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GETS 2015 Session Themes

NTPC organized its first International technology Summit Global Energy Technology Summit in 2014,
which was a grand success. It opened up an opportunity for knowledge sharing by the technology
leaders in the field of Power Generation around the world to share their state of art technologies to
power professionals worldwide.
Thanks to the authors and presenters, the event saw spontaneous participation and high quality
contribution from domain experts of power and energy sector across the globe. Industry experts
presented emerging technologies under various sessions over two days at the NTPC Power
Management Institute.
We generate our own environment ( Richard Bach) is apt for todays challenges of Power
Industry. Focus of GETS 2015, this year will be on Power Generation technologies for a Greener
and Cleaner environment with particular emphasis on Energy- Environment symbiosis.
The Summit Theme this year is Clean n Green Energy: The New Normal :
GETS 2015 shall have keynote speeches and presentations by eminent industry leaders, debate
sessions, plenary sessions, technical theme sessions, and Exhibition stalls. The summit has been
designed with themebased presentations on a Greener and Cleaner power generation Authors are
invited to present technical papers in the following Technical Sessions.

Session: Clean and Efficient use of Coal
Efficient Use of Coal:

Efficient use of coal can be through ultra-super critical technologies, heat cycle improvements, cogeneration with non-conventional heat cycles, coal blending technologies for optimization, or any
other suitable technological option.
Suggested topics are chemically washing minerals and impurities from the coal, gasification, ultrasupercritical technologies, coal blending, non-conventional heat cycles, Carbon capture and storage
technologies, coal beneficiation, Carbon sequestration etc.

Greening of Coal:

Technologies platforms like pressurized coal combustion, coal gasification and advanced ultrasupercritical technology apparently signify promise for the coal dependent economies. With their
very low environmental footprint, these technologies provide a reconciliation ground with the global

climate action-, which is targeting significantly enhanced greenhouse gas mitigation. The session
would discuss global status/experience with a view on development/deployment imperatives for
Indian coals.
Suggested topics could be variants of pressurized combustion like PFBC technology, high ash coal
suitable variants of IGCC, oxy-combustion, advanced-USC efforts, carbon-capture technologies etc.
Clean Coal technology is a basket of technologies to mitigate the environmental impact of coal
based power generation.

Session: Zero Liquid discharge

Zero liquid discharge is a buzzword in industry today with growing concern for environment and with
rising scarcity of water. ZLD systems employ advanced wastewater treatment technologies to purify
and recycle virtually all of the wastewater produced. Also Zero liquid discharge technologies help
plants meet discharge and water reuse requirements.
Suggested topics are Evaluation and selection of Available ZLD process in a power plant, ZLD
technologies, Case studies of ZLD, Waste Management etc

Session: Waste to Energy

Every year, about 55 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) and 38 billion liters of sewage are
generated in the urban areas of India. In addition, large quantities of solid and liquid wastes are
generated by industries. Waste generation in India is expected to increase rapidly in the future. Most
wastes that are generated, find their way into land and water bodies without proper treatment,
causing severe land and water pollution. They also emit greenhouse gases like methane and carbon
dioxide, and add to air pollution. Any organic waste from urban and rural areas and industries is a
resource due to its ability to be degraded, resulting in energy generation. The problems caused by
solid and liquid wastes can be significantly mitigated through the adoption of environment-friendly
waste-to-energy technologies that will allow treatment and processing of wastes before their

Suggested topics: Waste-to-energy technologies to recover energy waste heat recovery,

hazardous, Converting non-recyclable waste materials into electricity and heat, methane generation
etc. Other technologies to convert Waste to Energy.

