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Three histo classes

Give us different perspectives in history

Why do we use Spanish to learn ph history
Based on the Spanish perspective
Written by a foreigner
Mainly done by foreigners
Filipino perspective
Study of the past
Sociology - study of present
Story of man (his story)
Kasaysayan (gender neutral)
The more information the more credible it becomes
History needs to have a value
Elements of history
Location or space
Can history exist without people?
No yes or no answer
Asks why something is important
The moment you lose meaning on a certain event, it loses its meaning
Not all events in the past can be classified as history.
History is the search of meaning and value
We need to find value.
Philippine islands
Three princesses
Luz, viz, min
Escaped for search of true love
But the king was strict and got angry
And then they were transformed into islands
Sky vs sea
Volcanic seas
Part of mainland Asia (Vietnam)
Land bridges
Harder to have a unified culture
Sense of isolation

Harder to capture ex. Spanish

Batanes group of island
Farthest north wise
Farthest island is babuyan island
Head hunting twenty years ago
Ethnic groups
Known for rice
Mountain province
Sierra made mountain range connects the northern Luzon
Dlelicacy center of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija
Rice blah
Whale watching
Whale sharks
Best beaches
Has sharks in the water scaryyyy
Sugar cane
Chicken Bacolod
Philippine Pre-History
Filipino saw time in two ways
According to natures = cycle
Plant (rain)
Harvest (dry)
We were worshipping nature.
For us, everything repeats on a pattern
Spanish arrived in the Philippines
From a cycle, time became linear of the Filipinos.
Linear way of looking at time is a European concept.
Now, it was separated from pre colonial and colonial period.
Or pre history and history
Or dark and light
Or barbarian and civilized
19th century
Started questioning whether the new way of looking at history was correct
One of which was Jose rizal that believed that before the arrival of the Spanish we were in paradise,
after which paradise lose
He added a third one
After colonialism is paradisw
Andres bonifacio
Created the Katipunan
Revolutionary organization
Main goal remove Spanish
Because of this
New look at time

New way of looking at time

1 pre colonial
2 colonial
3 post colonial = free
If we remove colonialism to us what is our history?
Refocus on the Filipinos rather than looking at the Spanish
How should we view history?
Study everything before the Spanish arrived
Philippines is active in transforming our communities
You will not accept a culture if does not have any similarities to you
Talk about Philippine culture.
How was the Philippines populated?
Malakas and maganda came from garden of heaven
Bathala = Bahala Na lol
Bamboo came from garden
Concept of flood
Life came from the sea?
Malakas and maganda made from clay
Bathala became lonely
Created images out of his image
He placed them in ovens
First batch got burnt
He threw them to Africa
Second batch too white
Thrown to Europe
Golden brown to Philippines
Chosen to live in Philippines
Scientific way that Philippine was populated
Austroneseans migrated
"Austral" or southern
From Madagascar to New Zealand to Taiwan.
Mainland origin hypothesis
Philippines was populated through migration
Other theories
Philippines did not want to believe Philippines was empty before austronesians.
Landa F. jocano
Philippines has unique culture different from the rest.
We were not Muslims, therefore we developed on our own.
Settlement pattern of the Philippines (early community)
Population is close to water areas
Boats used for trading?
SEA started to trade with the Philippines
Pig, chicken, eggs and others are festival food.
We need to eat, because it's the only thing you can do in the Philippines.
Pampanga was forced to produce 50-100,000 eggs
Ph had center of trades
Arrival of austronesians
Used by austronesians to transport themselves to different parts of the SEA

