QB PBG 201

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Course No.

PBG 201
Course title : Elements of Genetics and cytogenetics

Max Marks : 50

(10.00 marks)
A. Choose the correct answer
(10 x 0.5= 5.0)
1. the operon concept was proposed by
a. Jacob and Monad b. Leewenhock c. Punnet d. Khorana
2.The F2 segregation ratio for inhibitory gene interaction is
a. 13:3 b. 15:1 c. 9:3:4 d. none of these
3. Father of genetics is
a. Bateson b. |Darwin c. Mendel d. None of these
4. Self incompatibility is an example for
a. multiple alleles b. psueodallelels c. multiple genes d. all of these
5. Mutation theory was put forth by
a. de Vries b. Muller c. Morgan d. none of these
6. the term okazaki fragment is associated with
a. DNA replication b. transcription c. translation d. all of these
7.the hypothesis of acquired characters was proposed by
a. Weissman b. Lamarck c. Mendel d. Darwin
8. Initiation codon is
a. AUG b. ATG c. UUU d. AGU
9.The maximum per cent of crossing over that can occur in any cell is
a. 50 b.100 c. 0 d. 25
10.The number of linkage groups in Zea mays
a. 10 b. 20 c. 2 d. 1
B. Match the following (10 x 0.5 = 5.0)
1. Complete linkage
a. duplicate genes
2. Theory of evolution
b. somatic cell
3. 15: 1
c. no crossing over
4 .nullisomics
d. Y chromosome
5. autosome
e. cytoplasmic male sterility
6. holandric genes
f. Y chromosome
7. self incompatibility
g. chiasma formation
8. mitochondria
h. darkly stained
9. crossing over
i. 2n -2
10. heterochromatin
j. multiple alleles
II. Define the following
1. Pleiotropism
2. aneuploidy
3. translocation
4. anticodon
5. m RNA

(10 x 1.0 = 10.0)

6. sex linkage
7. allele
8. endomitosis
9. anaphase
10. additive genes
III. Write short notes on any five of the following (5 x 2.0 = 10.0)

deletion and duplication

coupling and repulsion
genetic map
multiple alleles
forward and reverse genetics
reason for existence of differences among cells arising from meiosis and not
arising from those from mitosis

IV . answer any four of the following


(4 x 2.5 = 10.0)

Write the role of linkage in evolution

Differentiate sex linked and sex limited characters
Write about different types of mutation
Write about breeding behaviour of translocation heterozygote
Write in brief about maternal inheritance with a suitable example

V answer the following


1. Explain multiple factor hypothesis with Nilson Ehle s experiment

2. Describe the different steps involved in protein synthesis
Discuss the Mendels Laws of inheritance and list out the characters studied by
3. Write in brief about special types of chromosomes
Discuss about various types of lethal genes

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College & Research Institute
B.sc (Agri) Degree Programme
Model question paper
AGB: 201 Genetics and cytogenetics
1. Darwins theory
2. Heredity
3. Centromere
4. Law of dominance
5. Phenotype
6. Epistasis
7. Self incompatibility
8. Poly genes
9. Linkage types
10. Crossing over
11. Types of sex determination
12. DNA
13. Types of RNA
14. Cistron
15. Special types of chromosomes
16. Deletion
17. Monosomy
18. Polyploidy
19. Examples for polyploidy crops
20. Nucleus
21. Different stages in prophase 1 of meiosis
22. Characters studied by Mendel
23. Strength of linkage
24. Genetic map
1. Distinguish between Quantitative and qualitative characters
2. Differentiate Backcross and test cross
3. Sex determination in papaya
4. Differentiate Isoallele and Pseudoallele
5. Structure of mitochondria
6. Characteristic feautures of cytoplasmic genes
7. Draw the diagram of DNA(Watson& Grick) model
8. Write short notes on chromosome based on position of centromere
9. Mendels dihybrid test
10. Give the classification of Epistasis

11. Complete linkage

12. Significance of crossing over
13. Differentiate Dominance and Epistasis
14. Characters of sex linked inheritance
15. Write a short notes on central dogma
16. What is operon model
17. Write the importance of numerical variation OF chromosome
18. Explain the evolution of Cotton
19. Differentiate DNA and RNA
20. Significance of Meiosis
21. Discus double cross over
22. Difference between prokaryote And eukaryote cell
23. Briefly describe karyiokinensis of Mitosis
24. What is co dominance write an example

What is polyploidy? Write about different kinds of polyploids

Draw the neat sketch of Different stages of Mitosis
State the laws of Mendel and explain the law of independent assortment
What is multiple allele? Explain it with example
Write the functions of following a)Chloroplast)Mitochondria)Ribosomes)Plasma
membrane and e) cell wall
6. What is sex linked inheritance? Discus it with example
7. Describe the structure of DNA (Watson& Grick model)
8. Describe the NelsonEheles experiment on multiple alleles
9. What is linkage and how it is estimated
10. Explain the chromosomal Sex determination
11. Explain co dominance and over dominance with example
12. Explain Protein synthesis
13. Discus the cytological basis of crossing over
14. What are Chromosomal aberrations? Describe deletion and duplication
15. Explain the Griffiths experiment
16. Discus the operon model

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