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Committee Board


Honorary Advisors


Member Schools


Year Plan


Financial Budget


P. 1


Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders (HKUYL) is a non-profit
making, student-based organization, registered under the Societies
Ordinance (REF.CP/LIC/SO/19/1088). Established in October 1992,
the Union has been inspiring teenagers and nurturing the leadership
potential within each of them for more than two whole decades,
helping them to find their own definition of leadership. It has been
the Unions goal to seek out and acknowledge secondary school
students with outstanding leadership skills. It is also the Unions mission
to increase their local awareness, as well as to promote a sense of
global citizenship and commitment to the community they reside
in. Each year, two F.4 students from each member school (hereafter
addressed as Campers) are selected as representatives of their
respective schools within the Union. Campers will undergo various
seminars, leadership training camps and workshops, where they will
have the chance to interact with recognized leaders in society.

The first activity of the year is the Global Awareness Project
(GAP). Throughout a series of workshops, the Project aims at raising
the awareness of Campers on various local and global issues through
researching examples and situations of different countries. Campers,
representing groups of elites and ambassadors from Hong Kong, will
be tasked with identifying and analysing imminent global problems,
of which they will have to come up with solutions with reference to
the work done by their assigned countries. The climax of the Global
Awareness Project is the World Congress, in which Campers will
have to present their solutions to their peers in a formal manner and
undergo negotiations and debates with other groups. The Global
Awareness Project aims at helping Campers realize their identity
as global citizens, such that they can mature into responsible and
visionary leaders who not only show knowledge of the world they
reside in, but are also able to apply what they have learnt from
around the world to evaluate and solve local issues, and ultimately, to
display compassion and commitment towards the world community.

P. 2

At the rear of the Global Awareness Project is the Youth
Leadership Seminar (YLS), another highlight of the Union since
its establishment. The Youth Leadership Seminar is an extensive
programme consisting of interactive workshops, lectures and
discussions given by inspiring leaders from different walks of life, and a
leadership training camp towards the end of the Seminar. Throughout
the Seminar, Campers are guided to improve on different aspects
of leadership, such as effective communication and collaborative
work. A four-day-three-night camp will mark the apex of the Unions
activities as Campers will undergo simulations, group games and
reflections, learning and understanding the qualities of a good leader.
The Youth Leadership seminar is not merely a place for nurturing future
leaders; rather, it is a platform for budding leaders from outstanding
schools to exchange ideas and form lifelong friendships.

Community Ties (CT), as titled, stresses on communitymindedness. The programme includes volunteer work and service
done for the underprivileged and less fortunate minorities in Hong
Kong. This programme aims to raise Campers awareness and
empathy for those who are less privileged than they are, and to
provide with them a chance to actualize their leadership skills. The
Community Ties also serves as an effective way to show Campers
the less-bourgeoisie community that Hong Kong shelters behind its
metropolitan facade, such that they will reflect on their positions and
responsibilities in the community.

As was the case in previous years, around ten outstanding
campers who have demonstrated remarkable leadership will be
nominated to participate in the Hugh OBrian Youth World Leadership
Congress (HOBY WLC) in Chicago during the summer, four of
whom will receive full sponsorship from the government. The World
Leadership Congress is an international platform where leaders
from all around the globe converge and construct friendships, while
undergoing cultural exchange in which Campers are offered a
global perspective towards various matters and different aspects of

P. 3


During the summer holiday, Campers will have to actualize
their leadership skills after GAP, YLS and CT through the Camper-cumCommittee Project (CCC). After a year of nurturing and inspiration,
Campers come together to organise and discuss a brand-new project
of their own, with the Committee Board acting merely as guidance
behind the scenes. Campers shall also demonstrate the maximum
capacity they have, and pass on the UYL magic that has been
kindled in each and every UYLers mind to the non-UYLers. As the final
mission of Campers, they can run for posts on the Election Day for the
very first time and work in different departments along the way. CCC
is the perfect once-in-a-lifetime chance for Campers to exercise and
explore true leadership, as well as to demonstrate teamwork and faith
in their fellow Campers, as they strive together as one to come up with
an unforgettable activity both for themselves and for the participants.
This, as the final touch of the year, will prove to be a lifelong memory
for all campers.

The 23rd HKUYL marks the start of a new era, a legacy of the
two decades of effort in inspiring and motivating leaders of tomorrow.
It is the joint effort of the perseverance of our predecessors who have
earned the Union a sound reputation amongst the local community,
and it is this joint endeavor we share as the 23rd Committee Board that
allows us to stride over the miles, and to continue inspiring tomorrows
leaders today.