Transformed from Balanghai

Composed from different families
Divided by four social classes
Datu/dato - responsible for everything (chief)
More of an administer than king. Most powerful in the Barangay
Maharlika - seen more as an adviser, rich ( nobility)
Timawa - common class, freemen
Alipin (uripon) - had rights and privileges. Not slaves. We can call them dependents.
Namamahay - higher than saguiguilid, owe something
Can also be future son in law. After paying your debt you become free again
Saguiguilid - permanent. Not much rights.
How do you become an alipin
Unpaid debts
Prisoner of war
Born (but due to unpaid debts)
There is already a political culture, if spanisrds didn't come, we could have had developed a
better social culture.
We focused too much on family based structure
Low population so did not look for a big leader
Philippines is still family based
All society were structured bilaterally
No kings in th Philippine. Contemporary Philippines had to take this as a moot question.
Failed to develop after kinship. One of the few countries without a king.
Way of life
Inhabitants of the Philippines
Filipino houses
Nipa hut (bahay kubo)
Kubo means cubo means cube
One room
Made of Nipa kawayan and other organic materials.
Isolated place
Raised four meters high.
Keeping animals (to watch them from the floor and feed them)
Banana trees keep the Nipa huts from getting on fire

During pre colonial times
Concept of family and child growing
Bride price
Several sons
Ancient Filipinos were monogamous
Marriage was more of an economic concept
You can be polygamous or monogamous depending on your wealth
1st partner = legal (focused on more economic)
Next = kaibigan (focused on passion)
Patriarchal society because of economics

Dowry/bride price
Bride purchase
Amount paid to the family
Basically price of the bride
According to most historian bride price has several reasons
Takes a lot of money to raise a child
Payment for future transactions for the son
Work that the bride does in the family
Typical wedding (pre colonial)
Find someone you want to fall in love with
Plainly everything is based on economic transactions
If a guy likes the girl, he has to follow and ask permission from parents of the girl to court her.
Guy needs to give a lot of things to the girl's parents
If girl does not like guy, give everything back.
However, if family needs all those, girl might be compelled to get married.
Introduce brides family to grooms family
Extracting dowry (current?)
Dances after marriage ritual
Bride and groom dances for the entire family
Attaches money to the bride and groom
During pre colonial
Bride and groom dances
Everyone tosses coins
Moment they stop people stop throwing coins
Many suitors
Family of the bridge inside house, daughter in front
Daughter will ask questions and suitors need to answer until they can reach the house.
When you reach the house you're invited and you need to talk to the family.
Street smart are wealthy individuals
Chosen one will bring family and ask questions
In some part of Palawan, family of groom surrounds the house and they must sing any
song family wants.
All money paid by the groom needs to be returned by the brides family.
Groom works for the family.
If bride is trashy, no dowry needed,
Depends on wealth of the bride
Two sisters must not Marry within the same year
Main reason for this is because it's expensive
Arranged marriages
Child marriages are frequent made before children were born
Consummation depends on sex
Interbarangay marriages
Alliances and oth re
Marriage in. Terms of family
Disgrace to have many children
Better to have fewer children to manage better

Muslim tradition
Requirement of Muslim
Can only trade when corcumcised
Would not trade with you if you're not trustworthy
And to show this, you must be circumcised.
Gravitate to men who are circumcised because they're different.
Normally happens when old
Because of the reasons
Not sure of what type of antiseptic
Done by men normally
Not much documentation on sexual blah
People go out almost naked
Just wearing bahag
Males have their penis pierced from one side to another near the head
Somewhat resembles a spur, at both ends
Women wants this, because they will only have sex with men who have this.
When the male will have intercouse with female, the male would not be able to pull it out.
Can only pull it out after ejaculation which ensures the union really happens.
Idea of this contraption is to ensure every sexual intercourse is productive
Babies are now going to happen.
Baby in marriage
Many superstitious believes in the Philippines,
Raised pigs, because pigs give birth to many
If the person is dark he was given birth during night.
If you want to have a boy, male should be in a dominant position.
Anito - environmental spirits ( now saints )
When a person conceives, make sure to appease the Anito.
They think anito is responsible in getting the women pregnant
Strong connection towards supernatural beliefs
Tiktik - probably a gecko or a lizard, but referred to as a very vicious blood sucking person. Forcing
the men to always be with the woman
Avoid peanuts, beans make your son daughter dull
When a woman is pregnant, man should not cut his hair.
Anito played a big role.
Twins were not welcomed before,they were a great insult to the family
Not large families.
Main reason why Filipinos used to abort because they could not afford many children
Abortion was universally practiced before.
Those who are not married, also do this. Because they considered being pregnant without marriage
being a disgrace
Woman are averse in climbing any house if they are not. Given a little salt
Child naming
Named after the feeling during giving birth, desired trait, or the first thing the child saw
Pat-ama, pat-ina
Father of blank
Mother of blank
Common practice
Child spears buttocks
Religion and belief systems
Belief system

