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Division of Laoag City

District I
Laoag City


Direction: Choose the best answer then shade the circle that corresponds to the
letter of your answer.
1. What happens to an object when heated?
A. Its temperature increases.
B. Its temperature decreases.
C. Its temperature remains the same
D. Its temperature increases and decreases alternately.
2. Which of the following condition would cause the temperature of an object to rise?
A. an apple sank in a basin of water
B. a sheet of metal put over flaming firewood
C. a bottle of water put inside the refrigerator
D. a cup of hot coffee placed beside a rotating electric fan
3. Which of the following is a source of heat?
A. wind
B. air pressure
C. sun

D. moon

4. Which of the following statements best describes friction?

A. Friction enables an object to retain its original temperature.
B. Friction decreases the temperature of an object.
C. Friction increases the temperature of an object.
D. Friction does not affect any object at all.
5. How do you handle hot pots when cooking?
A. Hold them in the handle with plastic insulator.
B. Hold the body of the pot with bare hands.
C. Hold the pot at the bottom while it is hot.
D. Hold the pot anywhere without using pot holders.
6. Why do you need to handle objects that produce heat properly and safely?
A. To avoid destroying the utensil
B. To avoid accidents of being burned
C. To avoid being scolded by your mother D. To improve the condition of the object
7. How do you avoid the injuries caused by firecrackers during the New Years celebration?
A. Stay near the bursting firecrackers.
B. Hold the firecracker until it explodes.
C. Watch fireworks at a distance.
D. Play firecrackers without an adults
8. Why do you need to use pot holders when handling hot utensils?
A. Using pot holders prolongs the durability of utensils.
B. Using pot holders enables you to carry utensils easier.
C. Using pot holders lets you avoid grease and stains from utensils.
D. Using pot holders lets you avoid skins burns caused by hot utensils.
9. In which condition does an object have the highest temperature?
A. Before heating
B. during heating
C. after heating
D. when not heating
10.Aside from becoming hotter, what else would happen to a slice of meat being roasted over
a flaming charcoal?
A. It changes from solid to liquid.
B. It becomes bigger in size.
C. Its color and shape change.
D. There is no change at all.
11.Which of the following shows that heat changes a solid object into liquid form?
A. Water in the kettle evaporates when it boils.
B. A piece of chicken shrinks as it fries in boiling cooking oil.
C. A cookie changes its color while inside the oven.
D. A cube of ice melts as it is put under the sun.
12.What happens to water as it is heated and boiled?

A. The
B. The
C. The
D. The




remains the same as it is heated and boiled.

changes as it is heated and boiled.
does not change as it is heated and boiled.
is immeasurable as it is heated and boiled.

13.Given the table below, what can you infer about the temperature of water as it is heated?
Temperature before

A. The
B. The
C. The
D. The

Temperature after 30
seconds of heating

Temperature after two

minutes of heating

Temperature after
three minutes of

shorter time water is heated, the higher its temperature
longer time the water it is heated, the cooler its temperature.
shorter the time water is heated, the hotter its temperature.
longer time the water it is heated, the higher its temperature.


14.What happens when you put the pan off from the flame of the stove?
A. The pan heats up.
B. The pan becomes more colorful.
C. The pan cools down.
No change takes place to
the pan.
15.How do you make an object becomes hot faster and easier?
Decrease the source of heat
B. Increase the time
C. Increase the source of heat
D. Decrease the time
16.How does heat travel in solids?
A. through conduction B.
through radiation

through convection C. through induction

17.Which of the following transfer its heat through radiation?

A. Electricity
B. Fire
C. Friction
A. The
B. The
C. The
D. The

D. hot water

of the following illustrates that heat transfers through convection?

heat of the iron transfers to the t-shirt.
heat of burning log is felt by the people nearby.
heat of stove transfers to the pan.
heat of the hot coffee transfers to the mug.

19.Which of the following is NOT needed to produce fire?

A. fuel
B. continuous supply oxygen
C. enough heat
D. freezing point
20.What do you call the temperature in which a fuel will burn?
A. boiling temperature
C. freezing temperature

kindling temperature
D. initial temperature

21.Which of the following materials burn the fastest?

