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Enron the Smartest guys in the Room

This films talks about Enron. How a gas

Company that originally was just a small
Company in Texas that was found in 1985
became to be one of the most important
companies in the US in just 5 years. But all
the successful of this Company was based on
lies. And that whats the film talks about, how
Kenneth Ley took some decision that no
matter if they were legal or not, the only thing
he cares about is the money.

In the movie said that the president Lay for many years built a close relationship
with political leaders, especially in Texas with the president of US, Bush, father and
son, actively participating in financing their political campaigns, in fact some
analysts understand their relationship as the most important in the history between
President of the United States and a private corporation. It is said that Bush gave
billions of dollars in subsidies to Enron during his administration.
Lay in 1987 had shown that his priority was the money above ethics. A scandals
was emerged with two employees of the company. These employees was diverted
money to their particular accounts. What Lay did was nothing, he didnt punish the
employees, and he argued that the sector on which those people was working
generated a lot of profits.
In 1992 Lay brought to the Company Jeff Skilling, who seems to have good ideas.
Skilling's proposal was to migrate from traditional gas trading scheme and bring
Enron to become a kind of market for gas, becoming its largest buyer and seller in

the United States. However most of its profits were false and hid millions in debt.
The directors of the company surely knew in detail the accounting, and consciously
decided to take risks of lying. His knowledge of the financial situation of the
company is evident most of the directors before announcing that the company was
in bankruptcy they sale of all the shares with higher prices.
Talking about auditors, banks, and suppliers may not have the same level of detail
of the financial information, but surely for their experience should understand that
something in the company wasnt clear at all.
And the most affected people was the workers that even know about the financial
situation. The bankruptcy of Enron left 20,000 people without jobs, and 2,000
million dollars in lost pension and retirement unpaid.

In conclusion after saw this documental we know that is not possible build a
company based on lies and ambitions. There always rules and laws that we have
to fallow.
And something very curious about the movie is that they make relation about the
case of Enron and the movie Titanic were the captain say with the people until the
end, and in Enron the captain (Kenneth Lay) was the first one to run away with
millions of dollars.

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