Pre conquest Filipinos had a body of beliefs which has survived the onslaught of time and functions in
many rural and upland areas today as point of reference in various action processes.
Concept of animism.
Belief about nature having spirits and being active
Worship of environmental spirits.
Worship of nature
Or Catalonan
They talk to different deities
Most of the time women
Bathala is a guy
Therefore men don't want to talk to him
Only women
women are good with medicine
So they are seen as better healers
So they are better with religion
Because women are more observant.
Or more subject to detail
When a dog gets injured they watch it,
In charge of curing
MAnipulation potion.
Urine has something which is attractive daw
Religious structure
Don't have any temples or monolithic structure
That is why it's hard to be destroyed,
Nature and human beings.
Anito = environmental spirits
The good spirits
Bathala (God)
Environmental spirits

No heaven or hell
Spanish had a hard time teaching heaven and hell
makes anting-anting and agimat
Laches itself on the Bahay kubo and sucks the baby, mother and father should be careful.

Mother always need a companion.

Make sure mother will be accompanied
Gecko or "tuko" sticks hard to the body
father protect mother
Wife protects husband
Large female
Jumps on the male on the bed until she sucks the life force out of you.
The wife should be diligent.
Prey on men that ate a heavy meal or in deep sleep.
Counterpart of the babaylan.
Colonists would drain the blood of Filipinos (aswang like)
Precollonial times
Control the movement of people.
Woman lurks at night that will attract you and suck your blood
Wearing loincloth
Balete tree
Confuse travelers.
Prevents reaching of the destination
That's why babaylan attaches an agimat to a travelers' leg.
Big deal because Filipinos travel a lot by land.
Main goal of creatures
Keep people intact
Don't stray

Belief system
Idols amigos
Envy spirits
Food offerings
Death and burial
Death and burial
Society is flourishing, if you have religion
Conceptualizing religion is hard
You need a lot of creativity to create religion
Indicates that there are a lot of food surplus.
Not everyone is required to harvest food
A segment of the population can do other things

What happens when you die?
Idea of death and burial
When we die it is not the end
There is afterlife
Concept of what happens when we die (rituals after death)
1) love
2) important
3) afterlife
If you have all rituals you can easily get to heaven.
But if not, it's harder to get in
Rituals are done because the person is important.
Death ritual
Buried in ordinary graves under the house (poor) decay
Buried on the upper part of the house (rich) no decay
Warriors death
Primary under ground
Bones painted red
Bones in a jar
Jar placed in a cave
Cave with jar overlooks the sea with the sun.
River of light.
Issue with manuggul.
The person is not sure whether steering or rowing.
Accept where you're supposed to go
Not where you want
Tree burial
Put the dead bodies inside the trees
How do you put the body of a person inside a tree.
Young tree
Put stones inside three
The bones are exchanged with stones
The tree is tightened.
Filipinos already have a thriving culture
Burial stuff is similar to Christianity
Giving respect to dead, making sure we respect the dead
These are things we already have done
Which Catholicism also teach

Pre history
Way of life and culture
Glimpse that even before Spanish Filipinos were already able to accomplish something unique
Arrival of Spanish
Spanish and Europe
Commercial revolution to age of discovery
Ferdinand Magellan
Battle of mactan
How we want to perceive history
Focused on political aspect
Spanish political system
Theocratic form of government
Social economic

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