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I. Aims:

Develop students skill in listening for details (scanning question and answer before
listening and listening for key words).

Help student learn more about the topic spending money and some vocabulary related
through the listening tasks.

II. Students information:


Pre-Intermediate level

15-20 students

III. Time:

1 period of 45 minutes; the preparation of laptop, projector, speakers and the delivery of
handouts may take 5 minutes.


Language: vocabulary related to spending money

Skill: Listening

V. Approach:
Communicative approach
Handouts, PowerPoint, an audio clip (from and 3 self-made video clips



Teaching procedure:




I/ Class Stabilization
-Reorganize the students

-Enter class, say greetings

- Stand up, say

greetings to teacher

II/ New Lesson

1. Warm up:
-Introduction video clip about
children asking their parents for their

- Before playing the clip: Ask

Watch clip to
find the answer
and figure out
the topic

Answer the
teachers (Ts)

students to watch introduction clip

allowance: when the allowance day

and answer 5 questions:

came, the children asked their

parents for their pocket money. Then

1- What does the child think?

they got it, enjoyed with it, and

thought about what they want to

2- What do they do?

spend on. The video clip also has

some new words embedded in the

3- Will they get it?

4- What will they do when they have
5- What is the topic today?

- After playing the clip: ask Ss to

answer the questions above.
-Introduce more about the topic: as you
can see in the video clip, the children
concern so much about their allowance.
How about you?
-Ask some Ss to answer these

-Discussion question: Did you

-answer the Ts

Did you ask your parents for the

allowance when you were a child? Did

receive allowance from your parents

you have to do housework to earn the

when you were a child? Did you

money? How did you spend it?

have to do household chores to earn

the money? How did you spend it?

How about now?

How about now?

2. Pre- listening:
Match the new words and their
- Allowance (n) = pocket money : a

- Divide the class into 4 groups, ask Ss

to work in groups and match the words
in column A with the meanings in
column B, then raise their hand to

small amount of money that parents


give their children, usually every

week or every month
- To owe (sb) sth (for sth) = to be in
debt : to have to pay sb for sth that
you have already received or return
money that you have borrowed
- To pile up = to accumulate : to
become larger in quantity or amount
- Jar (n): a round glass container,
with a lid, used for storing food,
especially jam, honey, etc.:
- Household chores (n) : work in and
around the house

-Work in groups,
match the words ,
then raise their hand
to answer the Ts

- Savings (n): money that you have

saved, especially in a bank, etc


3. While-listening:
a. Listen for specific

Deliver handout#1 to Ss

information task
- Ask student what is the skill needed
-Present the skill using:
+scanning for the question and
answer before listening

for this task

-receive the handout


Give example ( question 1 in the

+ use these key words to listen for

-listen and answer


specific information in the audio

clip. The information is the answers

Ask them to work in groups and

have a quick look at the handout to

-Practice :

underline key words in each


+ underline key words in each


- Ask and help Ss to determine the

key words (1- How much, father, owe
; 2-Why hasn't, give; 3-When, usually

+ Use the key words to listen to the

give;4- Where, man, get money; 5-

specific information

boy, NOT mention, how, will spend)

Play the audio clip the 1st time for

-work in groups and

underline the key
words quickly

Answer, listen
check, and
underline the key
words under Ts
instruction via
the PowerPoint

Listen to the
audio clip to

Ss to do the task

Ask them to work in pairs and


Play the audio clip the 2nd time for

Ss to listen again.

answer the
multiple choice

Ask 2 pairs to work in groups to

exchange the answers and check

Ask Ss of the groups to write the

-work in pairs

answers and the key words they

hear on the board.

- work in pairs, listen

and check
-work in groups

Play the 2nd video clip for the Ss

-compete with other

to check the answers on the board

groups in limited

(1B, 2A, 3B, 4A, 5A)

time, write the

answers and the key
words they hear on


4. Filling in the blanks task

-Listen to the conversation again and
do the Text Completion Task

- Deliver handout#2 to Ss

the board

- Ask Ss to scan through the

dictation in handout 2, and then

-Watch and check

guess the possible words to fill in

the blanks (1)

- Play the audio clip one time for Ss

to fill in the blank

- Scan through the

dictation in handout
2, and then guess the
possible words to fill
in the blanks (1)

Listen to the
audio clip to
write down the
missing words

Write the

- Ask some Ss to write the answers

on the board

- Play the 3rd video clip for Ss to

check the answers

answers on the

a. Post-listening

- Ask Ss to discuss in groups

-Watch and check

- Ask some Ss to present their opinions
- Some parents require their

in front of the class

children to earn allowance by

doing work in and around the

-Discuss the
questions in groups

house. Other parents do not give

allowance at all. Still others give


money to their children without

-Make presentation in
front of the class

requiring any work from them.

