance between the two ends of the compound cylinder is
(1) R

(2) Rb/a

(3) Ra2/b2

(4) R(b2 a2)/ a2

(5) R(b2 a2)/ b2

38. The figure below shows a silicon cube X, a p- type semi-conducting cube Y and a copper
cube Z of equal dimensions.
Currents of equal magnitude flows in the three cubes in the same direction and magnetic
fields, each of the same magnitude acts on the three cubes in the same direction
perpendicular to the current as shown below The readings of the centre zero volt meters
connected to X, Yand Z are VX, VY and VZ respectively.

Which of the following is the correct relationship of volt meter readings?

(1) VX= 0, VY > 0, VZ < 0 (2) VX>0, VY > 0, VZ < 0 (3) VX< 0, VY > 0, VZ < 0
(4) VX= 0, VY = 0, VZ > 0 (5) VX< 0, VY < 0, VZ < 0

39. Two identical metal vessels A and B are filled with hydrogen gas and oxygen gas
respectively at the same temperature. Consider the following statements regarding the two
gases in A and B.
(A) Both vessels should contain equal number of molecules
(B) The average kinetic energy of an oxygen molecule is equal to the average
kinetic energy of a hydrogen molecule.
(C) The fractional increase in pressure is the same for both gases when the
temperatures of both vessels are increased by the same amount.
Which of the above statements are/is true?
(1) A and B only (2) A and C only (3) B and C only (4) A only (5) B only

40. A parallel beam of light is incident on a glass prism which is inside the box shown below.
The emerging rays are shown in the figure.


What is the correct position of the prism inside the box?














41. In an experiment to pass a very high current through a gas, a bank of capacitors of total
capacitance 50 F is charged to 30 kV. If the bank of capacitors could be discharged
completely in 5.0 ms, what would be the mean power delivered?
(1) 22 kW (2) 110 kW

(3) 4.5 MW (4) 9.0 MW (5) 9 kW

42. An object is placed at point A in front of a converging lens of focal length 20 cm. It is
slowly moved towards point B on the same side of the lens as shown in the figure. The
distances of points A and B from the lens are 60 cm and 30 cm respectively.


How does the distance (d) between the object and its real image change as the object is
moved towards B.
(1) d remains constant

(2) d gradually decreases (3) d gradually increases

(4) d increases and then decreases (5) d decreases and then increases

43. A spider is lying on the ground. Due to a prey fell on the ground, a longitudinal and a
transverse wave are generated. These waves travel towards the spider at speeds equal to
150 ms-1and 50 ms-1respectively The difference between the times taken by the two waves
to arrive at the spider is 0.04 s. What is the speed with which the spider should move towards
the prey to catch it 1.5 s after receiving the transverse wave.
(1) 1.0 m s-1 (2) 2.0 m s-1 (3) 2.5 m s-1 (4) 5.0 m s-1 (5)10 m s-1
44. Three parallel metal plates P,Q and R are at potentials of 0 V, 100V, and 200 V respectively
in a vacuum. Plate P is heated and plate Q has a hole in it. Q is a distance s from P and R.
Electrons are emitted from P with negligible speed and are accelerated towards Q. Some
electrons pass through the hole and reach R with a velocity v.
Which statement below is true?



(1) The acceleration of an electron is proportional to s1/2

(2) The velocity of an electron as it passes through Q is v/2
(3) The kinetic energy of an electron at Q is half its kinetic
100 V
200 V
energy when it reaches R.
(4) The acceleration of an electron is greater between P and Q than between Q and R
(5) The final kinetic energy of an electron is mainly derived from the internal energy of plate P.
45. AB is an unlagged bar of length 0.8 m. The end A is maintained at a constant temperature 1
and B is maintained at a constant temperature 2. (1 > 2). When the temperatures are steady,
a graph is plotted temperature against distance from A. The gradients of the tangents to the
curve at A and B are 50C m-1 and 30C m-1 respectively.

The thermal conductivity of the metal is 400 W m-1K-1 and the cross sectional area of the
bar is 10 cm2.
The rate of loss of heat from the curved surface is equal to
(1) 0.1 W

(2) 0.4 W


(3) 0.8 W (4) 4.0 W (5) 3.2 W

46. A man observes that the intensity level of sound at a point X distance 5 m due to a vibrating
machine is 70 dB. When he moves away from the machine to another point Y along the line
joining the machine and point X the intensity level decreases to 50 dB. The distance through
which he moved is
(1) 20 m (2) 40 m (3) 45 m (4) 50 m (5) 60 m
47. A vessel is placed on a horizontal table as shown in the figure. A homogeneous liquid is
poured slowly into it. The rate of change of force due to the liquid acting at the bottom of the
vessel is F. The rate of change of mass of liquid in the vessel is m. The height of liquid in the
vessel is h.
Which pair of graphs correctly shows the variation of of F with h
and the variation of m with h.


h (2)


h (3)

h (5)

48. The following diagram shows an op-amp set up as a voltage amplifier. The op-amp is
powered from a 15 V supply and saturation occurs at 14 V. The input voltage Vin varies
with time as shown below.
Vin /V
96 k
12 k
Which of the following graphs correctly show the variation of Vout with time (t)?
+ 14











49. X is a wooden block of volume V, Y is a metal block of volume V. They are joined by a
light inextensible string and placed inside a beaker filled with water.
The normal reaction on Y is R1. When the string is cut X
moves up and comes to equilibrium with 2/3rds of its volume
submerged in water. The new normal reaction on Y is R2 .
The relative density of the metal of Y is 3.0. R2/R1
is equal to
(1) 2/5 (2) 3 /4 (3) 4/3 (4) 5/6 (5) 6/5
50. The figure shows a wooden block of mass 4M placed on a horizontal surface. The horizontal
surface is rough from A to B and it is smooth from B to C .A frog of mass M on AB jumps
on to the block at the highest point of its path. The horizontal and vertical components of its
initial velocity are u and u/2. The coefficient of friction between the legs of the frog and the
block is 0.5.

