Angels and Ancestors Call, May 2013

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Angels and Ancestors Call, May 2013

Its MarVeena and we are going to get started with our Angels and Ancestors call tonight. The
purpose of this call is to create a connection to our angels and our spirit guides and our loved
ones that are on the other side of the veil, and to receive, from them, messages that might be
helpful for us as we are going through our souls journey.
What I would like to do first is a prayer to connect our energies. If you havent already, you can
light a tea candle and burn some incense and set up, maybe like an angel or a statue, or a
picture of an angel, you can set that by us. Also, photographs of loved ones that are in the spirit
world. If you want, you can even write down the names of the spirits that you would like to get a
message from tonight. There is not any way of guaranteeing anything, but I am open to Spirit.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained is the way I look at it. I always feel like it is really good to
intend your energy for any type of ceremony, to really hold a space for what you desire out of
that ceremony. The best way of launching it and really sending it out into the Universe is to
create that intention. A really good way of grounding an intention is either speaking it out loud, or
writing it down. Those are two good ways of grounding something into this connection.
We will just create sacred space. Close your eyes and let yourself begin to relax. Just begin to
focus on your breathing. Together as a group, lets take a nice deep breath of relaxation. Let the
breath go. Again, lets take a nice deep breath, breathing in relaxation, and release the breath,
breathing in relaxation and release the breath.
We are totally surrounded by the pure white light of Christ. Nothing but good can come to us
today and nothing but good shall go from us and we give thanks. At this time, we call upon the
spirit guides and the angel guides and the master teacher guides of each and every one of us
who are on this line, and we request that you be present. We call upon the ancestors of each of
us in this call, and we invite you to bring in messages that have relevance to our souls journey
here, with maybe, a piece of evidence that we will be able to recognize. We call upon the
archangel realm, especially those who are connected with the journey of our souls. We call to
Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel. We request that you protect each of us while we are in this
sacred space. We call up to all of the angels and archangels who work with the development
and the refinement of our souls journey, and we invite you to bring in messages and to bring in
ideas that can help us to move forward in a beauty way. For the highest soul good for all parties
concerned, with Jesus the Christ as one of the guides tonight, so be it, and so it is, and so it
shall continue to be.
So, the first spirit that I want to connect tonight is for Rachael. One of the first thingsand this is
a message from the Unicorn Spirits. They are connected to the angel realm also. They are a
very high-vibration, master energy. I am very connected to them because of my love for horses.
I dont know if you also love horses Rachael, but one of the things that the Unicorn Spirits
wanted to really emphasize to you, is that it is okay to be different and you do not need to be

like everyone else. You are perfect just as you are. That is one of the big things that they want to
relay to you.
They are also proud of you because you are determined to be true to yourself, even if it means
not fitting in and going against the grain sometimes.
They are telling me that a good way for you to be able to process some of the, I want to say
miscellaneous issues that pop upsome of them are from are from the past and then some of
them are coming up latelyis making sure that you give yourself time to exercise properly, like
swimming or walking, or running, or some sort of movement with your body. That will help to
give you more energy. Not just more energy. Its not just healthy benefits for your circulatory
system and all of your other systems, but it helps you to process out the pieces of information
that you may have been having a hard time focusing with or dealing with. It is so important when
we want to tap our creative juices and really use our creative minds, that we are not all cluttered
up with unfinished business and with different disturbing or painful events, or that sort of thing.
They are telling me that there are some changes in some of the different relationships that
beings will be shifting around, and that is always going to be the case. We are always
reevaluating and reprocessing and relationships are shifting and changing, because we are,
hopefully, always moving forward and quite often, we dont grow at the same rate as our friends
and our family and our loved ones and our spouses.
When we make a shift in consciousness and they dont, the dynamics of the relationship change
and might go through an awkward spell. It might come back together and it might be one of
those things where you know you need to have some space for a while. I just get a feeling that
some of the different friendships and connections will be taking a little bit of, what I call, a chaos
I also get for you, a past life issue. That might be connected to some of the relationships that we
are talking about. It is a situation that started in another lifetime. What the angels are
suggesting, is making some time for a while, like 7 days in a row, to sit specifically with your
angel spirit guides and ask them to help you backtrack the past life connection and what the
issue is that needs to be dealt with from a higher place.
A lot of times, we might let our egos deal with some of our relationship issues and it never turns
out good when that happens. We want to really let our higher-self take over in helping us come
to some agreements or come to some understandings from a higher perspective, rather than
from our ego perspective. That is what they are telling me.
It is kind of a karmic piece of business. I know that you have a really strong desire to step into
your shining and make progress with your souls journey and your self-mastery, and when we
havent finished karmic business and have it lying around, it might get on the fast track because
your spirit guides are looking at you and they know what your desire is, but they can also see
that you have this, that, and the other, so lets take care of this so that you can get that done
with and that frees up your life force energy. It frees up what I call some of your karma so that

