The Problem and Its Background

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Chapter 1



The biological disciplines imply a significant responsibility for the protection and the

welfare of all the living species. The knowledge about the diversity of life forms and their

conservation-exploitation is greatly important for our day by day life.

Have you gotten sick some time?  Well, all we have got ill some times and in order that

our doctor was able to accomplish a good diagnosis from our illness, he or she had to be familiar

with the normal organic functions that we consider within the homeostatic parameters. This

normal state, or homeostasis, is investigated by Biology.

The study on the origin of diseases and plagues is also answerable by means of Biology,

for example the etiology of cancer, infections, functional problems, the damage to fruits, the

pathologies of farm animals, plants, trees, etc.  

Food resources and quality, factors that cause illnesses, plagues, sustainable exploitation

of natural resources, the enhancement and development of useful species, the discovery and

production of medicines, the study of the functions of living beings, their inheritance, etc., all are

fields of research through Biology.

The food that we consume are materials produced by living beings, the Biology studies

the living beings and the processes implied in the production of those nutritional substances.

Besides, by means of the Biotechnology, the Biologists search for methods that make to the

producers to be more efficient in the elaboration of food and other supplies for humans.
The Biology covers the study of all the living beings and their interactions into the

biosphere. This it is a very important task because we are able to know the behavior or

functioning of each population when it faces to other individuals from other populations or

communities and how the populations or the specific sectors of the biosphere are affected and/or

benefited by that behavior or functioning of the populations into a community..

The Biology also investigate the environmental factors that surround the living beings;

and, by means of conservationism, it seeks for more effective ways to understand the variations

or new conditions of the environment that can threaten the existence of living beings on our


Biology is the study of life and its processes. Biologists study all aspects of living things,

including all of the many life forms on earth and the processes in them that enable life. These

basic processes include the harnessing of energy, the synthesis and duplication of the materials

that make up the body, the reproduction of the organism and many other functions. Biology,

along with chemistry and physics is one of the major disciplines of natural science.

Biology is the science of life. Biologists study all aspects of Earth's living things,

including the dynamic processes within them that enable them to develop, survive, and

reproduce. Those vital processes include the harnessing of energy and matter, the synthesis of the

materials that make up the body, the healing of injuries, and there production of the organism,

among many other activities.

The mysteries of life have fascinated all peoples throughout history, and curiosity about

the physical nature and apparent relatedness of people, animals and plants exists in every known

society. Some of that curiosity arises from a desire to control life processes and to exploit natural

resources. Pursuit of the answers has led to an understanding of organisms that has steadily
improved our standard of living. Other questions come from a desire to understand nature, rather

than to control it; and, in answering these, biological investigation has changed our view of the


Although the word 'biology' is sometimes used conversationally to refer to matters that

concern flesh and blood, and living creatures, this introductory article focuses on biology as

a formal science. Unlike non-scientists who are learned in natural lore, biologists formally

employ the scientific method, and incorporate mathematics, biophysics, chemistry and other

disciplines into their work.

Throughout this research, this will reveal the different factors that greatly affect the

students especially the second year high school students in studying biology as a subject in

school. This is the time when the ability of the teacher to execute a particular lesson can be a

factor. A teacher must be intelligent enough to consider individual differences. The teachers’

personality can be a great factor that can affect the students’ motivation and learning. This

research is also aimed to discover the perception of the students about biology. The

environmental conditions and other factors that affect the students learning should also be given

consideration. The result of this study is hoped to be a great help to improve the performance of

students in Biology.
Statement of the Problem

The general problem of this study is: How do various factors affects the performance of

students in Biological Science?

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the student respondents in terms of the following:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex:

1.3 Parents educational qualification: and

1.4 Monthly income?

2. What is the profile of teachers in terms of

2.1 age

2.2 civil Status

2.3 educational

2.4 relevant training and seminars:

2.5 number of years in teaching Biology

2.6 eligibility

2.7 Teacher’s technique?

3. How do students perceived the laboratory – room facilities, tools and equipment of

selected high school in the division of Bulacan.

4. What is the level of performance of the students in Biology?

5. Do the following factors significantly affect the performance of the students in


5.1 student – related factors;

5.2 teachers – related factors, and

5.3 school related factors

Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study is all about the various factors that affect the performance of students in

Guiguinto National Vocational High School. It is limited to indiscriminately chosen second year

high school students and teachers who teach Biology in the said school

The researchers will conduct a survey to the chosen students and teachers with regards of

the said topic. The survey questionnaire consists of the students’ interest and how they are

motivated by the teacher using different techniques and strategies. The teacher’s survey consists

of the questions regarding their methods and strategies of teaching and the execution of the said

method to enhance and motivate the learners.

Notes in Chapter 1

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