Session: Emission Control and their abatement (w.r.t to Nox, SOX, Particulate
matter, Mercury emissions)
Coal being cheapest source of energy in most of the parts of world is used for power generation but
the emissions as a result of combustion in the form of oxides of Sulphur and nitrogen , carbon
dioxide, solid particulates , mercury, mercury oxides and other chemical byproducts are known to
be detrimental for human health and ecology. In addition, disposal of ash is another challenge.
Suggested Topics are Technologies related to Particulate removal, Abatement of ground water
contamination, Mercury Pollutions, NOX, SOX emissions control technologies and ash utilization

Session: Carbon Free & Carbon Neutral Power GenerationOver the past 30 years,
significant findings of global warming highlighted the need to curb carbon emissions. Carbonneutral fuels are the energy fuels or energy systems, which have no net greenhouse gas
emissions. One class is synthetic fuel (including methane, gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel or
ammonia) produced from sustainable energy. Carbon free technologies are renewable energy
sources like wind turbines, solar panels, Geothermal, Tidal power and hydroelectric power plants.
Under this theme, the following focus sessions are planned.
Solar PV and Solar Thermal
Wind generation, Biomass & Fuel Cell
Hydro,Mini-Hydro Power , Geothermal and Tidal Power

Session: Innovative Power Storage

Developments in renewable energy technologies and their large-scale adoption is making them
commercially competitive as compared to conventional sources of energy. Given the challenges of
Conventional sources of power, investors are moving towards renewable source of energy.
However, the renewable energy sources have its own limitation of size and intermediacy. If
renewable energy is to be bought at par with conventional power, it will need to grow along with
energy storage technologies. Energy storage technologies offer the potential to break this linkage

by enabling generators to produce and store energy for later use. Power saved is power generated
and energy conservation is the least cost option to augment the gap between demand and supply.
Suggested Topics: Pumped Storage plants, Compressed air storage systems, molten salt storage
systems, Regenerative braking, Flow Batteries etc for Energy storage.

Session: Renewable Power Integration

Renewable Energy Integration focuses on incorporating renewable energy mix, distributed
generation, energy storage, thermally activated solar technologies, and demand response into the
electric distribution and transmission system. A systems approach is required to address technical,
economic, regulatory, and institutional/policy issues for using renewable and distributed systems.
Apart from fully addressing operational issues, the integration needs to focus on establishing viable
business models for incorporating these technologies into capacity planning, grid operations, and
demand-side management. Smart grids therefore must strive to integrate renewable energy into the
power supply system while optimizing the system's reliability, energy efficiency and capacity
utilization apart from ensuring commercial viability from consumer viewpoint.
Suggested Topics:
Power Generation Forecasting and operation response, Technical issues of Integration,
Distributed generation portfolio management, Grid Stability Issues with large Renewable
Integration, Flexible Generation controls, Portfolio management of Renewables etc

Session: Smart Controls for Agile Power Generation

Today Flexible generation is imperative. Agile capacity generation and smart controls for power
generation is need of the hour. Smart Plants with flexible generation controls, optimized and
intelligent controls to meet the present day business scenarios.
Suggested Topics Controls for Flexible Generations, Plant Controls for smart generation optimizing
fuel and efficiency, smart city automation concepts, Remote fault detection and maintenance, remote
monitoring of health and condition of equipment, Asset management with automated portfolio
management and plant controls for maximizations of profits

Session: Powering Solutions for Smart Cities

Smart City Concept is the new paradigm in urban planning. The modern pre-paid metering cards,
choice of generator, and time of the day tariff are defining the new concepts of powering solutions to
Smart City. Authors in this session are invited to present Innovative business models for direct power
from Generator to Consumers of Smart City providing reliable, efficient and Green power to
consumers for a win-win situation for all stakeholders in Power Industry.

Session: Student Section

In an endeavor to encourage and make students pursing B Tech/M Tech or PHD in Engineering
Institutes a part of the summit, it has decided to invite them for presenting technical papers on the theme
of the Summit. Selected technical paper authors shall be the opportunity to present their paper. Best
judged paper based on the merit and potential for successful deployment shall be awarded
Suggested Topics: Waste To Energy, Innovation applications of renewable energy deployment i.e.
solar pumping, e-vehicles, Solar powered Robots, Solar Lighting etc, Industrial Internet of Everything,
smart city any other topic from the themes listed.

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