you will be able to step into another level of awareness and understanding and consciousness.
It will be a good thing when you get past it. It is always uncomfortable, or a lot of times
uncomfortable. Ask for grace. Ask for the angel of grace to help you work through whatever it is
that is frustrating you or challenging you.
The next connection that I want to make on the line is for Mickey in, I want to say, South
Carolina or North Carolina.
One of the things that your angels are showing me is the throat chakra. I am seeing the image
of an angel that is touching your throat. I dont know if you are familiar with the chakra systems
but what happens is we have all of these little vortexes of energy. We have major chakras and
we have minor chakras. The systems should always be open and spinning appropriately, and if
they get clogged up, which they do kind of as a consequence of our life. We take in different
wounds, aches, owies, and disappointments, fear, and it crystalizes some of our chakra centers.
When that happens, when we have an emotional charge, it jams the flow of energy that is able
to move through those chakras. The major chakras are all connected to the major organs of our
physical body, and then the organs in our body begin to become depleted as a result.
It may take a long time for that to happen but we dont want it to happen. We want our physical
body to have vibrance and well-being and we want to be able to use all of the different gifts that
each of the chakras are connected to.
The throat chakra is connected to a lot of things, but one of them is being able to speak your
truth and speak your peace and share your ideas. It is all about communications and being able
to speak it in a good way. For instance, being able to say what needs to be said without being
mean-spirited but still being able to be true to you. That is one of the big pieces of business that
the angels want to work with you on, is helping you to clear up the throat chakra or clear up
whatever it is that you might have squelched your voice on.
Sometimes people, like teachers or other kids in school when you were little, might have made
you feel a certain way and because of that, you shut your voice down or your ability to
communicate this as freely as you want to or you need to. That is one thing that is really
significant that the angels are pointing out to you.
I feel your brother wanting to be a part of this as well. I feel his spirit wanting to send out love to
you and big hugs. I want to say that he had a fun sense of humor, but I feel like he is showing
me something that you might see at Halloween, where the little brother dresses up in a costume
and tries to scare the sister. He is holding his hands up with a mask on like you would see at
Halloween and just wanted to say Boo! like, I got you, you sissy!
I just feel so much that he wants you to know that he loves you and he appreciates everything
you have done for him and your prayer. He wants you to know that he is okay and that life isnt
over when you lose your physical shell. He knows that he did wrong, but he knows that right
now, he has the port from the angels to help him be able to right the wrongs. He hopes you can
forgive him and that the rest of the family can too.

