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In collaboration with
Provide a format in which high school students will engage with medical
professionals allowing them to explore their career fields of interest while helping
provide community volunteers for PFC/VCN.
The project is intended to give an exposure and overview of professional medical
careers. It is not intended to include every area of specialty within PCC.
Open House: PFC/VCN coordinator will provide an Open House where students and
their families (one student/one adult) will learn about PCC and the details of the
Explore program as planned. The Open House will convene on a clinic day at the
CMA office where an overview of the program will be given. Attendees will reconvene at the clinic where a tour will be given followed by a question/answer
Application and screening: Interested students will apply with five (5) students
chosen by the PFC/VCN coordinator and Director. Students will be expected to sign
confidentiality agreements.
Program: Students will attend the program twice a month on a rotating basis
between the clinic and the PCC office; three students attend clinic with two students
serving at the PCC office rotating locations on the next program day. Clinic rotation
will always be on a clinic day. Office rotation will be another day coordinated with
PCC staff and students.
Clinic Rotation: Students will be partnered with a Medical Student and coordinating
physician to follow for the clinic. All attempts will be made to rotate students
throughout the different specialties. Students will also experience the other
volunteer areas of the clinic throughout their rotation.
Office Rotation: Students will assist PCC office staff with duties related to care
coordination and administration. These duties will be decided upon by the PCC staff
prior to the inception of the program.
Mentoring/Follow-up: Once a month on another day coordinated with coordinator
and students, students will meet off-site for a mentoring/follow-up
discussion/activity arranged by the coordinator. This experience may be in a

physicians office or hospital setting with a physician. Other activities may include:
discussion with professional regarding healthcare challenges for immigrants, visit to
Charitable Pharmacy, visit to OSU Ophthalmology clinic, etc
Conclusion: Program will conclude with a final debriefing involving students,
coordinator and Director. Included will be an evaluation of the program specifics
including participating students, PCC staff, participating Medical Students, and
participating physicians. Form of evaluation yet to be determined.
Open House will be held mid to late August with plan to have students chosen and
beginning rotations by mid-September. Project will conclude by end of July.

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