The velocity of the block and that of the frog will be equal before the block reaches C.
From the moment the frog steps on to the block, the time taken for the velocity of the block
and the frog to be equal is
(1) 4u/25 (2) u/5 (3) 4u/5 (4) u/25 (5) 5u/4
51. AB is a horizontal line on the ground. A particle P of mass m is projected upwards from A
towards B at an angle to the horizontal. At the same instant a particle Q of mass m is
projected upwards at an angle to the horizontal from B towards A. P and Q collide at the
highest point of their paths which is at a horizontal distance x from A. After collision Q falls
vertically downwards and P hits the ground at B.



The distance AB is equal to

(1) 1.5 x (2) 2 x

(3) 2.5 x (4) 3 x (5) 4 x

52. A and B are two solid cylinders each of radius r and height h. C and D are two solid
cylinders each of radius 2r and height 2h. A and C are painted in black. B and D are
polished. All four cylinders are made of the same material. The circular faces of the four
cylinders are covered by thermal insulators. All four cylinders are heated to the same

The initial cooling rate is highest and lowest respectively in
(1) A and C (2) A and D (3) B and C (4) B and D (5) C and B
53. P and Q are two vertical long straight wires placed parallel to each other. The current flows
downwards in P. A horizontal magnetic field of flux density B acts perpendicular to the line
joining P and Q. A neutral point is found at the mid point of the line joining P and Q. When
the direction of the current in Q is reversed the neutral point is shifted towards Q.


(A) The current in P should be greater than that in Q.

(B) The initial direction of the current in Q should be in the opposite direction to that of P.
(C) The initial direction of the current in Q should be in the same direction as Q.
Which of the above statements are/is true?
(1) A only (2) B only (3) C only (4) A and B only (5) A and C only
54. A ball of volume V is filled with air at atmospheric pressure P and temperature T. A pump is
used to pump air into the ball. In one stroke air of volume V/20 at pressure P and temperature
T enters the ball. What is the number of strokes if air is pumped until the pressure increases
to 2P at temperature T when the volume of the ball increases by 5%.
(1) 18

(2) 20

(3) 21 (4) 22

(5) 24

55. XY is a horizontal glass capillary tube. A column of soap solution AB is held in the tube.
Two soap bubbles C of radius R1 and D of radius R2 are formed at X and Y respectively.
R1 > R2 . The radii of liquid menisci at A and B are RA and RB respectively. Pressure inside
C and D are P1 and P2 respectively. The pressure in the liquid column is P. The atmospheric
pressure is P0. P> P0
Consider the following relationships
(A) P1 >P2 (B) RA >R1 (C ) RB <RA

Which of the above relationships are/is true?

(1) A and B only (2) A and C only (3) A only (4) B only (5) C only

56. The figure below shows a balance pivoted at point C. A rod is hanging at C. A horizontal rod
is fixed to it A mass X can be moved along the horizontal rod and a mass Y can be moved
along the vertical rod. A scale pan is fixed at A. A pointer is fixed to the other end of the
balance. It can move along a vertical scale. A mass m can be moved along the balance rod
AB. When a mass is place on the scale pan the mass m is moved along the balance rod until
the pointer aligns with the zero mark on the scale.

If the pointer is below the zero on the vertical scale it can be brought to zero by moving

(A) X to the left (B) X to the right (C ) Y up (D) Y down
From the above statements
(1) A and C are correct but sensitivity will decrease
(2) A and C are correct but sensitivity will increase
(3) B and D are correct but sensitivity will decrease
(4) B and D are correct but sensitivity will increase
(5) A and D are correct but sensitivity will increase
57. A hollow sphere P of mass 0.002 kg and a solid sphere Q of mass 0.01 kg are joined by a
light string. The external volume of each sphere is 4 x 10-6m3. It is released from rest into a
deep lake. The density of water is 1000 kg m-3.
After they acquire the terminal velocity, the string breaks away when
The two spheres are in the middle of the lake. Which of the following
graphs correctly show the variation of velocity(V) with time(t) for the
motion of P and Q.






58. A cyclist is freewheeling with constant speed down a slope inclined at 30 to the horizontal
with his friend on the bicycle. The mass of the cyclist is the same as that of his friend. The
mass of the bicycle is negligible. The resistance to the motion of the bicycle is F. After
reaching the bottom of the plane he rides the bicycle up along the plane with the same
constant speed. The resistance to motion remains the same. The force that he has to apply
to move up the plane is equal to
(1) F

(2) 2F

(3) F/2

(4) 1.5 F

(5) 3 F

59. A particle of mass m is moving along the smooth path ABCDE shown in the figure below,.
The sections AB and DE are horizontal. BC and CD are sections of circles of the same

Throughout the motion the particle is in contact with the surface. The variation of the
reaction R on the particle with time t is best represented by






60. The wire frame shown in the figure moves with constant velocity through a uniform
magnetic field acting into the plane of the paper. The variation of induced e.m.f.(E)
with time(t) is best represented by






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