He is talking about singing. I dont know if its like The Voice or something on TV, but I just get
something with music. I dont know if he liked to sing.
I see something that reminds me of a poster on the wall or maybe a picture. It looks like a
beautiful image of a lady with dark hair, and then a big image of a full moon, like a goddess. I
am seeing that image there. I dont know what it is about but he is showing me something with
the full moon there.
I get, Please take care of Mama, and give her a hug from me.
I feel like your angels also want you to make sure that you protect yourself from other people
that dont believe the way you do, who might try to put out your fire, or put out your light. You
want to ask your angels every morning to make sure and set strong shields of protection around
you and your home.
Anytime that you have to have a conversation or some sort of interaction with people that might
be negative, or not believe the way you doFor instance, even about something like this
make sure you take a minute to ask your angels to surround you with light and love and shields
of protection so that you dont get a psychic attack.
I feel like there are some more messages too. I get something that looks like a barber pole. I
dont know if you had to go get a haircut but I feel like its something to do with hair. I dont know
if someone in your family might have done hair. Either that, or there is a last name Barber.
The clearing piece of business is one of the major things for you to work on for a while. Make
sure that you are asking your angels to help you back out of your space anything that doesnt
need to be there. You might consider looking into doing some detoxing for your physical body
too. The angels are telling me that you are toxic. There are a lot of ways to detox. You want to
explore some ways that work for you and that could be a cleanse. There is a really good
cleanse product by Blessed Herbs that is at and they have a really good
one. There are others ways of doing a detox too so you might want to check into that and know
what feels right to you.
I want to connect to another caller.
Kelly, I feel like the angels want to reach out and connect to you and they are telling me that the
sky is the limit for how you want to define your journey. It is just a matter of allowing. This is not
so much asking permission, but allowing.
They are showing me that you have a really strong ability for working with Spirit, like I do. Its a
part of your naturalness. They are not going to say, Hey, you need to hang up a shingle and go
be a psychic medium.
Its kind of like we can all design how we use our natural gifts and tailor it to how we want to
work with Spirit or not. They are telling me that you are very intuitive and should you have a

desire to take it farther and develop it farther, especially leaning towards medical intuitiveness,
you would be able to do that.
The energy of the number 6 connecting with you is about a sacred dream.
The energy with the number 1 is the oneness and the balance of the masculine to the feminine,
and the merging, transcending, illusion of the ego, and reconnecting, and knowing ourselves as
a part of the whole and the one. Acknowledge that.
The number 7we have our ancestors pulling on our lineage and pulling on what they learned
in their lifetimes, and pulling on what we learned in our other lifetimes.
When you are meditating, create the intention to pull pieces of information that are relevant to
your challenges and your opportunities and your desires in this lifetime. Pull those pieces of
information and those knowings and those understandings and those teachings and those life
lessons. Get them in this dimension in a way that you can remember it and can take it to heart
and can take action on it, or compare it to what you have going on now so that you can make a
gain from it.
Those numbers are helping you to pull from what you have gained in the past and be able to
assimilate it here in this perspective. You can use that knowledge as a foundation to help you
spring to the next piece of business.
I feel a grandmother vibration is stepping forward for you. What she remembers about you is
singing and dancing when you were a little girl. It brought a lot of joy to her. She is encouraging
you to find your inner child again and let the inner child play a little bit because you have had to
be a grown up for a long time. She says the inner child needs a little expression. Sometimes it
needs to know its okay and needs to come out.
There is a lot of you, of your naturalness, that is directly connected to your inner child, and if
your inner child feels threatened or feels squelched or like, it cant come out and play because
the world is not a safe place that you live in right now, then there is a whole lot of you that
doesnt get to unfold unless that innocent part of yourself feels like its safe to come out and Be
Me. Be who you are rather than having to hide what you really think and what you really know
and what you really can do. That is an important thing in you being able to kick it up a notch and
step into your power and your shining and your naturalness, is tapping into the mysteries of the
inner child there.
I want to connect to Jeanie. We connect to Miss Jeanie and I get a sense of things all coming
together. It may take a while, but one of the big pieces of business for you is understanding how
to protect your energy field and being the queen of your own castle, so that you dont get
bombarded with other peoples stuff. Try to practice being objective about how other people are
learning their lessons and integrating their experiences here.
I feel strongly, the Archangel Michael around you. It is like, you, in other lifetimes and in this
lifetime, he is one of the archangels that you are very closely connected to for this journey. Be