Which one is best for you?

- write on the board while saying

Explain why.

III/ Consolidation
Summarize the skills used (
scanning, using key words)

-listen and write in


the notebooks.

IV/ Homework

1. Warm-up:

The topic is introduced by the 1st self-made video clip. This clip includes some pictures
about children asking their parents for their allowance when the allowance day came, the children
asked their parents for their pocket money. Then they got it, enjoyed with it, and thought about

what they want to spend on. The video clip also has some new words embedded in the picture and
the leading questions (these questions help the Ss to figure out what the topic is and at the same
time link to the discussing question in the first part of the lesson).
After watching the video clip and figure out the topic, the lesson begins with some

Did you ask your parents for the allowance when you were a child? Did you have to do
housework to earn the money? How did you spend it? How about now?
The purpose of these questions is to help the Ss to think about the information related to
the topic, discuss and prepare for the listening tasks.

2. Pre- listening:
Matching game: the purpose of this game is to prepare the new words that will appear in
the listening tasks for the Ss. Furthermore, it helps Ss practice guessing the new words meaning
in limited time and compete with the others. It also helps them to develop their soft skills.
3. While-listening:
Task 1: Listen for specific information
Scanning the questions and the answer choices and underline the key words: Scanning
helps Ss to practice read the questions and the answers before listening quickly. The activity of
underlining key words helps Ss know what they have to focus in the audio clip, so that they would
be able to find the specific information more easily.

-Playing the audio clip the 1st time is for Ss to have the 1st contact with the

information. In this time, they may not get all the information they need, so they should work in
pairs to compare, think, and discuss to get the right one later.

-The 2nd time is the 2nd chance for them to find out the information that
they miss in the 1st time and then try to cooperate in a group of 2 pairs to find out
the solution. This activity also helps the good students to support the bad students.
Competing: the competing activity helps Ss to practice working quickly. The requirement
of writing explanation helps Ss to try to take notes and remember the information when listening.
At the same time, it requires the Ss to express the reasons for their answers and helps build the
habit of questioning Why in all situations in their life. This helps develop critical thinking in

Checking the answers by watching the 2nd video clip: the 2nd video clip includes

illustrative pictures and the audio segments that tell the correct answers for the questions. At the
end of the clip, there are also the correct answers of every question. Ss would be able to find out
the correct answers by themselves. Self-doing the task and self-checking the answers make Ss
more interested and excited in learning.
Task 2: Filling in the blanks

The purpose of this task is to help the students listen, make clear of the information they

have listened in task 1, and understand all the content of the conversation. At the same time they
can learn the ways how to speak.

The activity of guessing the words provokes Ss thinking and makes Ss active in the task.

As a result, listening to the audio clip is an action of checking (active); its not an action of waiting
for information (passive). This also helps building the habit of critical and logical thinking in Ss.

Checking: They themselves check their answers by watching the 3rd video clip. The 3rd

video clip includes illustrative pictures and the script of the listening. Moreover, there are answers
for each blank at the end of the clip. Self-doing the task and self-checking the answers make Ss
more interested and excited in learning.

4. Post-listening:
The discussing questions Some parents require their children to earn allowance by doing
work in and around the house. Other parents do not give allowance at all. Still others give money
to their children without requiring any work from them. Which one is best for you? Explain why.
enables Ss to use the vocabulary about spending money they have learned in the listening task to
express their opinions. This is also a way of practicing speaking skill and soft skill.
The presentation in front of the class: Making a presentation in front of the class helps Ss
build their confidence and this is a chance for Ss to share their thinking with their friends. In the
presentations, Ss may make some mistakes and the T will correct. This helps other Ss and even the
Ss themselves recognize their shortcomings which they are able to avoid in the future.

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