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Evolution, truth or myth?

The question of how we got to be the way we are today is one that has intrigued the
imagination of many in the past and still today. We question our existence and try to
find the best explanation of how we came to be an explanation that includes all
possible if not most factors. According to evolutionists and other scientist in related
fields, our existence is best described using the theory of evolution. But to what
extent is this explanation true?
According to Google dictionary, evolution is the process by which different kinds of
living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history
of the earth. This in essence demonstrate that genetic inheritance is how we
developed the traits, the form and other characteristics etc. that we possess. The
theory of evolution states that it is the need for survival that evolves a certain
organism or species to adapt to its surrounding and not random genetic mutation
that causes some species or organism to develop some traits, form etc. and others
not to.
Misconception about evolution theory is that scientists claim that genes want to
evolve and want to adapt. Ask yourself this question: how can a gene possibly
want something? According to TED-Ed survival is not how evolution but it is
because of reproduction. For example random genetic mutation through
reproduction allowed some giraffes to develop long necks, while other giraffe
couldnt. Therefore, today we have giraffes with long necks because those are the
ones that could survive. It is not because of the fact giraffes according J. Lamarck spent their lives stretching to reach leafs in high branches that they developed
long necks and so passing this trait to their offspring.
The scientific book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis by Micheal Denton is an antievolution book that suggests that any evolutionary biology provides no new insight
to the origin of living beings on earth. Dentons discussion of cytochrome-c analyses
undermines the idea that fish were ancestral to frogs, which were ancestral to
reptiles, which were ancestral to birds and mammals as he believes they should
have successfully less correlation with a common ancestor in their amino acid
sequences. Although websites like try to refute the ideas brought
forward by Denton in their reviews, the book serves as a very useful component
against evolution as it, unlike many Creationists book, contains scientific arguments
rather than religious beliefs.
Charles Darwins theory of evolution is a very complex idea that is still debatable to
this day. Many articles have been written for and against it, each uncovering a new
aspects and ideas on the theory. The book Science on Trial: The Case for Evolution
by Douglas J. Futuyma highlights a few of these ideas such as how evolution is
outside the realm of science and it is this factor that it is difficult to prove its validity
in our modern advanced science age.

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