sure to call upon that archangel whenever you feel like you need help in separating your energy
field from someone elses that is causing you pain. Its not like you are turning your back on
them or you dont want to be of service, or help them.
Sometimes we can do more when we can pull back toward the objective. We can rethink our
strategy and our approach in how we might be able to inspire that person, or interact with that
person and gently nudge them into a better sense of balance. That is a big thing; not judging
how others around you are learning their lessons and integrating their experiences because
pain is a legitimate teacher.
We can learn through other ways too. They are telling me that you are very, very clairvoyant,
and energy wise, you get a lot of visual images.
You still have a lot of unfinished mish-mash of this and that, that is not complete or that you
havent figured out what to do with that episode of your life, or that experience. Its kind of like
those darker times or episodes will get into your filters, right in front of your 3rd eye, so what
youre seeing might be distorted or muddled.
The more that you are able to do your personal work and work your personal piecesdo the
clearings and recapitulationwill really call back your soul pieces and call back your power and
focus on integrating that back into you. I know that you are in my inner circle in my apprentice
program so you have all of those tools to help you. That can help clear up the veil there. It is
kind of like you are able to look at the world through clean lenses or glasses instead of being a
little muddled. Everything makes better sense when you are able to do that.
Keep asking your angels and your guides to help you to be able to help you trust your instincts
and your intuition and to help you to understand your spiritual vision. Ask them to offer you
some extra lessons and guidance on how you can develop that when you are dreaming or
sleeping. Our angels can take us out for lessons on the other side of the veil on different
subjects that are interesting to us. They can help us to understand some different things and
integrate some ideas and then we can make a decision about if we want to go forward on that or
They are also showing me the value of lifting up to Spirit what is on your mind. You might create
a little alter. I have a pyramid that I used for this and some people just put their prayers or their
goals or affirmations in a box and call it your dream box or your God box or your Goddess box. I
use a little pyramid. One side of the pyramid opens up and you can place a little prayer in there.
That is just a way to have a place of transformation. I have grounded my desire to know or my
worry. I wrote it down so that is grounding it and now I am asking for information about this
piece of business or for relief about the worry of this or whatever it is. That is just a way of
sending it out to the Universe. A way of saying, Hey, this is on my mind. Can you help me get a
different perspective?
If I get more for you Jeanie, I will let you know.
I want to send out a shout out to Sandy and connect to her.

I feel like your Dad is coming around and I just want to recognize you so that you know that he
is here. I dont know his name, but I think that there is a spirit that is in the family that has a
name like William, or a different version; a German version. Anyhow, I heard a name like that of
someone that is in the family that is coming in with your Dad. They want to connect to you also.
They are showing me an image that looks like a Toucan Sam; the real colorful bird with a
beautiful beak. I am just seeing that and I dont know what to make of that, but I am seeing it so
Im going to let you know.
Your angels are also encouraging you to trust your own inner vision. Just acknowledge to
yourself that you have good intuition and you have good instincts. You might do some
affirmations to help you feel better about taking action about what you feel and receive. Your
angels desire to help you and to make some of your dreams come true, and making you feel
more in the flow and in the loop and financially abundant and free.
They are saying that they can offer you different ideas and different little nudges such as people
to call, beings to check out, ideas to pursue, ideas to expand on and build on, but it is up to you
to take action on those little nudges. Quite often, it is going to require, almost all the time, that in
order for you to take action on what you are feeling with the smart or be the thing to do or would
be a good idea, you will have to face some sort of a fear or overcome something that there is a
little bit of negative emotion about. It might be making up with a friend or making a phone call to
someone that you dont feel comfortable talking to. Its almost always going to be a little bit
uncomfortable or out of your happy zone. Make a note to yourself that it is okay to be out of your
happy zone and it is okay to be uncomfortable.
You might want to work on some affirmations to that effect and practice taking a step every day
that feels uncomfortable to you, or awkward. Call someone with your business or your ideas that
scare the heck out of you, but you feel like its an important call to make.
They are showing me integrity. What they are talking about is the value of aligning your actions
so that they match your values and your inner understanding and knowingness of what is right
for you. So, be true to yourself. Be authentic and real. Be in that space of, I am what I am and
that is perfect for this journey and right on target for this journey here.
They are showing me that in regards to that, with your creativity and grounding it through the
written or spoken word, this is a place for you to really follow what has heart and meaning for
you; what feels right for you to get down on paper. Explore that way. What feels right to you?
What has heart and meaning to you?
This is a place where they cant tell you what to do because that would be stepping on your own
free will. This is an opportunity for you to utilize your own creativity and not worry about making
something that is marketable or pleasing to other people. Please yourself. When people read
that, they can discern whether a piece is designed from an authentic place or a place of
manipulation. That is not real. That is why its important to be true to you.