P. 4

Committee Board

NG, Kelvin Keng Sang

Kings College

CHAN, Kelvin Hiu Nam
CHAN, Zara Lok Hei

Queens College
Heep Yunn School

Internal Secretary
LAI, Steven Cheuk Yin

St. Pauls College

External Secretaries
CHAN, Chloe Lok Wing
YIM, Jordan Yuk Ho

St. Pauls Co-educational College

La Salle College

NG, Anson Ka Hin

TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College

Publicity Officers
CHAU, Emma Nga Wing
YAU, Vivian Wai Shan
YEUNG, Jason Chun Yat

DMHC Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School

Maryknoll Convent School
Cheung Chuk Shan College

Promotion Managers
CHOW, Eric Cheuk Man
POH, Cody Pak Hei

Queens College
La Salle College

P. 5

Sub-committee Members
Promotion Department
CHAN, Anson King Yuk
CHEUNG, Terry Cheuk Yin
CHUNG, Bernice Wai Tak
LAU, Melanie Chung Yu
NG, Austin Ngo Tin

La Salle College
Wah Yan College, Hong Kong
German Swiss International School
Ying Wa Girls' School
Wah Yan College, Kowloon

Publicity Department
FUNG, Natalie Yue Ching
MA, Hilda Hiu Kwan
TSAI, Margaret Man Fong
YAM, Hilda Nok Yen
YIP, Tiffany Long Yiu

P. 6

St.Paul's Co-educational College

Belilios Public School
Belilios Public School
St. Mary's Canossian College
Maryknoll Convent School

Honorary Advisors
(in alphabetical order, as of 12th January, 2015)

The Hon. Ronald Joseph Arculli, GBM, GBS, JP

Former member of the Executive Council, HKSAR

Mrs. Rachel Cartland

Director, Cartland Consulting Limited

Former Assistant Director of Social Welfare, Hong Kong Government

Prof. Tony Chan Fan-cheong

President, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Mrs. Anson Chan Fang On-sang, GBM, JP

Former Chief Secretary for Administration, HKSAR

Prof. Albert S C Chan

President and Vice-Chancellor, Hong Kong Baptist University

Mrs. Chan Woo Mei-hou Nancy

Principal, King's College

Prof. Way Kuo

President, City University of Hong Kong

The Hon. Emily Lau Wai-hing, JP

Legislative Councillor, HKSAR

Mr. Joseph Lee Chung-tak, SBS, JP

Chairman, Wofoo Social Enterprises

P. 7

Honorary Advisors
The Hon. Alan Leong Kah-kit
Legislative Councilor

Dr. Lo Chi Kin, JP

Council Chair, Oxfam Hong Kong

Prof. Peter Mathieson

President and Vice-Chancellor, The University of Hong Kong

Mrs. Amy Ng

Teacher-in-charge of CCSC

Prof. Simon Shen Xu Hui

Programme Director, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Science, CUHK

Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, SBS, JP

Vice-Chancellor and President, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mr. Sung Li Young

Former Chairman, Chinese Speech Committee,

Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association

The Hon. James Tien Pei-Chun, GBS, JP

Legislative Councillor, HKSAR

The Hon. Ronny Tong Ka-wah, SC

Legislative Councillor, HKSAR

P. 8

Dr. Eric Tsang Po Keung

Chairman, Green Power

The Hon. Jasper Tsang Yok-sing, GBS, JP

Legislative Councillor, HKSAR

Mrs Cherry Tse Ling Kit-ching

Permanent Secretary for Education, HKSAR

Prof. Adrian Walter AM

Director, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

Mr. Clement Woo

Past National President, Junior Chamber International HK

Dr. Yeung Sum, SBS, JP

Lecturer, Department of Social Work and Social Administration,

The University of Hong Kong

Mr. Samuel Yung Wing-ki, SBS, MH, JP

Founding President,
Hong Kong Professional and Senior Executives Association

P. 9


Throughout the 22 years, with the incessant devotion of UYLers, our Union has
fostered countless passionate young leaders who are striving hard for a refinement in
various aspects. The Union has long been emboldening Campers to aspire their associate,
to seep the UYL magic into their own communities and to explore the boundless unknown.