A. Wood
B. kerosene
C. cardboard

D. dried leaves

22.Which of the following statement is true about kindling temperature of fuels?

A. All objects have the same kindling temperatures.
B. All objects start to burn at similar temperatures.
C. Different objects differ in kindling temperatures.
D. Not all objects have kindling temperatures.
23.Which of the following children practice safety precautions in using fire or fuel?
A. Maria plays with her little sister while cooking.
B. Nena leaves the LPG tank open after using it.
C. Jose plays with matchsticks and firecrackers.
D. Pepe puts off the flame of the candle before sleeping.
24.How do you keep your homes free from fire incident?
A. Keep matchsticks and candles away from childrens reach.
B. Leave burning objects at home unattended.
C. Put flammable materials near the source of fire.
D. Store newspapers and magazines beside the stove.
25.What should you do when you have found out that your house is on fire?


A. Just relax and never mind the fire.

B. Get out from the burning house and seek for help.
C. Panic and scream very loudly for help from neighbors.
D. Start putting out the fire using water by yourself alone.
26.What should be your best reaction during fire?
A. Stay calm and dont panic.
B. Feel very nervous and cry.
C. Be worried and shout for help.
D. Feel confused and scream in fear.
27.Which illustrates that animals cause soil erosion?
A. Dogs stay inside the house during rainy season.
B. Lizards climb up the tree to look for some insects for food.
C. Carabaos bath in holes filled with water to keep them cool during a hot day.
D. Some parts of the soil are thrown away as chickens scratch the soil with their feet.
28.Which of the following activities of people causes landslides in the mountains and hills?
A. Tree planting
B. dynamite fishing C. logging
D. hunting
29.Which condition is the evidence that wind cause soil erosion?
A. Footprints of wet soil mark on the floor inside the house.
B. Rocks and soil are deposited at the foot of the mountain.
C. Heavy dust and small sand particles are found on the roof.
D. Holes appear on rough roads after several days of raining.
30.What caused the soil along the river in the illustration below?

A. strong wind

B. running water

C. moving vehicles

D. peoples activities

31.In which slope is soil washed away the greatest?





32.Why does soil in a hill covered with grasses is erode lesser than in a hill without grasses
when it rains?
A. The grasses cover and hold the soil.
B. The grasses in the hill wash away the soil.
C. The grasses breaks the soil
D. The grasses make the soil sticky and firm.
33.What soil characteristics make soil to erode easily?
A. firm
B. sticky
C. wet

D. dry

34.Which explains correct relationship between the amount of soil to be washed away and the
slope of the land?
A. More soil is washed away in a longer and more slant slope.
B. More soil is soil is washed away in a shorter and steeper slope.
C. Lesser soil is washed away in a shorter and steeper slope.
D. No soil is washed away in any size of slope.
35.What would happen to a mountain in which constant landslides and erosion happen?
A. The mountain becomes higher and bigger.
B. More trees and plants grow in the mountain.
C. The shape and size of the mountain change.
D. Nothing happens in the mountain.
36.Why is not safe to live along the foot of the mountain?
A. The risk of landslide and erosion is high along the place.
B. There are many wild animals in the place.
C. Many heavy equipment and vehicles pass along the place.
D. Hunters plant animal traps along the place.
37.Which is the most possible dangerous thing to happen to a house along the river bank that
would risk the lives of the family living there when heavy rains occur?

A. The
B. The
C. The
D. The

house becomes very wet when heavy rains occur.

house is safe from any harm and accident that caused by heavy rains.
soil in which the house is built might be washed away by running water.
soil where the house stands becomes more firm and strong.

38.A house is built on a slope. How can erosion of the soil in the place be prevented?
A. Build rice terraces on the slope.
B. Riprap the slope.
C. Make furrows on the slope.
D. Build a fence along the house.
39.In which way could a farmers field is on the slope of the mountain be prevented from
being washed away?
A. contour plowing B. riprapping
C. terracing
D. strip cropping
40. How could you prevent the soil in your flower garden from being washed away?
A. Plant grasses and plants that crawl.
B. Dig a hole where water will deposit.
C. Cement your garden.
D. Water your garden everyday.
Prepared by:
Master Teacher I

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