The fear is the thing that keeps you locked down and paralyzed; fear of the unknown, failure,
and sometimes fear of success. To me, whenever you can go to that placethere is a Native
American saying that goes, Its a good day to die. That means, I am what I am and I am right
with all my people. I am right with myself. I have done my best. I am doing my best now. When
you can say that, then you dont have regrets.
I feel like they are really nudging you with the fear issue. Its ok to fail. Be ok knowing that your
soul can help you negotiate a total change of life path. Sometimes we get comfortable with what
we have, even though we dont like what we have. We get comfortable with it. We know that it
may not be the cats meow. Its not fun. Its awkward or frustrating but we know that we can live
with it, so rather than risk making a change and feeling like oh my gosh, I cant live with this
change, we just settle for that place.
You are ready to make some moves. Face your fears. Dont worry if you fall on your butt. Dont
worry about failing. Try and really pull on your own inner guidance system and your own
connection to your soul. Know that your soul can help you navigate, no matter what kind of caca
you may find yourself in, or what kind of chaos, really acknowledge that your higher self can
help you to find the gain and the value in that situation and help you to navigate past it when the
time is right. So, to me, trust.
They are showing me that your crystals can help you with the different things going on. Too
much can be a bad thing though. You really want to be cautious with working with the crystal
energy. They are live beings and they are very magnetic and they are very high vibrational. If
they are too close together to one another, then sometimes it can be chaos and conflicting
energy, but working with the crystals can be useful if its done right. Make a note about that.
Your Dad is telling me that you also work with the Archangel Michael and youre working with
Raphael too. They can help you to lift some of the fear and some of the disappointment from the
past and help you to transform that.
There are a lot of pieces of business that arent even yours that, for lack of a better word, was
bred into you. That is fear that was passed down through the blood and the DNA and through
different traumatic situations that your lineage was involved in and yourself in other lifetimes,
which carried into this lifetime. Its kind of stifling you here in this dimension. Some of the
recapitulation work would be helpful for you in separating out some of the things that happened
in other lifetimes. Ask your angels and your spirit guides. They can help you.
Your Dad is showing me a watch. Im not sure if its a pocket watch. I kind of think its a pocket
watch. I dont know if it is something that he may have had from his granddad or his dad, but I
feel a grandfather spirit around too when your Dad was coming in.
I see a box of salt; Mortons salt. I dont know why, but I am seeing a little girl with an umbrella. I
dont know if there was a situation going on with your Dad where he had to limit his salt.
I feel right now that he is really enjoying the freedom of the spirit world and the bliss of being
back in that groove. He wants you to be happy for him. He is so proud of you. He says that