Action speaks louder than words. In the 23rd year, we hope to inspire our Campers
to make an impact in our society with the theme Stride over the Miles. As the leaders
of tomorrow, it is vital for us to pave our ways with enthusiasm, determination and
perseverance. We cannot keep compiling our dreams with words, but with actions in the

With the zeal for a refinement in our society, we should foster an acumen mind
and carefully tile our action plan. In their year in the Union, Campers will be encouraged
to discover their own path and be equipped with leadership skills that would aid them on
their way. More importantly, they will have to step away from their comfort zone and take
the first step of their journey.

While opening up these unascertained courses, Campers will encounter
unpredictable trials. To conquer these trials, a complete disregard for where their abilities
end is the key to success. Breakthroughs are made by courageous predecessors to put
their ingenious ideas into practice. Achieve the unachievable is doubtless the machete
for us to discover the concealed.

To set off this life-and-world-changing trail, Campers will have to pave their
avenues towards their goals with creativity and persistence. This road is not only for
ourselves, but a pathway for others to follow, an exemplification for people to imitate, a
platform for inspiring more innovations to enrich our society. By constructing more and
more trails, it will then become a network that stimulate advancements and be further
transformed into a chain reactionIndividuals influenced by individuals.

Mile is not only a unit of measurement of how long our ways are, but a record
of our endeavor and endurance. Evaluating the past while foreseeing the future is an
imperative quality a leader should posses. We cannot keep reminiscing the compliments
and achievement we had in the past, but driving ourselves to review the paths we have
been through. Last year, UYLers have explored the uncharted destinations. Now, it is time
for us to take that very first stride towards them, to realize our missions, and to actualize our

P. 10

Member Schools
(in alphabetical order)

Belilios Public School

Cheung Chuk Shan College
Diocesan Boys' School
DMHC Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School
German Swiss International School
Good Hope School
Heep Yunn School
Holy Family Canossian College
Kings College
La Salle College
Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section)
Marymount Secondary School
Queens College
Raimondi College
Sacred Heart Canossian College
St. Francis Canossian College
St. Josephs College
St. Marys Canossian College
St. Pauls Co-educational College
St. Pauls College
True Light Middle School of Hong Kong
Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School
Tsuen Wan Public HCY Memorial College
TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College
Wah Yan College, Hong Kong
Wah Yan College, Kowloon
Ying Wa College
Ying Wa Girls School

P. 11

Year Plan
Annual General Meeting cum Opening Ceremony cum
Orientation Day for Global Awareness Project

The official commencement of 23rd HKUYL office term

An occasion for outgoing and incoming Executive Committee Members to report on
events in the previous year and plans for the upcoming year
The official termination of 22nd HKUYL office term and commencement of 23rd HKUYL
An occasion where honorary advisors, alumni and representatives from member
schools (hereafter known as Campers) are invited to attend
Allow Campers to know more about the Union, their fellow Campers and establish
their own targets of the year.

Global Awareness Project

The aim of Project is to instill in Campers a global perspective, a sense of belonging to

the global community as well as to equip them with the necessary skills to investigate,
analyse, and find solutions to the current issues of our society.
Campers, who are divided into different groups, will initially take up the role of
different stakeholders in Hong Kong. They are responsible for identifying and
familiarizing themselves with the underlying problems of Hong Kong. Afterwards,
countries that share similar problems will be assigned to different groups. Campers
will take up the role as Hong Kong ambassadors, and they are responsible for
investigating and coming up with a solution towards the assigned issue.
Through various workshops, seminars and lectures, Campers will be exposed to
different approaches as to how they can solve their designated issues, and underlying
problems stemming from the given issue, meanwhile shaping their research and
presentation skills.
The highlight of the Project is the World Congress, a 2-day formal conference, in which
each group will have to present their proposals of solution to their respective issues.
Negotiations and debates among different groups will take place and the proposals
will be either accepted or rejected through voting towards the end of the Congress.
Campers will be able to develop a sense of global awareness, as well as to apply it
on a local level.
GAP will be a valuable opportunity for Campers to hone their public speaking skills
as well as their analytical skills. Campers are highly encouraged to think in multiperspectives and they are also required to come up with a full-fledged proposal
within a short period of time. In the process, their problem-solving skills will be greatly

P. 12

Year Plan
Christmas Reunion

In the form of a barbeque.

Alumni and current members will be invited to the Reunion.
An occasion in which alumni share their own experiences, acting as an invaluable
source of inspiration for both the Campers and the Committee Members.

Community Ties Phase 1

The aim of this project is for Campers to devote themselves to the community they
reside in through service and volunteer work, and apply what they have learnt from
the Global Awareness Project ( GAP ) into real actions
Campers will choose and organise various volunteer activities that directly involve
the local community. They will have an opportunity to realize the possible solutions
suggested during the projects and develop social awareness to major groups in

February and March

Youth Leadership Seminar Phase 1

The aim of Youth Leadership Seminar is to encourage Campers to think out of the
box and to communicate with fellow Campers so as to produce collaborative work.
Campers will be divided into groups, each as a group of people struggling to survive
in an imaginary world.
The crisis will be a mixture of international, political, environmental and cultural
Each group will be asked to come up with solutions that will alleviate the imminent
crisis, with two workshops on impromptu speaking and creativity to equip Campers
with the skills they will need to survive this modern-day apocalypse, creativity is
Honorary advisors may be invited to give speeches in the workshops so as to inspire
Campers on creative thinking and collaborating skills.

P. 13

Year Plan
Youth Leadership Seminar Phase 2

A 4-day-3-night camp marks the highlight of the Unions activities, where Campers
will have to undergo trainings and a series of mass games that will enhance their
ability to collaborate with others and hone their own creativity.
There will be a talent show for Campers to demonstrate potential and build up
confidence to present themselves and their talents.
Campers will observe what their own strengths and weaknesses are, as well as their
own definition of leadership, and start to walk out of their comfort zone and their
own paths.

Community Ties Phase 2

Campers will be participating in volunteer work from teaching underprivileged

children to spending a day with less fortunate families
Campers will also be expected to plan their own activities for the particular service,
so as to give Campers a taste of planning and organizing activities, using what they
have learnt in the Youth Leadership Seminar

Camper-cum-Committee Project

The Camper-cum-Committee Project serves as a chance for Campers to practice

what they have learnt, to organise an activity for non-members of the Union, so as to
promote the Union to the public.
Campers will take up roles in different departments in preparing the Project while
Committee Members will monitor the process from behind.
The event can be in the form of a camp, a variety show or any possible activity
which the Campers come up with.

P. 14

Year Plan
Hugh OBrian Youth World Leadership Congress (HOBY WLC)

HOBY holds an annual World Leadership Congress that brings together more than
400 ambassadors to Chicago from all around the world.
Each year, around ten Campers will be chosen based on merit and potential, four of
whom will be granted full sponsorship from the government.
The aim of the World Leadership Congress is to seek out potential leaders from
around the world and to provide them with a platform to interact amongst an
international pool of young leaders.
The Congress will include panel discussions and workshops, which will equip
delegates with a global perspective and develop compassion for others.

Annual Dinner cum Closing Ceremony

Alumni, Campers and Advisors will be invited to join this festive occasion.
A chance for the executive committee board to report and evaluate the
performance of the year, and exchange ideas with alumni and Advisors.
HOBY representatives will have to chance to share their experiences in the United
States with their fellow Campers so that the others can also benefit from what they
have gained.
This occasion also marks an official end to the years activities.

P. 15

Financial Budget

Balance Brought Down



Estimated Income
School Membership Fee
General Sponsorship and Funding
HOBY Sponsorship
Sales of Souvenirs
Activities Admission Fees
Camper-cum-Committee Project

$600 x 30


Total Estimated Income


Estimated Expenditure
General Expenses
Production of Souvenirs
Promotion Bundle
Guest Book
Contact Cards and Song Cards
Website Server Renewal
GPO Box Fee



Annual General Meeting cum Opening Ceremony

Corsages and Decorations


Global Awareness Project

Equipment Booking
Game Materials


P. 16







Youth Leadership Seminar

Camp Residence
Venue and Equipment Booking
Camp Book
Camp Tee
Coach (Bus)
Activity Materials
First-aid Materials
Transportation of Materials



Community Ties
Entrance Fee







Christmas Reunion
Venue and Refreshments
Invitation Letters and Postage
Gift Production

World Leadership Congress

Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership 2015
Registration Fees
Air Tickets
Airport Taxes and Security
and Insurance Charge
Annual Dinner cum Closing Ceremony
Venue and Refreshments
Game Materials
Invitation Cards and Postage
Souvenir Production
Transportation of Materials
Total Estimated Expenditure
Surplus of Income over Expenditure
Net Balance of Year 2014-2015





P. 17

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