there is more and more of you to wake up. There are more memories of some of your higher
gifts to wake up. Know that in your heart. You have more to unfold. Get busy is what he says.
I am also seeing a bull that has the ring in its nose. I dont know if he is a Taurus, or if you are a
Taurus, or if he was bull-headed, but I am seeing that bull head. You might just write that down
and see what you get with that.
I want to connect to another caller.
Beth, I want to reach out to you. I was feeling the angels around and I see a lot of roses around.
To me, roses are Mother Mary and inspiration from Mother Mary. They are very high vibrational.
Its one of the highest vibrational plants or flowers. I see that and I get a sense of the Divine
Mothers around you, and the Divine Feminine, especially Mother Mary.
One of the big pieces of business that I got was be willing to forgive. Ask the angels to help you
work through some of the different forgiveness pieces of the past to help you get into a higher
vibration and therefore, more clarity, and higher energy too. When we hold onto disappointment,
sadness, or anger, it really can muddle up our energy field and put a drag on it so that we are
not able to operate as strongly, the way we want to.
I get some Twin Flame energy around, like a spiritual romantic relationship. I get a big sense of
that. Im not sure if that is connected to the book that you are writing because they are showing
me that your life purpose is writing spiritually-based material such as books and different
communications, and making some of these ideas available throughout the mainstream.
I see Gus from Lonesome Dove. That is Robert Duvall. I dont know if there is a Robert that
you are connected to but I was getting the feeling of Robert around you. Write that down and
see what you get about that. I felt like Robert wanted to connect in and be a part of our
ceremony today.
I was seeing an image of the Crone. You know? The Maiden, The Mother, and The Crone? I
was seeing the Crone image which is like, the wisdom of the elders and really being able to pull
down deep for information that is not just for you, but its for the big picture. Its for the tribe and
the womens mysteries.
I was seeing that image and on top of that image, I am seeing the moon; the full moon. So, you
can write those symbols down and use those as a catalyst to help push you to some of the
creative ideas that are on your mind.
I feel like your Dad wants to connect as well. I get something with a cold trip. I dont know if its
about going someplace that is cold or coming back from some place where it was really cold like
up North. I was seeing that image.
I feel wolf around. That makes me feel a connection to a man that is not from the United States.
It is more from a person from Europe. I want to say Germany, Russia, or that Viking energy. I
was seeing that also.

Your Dad wants to give you his love tonight and give you a big spirit hug.
I get a piece about a birthday. I dont know if there is a birthday coming up for your Dad or for
you, but I get a sense of a birthday that is around the family. He wanted to send his love.
I want to connect to another caller on the line. Weve got a little bit more time.
I wanted to connect to Cheryl. Your angels want to get some messages to you. They are telling
me to tell you that they are not that far away and that they have been with you for so long, that
you dont know where your thoughts end and theirs begin. They are very close but you may
dismiss their ideas sometimes because you think it might be something that you made up.
They are showing me, for you also, the throat chakra and really working with that throat center,
and helping to activate it and maybe heal it. Chanting is one good way to do that, and asking
your angels to help you discern whatever sorts of beings that are buried in that area. Whats
hiding there and how can I heal that? How can I transform that?
When we have a piece of business that we are taking as the truth that someone else put on us,
its kind of like a computer. We have a file in our hard drive and that file is corrupt but we are still
trying to run programs and other software on that corrupt file.
In order to fix it, we have to go down into our psyche and we have to find that file; something
along the lines of a grandmother that taught you when you were little, if you give away the milk
for free, whos going to buy the cow? What she is trying to tell us is dont be promiscuous and
what we might get from that might be a little different than what her intentions were.
A lot of times, they might just be regurgitating what they were taught, and they are not trying to
do it to limit you, or to hurt your feelings, or to put this piece of business on you that you are
going to walk around with your whole life time. Our image makers, our family, teach us from
what they know, have experienced, been led to believe and not necessarily from the truth.
When we come across a piece of business that we are still running our life on, and taking action
on, but its not working for us like a corrupt file, we have to find that moment in time when
Grandma said, You give away the milk for free, whos going to buy the cow? We have to pin
point that and pull up that file and delete it, burn it, delete it off the hard drive, but we have to
immediately replace it with a new file of a higher vibration that is on the same subject.
This is a good place where you can ask your angels to help you to understand a thought that is
on the same subject, but one that is of a higher vibration. That is up to you to find those pieces
of business.
They are showing me the value of the Law of Attraction, and understanding that your thoughts
have legs, and those legs go get you experiences. When you find yourself dwelling on negative
thoughts, or real emotionally charged thoughts that have high emotion and high energy and it is
negative energy, then you want to cancel, clear, delete that thought and then immediately ask
yourself, what it is that you desire here? What would you like to feel in this particular situation?

Then, start some affirmations that are vibrating with what you desire. You cancel out the yucky
piece of business; the negative.
For instance, with friends or family that dont believe the way you do and might make you feel
less than, and it might get you irritable. Stop that and ask yourself what you want here. What
would I like? Well, I love it whenever I have family and friends that have some of the same ideas
and interests as I do. I really love it when I have special people in my life that share some of the
same visions or that get me or understand some of the different ideas that excite and enthrall
me. I love it when I have things in common with people I love. I really enjoy having friendships
where I can say what I really think or really feel and feel like its okay to share my silliness, or
my craziness, or my genius.
When you find yourself going down a funk; going down that road, you will feel it because
negative emotion does not feel good. Once you know the difference, you cant go back. If you
find yourself going down that path, cancel, clear, delete, fill with love, and just stop yourself and
ask yourself the question, what do I want?
I know your son is around you tonight. He is showing me books as in reading up a storm. He
wants to give you a big hug and says he is very proud of you and that you have learned a lot
and have a lot more to unfold. He says that you are more of an inspiration than what you would
ever know or imagine, and that you have a lot of blessings to give to other people that are in
similar situations that can be so worthwhile and valuable. He wants you to know how much he
loves you.
Make sure that you work with your archangels too. Dont discount that. That can be a very
meaningful, useful, piece of business for you.
I want to connect to Suzanne. I was feeling the angels want to get your attention and send out a
hello to you. They are showing me a to-do list. That is what Im seeing.
There seems to be an Indigo Spirit around. It is someone that is very sensitive. They seem like,
what I would call a natural born leader. Anyhow, you have the image around.
I also feel like there is something going on with a romantic relationship that can be very spiritual,
and really transcend the physical and the ego.
They are showing me that you are very connected with the fairy realm. One of the big picture
pieces of business for you is helping Mother Nature and bringing the qualities of the elementals
into places where they really need it, but you wouldnt necessarily think of connecting to the
elementals there. It can be very helpful and very empowering when those qualities are added in.
I get something with astronomy. It makes me feel like someone that is in the spirit world
connected to you was really interested in astronomy and the stars. I see the Milky Way. Im not
sure who that person is, but I was feeling them around you.

I get a name with, I want to say an L, like Lewis or Louise. It has an L-O-U start to it. I felt that
spirit jump at me. I get a lion, like a Leo. I dont know if that is their astrological sign or if it is the
name of a person. I saw that image when I was connecting to you.
This is from your angels. They are telling me to relay to you to really pay attention to your ideas.
You are getting connections truly from the Divine; from Divine guidance that are sent in
response to your prayers. Honor what you get.
You have that direct pipeline to the Holy Spirit. We all do. It is up to us to phone home once in a
while and get some of the messages that can help us.
I was feeling some relatives from Carol and Angie that want to connect. They were a twin set
too. They want to call out to their ancestors here that are the twins; the little girls with so much
joy and delight.
I feel one of the things that your angels want to work with for both of you is working on the root
chakra and doing some of the healing work and clearing work. Ask your angels and guides to
help you work with clearing any issues that might be stagnant in the root chakra area. That can
be very healing and it can also help you to feel better grounded, and can help you with your
career and creating a feeling of more stability and more of a connection, and more groundedness. For prosperity and abundance, we have to figure out ways of grounding it into this
dimension. If we are ungrounded, its hard to make it last. Finding ways to ground is one of the
things that they are saying is really important for you right now.
I get a Joe connected to you also. Im not sure, but it feels like an uncle vibration to me or
maybe a great uncle. Anyhow, I feel that spirit around.
Ive got a little bit of time. I can take questions. If you have any questions, you can raise your
hand. The way you raise your hand is the *2.
I guess we have answered all of our questions tonight. I hope that you all have had a wonderful,
angelic evening.
Dont forget to ask your angels and your spirit guides and teachers what you need in life and
what you desire. Give them opportunities to bring the information to you, like in meditation or
prayer. Dont do all the talking. We have to listen sometimes too. When we listen to that really
small voice, thats when we can get some of the really valuable information that can help us
move forward in a really good way.
Its been awesome talking to you all tonight and I am going to send you the link to the replay
here in a little bit. Have a very powerful evening and I will see you all later.
Thank you! Bye, Bye everyone!

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